Author Topic: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.  (Read 28328 times)

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Offline Eddie

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2015, 01:59:41 PM »
Changes need to be made as the homepage can be a task to go through and not all topics come up in recent posts. I hardly keep track of all the categories and only drop by them once in a while, I usually go off hot topics and recent posts as I don't have a great deal of time to give to my old hobbies sadly. Get a colourful userfriendly homepage. That's about as good as my input will be after a 24 hour shift

Offline Herb

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2015, 02:33:24 AM »
I'm afraid the problem is not that simple. The truth is, forums are a dying breed. People who want to talk about their hobbies do so on the bigger social media platforms and websites, like Twitter and Youtube. This is seen as the stunting scene on Youtube really proliferated. For most younger web users signing up on a forum is too much of a hassle. I don't know if these forums support OAuth integration, but it would help the influx of new users because it lets you sign up with an already exisiting account on Facebook or Twitter.
This is an undeniable truth. Most forums I visit these days havepeople in there mid 20's and upwards who like the old ways of interacting with like-minded people, whereas the young kids these days mostly use social media to interact with each other.

Offline Noah

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2015, 09:50:41 AM »
I'm down for a change. We just need to find someone who has the know how, is willing and does it for free.

I'd love to add you on Skype or something though Madmax  :jajaja:
Could setup a donation counter and hire some semi-pro web designer. If there's anything this place has, it's dedicated members..

I'd donate for such a thing.

Offline Viper

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2015, 06:34:59 AM »
Well shit if I can help at all I will... Hmm, having a GTAS YouTube presence of some kind is a must. You could make a chilled GTAS channel that posts content whenever there are goodies to showcase or discuss (no deadlines or pressure to post stupid shit). Make a thread on here about it, and brainstorm what it may feature (if you want). Then let Paul do all the work (he volunteered I swear)! :ninja:

YouTube seems to be the most obvious way to get GTAS out there... It's really scary when I ask people about GTAS and nobody has heard of it. Over a decade of collective knowledge here, highest standards on the planet, annnnnnd Kwebbelkop ftw. :cheernutz: GTAS who? :L


Offline dab88

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2016, 02:38:37 AM »
Did anything get changed?

I'm totally new here and it feels like I've gone back in time about 5-10 years. People don't use forums anymore. They certainly don't get used how they used to.... people use social media the way they used to use forums (logging in daily & contributing). Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have taken the place of most forums.

I was recommended by a stunter friend to join however I thought there would be no point coz I don't stunt in GTA. Would be good to see a site like this diversify beyond what's already covered.

Is this place dead? Or just waiting to be revived?

Offline Blaze

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2016, 07:22:51 AM »
The problem is forums are essentially a dying form of communication whereas social media/other sites such as Twitter, Reddit etc have taken over for how easy they are to sign up, use and be in contact with the idols of the stunting scene which (atleast in my opinion you may disagree) alot of the big views V stunters treat their viewers like fans whereas back in the day/even now everyone here is for the most part just friends. That isn't aimed at anyone specific more just the YouTube trendhoppers who skip from game to game based on whats hot to get views for adsense aka ex minecraft ex call of duty ex whatever the fuck else is trendy on YouTube kids.

Back in say 2004/2005 alot of people just stumbled on here by accident, for example randomly seeing some "VICE CITY STUNTS VID" and searching for more and ending up here since at the time it was the only dedicated community for stunting whereas now some kid sees KWEBBEKOPRLFSFJISFSD EPIC GTA V STUNT PRANKS IN THE HOOD GONE SEXUALLL or whatever bullshit lol, watches a few tutorials on youtube and goes straight into V whereas 10 years ago you'd have to do some research, get on the forums, download tutorials (since this was before youtube or at a time when it was just starting out) and then go in game and try it out whereas now YouTube has such a plethora of stunt videos and whatnot it negates the need for people to even need to sign up here.

"According to Josh “JB Barz” Barham, the founder of GTA V’s largest crew, Evolve Stunting, the modern scene is split into two distinct groups: the aforementioned grandfathers, who still sporadically populate the older forums; and the rest who exist on YouTube." from some Guardian article, which for the most part is true alot of the people who are still here are mostly VC/SA guys (who may also play V) who have been here for years and years but the amount of people still active here is barely a fragment of the amount on YouTube and such when xxEPIC420GTASTUNTERxx or whoever finds this forum and sees there's 3 people online they're going to wonder "why even bother signing up when I can just go to reddit/youtube and have way more activity?".

Can't be mad at it or blame anyone and for the most part since the OG stunters who were 14/15/16/etc when they joined are now in their late 20s and have jobs which restricts their posting/stunting time, plus people simply just burn out of stunting after doing it for years and years. Alot of the V dudes like VaNilla are still active here and try to get some of the V community to sign up but getting a large proportion of a community on newer social platforms to return to an old forum is doubtful at best. But hey even with the forums in decline stunters keep stunting and videos keep getting released and while GTAS has definitely had its heyday so to speak I still consider it my home on the internet.

or maybe im just talking shit who knows :P

Offline jooker

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2016, 08:41:08 AM »
or maybe im just talking shit who knows :P
Nah, you've summed it up pretty well. This place is like a warm internet home for me, with some annoying retardeds like illex. I'm following VC stunting for like 9 years, I was a kid, now I'm an adult and this place still exists. Only V stunters couldn't understand this (I'm not gonna blame them tho) and it's funny, because I think many of them are younger, than this site actually.
I've tried to stunt in V, but didn't like it, it's not as magical like VC for me. The site is dying, because VC and SA stunting are dying. You can't revive it, just change it, because V is the new sheriff in town. I think there are about 50 people, who are still caring about this forum, so yeah.
we need new and well made VC,SA maps :euro:

Offline OrangeW

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2016, 09:29:00 AM »
or maybe im just talking shit who knows :P
Only V stunters couldn't understand this (I'm not gonna blame them tho)

being slightly pedantic here, though I agree with what you say - a lot of V members acknowledge and recognise the accomplishments of GTAStunting - it's just that it's "too complicated to use" (when I ask other newer V stunters who haven't been around in other GTAs, like me, or some others). Just being pedantic though. V is only big because of what a lot of people call view-whoring - a lot of stunters come and go (retiring after like 6 months lol), and really only the dedicated people stay

Offline jooker

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2016, 09:59:35 AM »
or maybe im just talking shit who knows :P
Only V stunters couldn't understand this (I'm not gonna blame them tho)

being slightly pedantic here, though I agree with what you say - a lot of V members acknowledge and recognise the accomplishments of GTAStunting - it's just that it's "too complicated to use" (when I ask other newer V stunters who haven't been around in other GTAs, like me, or some others). Just being pedantic though. V is only big because of what a lot of people call view-whoring - a lot of stunters come and go (retiring after like 6 months lol), and really only the dedicated people stay
Didn't want to be. I meant that V is new and those who knows V stunting only, couldn't feel this. Many years later, on their forum (I don't know how is this going on with V) they will understand. Maybe not, because it's not as "family-like" thing since thousands are doing it but who knows.  :P

Offline Spike

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2016, 10:13:08 AM »
We should try to get the gtastunting subreddit going , maybe the V stunters would feel more welcome over there and it's a way to introduce them to the community. We only need some mods who put some effort into the /r/gtastunting

Offline dab88

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2016, 10:52:12 AM »
or maybe im just talking shit who knows :P
Nah, you've summed it up pretty well. This place is like a warm internet home for me, with some annoying retardeds like illex. I'm following VC stunting for like 9 years, I was a kid, now I'm an adult and this place still exists. Only V stunters couldn't understand this (I'm not gonna blame them tho) and it's funny, because I think many of them are younger, than this site actually.
I've tried to stunt in V, but didn't like it, it's not as magical like VC for me. The site is dying, because VC and SA stunting are dying. You can't revive it, just change it, because V is the new sheriff in town. I think there are about 50 people, who are still caring about this forum, so yeah.
we need new and well made VC,SA maps :euro:
I'm genuinely sorry I missed the party! Sounds like this place was awesome and buzzing in the past. I can relate as I've been around a while and seen communities live and die. That's the nature of the internet though- it's just a faster form of real life and things change. Must've been good while it lasted! All this time I was on my own stunting in a game nobody else stunted on. Just Cause.

Offline Rust

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2016, 04:56:51 PM »
Imagine the V map for VC or SA. I can't even run SAiVC so yeah.

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2016, 05:04:37 PM »
I don't know if we can change the website if we don't have AJ around, but a wiki is completely independent. I would be down to help sorting out stuff for it and help a bit but I have no idea how to create one and not the time to go and learn how to make one  :P
Well, I'm double posting. A Wiki isn't "completely independent" as it's a community based page that'll seek for people wishing to contribute at any time. Moreover, I currently administrate one of them and I've to say that it's a very good experience considering you can also use custom CSS (Cascade Style Sheets) for providing personal customisations and different themes. I got the time to create one and of course to design it, but it'd be quite a waste of time if people isn't willing to contribute its creation. There isn't a limit for articles and there are free forums to do whatever you want at any time; and you can create specific sub-forums.

Offline Blaze

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2016, 07:11:17 PM »
I still think reviving the GTAS YouTube channel and uploading only non-copyright stuff is a good idea

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: GTAStunting should be a stunters hub.
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2016, 01:34:47 AM »
I still think reviving the GTAS YouTube channel and uploading only non-copyright stuff is a good idea
Yeah, that would be a great idea if half of the videos would have an original score. I think it would be cool if there were more people actively making music for stunt videos. It would turn this place both into something like the demoscene, where you have both coders and music makers. It would make the best soundtrack of the year category a lot more interesting too.


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