Author Topic: Burn - Valar Morghulis  (Read 11904 times)

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2020, 06:46:59 AM »
I watched it again today and decided to comment on each stunt(credit to ARS I think(?) for the template)

Opener: I've seen you trying this on stream, It's a really good opener, I'd rate it - 7,5/10
Bump2palmbump2top: I don't know why but for some reason I find this stunt really cool, the only thing that could've made this stunt look better would be directly landing the top part, but I guess that's not possible - 8,5/10
Grab2grind: Not a fan of these type of stunts but it looks alright, good filler - 6,5/10
Curb2doublegrind: nicely done, dropping from the second grind a little too early makes it look imperfect though, so for me it's a - 7,5/10
P2b2walltap2roof: Cool stunt, but it has been modded before so the spot itself is not that surprising, great execution though - 8/10
Sandking bump2doublegrind: I can appreciate the variety of vehicles you use in your solos, it looks funky - 7,5/10
Car bump2bb: I like the idea and the precision was clean - 8/10
Airport doublebump: okay so now we're getting to the better, nutty part of the vid, loved this one - 8,5/10
Wallride2backstoppie2grind: craaazy, wallride, that stoppie looking fucking clean and grinding that thick wall, one of my favs - 9,5/10
Hotring barrackbump: Good stunt, but the real shockers with the use of barracks are coming later in the vid! 7/10
P2b2grind: Again, I don't know why but I love this one, a very fresh idea I have to admit(maybe it's been landed before without grinding the fence but I haven't seen it) - 9/10
Infy barrackbump2prec: Absolutely nuts! 9,5/10
Prog's top landing: good job landing the top - 8/10
Infy dropbump2prec:  finally, I think it was posted here on forums a few years ago as a challenge by mxz or someone, must've been crazy hard to stay on that landing - 8,5/10
Raek's p2b2b2prec: okay, looks cool - 7/10
3x grind: the last part of that stunt makes it look very cool, had to rewatch it a couple of times so congratz - 9/10
Threesixty2wallride2grind: what the fuck? How do you even come up with stuff like that haha, awesome - 9,5/10
SF bump with grab: Looks kinda cool, but I don't know, a bit fillerish compared to the rest, it's that type of a stunt "meh I'm not gonna land what I intend to land in this attempt, let's try to salvage it somehow", don't know if that was the case here though:D  - 6.5/10
Infy barrackbump2prec: My favourite stunt of the whole video, best barrackbump stunt ever, shocking and simply perfect - 10/10
Prog's naval base landing: well shit, gj on landing the base even though the method looks kinda unorthodox - 8/10
Finisher: Epic stunt, great execution - 9/10

So my top 5 fav stunts list from this video would look like this: 1. Barrack2chimney 2. Wallride2stoppie2grind 3. Barrack2blue/turquoise(?) dome 4. Lamppostbump2wallride2grind 5. P2b2walltap2grind in LS

Fantastic effort from you burn, once again, congratz
« Last Edit: May 15, 2020, 06:51:36 AM by krs »

Offline Ferσή

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2020, 02:23:21 PM »
Said holy shit a few times. Great job.

Offline burn

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2020, 03:22:16 AM »
Thank you so much guys for the feedbacks and reviews  ;D

Offline Turok

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2020, 02:43:09 PM »
It's amazing everytime I see new content from you. I loved the double bumps, drop bumps and precisions especially that infernus landing on the chimney which should've been the finisher imho. Simply the best infy stunt on SA I've seen in a while. Loved that creative wallride to grind at los santos' airport too. That just shows that your vision for the game is the same as that of Taz and MMM. Also the p2b to wallride to rail grind near los santos beach rocked so hard dude. You must've been so patient to land all of those beauties. The song and the edit were very fitting and likeable. 10/10 man. Keep up the good work!  :cheernutz:

Edit: Is the title inspired by Lord of the rings Lore?
« Last Edit: May 17, 2020, 03:12:01 PM by Turok »

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2020, 07:44:33 AM »
Opener: Well MMM "landed" it before so it was no surprise and the execution isn't that great honestly. Nonetheless, it's a pretty difficult and all natural stunt, so props for the effort it must have taken.
Bump2palmbump2top: Nothing too crazy, but I like it. Straight forward and natural too.
Grab2grind: IIRC you've pretty much done the same in your duo video one building aheady. This does feel like a filler honestly, which could've used a twist.
Curb2doublegrind: This seems to be a filler too and the execution wasn't too great. I'm sure it's real fun to try.
P2b2walltap2roof: That's unfortunately just another reland of a previously modded stunt.
Sandking bump2doublegrind: I think these ledges didn't work too well for a double grind. The first was a lil short and the second one unfinished. I like your unusual thinking and willingness for something fresh regardless.
Car bump2bb: There's been too many car bumps to BB tops on the LV highway already to make this one stand out from the bunch. I like the fact that you didn't lame it by using the "peds drive sports cars only" cheat for easier car bumps tho.
Airport doublebump: No idea how hard it is to get the stats it takes, but it looks not too easy. Would've been crazy if you hit the crane more to the right and just straight up drove to the top.
Wallride2backstoppie2grind: Very nice technical combo. Sliding into a backwards stoppie was probably a first and nice to see.
Hotring barrackbump: I am not much a fan of barrack bumps - especially when the landing is something that's in reach from the ground. Seeing a hotring put to use in SA is nice to see tho.
P2b2grind: This is a spot I have tried time ago too, but I was always too stupid to get the required recoil from the hill. The execution looks really slick. Well done, certainly one of the best stunts of the video.
Infy barrackbump2prec: Now this is good use of baracks bumping! Very nice to see someone properly land on one of those domes.
Prog's top landing: Another spot I've tried tiiiiime ago too with Infernus & NRG without success. It bugged me for years that Makrame didn't bonk the edge to the rooftop in one of his solos. The execution was cool with the front flip inbetween.
Infy dropbump2prec: That's more of a filler too. grescha simply rocked that ship before. It does look fun to try nonetheless.
Raek's p2b2b2prec: Yet another stunt I've tried myself. Unfortunately this got modded years ago with FCR900 already (by Herrarge IIRC). The execution with the 360 looks really sweet! Props for the effort, I found the 1st P2B to be tedious.
3x grind: The stunt does flow due to the velocity, but the first two grinds are rather just sloppy slides. An all new and well executed triple grind really could've been something. It feels like the spot had way more potential to offer.
Threesixty2wallride2grind: This is another technical stunt I really like. The approach is sweet and the stunt was well executed with that lil bump at the bridge.
SF bump with grab: Were you aiming for this or was it just a fluke? Nonetheless, kinda cool to see a proper airgrab in SA, even though the landing was nothing special to aim for.
Infy barrackbump2prec: Probably the best one can make out of a baracks bump. Unfortunately you got a lil unlucky with the car sliding slightly over the edge at first, but that's fine, since you were able to correct it immidiately.
Prog's naval base landing: This is another spot I gave a few shots long ago. I don't really know what to think of it tho. Considering how closely you managed to land it, this is probably the most we're ever gonna get out of this spot. I have a hard time beliving someone's ever gonna get it naturally.
Finisher: Well deserved finisher in my opinion. Straight up natural stunt with big stats and a clean landing.

Editing: I think you've done a fine job considering the invested time Anton. Nonetheless I feel like there was a lot of potential left unused. That's probably because I always had a completely different vision in mind of how this song would work out in a video.

Overall: It's a pleaseure to see you still releasing stuff after such a long time. I gotta say the stunts in this video were either hit or miss to me kinda tho. The ones that hit, hit hard, while others were bummers. Anyways, big ups for the effort and for keeping it alive & real.

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2020, 04:10:29 AM »
Awesome. Liked those infernus stunts the most. Prog finally nailed top part of that roof!

Offline Amaluna

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #36 on: May 29, 2020, 06:51:23 PM »
Kinda wanted to post a full review.. so here goes

Opener: A spot I've seen you try before and from day 1, this was a sick stunt in my eyes. The mechanics behind the pole despawn radius and such is something I really wish I could master, but this stunt is simply fantastic.
Bump2palmbump2top: Honestly, kind of surprised that's not old yet. Really cool spot. I'm a big sucker for combo spots and I guess this kind of is a combo.
Grab2grind: Not really my style. I think I've seen this released before as well. Looks good, but that's where it ends for me.
Curb2doublegrind: Probably the least impressive one out of all stunts, but I really like these "elevation" double grinds. Probably why I really like that Airport Double Grind finisher from some XSA or TMS video as well.
P2b2walltap2roof: Very known spot and allegedly modded a few times. I am sure you didn't mod it, so well done on this. Tried it myself but never got impressive attempts. Maybe the popped tire opened a whole lot of possibilities for stuff like this.
Sandking bump2doublegrind: Really nice looking stunt. I really appreciate the fact you implement so much creativity in your "tryhard stunts" if you want to call it that. Looked phenomenal.
Car bump2bb: Also not really my style. I get a very 2008 vibe from stuff like this. But hey, at least you landed the top.
Airport doublebump: I don't know if this was intentional, but this looks super good. I think Daffy performed this double bump the best to the top using the last pole, but this looked super good as well.
Wallride2backstoppie2grind: I think I've seen this before as well. I really like wallride and using the slanted roof to get a back stoppie out of it is the mindset I appreciate very much.
Hotring barrackbump: Pretty obvious spot, but I appreciate the switching of vehicles.
P2b2grind: I lost this spot, but was never really actively trying it. Very nice execution on it as well.
Infy barrackbump2prec: Would never be able to bring myself to such stunts as the landing is just obnoxious. Obviously patience is not an issue for you, and I'm glad to see this landed. Looks really nice to the prec.
Infy bump2stadium: Crazy stunt, looks superb and I don't think that top has ever been landed with Infernus before.
Infy Dropbump2prec: Really nicely executed. The way you land perfectly on one of the "blocks" is just super satisfying to me.
Raek's p2b2b2prec: Finally someone landed that to the top prec.
3x grind: Like I said in an earlier comment here, it looks phenomenal. I knew you were trying that spot, but it's better to see it landed.
Threesixty2wallride2grind: Had this idea, never got a wallride, never tried again. Nice seeing it landed.
SF bump with grab: Grabs aren't really my thing and I doubt this was the intention of the stunt. But it looks pretty good.
Infy barrackbump2prec: Old by Playboyz, albeit on SAMP. Still the same spot.
Prog's naval base landing: Honestly, I love this. Very cool way to make an old 'spot' interesting by doing something out of the ordinary. I am pretty sure it's possible natural, but I doubt we'll see that landed ever.
Finisher: I don't know if it's my brain or if everyone has this... I feel like all buildings or objects that are unique, so they stand out from the rest (and are generally more detailed) make a more interesting landing. This roof is one of the most iconic roofs in the game as it refers to older games. This is a crazy stunt finally landed to top and I think you were always the right person to land this type of craziness.

Overall, fantastic video. I've said it before and I'll say it again; I can not help but admire your true dedication to this game. Whereas I would get bored in like 30 minutes, you can try a stunt for literal hours.

Editing was very relaxing and easy on the eyes. Yet it fit the video perfectly.

Really well done to all people involved in this video. Masterpiece from 2020.

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #37 on: July 06, 2020, 11:29:50 AM »
Valar Modulis

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2020, 09:41:19 AM »
good job  :cheernutz:

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #39 on: July 27, 2020, 05:00:05 AM »
very underrated solo! deserves some attention!  :wub: :a-cheer:

Offline DeathMazhine

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2020, 10:01:15 AM »

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2020, 02:13:18 PM »
holy shit even deathmazhine came back to life for this video

Offline DeathMazhine

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2020, 04:33:11 PM »
holy shit even deathmazhine came back to life for this video
I will return as soon as possible to create new projects

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2020, 02:56:43 AM »
3:07 was nice.
burn, you are really dedicated. prog showed his classic style - flying somewhere and dropbumping even further.
the editing was good as always, but I don't like the black sky.
good job all!

Offline JustAdam

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Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2020, 05:24:49 AM »
holy shit even deathmazhine came back to life for this video

Naah, i think he came back, because of the current world situation, but good joke!


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