Author Topic: [MTS] - Jubito  (Read 2165 times)

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Offline MikeyMouse

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[MTS] - Jubito
« on: July 28, 2013, 06:38:30 AM »
Meet the stunter - Jubito

From where your name comes? (Falldress)

It's a wordplay on the pronunciation of the name 'YouTube'.

Why the hell are your sparks so big? (Falldress)

I got 2 sets of sparks but you are probably thinking about my blue/green ones. I like them that way since they look cool when I grind.

Why is your player skin so weird? (Falldress)

I wouldn't call it 'weird' but yeah, I was aiming for something different since I failed designing all the generic ones and this one really came out well, if you ask me.

In a fast way, how many stunts have you done so far? Mentally think of it (Falldress)

Well, just thinking of it baffles me, but the number is surely greater than 100.

Where do you get inspiration to stunt? (Falldress)

I usually find a place/rail/specific landing spot and mess around trying to find the freshest way to execute something at it.

Do you loss it fastly?^ (Falldress)

I have to admit that I've been having little to no inspiration lately. I used to have really long stunting sessions but nowadays they don't last more than an hour or two.

Who made your bike? I know it's made with Paint.  (Falldress)

I did.

Have you ever quitted your country? (Falldress)

I am not sure what you mean by 'quitted', but I've been to other countries, yes.

If you have to help someone, who would be? And why? (Falldress)

I like to help everyone I can, there's no reason to be picky. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Which is your favorite stunter, editor, solo, collab? (Falldress)

My favorite VC stunter would be Tackleberry, as for SA MeetMyMeat is my favorite.
Favorite editor: pmarci
Favorite solo: MeetMyMeat - Ocean Of Notion
Favorite collab: I'm sorry but I forgot like half of the videos I ever watched and I'm too lazy to re-watch them now, so I can't really name one in this category.

What do you think about your actual stunting crew? Would you leave it? (Falldress)

I'm perfectly comfortable at DP and I wouldn't leave it. The members are really nice and each one of us has its own special style. We've made extraordinary progress since we first started and it's only getting better.

1 to 10, How would you rate your editing skills? (Falldress)


How do you feel knowing you're gonna be violated by questions? (Falldress)

Eh, there's nothing I can do about it other than answering them.

For you, which is the best stunt you ever landed? (CallMeFrank)

Now that's a tough one. I really like every stunt I like but the one I've been most satisfied with would be that grind combo from Paradigm, I freaking love it.

If you're the same Jubito, would you ever go back to the SA-MP server (WoS) if it came back and to it's original state? (Nerve)

Yup, that's me. Definitely man! WoS is where I first started at, so it does have a special meaning to me. I've had so much fun over there and would definitely come back but I know it wouldn't be the same thing as it was 5 years ago.

What's the shortest amount of time you have done a really sick looking and released stunt? (Nerve)

I honestly don't know. The thing is most of my stunts take little time to land, even though I have landed some which required more time and dedication. If my memory serves me correct, I would say about 10-15 minutes.

Who are you? Talk a bit about your personal self, not Jubito. (XTO)

I am David, a 17 y.o. high school student from Lovran, Croatia. I am of Italian, Bosnian and Montenegrin background. My greatest passion is music, followed by video games. I am planning on getting a degree in either physics or chemistry, since those are the subjects I'm most keen on.
I used to play the guitar, the piano and the clarinet. I would also like to become a music producer someday because it's something that I've been doing in my spare time and I really like it. As for my personality, I think I'm a good person, even though I can easily get cranky at times. I'm really empathic and I cannot stand injustice, but in most cases I lack the force to act. You could say that I'm socially anxious. I love making jokes and acting funny though!

Hi David, whos your favorite rapper and song? (TBV)

You know it's Redman man :D

As for a favorite song, that's hard to pick since there are tons of great ones and it's also something that's changing constantly. Depends what artist I'm into at the time.

Can you post your best beat you have made in FL so far? (TBV)

Oh man that's a really hard choice - I love all the beats I make. There are some which are particularly special to me though, and these are:
I'll leave the choice of choosing the best one to you.

Which is the best stunting video you have participated? (TBV)

Hmm...that's a tough choice since I've participated in some really solid collabs but Paradigm, our first crew video, will always have a special meaning to me, since we all made great efforts to pull out what we did in that video, which I feel proved we were on network crew level.

If I come back to rapping do you mind making a feat? (TBV)

You know I don't rap, but I'd be more than glad to provide you with an instrumental!

What are your thoughts on the future of stunting? Can it continue to thrive? (Hachiro)

A lot of people feel nostalgic when asked about this, but I think we just started pushing the limits. There are solid videos being released every week and stunters are still coming out, surprising me with their extraordinary thinking when it comes to tweaking or adding new elements to old stunts or even combining more of them! There are still 'obvious' spots to be landed and, on the other hand, the obvious ones that have already been landed just taught us to think outside the box. Even though stunting is for fun, there is always a competitive spirit which keeps the flame of will to stunt and land better stuff burning in us, as well is our curiosity. So yes, in my opinion stunting will continue to thrive.

Remember the fun we had in Minecraft? Do you look back into the past often or rarely? (Felix)

Damn right I do!! I hope we'll get to play it soon again, I just have to get hold of Minecraft again. I look back into the past pretty often, sometimes with regret, sometimes with pleasure. ^ Do you miss this indeed? (Artifex)

Hahah I wasn't even aware of the existence of this video! Damn right I miss, we had some great fun over at the GTAS minecraft server. You guys really make me want play it again now :)

Do you watch series? like Game of Thrones or breaking bad or something? (Artifex)

I've been watching The Big Bang Theory, that's it pretty much. Oh, I almost forgot about The Mentalist.

Your favorite non-Hip-Hop release. (Sentitnes)

I really can't pick one, it would be a lot easier if you picked a specific gener, but there are so many albums I love outside the hip-hop genre that I simply can't pick one.

Your favorite Hip-Hop release this year. (Sentitnes)

This year isn't over yet and the best albums are yet to be released! The ones I'm most hyped for are Roc Marciano's 'Marci Beaucoup', Redman's long awaited 'Muddy Waters 2' and the new Wu album. At the moment my favorite release is Ka's 'The Night's gambit'.

German beer or English beer? (Sentitnes)

I've been drinking a lot of Carling lately, but I'd go with German beer.

Do you only listen to few genres of music or are you more open-minded and listen to whatever sounds good? (PrzemOO)

Well my dad has taught me everything I know about music and he has influenced me ever since I was little. I started listening to David Bowie at the age of 2 and have since developed love for the rock genre, metal but also electronic music (my dad was a DJ). So yeah, I've listened and explored to a plethora of musical genres since, ranging from black metal to soul, funk, downtempo, jazz, classical music, hip hop, rock, dnb, techno etc... The only thing I can't stand is a type of music typical of the Balakans - turbo folk.

Do you realize I'm a big fan of yours? (PrzemOO)

Well I haven't thought of it but if it is so I am very proud and flattered to hear that, especially because you are one of my favorite stunters nowadays and you always land kickass stunts, not to mention that you've always been nice around here.

Who is your favorite editor? Why? (MM)

Even though I'm a VC guy my favorite editor is Pmarci, I just love his edits! He has a particular style which gets me glued to the screen every time I watch his videos. I don't really know my way around editing so I can't give you a more elaborate description of why I love his videos, I've just been struck by his work the first time I saw it, that's it.

Do you have a girlfriend? If you don't, are you interested in finding one? (MM)

Nope, I don't have one at the moment, but of course I'm interested in finding one. The problem is most of the girls are bitches around here, not to mention the majority of them is promiscuous - I don't want a girl like that. Another problem is my approach to girls - I always make fun of them, but that's just the type of person I am.

Do you consider yourself a nice person, tell us a bit about your personality to prove you are. (MM)

Well XTO already asked me to talk a bit about my personal self, so look up a few lines and you'll find your answer there!

Would you ever have sex with a mouse? (MM)

Only with Minnie, sorry Mikey :'(

Why you still using that pcj when you still can get better pcj ? (OutworldDestroyer)

Because I don't need a better one, I'm satisfied with this one. Also I don't want people doing them for me, I did it for myself because that's the best way to shape my stunting persona, I want it to be me.

What's your favourite map to stunting ? (OutworldDestroyer)

That would be VC, definitely.

How do you get those crazy spots, you drive around searching something or fly or watch vids?  (Max)

Most of the times I find a landing place or rail or anything which I want to include in my stunts, then I start searching for the best and most creative way to interpolate it in a stunts and then I end up randomly doing something which I haven't planned, resulting in finding a better spot than what I was aiming for.

How does it feel to be the most stylish stunter around?  (Max)

I'm flattered by this statement but I'm definitely not the only one, I've looked up to many other stunters which are currently active and kick ass every time they appear in a video (like MtS, sorcery, PrzemOO). It feels good to be mentioned with such names, definitely :)

Through what did you get into stunting?  (Max)

Believe it or not I first started stunting in SA, back in 2008 when I first discovered WoS. I had installed SAMP for the first time and a friend recommended me to try the WoS server. And here I am now.

Do you think the gtas community changed in a positive or negative way, the time your here? (Max)

It seems like a lot of Veterans have been coming back lately, which is a positive thing. However, some things will never change (I'm talking about modders, trolls, etc..) and there's little to nothing we can do about it. To be honest I haven't been paying too much attention to the downsides of our community, as long as there are nice people to talk to and interact and as long as I'm having fun I'm fine. If you ask me, it stayed the same, the only thing that changes are the new faces which are eventually going to take the place of those who left.

How did it feel landing the stunts for Paradigm? (Sorcery)

It felt great man, I put a lot of effort in landing them and I was really satisfied with the result. The biggest bitch to land was that rhino p2b, god I felt relieved after I landed it.

If you could change Devoted Pattern's name and aesthetic, what would you change it to? (Sorcery)

Double Penetrators, and the logo would be two huge crossed dildos with our faces in place of the balls. (Did you expect a different answer?)

Would you accept the ability to mentally manipulate the grindability of rails and ledges if it meant that every time you read something printed (like a book or magazine) you would have to be wearing mittens? (Sorcery)

That's a small sacrifice, so of course I would!

Who is the closest person to you in GTAS? (Ltab)

That would be Flippa.

Who do you think you look like stunting wise? Or you think you're Jubito and no one else? (Ltab)

Well there's a lot of stunter I look up to and which inspired me, but I think I am Jubito and nothing can define me better.

If you can choose your way to die, which one could be? (Ltab)

Choking in boobies while toking my last puff, listening to some rap.

Do you love your family? Do you tell them you love 'em? Are you thankful for all the things they gave to you? Do you tell your family you are/not? (Ltab)

I like these questions because they are totally thought-provoking. Of course I love my family! When I think of it....I can't recall the last time I said to one of my family members that I love them, and now I feel kinda wrong for not having said it in a long time. Yes, I am thankful for everything my parents gave me, and, even though sometimes I get carried away and act like a total bitch, I always treat everything I get with respect and particular care. I have never ever been in a situation to be ungrateful for something my parents have done for me, because I know everything they do for me is done with their best intentions and because they love me. What a coincidence, I am listening to 2pac's 'Dear Mama' while answering this.

Did you read The Hunger Game's book? And the other 2 books? (I recommend them %100) (Ltab)

Nah, neither did I check the show out. But yeah, I've already had it recommended by a friend of mine, might as well check them out sometimes!

What's your favorite comfort food? (Samurai)

Sarme!!! (Cabbage rolls)

Would you rather watch the movie, or read the book? (Samurai)

Uh the problem is that I'm not really used to watching movies, and I haven't read a book (excluding the ones assigned at school) since, uh, last summer.
But yeah, I would rather read the book, because the movie is just the director's interpretation of what he read. That's why I would rather read the book, because it is up to your personal self to interpret what you are reading, working out your imagination.

Ever tried casu marzu? (Samurai)

Formaggio marcio? Nah my friend, but if I ever visit Sardinia I'll try it!

Will you ever finish this?  (MtS)

Of course! I had it all answered but the release was unexpectedly delayed.

Can I get you something to drink? (Savatage)

Sure dog, go grab me a beer.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 06:49:51 AM by MikeyMouse »

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2013, 05:33:19 AM »
im sorry for not posting this, been on vacation :P thanks MM

good read, but please edit this so all text is not
cause it hurts my eyes :P

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2013, 09:52:43 AM »
Really liked to read this one :D

Offline Max_

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2013, 09:59:13 AM »
What a good read, enjoyed it all over the place!
Nice :P

Offline Sheep

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2013, 10:08:52 AM »
Nice read :happy:

Who is the next guy to be interviewed?

Offline Sava

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2013, 10:14:46 AM »

Offline Samurai

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2013, 11:28:18 AM »
drop the beat!

A very nice read indeed.
quality, class, integrity,
one who invokes empathy,
wishin to all prosperity, but
singed with the sear of apathy
attentive to the telley but no molotovs in the streets
one day, it'll burn deep, propel a propensity of power so
deep it'll provide a divide of immense heat to cauterize wounded
brains steeped with automated anguished sleep, transfused with
miseries upon memories  which you scrub clean with a glossy sheen
damn now, you so keen, straight up laser beam, focused, aromatic like
columbian coffee beans, straight dope, uncut coke,
a true path to enlightenment, just gotta percolate and ferment.
now before i click this to be sent, just gotta compliment and consent,
that i look forward to more of your stunting ideas sir, represent.

Wrote this while listiing to magnolia. I tried not be horrible. Nice Beats!


« Last Edit: July 29, 2013, 11:56:05 AM by Samurai »

Offline Jubito

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2013, 11:58:55 AM »
drop the beat!

A very nice read indeed.
quality, class, integrity,
one who invokes empathy,
wishin to all prosperity, but
singed with the sear of apathy
attentive to the telley but no molotovs in the streets
one day, it'll burn deep, propel a propensity of power so
deep it'll provide a divide of immense heat to cauterize wounded
brains steeped with automated anguished sleep, transfused with
miseries upon memories  which you scrub clean with a glossy sheen
damn now, you so keen, straight up laser beam, focused, aromatic like
columbian coffee beans, straight dope, uncut coke,
a true path to enlightenment, just gotta percolate and ferment.
now before i click this to be sent, just gotta compliment and consent,
that i look forward to more of your stunting ideas sir, represent.

Wrote this while listiing to magnolia. I tried not be horrible. Nice Beats!


That's actually pretty slick!! I'm glad you enjoyed them beats!

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2013, 12:40:43 PM »
Damn dude, some of these answers are exactly like I would have answered them.  :blink: And I mean, like, exactly as in every sentence or word. Apart from the love of rap music, which I share but in a much smaller way, you are the Croatian me  :lol:

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2013, 01:54:00 PM »
« Last Edit: April 09, 2017, 10:04:05 PM by mateus »

Offline Sava

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Re: [MTS] - Jubito
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2013, 01:23:47 PM »


pls respond


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