Author Topic: kr3mlin  (Read 2019 times)

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Offline Xtramus

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« on: January 28, 2007, 04:57:51 AM »

Did you ever doubt the concept of The Collective, that people wouldn't want to join it at first? (infested)

The Collective is a crew I created to keep myself interested in stunting. I never doubted it because it was what I wanted. As a concept it is perfect for me and I hoped it would suit those who did not want to be competitive with their stunting. I knew it would not be the best crew ever but I felt those who would join the crew would want to be there and would stay as well because it was something different and would suit them. The small crew we have and the recent changes in roster show that this is a style that suits very few. But it suits me and that is the best thing

Do you think I make to many solos? (Sweet)

I have watched very few of your solos dude.  You make alot, and I figure that you arent putting your best foot forward. Try to collect 3 or 4 solos worth of reps and then make 1. The standard would be higher and then I could make better comments. I stunt very little, but every stunt I land goes into videos...quality over quantity

Where do you get that editing creativeness from? (Liviu)

When I started SA stunting I had this line in my head "Land stunts no one has even thought about doing". One of the worst comments I can get is that someone was trying that spot. I watch alot of videos to get a better idea of how the GTA engines work and the layout of the terrain, there have been many stunts I have spotted in the background of stunts in videos I have watched. I just get sick of seeing the same thing over and over. Stunting for me is all about finding new "stunts" not new "spots"

What inspires you to make movies in SA? (Tackleberry)

Im a cinema nut, I watch movies alot (on a daily basis) and I have a real desire to enter into the movie making profession as a career. I see SA machinima as a way to refine some ideas and get some work out to an audience without alot of the hassles of real time filming. As far as inspirations for movies, I often take my ideas from whatever I am interested in at the time. The Ill Events series started from my experiementation with San An Studios, but was influenced by the fact that I had been reading alot of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. B-ball was inspired by an old McDonals ad where Michael Jordan and Larry Bird duel for the chance to eat a Big Mac.

Why did you leave XSA and create TC? (Fugitive)

I will always maintain that my leaving XSA was nothing to do with XSA as a crew, it was always about The Collective and my own stunting ideas. I mean who in their right mind would leave a crew like XSA. The style of my new crew is what suits me as a stunter and also allows me a bit more control over some video ideas as well. The Collective Tour is one such example, it is a video series idea I had in XSA but have only now been able to make it work in The Collective. I wanted the crew to have a certain idea for making videos, to be outlined by a set of rules, so that everyone in the crew knows what to expect and there are no surprises

What's your opinion on using vehicles on roofs where they can't be put in a normal game? Would you try them yourself and use them in a vid? (Turtle Dick)

The tools that we use in stunting allow us to speed up what could be done in a normal game of GTA. If something is not possible then the tools are now being used to mod the normal game in some way. I have never tried it and usually do not look favourably upon it when I see it. This issue did come up in a recent stunt I tried, but I found another vehicle that could go on roofs that worked with a similar effect to its land based counterpart (it is a stunt from a Collective vid, so I am trying not to give to many details).

Crunchy or Smooth? Gamepad or Keyboard? MTB or BMX? (Juan)

-Both are good, depends on my mood
-Gamepad on consoles, Keyboard on computers. It is the natural way of the world. I use keyboard for my stunting. There are great stunters on either side of the two styles
-BMX is not as good for roofing but that isnt much of an issue for me. It is better for control of wheelies and stoppies and that is what I like.

Seeing as people still find stunts in VC, how long do you think SA will be going considering its massiveness? (Ostis)

SA will go on as long as people 'try' to stunt in it. I could be mathematic and work it out, but I feel that the size of the map is not the limiting factor, it is more to do with peoples imaginations and also a willingness to try new and different ideas based around what could be called a stunt. I have video I am currently working on which is all about new ideas in stunting, other ways to consider what a stunt can be

If you could destroy any world leader i.e. George Bush, John Howard. Who would it be? (Biggles56)

It is hard to say, in the two cases you give destroying these people would see them replaced by one of many very similarly minded people (although George Bush is not very intelligent at all). The problem with most world leaders is they are rich white men who want to serve rich white men's interests. If I could destroy any world leader from anytime it would be Hitler, maybe someone would've took his place but at least it would be a maybe, and a chance to prevent some of the things that started in his head would be one many would take.

How would the stunting world look according to you if you had joined AMPT and they would keep going? (Xtramus)

The same, I am a gamer first,  a stunter second and a crew member third. Therefore I am stunting for myself before I stunt for a crew. Obviously it would be weird since ampt is really the 4 guys who started it, and they would have alot of expectations on them that a crew that has been inactive for that long could never live up to. Ampt was great, but they are well and truly dead, and are a crew that I would say does not reflect what stunting is about right now.

What was it like being in "Miss This?" (finallight)

"Miss This" is a classic video, and one of my proudest moments. It blew away the then stunting world with amazing stunts and great editing. It captures the fun, creativitiy and possibilities of the early days of Vice City stunting, a real bit of stunting history. I remember I landed about 5 stunts that I was pretty happy with and sent them off to Jordan. He took his time making the video and I was actually very surprised to see myself appearing twice, as it was about 3 months after sending away the reps. I remember the exact stunts I landed even to this day and also that Jordan recorded one of them with me in a different skin to normal tommy that everyone used.

How often do you think about quitting stunting? (Kert)

Daily. I don't much at all anymore. Every time I fire up GTA it is a contest between making a machinima video and stunting. I also play alot my new Xbox 360 and alot of Hidden Source, because that is what I am enjoying most. As I said in reply to Xtramus' question I am a gamer before I am a stunter, so I make sure I enjoying my gaming whether that is through stunting or through playing other games. There has been a recent development that I think mightve also tipped me over the edge

What was the hardest stunt for you to land, being VC or SA. (Brandon)

I have landed alot of hard stunts. The stunt I spent the most time on, and also is the stunt I am most proud of comes from Flight Gear, my video with Pep. At 3:07, it is the psb to the blue building roof, it had both a high roof and a really dodgy runup, but I wanted to nail it soo hard. That was the video where I wanted to show the limits the psb (packer strut bumping) stunt could be pushed to, I felt I did that and have never really done better than that stunt. The worse thing is that I no longer have a copy of that replay. I keep all my replays I get for all videos and for some reason I dont have this one. I have actually tried to land that stunt again a few times, just to have replay of it. I only hope that Pep wherever that guy is will one day reappear at GTAS and I can get my rep again.

If you were forced to move away from Australia, where would you go? (Tackleberry)

Tasmania, just joking (a joke for Aussies, and more so Victorians)
I am planning to spend 6 months in Canada next year. I have met and made friends with some Canadians who stayed in Melbourne and I find them much like Australians in terms with how they go about their everyday lives, something that I had heard around. Within Canada I would live in Toronto, as it is a major centre for film production and I feel I could find work in the cinema industry if I lived there. So at this point in my life, if I was forced to move out of Australia (which I love) I would move to Canada

Who inspired you to stunt? (Greendead)

There are alot of great stunters, everyone knows that. The one stunter I will also name drop, is Nightknight. I remember there was a point where I was going to quit stunting in VC early on. Then I saw "Stuntocide 3". That video meant business, it was slick and great and put out by a guy who didnt take shit from nobody.

Another was Recluse. His video "The Return of El Diablo" was awesome. It used non-metal music, something new in stunting and he did what he loved in stunting. Which was spins. He didnt care for the trends of stunting, he just went ahead and showed everyone how it was done. And this was in a time before the lean tapping that is our bread and butter these days. That video is a must for any stunters...ever.

In terms of more contemporary stunters I feel that Pep/Nagual did a similar thing with Twos Tale, they did their thing and came from a world that didnt know the stunting trends. As soon as I finished watching that video, the first thing I did was send a PM to Pep asking about one day doing a collab with him, in SA. That was the first seed of the video I love Flight Gear.

If you ever want to have a standard set in stunting, watch an ATS video. This is the crew that has never ever disappointed. Never done a bad video, always impressive. At its peak of activitiy ATS contained the best stunters ever in terms of pure skill. We all know it couldnt last, and maybe we might see some gems in the future

Those who inspire me are those I stunt with closely. My crew. This had been XSA for ages and they always pushed me to try things that were harder and never pulled any punches. Now The Collective, I have found a bunch of stunters who want to have fun, and have joined me in my new crew format. They make me want to stunt every time they post some new reps on our crew forum. We might not be putting out the most wow videos but we sure as hell are doing it in a way no one else is.

Offline Pendji

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« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2007, 12:38:37 AM »
return of el diablo is awesome idd

Offline DaredevilX

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 04:42:50 AM »
Very interseting... I love Kr3mlin's creativity.

Offline Juan

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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2007, 01:56:44 PM »
Wow i never saw this  , nice.

Offline Brainkiller

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« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2007, 05:21:45 PM »
Great read, really enjoyed it.

kr3m is a great guy!

Offline Tayaroki

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« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2007, 08:11:51 AM »
I love Kr3mlin's new ideas.

Offline Kukiel

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« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2007, 08:20:26 AM »
loool BUMP

Offline hachi

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« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2007, 11:23:22 PM »
Very interseting


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