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Offline Omma!

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10365 on: October 20, 2013, 04:28:35 AM »
I'm in army aswell what are you doing exactly Mythic  :D?

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10366 on: October 20, 2013, 04:45:02 AM »
Army is assum!  :wub:

BTW, I'm lance sergeant. :cheernutz:

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10367 on: October 20, 2013, 07:02:51 PM »
Daffy can you update WH roster topic ? :)

Offline Rusch69

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10368 on: October 21, 2013, 08:09:05 AM »
Did you take this note into account when doing that retraction thing?
Please note that we will only process retractions that are sent from the same email address or domain that submitted the original claim of copyright infringement.

Just wondering, because I still didn't receive an e-mail or message regarding that thing and it's been a few days already. :hmm:

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10369 on: October 22, 2013, 02:16:08 AM »
Mythic: My condolences dude, seems like you're still having a blast though :happy:

Daffy can you update WH roster topic ? :)
Remind me later, too busy.

Did you take this note into account when doing that retraction thing?
Please note that we will only process retractions that are sent from the same email address or domain that submitted the original claim of copyright infringement.

Just wondering, because I still didn't receive an e-mail or message regarding that thing and it's been a few days already. :hmm:
You could have sent a PM, anyway I have sent it and I sent it again now.

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10370 on: October 26, 2013, 04:36:40 AM »
Are you guys planning a new SA video this year?

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10371 on: October 26, 2013, 05:12:07 AM »
We are, but we will see if it can happen this year.

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10372 on: November 03, 2013, 01:42:22 PM »
sup gallen!

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10373 on: November 03, 2013, 01:42:48 PM »
'sup fallen?

Offline Mythic

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10374 on: November 04, 2013, 10:13:16 AM »
Hello guys, how are you doing? Time for another update from my military service, this time I have some pretty badass pictures to show off.  :ninja:

(most of this was written last Saturday and now that the week changed it might sound a bit messy but I'll be talking about the last two weeks, not including the one that started today)

This and the last week were camping. Last week, week 43 was a hard-bullet shooting camp from Monday to Friday. This time I got into the MT-LB march which was a literal butthurt experience. We left the barracks Monday morning and the shift from barracks to the destination (around 20 kilometers) took an hour, perhaps an hour and a half. The benches got pretty hard during that time and didn't feel too good in the back but at least we got to sleep for a while. :)

We got to use the bigger tents this time and there was no ongoing war practice so we only had to wear the combat equipment when actually needed. They're trying to make us feel as comfortable as possible there and ensure we get to sleep at least for six hours as we're messing with real bullets during these shooting camps... When it comes to camps where the war is going on around the clock and we're using training bullets (for example this week) they don't give a shit but I guess that's pretty practical since I don't think you would feel good or get to sleep much in a real war either.

During the last week long shooting camp the takes were within a squad range (Alpha 2, ten of us) and it was mostly about the basic move & fire stuff. This time we practiced within a company scale (Kilo, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta and the mortar guys) meaning that it was either cool as fuck or boring as hell. There were times we, Alpha, were the attacking platoon and that's always pleasant but at times we were backing up and supporting other attacking platoons which is basically sitting tight. Obviously there are no enemies during a hard bullet shooting, except for the rising targets but only when you're attacking. Although it was kinda blunt, it gave us an opportunity to shoot a few pictures with my machine gun team's partner's iPhone. I'll include pictures of us, some real bullets of my assault rifle RK-62 and his PKM. You'll also get to see the paper boxes that the bullets are in when they're given to us and how the magazine's bullet space looks like. Also I took a picture of the PKM belt and it's box. The blurred guy is my partner and I'm the one without a helmet. You don't take it off during a battle but we were 15 meters away from others in a wood meaning we were pretty much out of sight and we sat there for 45 minutes so... What can I say, taking off the helmet and the earmuffs feels pretty good after keeping them on for hours. :P

Last week's Tuesday, day 2 of the shooting camp, was as awesome as a camp day can be. The morning was cold as fuck but a bit later we got to shoot Kalashnikov's from the back of the MT-LB's. Our RK-62 assault rifle is actually an improved version of AK-47 and they fit the same magazine so first we put in 45 rounds into 2 magazines and then formed a double line and every time two of us got to the back of the vehicle and shot a target on a sustained fire as the tank moved in reverse for like 10 meters and then drove back. Shooting from a moving tank was a lot harder than you would think! I still got my target a few times but the cool thing was handling a gun that you've seen so many times in games and the news and such... Cool shit!

Later that day we had a presentation of different kinds of explosives used to kill shitloads of people, enemy tanks or clear a path from mines. The staff was actually behind me during the presentation but I raised my phone in the air to shoot a video likeaboss so I'll include a video of an anti-tank mine that would probably for example turn our MT-LB into a pile of dust and then a Bangalore torpedo that is basically a long stick that explodes and explodes all the mines with it therefore making a few feet wide pathway for us to go through the minefield.

Nothing out of ordinary happened during that camp after Tuesday so I'll just skip straight to this week as I'm in a bit of a hurry. The war camp was from Tuesday to Thursday, and Monday we had a brigade scale practice of what would happen if our country was attacked or under a threat. I can't be arsed to look for the right word but basically we packed our back bags like we were ready to move, put in the fighting gear (yes at the barracks, in our rooms) and got our guns so theoretically we were ready to move and go to war when commanded so. Practically we got to sleep for a few hours holding a gun and wearing the fighting gear as obviously the command to move to an attack never came. :P

Tuesday we left to the camp. The war camps suck ass big time as you sleep in that knee high tent, have all kind of guard shifts throughout the night and get to sleep three to five hours a night. Fighting gear is on all the time except when you're sleeping. Some people keep it on even then since we're woken up with a command to take the tent apart and move on (therefore it's faster since you don't have to but the vests on) but I'm not one of those who can sleep on their back so I always take it off. The simulation vests are even more annoying than the usual battle vests.

A moment I'll probably won't forget in a while that I want to share with you guys from that camp. Because of the simulation stuff and training bullets it's actually pretty cool once the enemy is in sight and in a random take the leader of our squad commanded us into a space that was right in front of the enemy and was pretty open and we were like what the fuck is going on. Rest of our squad did as commanded but me and my machine gun partner left like 50 meters away from our squad (sometimes the younger soldier, me, is allowed to look for a good PKM foxhole and luckily I found one and used my right to move us there) into a better spot where we could get low in order not to get shot but also had a good sight of the enemy. Rest of our squad got killed (meaning that the transmitter of your gun won't allow you to shoot anymore and you'll take your helmet off as a sign of being dead) except for us and one man who was lucky not to get shot. Me and my partner were alone there with 100 loaded machine gun rounds and a box of fifty in my pocket when we were suddenly confronted by a BMP-2 tank. We didn't know if it had the simulation stuff attached to the barrel and didn't want to find out either so that's when we really had to stay low as fuck. We really had to put all the teachings and guidelines into use in that foxhole in order to survive, for example one really had to stay low while the other goes up for a few seconds to shoot a few rounds at the enemy and then change the guy shooting (usually all this stuff is pretty half-assed since there is no enemy in most cases so most people don't bother being too careful in the practices). After running out of PKM rounds I had to load my 50 rounds in that foxhole into the secondary belt that I carry so we could continue for a bit longer. That's when it got interesting since we had thought that all of our squad had died in the beginning. The field-medic (assault rifle guy) of our squad came into our foxhole with a light anti-tank weapon he had taken from our bazooka guys once they died and we managed to destroy the BMP-2 and felt like winners for a while, the war-feeling was so there which doesn't happen that much in the army. Even though each had only like 20 centimeters of space to move in that foxhole, it was filled with laughter and high fives. We thought we could proceed from there on our own which would have been fucking awesome but another Alpha squad found us a bit later so we had to join them since they had the squad leader alive. But a great and thrilling series of events anyway!

Mythic: My condolences dude, seems like you're still having a blast though :happy:
Thanks man! Means a world to me. :wub: Yeah you could say so.  :cc_detective:

I'm in army aswell what are you doing exactly Mythic  :D?
I'm an armour jaeger (don't know if there's a better translation) that is basically a soldier whose main purpose is to arrive to the front line inside a tank, get out of it and then fight the enemy within a pretty close range, somewhere between ten to thousand meters. The main difference between an ordinary jaeger (infantry soldier) and an armour jaeger is that while the jaeger walks for ten kilometers to go battle, we move nine and half kilometers with a tank and then set foot outside and fight with the tank assisting us.

Inside an armour jaeger squad I'm the younger soldier of the machine gun fireteam. The older one carries the PKM (PK machine gun) and fires it while I seek for good positions or perhaps foxholes for us to go into. I also carry the 100 round belt in a metal box. There's also a 200 round box which I usually don't have to carry when training but if it was a real war I'd be glad to have as many of them as possible with me.

Earlier I wrote more about the structure of a squad and what's there besides the machine gun team, feel free to check it out from my signature. :)

Army is assum!  :wub:

BTW, I'm lance sergeant. :cheernutz:
I'll probably agree once it's over!  :P Good to know that man, how long did you serve for? Think about it for a while that if it was 70 years ago or if World War III took place I'd be out there in the field against you... Glad we're not! :wub: Take care man :)

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10375 on: November 05, 2013, 12:47:31 PM »
I love to see "Army Stories" time by time, especially the pictures  :P

Offline Mythic

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10376 on: November 15, 2013, 07:37:18 AM »
Back again with another set of pretty neat stories and pictures! Hope you guys are doing alright. I'm having an extended weekend again, got out yesterday 4.30 PM and gotta get back Sunday 10 PM as usual. Gonna get so drunk today and/or tomorrow. That's why you have holidays in the army.  :cc_detective:

Week 45: Patrolling.

Last week. Probably one of the coolest weeks at the barracks so far. Basically patrolling is what a small group does in order to get beneficial details of the enemy's actions, plans, strength of fire or men, equipment, campsite or anything you can use against them or that might be helpful to know for the guys who make the decisions. Obviously in most cases this has to be done during the night in order not to get caught. What makes it even more pleasant is that you don't have to carry a helmet or the Flak jacket which are both a big pain in the ass.

Monday to Thursday was mostly training the basics of moving safely as a group, unnoticed and quiet. How to act if you're seen or shot at, how to draw a sketch of the area you're exploring and what's relevant and worth taking notes of. One day we practiced sketching in a daylight and my map was praised by the leader of our squad not because it looked cool but because it had the most details of the tanks and vehicles around us, like some numbers of tanks and license numbers of trucks and so on. Most of my mates did the mistake of turning it into a piece of art with fancy buildings, trees and tanks while forgetting all the details.

Thursday-Friday night we had the actual take during the night. Kilo platoon, about 20 soldiers, were sent to a certain area three kilometers from the barracks to camp and have the guard shifts as usual so that we could have a target to examine. Our squad left the barracks 11.45 PM with a task of finding out how the "enemy" campsite looks like and return until 3 PM. Moving in the dark takes shitloads of time when you don't know exactly where the enemy is located and where they're having guards at.

We went to sleep exceptionally at 8 PM and woke up at 10.45 PM to disguise our faces with some face paints which I've included pictures of. Fun stuff. People took a lot of pictures with their funky faces and I've included one with a few of my room mates too. 11.45 PM we left with the night vision stuff and a thermal camera (see the pictures) and we walked the first few kilometers as usual, out of the barracks the usual way but as soon as we hit the edge of the forest we had to stop talking and quit all the unnecessary sounds. It was around 12 PM by then.

As soon as the streetlight was gone and we were in a dark forest, moving the remaining two kilometers took almost an hour. Slow and spooky as fuck... No matter how much a macho you are it's scary as fuck. During one open area I was the first guy to cross it (areas are crossed one by one by running quietly over) and even though I ended up being only 100 meters away from the others I was scared as fuck. I was given an image intensifier so that I could see where to go and the leader of the squad had one too so he could see my raised arm as a sign of being ready in position. It's all about optics out there in the dark, no matter how quiet you can walk or what kind of a firearm you have it'll all come down to what kind of optics you have so you could see shit.

We found their campsite by almost walking down to one of their their tents. Seriously, we were only like 50 meters away when our leader took the thermal camera and went like holy shit that's an enemy tent. He then left two guys to where we had noticed the tent from and gave them one image intensifier, then we moved to the other side of the campsite and I was left there with one of my mates to keep an eye on the enemy while he left with the remaining two. Me and my mate were given an image intensifier too and we sat in a foxhole for around 30 minutes. Anytime the enemy guard moved towards us (never closer than 20 meters though, I bet they didn't have any optics since they would have seen us otherwise) it was thrilling as fuck and you really go as low as possible and don't pretty much breathe in order to be unseen. I can't even imagine how much you'd shit your pants if there was a real enemy there who would be more than glad to kill you and alarm their whole band in case you got caught.

We were then picked up by the squad leader and had to move quietly back to the barracks which took like another hour including 15 minutes of wondering where the fuck we had left our back bags in the dark, glad we found them with the thermal camera though. :lol: Back there we got some evening meal in our rooms and drew the sketch of the area as a squad. Since there weren't any details we could have gotten, it was mostly about drawing a few tents into a middle of a forest and including the coordinates and the time of drawing etc. Some main roads so the imaginary boss could get a rough picture of where the campsite was located.

Fun night all the way!

This week was only four days long because of the extended holidays and nothing out of ordinary happened. Just some preparations for the final camp of ours that is in a big, twenty kilometer long military area at Niinisalo 165 kilometers away from our barracks. 11 nights, starting next Monday the 18th and returning Friday the 29th. Looking to snap a few cool pictures out there. I'll include a map of the area! It's nothing like we've had before and we'll be fighting with and against people from around the whole country. Hoping to see the positive out there even though it sucks to camp for that long.

34 days left in the service, going to be only 20 once we get back from the final war! Damn I'm getting pumped up...  :mellow:

Take care all of you! See you soon.  :cc_detective: :wub:

I love to see "Army Stories" time by time, especially the pictures  :P
Thanks a lot man! Good to know you're enjoying. :)

Wars suck in general, just too much destruction and crisis like the case in Syria! I just can't join the army, i'm just kind of scared but i'm looking forward to be a police officer!

Good luck man, i hope you do very well out there. :P Thank you for the diaries!  :wub:
Couldn't agree with you more. Thanks dude! :)

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10377 on: November 16, 2013, 11:52:21 AM »
Amazing pictures once again  :P

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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10378 on: November 20, 2013, 12:47:43 PM »
only one question:


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Re: Ask WH
« Reply #10379 on: November 20, 2013, 12:48:58 PM »


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