Author Topic: Is V the final nail for stunting?  (Read 9256 times)

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Offline kaneda

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Is V the final nail for stunting?
« on: December 01, 2011, 10:06:06 PM »
Now before you make assumptions based on the topic title - this isn't going to be a 'stunting is dead' topic. Playing IV again recently and watching the trailer for V every now and then has me thinking - was IV basically the last hurrah? I don't mean specifically for stunting, but as a stuntable environment.

Since VC the terrain has become increasingly complex and detailed. It seems with each successive game a stunting method has fallen by the way side. When SA came along airgrabs and decent stoppie combinations (note I said 'decent' stoppie combinations) were pretty much a no fly zone. IV robbed us of any potential taxi stunting and grinding became a fucking ordeal that wasn't worth the effort for the lackluster result, not to mention losing packers and any stuck vehicle method. So in essence IV stunting basically boiled down to natural bumps or secondary vehicle bumps that look goofy as hell anyway.

An earlier thread in this section discussed the possibility that V will be unstuntable due to enhanced realism of the physics engine. But even if that proved false (too early to tell, naturally), one has to wonder what we'll be robbed of next. SA did make certain methods of stunting nigh impossible, but it DID open up new areas. Unless GTA V gives us a similar opportunity, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to think that there'll never be a new city to stunt in. Not with the same degree of possibilities that VC and SA gave us anyway.


Offline lilj

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 10:27:09 PM »
we just have to wait, and see, not even 10% of the community is stunting in IV while it supports stutning, and as you said if the realism of the physics engine was enhanced in V, that would drop to 1%, i am guessing we have to stick to VC/SA

Offline Kukiel

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 10:43:13 PM »
I'm pretty sure people will continue to stunt in new GTA. It will be popular outside GTAS just as much as GTA IV was. But notice how little attention IV stunting gets on the forums. As you mentioned, tricks you can perform in IV are bad looking and not worth the effort. The city is way to complex to just stunt around. GTA V will probably be better for that matter. There's a lot of low buildings in LA as we could see in SA. But we are too deep into SA and VC to just randomly switch to other game. There's just no way GTAS will ever transform from SA/VC-based stunting forum to IV/V-based one.

Offline Determined

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2011, 10:54:52 PM »
we just have to wait, and see, not even 10% of the community is stunting in IV while it supports stutning, and as you said if the realism of the physics engine was enhanced in V, that would drop to 1%, i am guessing we have to stick to VC/SA
I just don't do it 'cause I'm poor  :euro: Gonna give it a shot when I save up for a decent pc.

I don't think IV has been explored enough due to a very small amount of people actually stunting in it, I've seen some of the vids & I've noticed (correct me if I'm wrong) that you don't fall whilst driving backwards, which, imo, is a huge advantage & opens up a whole new direction for creative stunting, but I digress.
Imo the significant differences in gta's physics is what makes each one of them unique & it gives you a choice of what you prefer, if they were all basically the same there would really be a lot less to explore & people would grow bored of it rather quickly. We should be more open for these changes & explore the possibilities that are given to us, I like the fact that different methods apply to different games, it's what makes it an interesting & unique experience.
I'm kinda besides the point here aren't I?
I don't think the stunting will become more limited so to say, but rather a lot different to what we're used to, just 'cause the good 'ol methods might not apply to newer installations doesn't mean that it's unstuntable, we just need to look more into it & experiment with what the game gives us, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of bugs in IV that have yet to be discovered, if only the community was more curious & willing to explore the game & its possibilities.

Offline plak

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2011, 11:08:39 PM »
@kaneda: I respect you a lot for your history here but I highly disagree about your 'from VC to SA' claims. SA is the most stunt friendly GTA so far. Of course VC stunters will imply this as 'easy shit' but besides that stuff might be easier there are much more things you can do in terms of the amount of stuntable vehicles and the natural possibilites you have with 'em. Maybe, for example, stoppies look uglier in SA but on the other hand an nrg can make four types of wheelies were an pcj can only make two. Also the SA map is not more complex than the VC one, only bigger.

On the opposite side there are more accepted stuck methods in VC and the differences between the tree main stunting bikes are more diverse. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against vice but ever since I came here its always the same superior bullshit complex that pure VC stunters have. I get the arguments and I even agree with some of them but its funny that its always VC people complaining about SA and never the other way around.

That being said I think it will never be as it was and I think you're right that complexity might ruin its popularity. Who knows a new generation comes up and stunting becomes populair like it was in 2007 (not that I was here back then but I've been lurking). But we haven't seen it in IV so I dont see it happening in V.

Offline VaNilla

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2011, 11:59:15 PM »
You only get as much out of IV as you put into it. That's the only reason people see it as such a complex game, it's really not, but as far as released videos go it's only really SlayerUK who's pushed the game forward. You'll soon see that you're wrong to think it's all about bumps and nothing more, IV is just like VC and SA except that you have to look for different kinds of methods. One thing I'd say though is that it's bollocks to say you can't grind in IV, ask anyone who's seen my unreleased IV grinds and they'll tell you it's just like VC/SA once you know how :P. I've done grind to bump to grinds, backstoppie to grinds, stoppies to grind, massive combos to grinds... these aren't short grinds either, some are longer than any I've ever seen in VC. Like I said, you only get as much out of IV as you put into it.

EDIT: I looked in my private clips on YouTube for a grind I could show that doesn't spoil any upcoming videos and luckily I found one I can show you. This is from IVSA so I'll probably never use it in a video, I only landed it for fun. I would have found this hard if I'd only spent 10 minutes trying to grind in IV like most people, but once you have the technique it's easy. The only thing making this stunt annoying is that the collisions in IVSA are rubbish on the curbs so it was hard to get on the first rail. This is one of my easy grinds, keep that in mind and you'll see that you can actually do even more complex grinds in IV than you can in VC or SA.

GTA IV San Andreas: Sanchez Double Grind
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 12:11:50 AM by Shadowsniper »

Offline TurBo

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 02:59:56 AM »
That's some nice one Paul.

At first, I thought too that IV would be goofy and stuff but I've been proven wrong several times, and I've seen that there's much more into it than bumps.
It also applies to SA where there are many different things to do, you just have to explore the terrain I guess.

I'll agree on one thing, VC remains my favorite stunting ground  :ajaja:
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:01:57 AM by TurBo »

Offline Noah

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2011, 03:08:02 AM »
There will never be another VC, and stunting in V will most likely be limited. The physics look very similar to what IV had, so the stunting will probably be very similar in both games. Unless they add some funky new vehicles.. I hope they bring back packers atleast.
But as far as csms, bsms and taxi boosts go, I don't think we'll ever get those methods back.
If stunting did die along with V though, it wouldn't be the end of the world for me personally. It would suck yeah, but we've had one hell of a run for about 10 years now and I'm proud to have been a part of it for the last 6 years. No one can take away the memories  :P

I don't want to come off as too negative however.. I actually think V will bring a number of new methods, never before seen content and possibilities to stunting. Boats forexample, I'm 100% sure they'll be able to pull twice, perhaps 3 times the speed they did in IV, and the selection of boats I believe will be alot wider. How about that Speedophile you guys :>
Besides, the MAP plays a huge role in stunting. IV was just a big city with massive buildings which were farging useless without a jet. I bet the SA style map in GTA5 will reveal a huge database of spots, whether we have 1 method to choose from, or 10.

But ye I'm actually really excited for GTA5, but there's a possibility stunting will suck, which I realized when I saw how horrible Saints Row 3 was for stunting. I had uber high expectations so needless to say I was heartbroken :(
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:27:30 AM by NOAHofDEATH »

Offline kaneda

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 03:46:43 AM »
@Determined: That's actually another good point about the future of stunting - the computer required to make it feasible. We're all doing this in fun. So how many of us will be willing to put in the money to upgrade our systems just in order to stunt in a game (referring to IV specifically here) that's already the least popular to stunt in?

@plak: When I talked about SA being more complex, I was referring more to the small details that, in that game, prove to be problematic. When I first starting playing SA I couldn't wait to get my hands on a boosting taxi. I was a little disappointed to see its boost was woeful, but even if it wasn't, too many buildings have elements that make it difficult to get decent taxi stuff - like fire escapes and overhanging roofs. Looking at IV, it would be the same issue if the taxi did have a boost. I know it sounds as though I'm harping on taxi stunts, but I'm just using that as one example.

@Shadowsniper: I agree completely with the idea that you get out only what you put in. But even still, SA evolved incredibly fast, even though people's initial response was 'uh oh'. IV really seems to be struggling to ignite people's passion in the same way. I'm guessing the reason for this is a combination of lack of adequate computer hardware, the goofy and unappealing look of the stunts and the familiarity with the pre-established games. It's a shame yeah, but it's a fact nonetheless that IV still takes a back seat to VC and SA. Your grind was bitchin, by the way  ;)

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to be a killjoy. I'm just trying to get a feel for people's thoughts about the future of stunting in relation to the new titles. The main reason I didn't stunt IV, and probably never will, is that it just doesn't feel right. The bikes are horribly bad to drive, and I'm guessing that V will be no better.

But, as lilj mentioned, only time will truly tell.

Offline Rusch69

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2011, 04:22:03 AM »
Some probably would like to cut my balls off for this, but personally I enjoy stunting in IV more than in VC. :P

I haven't been playing both any long so far and of course IV seems to lack methods, but there most stunts are at least still new. That might be the point why I got less motivation to stunt in VC. Every time I land something and show it to some VC mate, I get told it's old already lol. I just think IV is simply still too unexplored, because just a few guys are able to run it properly and got enough dedication.

I expect V to be extremely similar to IV when it comes to physics and handling. The map aspect will be an obvious improvement in my eyes. The SA landscape offers a lot more ramps for example and the town's buildings got different heights whereas LC from IV most likely has only plain straight roads and high ass buildings. There probably will be less methods in fact, but I'm confident V will be better than IV stunting wise.

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2011, 04:26:10 AM »
kan: I agree with most of what you said, but I would say that VC and SA are equal when it comes to stunting opportunities. I mean there's so much shit you can do in SA that's impossible in VC: Quads, Planes, BMX, insane backwards wheelie/stoppie combos, monster dynamics, backflips (well they're possible in VC but you can't really use them in a combo unless you've found some amazing spot) and much more. Then there are these complex environments you mentioned: well how is that a bad thing? Loads of cool opportunities come with that. Then of course there are some things that you can do in VC but not SA, like some ledgegrinds, grabs (most sa grabs look like shite imo), megaspin and long+fast grinds. I basically just disagree with that stunting opportunities has gone downhill since VC.

I'm with you in that V won't be a stunter's dream come true anyway. IV was a blow for me, most stuff just looks goofy as you said, and I don't think V will be any better.

SS: "This is one of my easy grinds, keep that in mind and you'll see that you can actually do even more complex grinds in IV than you can in VC or SA."


Offline SlayerUK

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2011, 05:22:53 AM »
You make a good point, however saying that IV stunting is limited is not true, me and SS have found loads of cool methods.  You don't have to like IV, but I think you'd be surprised of just how much is possible.

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2011, 05:52:50 AM »
Release some vids to show us then D:

Why spend ages on making some super epic video instead of showing the community some fun new methods that might actually stir up some activity...?

Offline Noah

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2011, 07:03:53 AM »
SS: "This is one of my easy grinds, keep that in mind and you'll see that you can actually do even more complex grinds in IV than you can in VC or SA."


Don't comment on something you know so little about, he's done grinds in IV which would easily match up to the top VC/SA grind stunts. Possibly even surpassing them in complexity.

Offline VaNilla

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Re: Is V the final nail for stunting?
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2011, 07:17:17 AM »
Thanks Noah :). Red the only one to blame for the video not being out is me, I've held it back with Free Bird. And Kaneda I know you're not a killjoy, I just get frustrated that people don't know how many methods and spots there are in IV, it just needs a slightly different approach :D


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