Author Topic: [MTS] Rainbow  (Read 2205 times)

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[MTS] Rainbow
« on: November 21, 2014, 01:27:31 PM »
Meet The Stunter - Rainbow

To start this interview we might as well start with a few basic questions: What is your real name, how old are you, where do you live and what are you currently doing for a living (studying, working etc)?

My real is Maxiem, I just turned 21 and I live in Zuidlaren, which is kind of near Groningen in the northern part of The Netherlands. At the moment I am a second year AI student at the University in Groningen. I was kind of doubting if this study would be the right choice, but I enjoyed it from the start.

How's life? (Simon/Max):
Life is well. I've got nothing to complain about apart from the colder temperatures starting to kick in and the increasingly tight deadlines when it comes to assignments I have to hand in for my courses. But those are kind of luxury problems I think.

Why the name Rainbow? Has your nickname influenced your skins over the years? (Simon):
The story of my nickname is pretty boring imo :P I had forgotten the password of my old account and looked out of the window. After a few weeks I figured it was quite an odd nickname but I stuck with it anyway.

In terms of it influencing my skins, well... yes ^^ Nearly all my bike skins had rainbows on them in one way or another. I made the player in a few minutes from other junky skins and made the shirt orange because that is my favorite color. Fun fact: the skin and bike used in my first solo is black&white.

Favourite taxi boost/bike stunt ever landed? (Max):
Oh man that is a hard one.. Assuming this is about my own stunts, the boost from Exision/Lucidity is one of my favorites for sure. Landed it with a helicopter on the roof at first but had to go back and do it natural. The last two stunts of Dreamtime are also on top of my favorites in terms of boosts, although personally I love all of the stunts in there. My favorite bike stunt is probably an unreleased one or the csm2bbwallie2prec from In My Dreams. I had just started stunting in LC and went to try an old stunt for fun. In an amazing fluke attempt I got that. It really caught me by surprise and for the younger me that was really quite something.

As for other stunters, in terms of boosts it has to be Kaneda's bridge prec from Alternative (3:21). That really shocked me when it came out. I don't think there has been a boost ever since that I can compare it to and loses imo. When it comes to bike stunts.. well I prefer natural stuff but I don't mind a ridiculous CSM as well. The Monolith opener is still something I have to laugh at just because it is so unreal, so I guess I'll go with that, but it is closely followed by so many stunts I cannot mention more.

Best stunt you've landed within 5 minutes? (Fighter):
A few easy grinds come to mind, but I rarely land stunts in less than 5 minutes. I guess my best stunt which was about 5 minutes was the boost2crane in LC from Dreamtime. Landed it super quickly and was surprised by that. Spend another 20~30 minutes to reland it but didn't get it. So I went with this.

Dreamtime II/Take Me To The Office Please Sequel? (Fighter/Nerve):
Dreamtime II, maybe if I find the spots and have luck on my side. I have spent a lot of time on a certain boost but it just isn't working atm. I landed it upside down once and that was it. It's kind of a mental game whenever I try it now since it's just very unlikely. The stunting part for TMTTOP2 is the same as for Dreamtime II but I need Turbo for this as well. I haven't spoken to him in ages and I don't really know why. Maybe some day this video will happen but don't get your hopes up if you have any at all  :P

Ever experienced the phenomenon of trying a spot for days over and over and you open the game after a few week and the land the stunt first try? (Max):
Never first try sadly, but about 5-10 tries seems right. I got shut down a bit on the finisher of Kamikaze, which I really wanted to land for my second live video. I stopped trying it after that video got out since I had horrible bails on it and that made me lose motivation (especially for an old stunt). A few months later after right after a bouldering trip in Switzerland I got home, showered, updated my social thing a bit after 2 weeks of non-internetting, launched VC for fun, and BAM (non-live though). I think I might have said 'dit is een grap' out loud (translation: this has to be a joke) :P

Bails at 2:44 (along with a beta of SWIS2):

SWIS2 - random clip order + bails

A more curious phenomenon is that of a insane first try. For some reason I (and probably others as well) have the ability to set up whatever CSM, packer (or just a regular natbump) and get close on my first go completely unexpected. The tries that follow are always horrible and I fail to get at least a matching attempt for 15 minutes  :wacko:

What crew would you join if you had to choose one atm? (Max):
Probably MO or any other active VC crew since I still find myself stunting a lot in this engine, and being in NU is all I want/need in terms of V activity.

Do you miss anything about not being in DSS? (Sheikah):
I do look back to the time I was in DSS with a smile on my face. It was truly fun until the activity kind of went down the drain. I had lots of complete nonsense talks for hours, usually about TBV's weird fetishes or something close to that :P The part I miss is probably the VC:MP days. Exploring something new in this ancient engine with everything to land and not enough room on the hard drive to store all the possible spots.

What is it about taxi boosting that makes it so fun for you? (Simon):
I don't know what it is, but when I see a zebra/borgnine spin on a tiny precision I just jizz :P If you think hard enough anything can be done if you want to and you are only restricted to the dimensions of your vehicle. Making it more fun for me to just wander the map in search of spots.

How has rollboosting increased your skill at taxi boosts? (Sheikah):
It made me more consistent and thus I am able to detect tiny errors in my run-up or speed that make it easier for me to touch precisions again and again and again in a pretty nice way. I also have very slow muscles in my hands so tapping quickly is a struggle for me. For example, I suck at guitar hero at anything above medium/hard. My eyes perceive what needs to be pressed but my hands cannot simply keep up, which is annoying. Also let it be clear that I do not use that fake and gay SA rollboost where you roll your mouse upside down over your desk like it's 09 again. On medium sized walls it is an advantage but for super long walls it is not. But since I tend to restrict myself to lower airtimes anyway I see no reason not to use it.

Are you going to invite me to your next taxi themed private duo/collab/video? (Sheeptea):
If you land another bunch of stunts like your finisher of [DP]Mañoso, then maybe although I am not a collab organizer kind of person :P That boost ruined my attempt at a decent 12H video lol, such bails, much pain.

Which engine do you prefer to stunt in, as we can see you can stunt very well in every single engine, VC,SA, IV and now in V? (Named):
VC is on top for me, all the others are tied in second place when it comes to stunting in them. SA has a lot more variety but I just cannot seem to enjoy it these days. IV was really fun but it never really got picked up on the forum or anywhere else. V is new and exciting and a lot of people across YouTube are also contributing to the scene now, which is awesome (although 99% of them lame your spots with props/boosts/abilities). It still feels very awkward to fly around the whole map though when gliding of mount chilliad and then landing back on that same freaking mountain after going to the city and back.

Did V stunting increase your activity? (Fighter):
Pretty much. In the beginning I wasn't that active since I recorded with a camera stacked on books and boxes filming a old small monitor or a crappy DVD recorder with a built in HDD (as can be seen in the first 2 NU crew videos 640x480 master race). When I got the Elgato with my second monitor it was game on :D Recently I enjoy jet stunting the most as it has lots and lots of potential but I just cannot find the time to launch my xbox as much because of two reasons. One being University and climbing, the other being the person who asked this question  :|

Have you ever experienced stunting while being drunk? (Rust):
I barely drink any alcohol, and when I do it is during a night out and when I get home I just sleep. Hungover stunting is something I have never experienced as well since I have never been hungover. I just wake up completely hyper :P And although I live in the Netherlands I have never smoked weed, so stunting while drugged, also a nope.

What age would you have liked to life your teenage years in? Or your fine with the century you were born in? (Max):
I'm fine with the century I am born in. Technology is doing some wonderful work and it's nice to see the progress every year.

Look back to when you were a child and try to remember what did you wanted to be when you grew up. Are you still in the same path? (Ltab):
Kind of, although I never had any real direction I knew it was going to either be a scientific path or an outdoors path. I love individual sports so much, especially climbing/bouldering. But since I will never be a world star at that I am happy that I have the opportunity to go study whatever I want.

What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back? (Ltab):
I am not the kind of person that makes wild elaborate plans to go travel the whole world and see everything there is to see. I want to go to the Rocklands in South Africa and some other climbing destinations someday, probably in the US, but I know that, unless I get a major injury, that will happen someday not too far away. And since it costs a shitload of money and I have no time to go now I am fine with working towards those things.

How many chicks have you fucked with your sexy faceh? (MxZz.):
Safe to say not as many as you, handsome swiss boy  :wub:

Is u rollin ?:
yes i is roll(boost)in

Any closing words for the community to end the interview?:
Landing old stunts is not a crime, CSM are not for the lazy and solo coming 2014 or within the first half of 2015  :ajaja:

It's your turn to nominate one (currently active) member to be interviewed next, who do you choose?:
I guess I'll go with JL since he's been around for ages but I don't know much about him and he wanted to it seems  :ajaja:
« Last Edit: November 21, 2014, 01:35:19 PM by Blaze »

Offline toty

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2014, 04:34:40 PM »
Good job blaze, The thing with the first try then 15 min of nothing is a true fact  :cc_detective:

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2014, 06:21:50 PM »
'Twas a good read  :)

Offline Srcry

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2014, 06:49:17 PM »
Any closing words for the community to end the interview?:
Landing old stunts is not a crime, CSM are not for the lazy and solo coming 2014 or within the first half of 2015  :ajaja:
I think it's a crime to land old stunts when you're perfectly capable of doing new ones. And I think it is lazy to do a CSM when it's possible to do a P2B or BSM. :euro: :euro: :euro: Looking forward to the solo. :jajaja: :jajaja: :jajaja:

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 10:39:11 AM »
awesome. Thanks for all the detailed answers, was a entertaining read!
Looking forward to your solo aswell ;)

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 11:07:20 AM »
I regret I did not ask what you thought about the Brazzers thing. Fuck.

Offline Rainbow

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 01:03:27 PM »
I regret I did not ask what you thought about the Brazzers thing. Fuck.
Well I can answer that now.. to this day I still do not see a reference between my videos and Brazzers, so please elaborate. Apart from certain boosts being jizz worthy  :ninja:

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2014, 01:55:12 PM »
I regret I did not ask what you thought about the Brazzers thing. Fuck.
Well I can answer that now.. to this day I still do not see a reference between my videos and Brazzers, so please elaborate. Apart from certain boosts being jizz worthy  :ninja:

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2014, 02:54:20 PM »
I regret I did not ask what you thought about the Brazzers thing. Fuck.
Well I can answer that now.. to this day I still do not see a reference between my videos and Brazzers, so please elaborate. Apart from certain boosts being jizz worthy  :ninja:

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Re: [MTS] Rainbow
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2014, 06:49:49 AM »
Which engine do you prefer to stunt in, as we can see you can stunt very well in every single engine, VC,SA, IV and now in V? (Named):
V is new and exciting and a lot of people across YouTube are also contributing to the scene now, which is awesome (although 99% of them lame your spots with props/boosts/abilities).

So probably you are going to stop in VC/SA engines and fix your carrer in V?


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