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Messages - Diaz

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SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: SFSE - Community Stunt Video 2023
« on: January 10, 2024, 08:03:42 AM »
I'm happy that this tradition continued in 2023 too, these SFSE collabs are always interesting because we can see completely new stuff using different maps than the vanilla SA. Some really cool stunts in here, I liked especially the infy stunts. I hope this community of yours remains active and that you have fun making these videos. Keep it up guys!

Aero Reapers Video Releases / Re: Plani - ILUSIONISTA
« on: January 10, 2024, 07:33:11 AM »
High quality and a very entertaining video, it seems like you can produce all these enjoyable videos all by yourself  :P
It was unusual but refreshing to see (almost) only freeway stunts. You proved once again that you have a unique eye for grindcombos and your executions remain spotless. This combined with the simple (in a good way) editing created a cool flow of stunts in the video and I was wishing it would go longer. What amazes me is how seemingly effortlessly you do these tricks, kinda reminds me of Sorcery in VC.
I hope to see more from you and that it is not the end!

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: SyperDimon - Bubbly-jock 5
« on: January 10, 2024, 02:56:24 AM »
You surely take the top spot on the list of "most 5-ft high car precisions landed"!

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: Insanity of Grandeur 2
« on: January 10, 2024, 02:46:18 AM »
Landing all these stunts in 2H is insanity indeed. You guys are crazy stunting machines, I can't even imagine the experience you have in this engine, some (all?) of these stunts are just child's play for you  :lol:
Editing and song was cool as well, the whole video was fast-paced (I mean, what can you expect from a 2H time limited video?)

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Argy & Ltab - Duasoo
« on: January 10, 2024, 02:16:26 AM »
Relaxing video packed with grindcombos. It felt quite pleasant to watch. The Sorcery influence was palpable in this  :D
Thanks for keeping up stunting boys!

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: MexikanoS - Absence
« on: January 10, 2024, 02:07:23 AM »
Strong video, both stunting and editing was on a high level. I thought Mexikanos was a SA stunter iirc, so I was surprised to see a VC solo from him. 1:05 was a great grindcombo but seriously what happened at the end of the first rail? It looked like you just hopped in the air somehow, felt a bit weird but I never tried that fence. Anyways it was a good transition and props for fully grinding it, hopefully it's clean.
Also I admire you Mati for still editing and producing quality works. You are one of the last remaining around here!

SA Time Limit Videos / Re: [6h] K-MAS
« on: January 10, 2024, 01:53:54 AM »
I know I'm very late to say this but it was a cool xmas video, made me realize I miss xmas collabs. The stunts and the atmosphere was typical of such a video. Great job guys, I appreciate you getting together for a little video!

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: SA THROWBACK 3
« on: November 18, 2023, 04:28:27 AM »
I owe you a big thank you Lex for continuing this project. This was really an amazing production and I felt somewhat proud to still have my name attached to it (however my contribution to this part is marginal). Fun fact, I don't know if it had already been told earlier, but it was Promagic who came up with the title of the video, shoutout to him as well!
This editing was really next level, full of colours and dynamics that reminded me of Kacknase, Pmarci and Artifex, it's no wonder you paid tribute to them at the end of video. The songs were strong as well, they helped create an ever-building atmosphere, especially the first one, you could have used that song in the second part.
Stuntingwise it was great, good mixture of technical stuff and bigairs. A navalbase landing is always a must in an old collab video as I see  :lol: The finishers were the best for me, that taxi boost literally to nothing is still jaw-dropping, also good job Lex for relanding Daksad's famous wallclimb, sad that you didn't show the whole stunt. Apart from this everybody did great, good job guys!
The outro was cool as well, it wrapped up the video nicely. I had a random thought like "okay, if it was the very last SA stunting video ever, it would be a nice send-off". Hopefully it's not the case and I hope you go on with this collab series, there is and always will be a need for throwing old stunts together as everyone lands some from time to time. Speaking of which, the quality of stunts here was so high, it shows that people still could land amazing stunts and if it was for this video only, then I would say the SA stunting scene is still thriving. For me it shows that finding and landing new stunts that hit a certain (very high) level has become hard and it's one big factor of the decline, not just us growing up.

SA Modded Video Releases / Re: Too fast cars
« on: November 18, 2023, 03:59:40 AM »
It would have been cooler if you only adjust the speed and not use instant stopping on the precisions, those looked silly.
Anyways I was experimenting with this as well when I was playing SAMP, this speedboost can be funny sometimes. And just like the recent VC gravity mod collab, I would like to see an infy collab similar to this but with somewhat controlled environment (like the speed of the car is maximized at 1,5x or 2x of the normal speed). I'm sure this would open a lot of new possibilities as well. Hopefully someday we will see  :D

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: The Sanchez IV
« on: November 18, 2023, 03:53:27 AM »
It was refreshing to see sanchez stunts only in a video  :P
Great stuff, the ledgegrinds were really spectacular, this video showed that sanchez should be used more often, especially for grinds. The soundtracks were well chosen, you can't go wrong with VC songs in a VC stunt video.
Once again an entertaining collab, hoping to see more of it!

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: MO - Magnum OPUS
« on: October 28, 2023, 08:33:09 AM »
I was ready to give it a watch, had like 30 minutes spare time but now I feel bad for postponing this, I will be back soon and watch it. Until then, seeing the length of the video and some of the comments, I expect one of the best stunt video experiences of my career  :a-cheer:

Edit: just watched now and I feel completely blown away by this video. It's very rare that I don't feel like watching a stunting video rather a movie, kind of. This is a great example of that, furthermore it might just be the most 'complete' stunting video ever. So usually I start with rating the stunts but this time I have to say big props for creating this masterpiece Max and everyone else involved (scripting, voice acting, etc.). The parts had so different soundtracks but you Max mastered all of them editingwise, it's also something I really admire.

About stunting, it was also top notch. As many mentioned before, it's the great mixture of stunting styles, ideas and the overall variety of stuff that makes this video (and the crew) unique. MO really gathered some of the best minds of the VC scene together into one team. I loved the huge stunts and the smaller, creative stuff as well. To mention a few, the stunts that totally stood out for me are Zero's huge natural doublebump, Max's insane rhino landings (especially the SAIVC one with the skimmer stuck), Knapman's neverending grind combo, Krypton's huge and unexpected PSM at the bank and Dannye toying with caddys and the ice cream van. Oh, and Mts's hotring doublebump2prec, that's gotta be one of the tightest VC car stunt ever.

All in all it was one of the most well-crafted stunting videos ever, surely a different kind of experience. It is a proper way to go out, but I hope to see you guys again in action in the future. Until then, take care!

Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: FIGHTER & Rainbow - LowKey
« on: October 28, 2023, 08:02:10 AM »
Calm atmopshere and fun stunts, very entertaining video!

VC Modded Stunting Videos / Re: Snail's Pace [Grav Mod]
« on: October 28, 2023, 07:50:59 AM »
idk some of these stunts look a bit floaty

Great video based on a great idea, and everyone can tell you guys had fun making this. Most of the stunts were really cool and you really took advantage of this different gravity. I'm sure the process of changing thinking in order to find suitable spots for this was interesting for you as well. The bigairs and technical stunts worked well together, the stunts kept me interested throughout the video. I never expected to see Barney in a casual collab landing totally modded stunts but he showed his ability in here too, I totally loved his lighthouse landing with that watergap and that wallride combo which was my fav stunt in here. Rhino stunts were HUGE, they already are normally but this was something else. One standout is Cooper's bump2wallkick2roof near the construction site, that felt really SA-like for me and I just love recoil stunts. The first car stunt also felt like a SA one so I immediately expected more of this and ended up not satisfied with it, next time you should include more car stuff! Honorary mention goes to Max's freeway watergap2highroof landing, that stunt just kept on giving.

The very different editing of Sorcery and Cooper also gave an extra touch to this video. It was entertaining until the end. Seeing the comments I just feel sorry for those left out, next time you should organize a public collab, this thing still has a lot of potential I believe and makers and viewers will have fun equally  :P I myself surely hope to see some more of this in the future!

PS: for those saying it should be done in SA as well, that super heavy PCJ collab was similar to this, you should try that again as well.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: KIMCHUSEOK V (2023)
« on: October 28, 2023, 04:34:55 AM »
Great comeback video, you guys landed some of the biggest stunts ever made. I hope it gives you the energy to try and land new stunts and be back as active stunters. Hoping to see you again in a video  :P

Community Videos / Re: SAMP XMAS Community Video
« on: September 11, 2023, 01:04:29 PM »
These xmas collabs are usually cool, it's great that you thought of extending it here, hopefully some dudes will join from here as well. Good luck with it  :P

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