Author Topic: [WH]DYSTORTION  (Read 22947 times)

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Offline Gryzlek

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« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2014, 09:21:12 AM »

0:40 - 0:53 PtRvY: Pretty boring and ordinary, not the best choice of opener imo.
0:54 - 1:07 Plani: Okay one, execution was nice i guess (camera angles made it rather hard to see)
1:08 - 1:14 FloW: That was tight, great thinking. Would prefer another camera angles on this one aswell
1:15 - 1:21 Streem: Totally unexpected. Genius idea, loved it
1:41 - 1:46 Grescha: That was just ridiculous, i wouldn't even think about fitting an infernus there. Great effort.
1:47 - 1:53 Nem: Nice find, really liked it. Water tower precisions are always welcome
1:54 - 2:08 Plani: Looked good, not really crew video material though imo.
2:09 - 2:15 BlackTear: Already seen these fences nailed before, that (random?) curb bonk didn't make it any better/different to me.
2:16 - 2:25 Nem: Plain and predictable.
2:26 - 2:36 Diaz: Not bad but i know you can do better. You better have something decent in the next video you lazy ass nig
2:37 - 2:44 Burn: Looked kind of random, didn't really like it.
2:45 - 2:51 UndeadX: Nope.
2:52 - 2:58 Gaz: :o Amazing, one of my favorites of the whole video. Sweet idea and execution.
3:06 - 3:19 Daksad & FloW: Good but feels kind of stale, that spot has been whored to maximum.
3:20 - 3:27 Burn: Not sure if it's new but if it is then good job nailing it, looked slick.
3:28 - 3:33 Streem: Had the idea of landing that prec since someone grinded the crane with a monster (?) but never really tried it. Funky stunt :P
3:34 - 3:41 MaCi: Coolio i guess, not my taste though. Props for landing something decent while being a mainly VC stunter.
3:42 - 3:48 Plani: That back bump was unexpected, pretty cool one.
3:50 - 4:03 FloW: AWesome, great job landing the top.
4:04 - 4:11 Odd: Good effort
4:12 - 4:21 Nem: Nice job landing it, grind could've been smoother though
4:22 - 4:32 Plani: Not a big fan of making old stunts new by adding a stoppie and dropping to nearest grind. The fact i already know what's gonna happen after seeing the beginning of the stunt makes these combos completely unimaginative and boring to watch.
4:33 - 4:46 Grescha: God damn how do you even come up with this kind of ideas. Awesome stunt.
4:47 - 5:00 Gaz: Didn't really like it, that little wall looks like rather uninteresting thing to grind.
5:01 - 5:07 Grescha: Good one but nothing really extraordinary, also been released befere by someone else soso.
5:08 - 5:18 Grescha: Great, nice job finding a way to make an impossible stunt possible.
5:19 - 5:29 Burn: Decent, althought i was expecting you to bonk to the very top like you did in your Arcane tank bump.
5:30 - 5:43 Gaz: Cool combo, double grind was a nice surprise.
5:44 - 5:53 Grescha: Sick, just sick. Wouldn't expect anyone to land this tower with an infernus, and you did it naturally.
5:54 - 6:04 Taz: Obvious and Well known spot, glad to see it finally done. Amazing job.
6:05 - 5:20 Grescha: Insane effort, can't believe this fucker is finally done.

Not a big fan of the "i make this 2004 game look like a beautiful world" -kind of editing, the whole cinematic stuff and lens flares everywhere felt just unecessary and overdone imo. Apart from that nothing really distracted me from the stunts so i guess i can say the editing was fine.
Enjoyed it way more than Rebellion. Some fillers there and there but Grescha's and Gaz's stuff made it up. Great video overall, keep em coming.

Offline Plani

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« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2014, 09:30:20 AM »
4:22 - 4:32 Plani: Not a big fan of making old stunts new by adding a stoppie and dropping to nearest grind. The fact i already know what's gonna happen after seeing the beginning of the stunt makes these combos completely unimaginative and boring to watch.

That's called getting the best out of the spot. It was landed by Taz years ago dropping from the roof so why not make it better? I don't see the big deal about it but whatever.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 09:33:30 AM by Plani »

Offline Poti

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« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2014, 09:37:22 AM »
5:01 - 5:07 Grescha: Good one but nothing really extraordinary, also been released befere by someone else soso.

Someone else, dobrze skurwysynu wiesz kto to zlandził, ale robisz wszystko żeby tego nie napisać XD

Offline RedX

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« Reply #48 on: January 29, 2014, 10:14:02 AM »
Amazing video, the best I've seen in quite a while in SA! Everybody did a great job, I found almost every single stunt very impressive and good looking.

Editing was top notch as usual Beat, but for some reason I didn't really love the colours.

9/10 overall!

Offline playboyz

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« Reply #49 on: January 29, 2014, 10:28:58 AM »
sick video.. too bad i lost the finisher.. :<

Offline Diaz

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« Reply #50 on: January 29, 2014, 11:35:23 AM »
Amazing video guys, really enjoyed it.
Stuntingwise it was great, Flow and Streem had some quite smart ideas and Taz' stunt rocked too, but for me Grescha and Gaz stood out the most. A lot of impressive stunts landed by them. Loved especially Gaz' grind2palm and basically all stunt from Grescha, awesome thinking. Nem and Plani also delivered some grind as usual, good job on them. Sorry for sending a bad stunt only.
About the editing, it was very cinematic, I felt like I was rewatching Rebellion, it was really similar to that video editingwise in my opinion. The music was less impressive this time, but all in all a great experience. Some cam could have been better I guess, just to see the stunts properly.
Overall a decent video by WH once again, I always feel proud to be in this crew.

Offline Rusch69

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« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2014, 11:42:50 AM »
Stunts: I was actually expecting better and think it didn't beat your previous video. There was some stunts that were really good and appealing to me (I marked their times as bold), but also many predictable and boring stunts. The goodies aside and it is way too medicore for the high expectations of a WH video. You didn't fully live up to them apart from a few guys I think. Needless to mention who owned the video big time.

0:40 - 0:53 PtRvY: Overwhored spot and quite a boring and even easy thing. These "I-drop-off-a-high-building" stunts don't appeal me in general. Not worth an opener imo.
0:54 - 1:07 Plani: I knew this stunt already and it's an easy one as well. Wallrides are sadly rare though.
1:08 - 1:14 FloW: Unexpected and good. Nice recoil and a palm landing.
1:15 - 1:21 Streem: Also rather unexpected and you don't see grabs that often.
1:41 - 1:46 Grescha: Good to see palms being landed with Infernus now too after Bart landed some with a Cabbie. It doesn't even seem that hard based on the video, but staying on might be bitchy.
1:47 - 1:53 Nem: I wanted to land it from a straight P2B there, but didn't even reach it. This might be the way then and it reminds me a lot of RADs challenge. Alright stunt all in all.
1:54 - 2:08 Plani: Very predictable you were going for the grind and this one also ain't crew video material either in my eyes. Pretty ordinary and there was better combinations of these ramps/highway bridges before. Beat should have shown the way you got onto the dumpster though.
2:09 - 2:15 BlackTear: This one is also way too ordinary. The double grind was done from another curb already by jeff yeeears ago.
2:16 - 2:25 Nem: Also not my cup of tea, but at least you're doing proper stoppies now. It still doesn't appeal me though and the grind was pretty slow.
2:26 - 2:36 Diaz: Isn't this one old? Even if still new, come on you can do better and you know that. I actually expected the air conditioning system to be precision'ed.
2:37 - 2:44 Burn: Yet again that type of stunt I don't enjoy watching. Seemed like a little rip-off from iCy's fluke. You sir, can also do much better!
2:45 - 2:51 UndeadX: Well know spot so no surprise, hard though. How much height did you have, 120/130 ft?
2:52 - 2:58 Gaz: This one was surprisingly good and I even liked the rotation.
3:06 - 3:19 Daksad & FloW: Way too similar to Burn's bump to the stadium. I expected you to land a higher part at least to improve it.
3:20 - 3:27 Burn: FL ON? Seems like and if yes, then that's making it up for me. KasT's Infernus grind still owns those rails but it was good to see it done with the bridge passing beneath.
3:28 - 3:33 Streem: Dropping off a roof, still not my thing. Also I disapprove flipping onto precisions when the ground was touched. The stunt had more potential but lacked on the execution aspect.
3:34 - 3:41 MaCi: That's okay for a VC guy, even though the grind was rather slow and you dropped off that hill.
3:42 - 3:48 Plani: I didn't expect a bump onto the roof and I thought you'd grind the fence instead of the billboard. A little surprising, but not impressing.
3:50 - 4:03 FloW: This one is awesome. I love wall-kicks and that tower gotta be landed more often.
4:04 - 4:11 Odd: Seems decent, but that camera killed it. Would've liked to see it from a better angle.
4:12 - 4:21 Nem: The bump ain't even that small, but the upcoming grind was kinda plain.
4:22 - 4:32 Plani: Improving a quite old stunt a little is okay, but this was also so predictable.
4:33 - 4:46 Grescha: Definitively better than that side P2B we seen not too long ago. I could imagine the wallride being annoying. The stats of the drop bump itself don't seem that big and hard.
4:47 - 5:00 Gaz: I didn't know what was gonna happen, but nothing spectacular worth mentioning came. Ledge grinds are probably bitchy with a bicycle.
5:01 - 5:07 Grescha: Poti (?) released this stunt not too long ago. Wasn't that video even edited by BeaT too, if so he should have known eh.
5:08 - 5:18 Grescha: Pretty much what Bart did, but you used them for height instead of distance.
5:19 - 5:29 Burn: I expected you to somehow make your way to the very top like in Warfare, but you didn't. A little letdown even if hard.
5:30 - 5:43 Gaz: I like such combinations but it was a little slow and therefore didn't seem that slick all in all. First grind is sadly so short too, but it's an alright stunt.
5:44 - 5:53 Grescha: Wasn't expecting anyone to land it with an Infernus naturally from the park down there. Seems hard and pretty good.
5:54 - 6:04 Taz: Stop landing my spots, will you!? Now I lost both natural ways to that dome I figured... damn. Not surprising, but simply impressive by it's difficulty.
6:05 - 5:20 Grescha: "Not surprising, but simply impressive by it's difficulty." Good to see it finally landed, but we all wanted to see it with a proper drop bump which is probably never gonna happen since people especially now won't bother trying no more. Still stunt of the video of course.

Editing: I know you're having a shitty Internet connection and therefore have to keep an eye on the filesize, but Jeeeez, please stop doing these bad 5000 Kbps renders. Especially when you're using stromy/grainy visuals like that thunderstorm weather and pan/crop. Also please always double check your forced AA in the GPU options, there's quite some aliased edges. That quality rant aside now. I don't like all these different visuals all over the video and prefer a consistent look. That night part at FloW's & Streem's stunts in the beginning was looking best in terms of colors. I am also not a fan of these Freeplay cameras and lens flares. Some cameras were annoying too (those night part ones I just mentioned + Odd's as example). I liked that little scene with the drums at grescha's Infernus palm landing stunt. That distorted overlay at UDX' stunt looked good too. Overall it was okay and did the job, but imo you should increase the quality of your videos and work on some aspects a little more.

Overall: A little disappointing in terms of stunting. In fact I think a few guys made this video and without them it'd be a rather normal video. Okay editing and the song is too dull for my taste. It had the feeling of a sequel to Rebellion. All in all it's not that bad though and sorry for always sounding so negative, but I'm just honest.

Offline KillaMarci

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« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2014, 12:21:28 PM »
Great stunts everyone! Grescha obviously stood out with his balls to the walls car stunts, but I also really liked most other stunts like Gaz's grind 2 palm - the spin in that looked quite lovely. Felt like the video had a lot more car stunts than usual but that's not a bad thing, I love Infernus stuff! <3
The editing was great as well, very professionally done, although I gotta say I am kinda craving for an oldschool stunt video edit. Videos may even look too professional nowadays which doesn't always fit with the 'fun' theme stunting often should have. However I still liked it very much and I think BeaT did an excellent job at it once again!

Fabulous video once again guys! :)

Offline Beat

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« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2014, 12:23:36 PM »
Thanks for the rich feedback everyone! keep it coming : )

Offline UndeadX

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« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2014, 12:43:58 PM »
Great video guys! Stuntingwise Grescha (!), FloW and Taz were the best in my opinion. The editing was fantastic, you rock, Beat.

Sad that I couldn't really land anything for the video, my stunt in this was actually landed in 2011.  :P
Here's another clip of it aswell as the replay.

@Rusch: I don't remember exactly what it was, but around 130 ft would be my guess

Offline ~ Đάмﮖтзя ~

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« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2014, 02:10:46 PM »

really good job on this. it was nearly perfectly done, I mean, I havent seen such good work with a video in ages. It does not exactly fit my taste of how a stuntvideo should be edited (im a fan of oldschool editing) but I cant deny this was really good. Enjoyed every second of it, the CC, the effects, the simple play with camera angles. Good!


Was okay, not quite a fit for a stunting video in my opinion, but I didnt mind.


I was almost gonna pop a bottle for the first WH SA unmodded video until the finisher :lol:

No, just kidding, I liked the video stunting wise, however, it was not as good as the previous videos. Stunts that remained in my mind were: the Taz' SF bump, Flow had some good shit and I really liked Streem doing that grab thingy, grescha palm landing and the grind to palm from some guy I dont remember was a pretty good find aswell. Not gonna comment more on the finisher, I dont want to throw hate without any reasoning behind it, just my opinion. Kinda missed Daffy and some more WH classics, but whatsoever, it was good. Oh, and correct me if I am wrong, but isnt the stunt from (Gaz?) in LS, by the hospital, where he uses mtb and goes on the rail and grinds it after, old? I really feel like someone has done it before, possibly with a BMX. Pretty sure it was Kert or Arnax.

Overall a great video, especially editing wise. 8/10 I'd say, even though it was good, somehow it missed the "classic WH video" feel, prolly because of less amazing stunts than usual and a different editor.

To make it clear, the video is really good and I would rate it as one of the best videos Ive seen lately, but the reasoning behind me not giving it a 10/10 or 9/10 is just because it does not feel like every previous WH video did to me. Gotta admit Beat did some good inovation though. Is there a reason Daffy didnt edit or stunt in it?

Edit: corrected some typos and also UndeadX had a great infernus stunt there.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 02:21:03 PM by ~ Đάмﮖтзя ~ »

Offline Shifftee

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« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2014, 02:44:09 PM »
That was simply amazing! :o

Offline Cooper

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« Reply #57 on: January 29, 2014, 04:07:35 PM »
Amazing video, that infernus double palm prec was genius!

Offline The Big V

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« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2014, 10:54:36 PM »
Infernus landing a palm? Infernus landing top of a crane ? And I thought I have seen everything in stunting.. Good job everyone, most memorable and outstanding in my eyes were obviously Grescha, FloW and Taz. Beat is leet in his edeet once again :euro:

Offline MxZz.

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« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2014, 11:18:54 PM »
GOD, Beat, :o :wub:

Grescha, Taz, Flow, Gaz & Burn had some amazing stunts. Plani, that LS weirdo bump2stoppie made me jizz :P  Really great job guys. I felt like it was Rebellion at some point, but yes, it was better.

These precs were aSDFYSREYWDWESRSD grescha. :wub:


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