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Messages - Arnax

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I will just share this video from guy from Slovenia, what happens when half of the matrix is full. He started last year. I can't explain anymore why this binary matrix is sustainable, but you will realize one day what are you missing. 

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 05:28:19 PM »
^ I keep my words. The community is ruined and I wish the worst to them. And its funny to see people landing my supposed "impossible" stunts, like artifex and art (for an upcoming video, I know you relanded one of my stunts).
This gang is a joke. And now they will come and share clips of stunts that I modded when I was modding everything in the past, trying to manipulate others to believe I'm modding in nowadays, typical. Acting like I never admitted I modded them.

It's disgusting to see people licking their asses and I already said it 1 million times, but I won't lie saying the video was bad, because it wasn't. We're not friends, I barely have friends on this community, but I won't act like such a biased person, like they always do. The video is good and I don't think it was modded. Props for burn and herrarge for that, I respect it.

I won't ruin another topic with this annoying drama. Now I understand why you're the biggest joke of this site Arnax :lol:
You wanted me to say that here? They already know my opinion about them and vice-versa. I wasn't wanting to ruin his video topic, but since you already did it and want a post from me, here it is! ;)

Have fun attacking others in the future answers, it should be a porn for you.
Do you really think that I care about your opinion on Burn, me, gtastunting or anything else in life? You are still not conscious that you served for my goal in this topic and I didn't even ask you for it. 

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 04:37:32 PM »
@ARS: Drop gravity -2 and you will land finisher.
it's bad that you know how to mod, but i got 140ft from this bump, if you really think its impossible i can reland special for you. :D
It's bad for Burn, you and others, because I know your little tricks and I know why Burn can't stunt in Vice City (especially big air).
srsly, dude, i'm stoping this discussion right now, because it might take a long. but if you can't land it, it doesn't mean that nobody can land it. yes, we have little tricks and they are legit, as i understand you don't know anything about popped tire, so go and test it before say anything about modding. you are good stunter, but you are good in creative stuff, little stuff, burn for example good in big air stunts and he know the mechanics of game better than you if he lands stunts which impossible for you, just agree that. Btw, about burn and VC it's a stupid proposition.
If you were blind, then you would not be guilty; but since you claim that you can see, this means that you are still guilty.

And I will never understand why 95% of this community are pussies, even when it's obviously modded vid and one stunt is enough to be modded vid (not to mention 90% of vid, for example Burn & Prog - Vandals), they keep repeating "Omg, omg you are the best" and none of them can re-land any of those stunts.
I love you.

It's funny how people accuse me of modding and all them already got close on my stunts (or relanded them, like artifex and art did). I can't deal with those retarded sucking burn balls, I wish the worst for this community.
Biel is on pillar of shame because he is coward.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 03:39:56 PM »
@ARS: Drop gravity -2 and you will land finisher.
it's bad that you know how to mod, but i got 140ft from this bump, if you really think its impossible i can reland special for you. :D
It's bad for Burn, you and others, because I know your little tricks and I know why Burn can't stunt in Vice City (especially big air).

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 03:18:46 PM »

EDIT: Most of the stunts have been landed live on Twitch if you are suspicious, but if you are jealous I can't do anything for you (Arnax & Streem  :wub: )
I'm very jealous because you are doing something in video game.

@ARS: Drop gravity -2 and you will land finisher.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 10:05:55 AM »

last two stunts are modded but apart from that good job

Streem, to be honest I didn't like you before but I respect you now. And I will never understand why 95% of this community are pussies, even when it's obviously modded vid and one stunt is enough to be modded vid (not to mention 90% of vid, for example Burn & Prog - Vandals), they keep repeating "Omg, omg you are the best" and none of them can re-land any of those stunts.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 09:55:06 AM »
Modded plus old soundtrack. Samurai used that song in TOAS, so it's not cool to steal soundtrack.
Spreading online mlm business is cool tho  :euro:

Have no clue if it's modded or not, but damn some of those combos were  :| Lovely video, congrats
MLM business with tested money back guarantee if you don't like it. I think it's fair.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Meditation II
« on: May 19, 2019, 08:06:09 AM »
Modded plus old soundtrack. Samurai used that song in TOAS, so it's not cool to steal soundtrack.

btw what are you selling at the online store? or is it multiple stores? still don't get where the profit is made.
In "jobs" like this one they reveal what they sell at the end stage, because the product is usually crap, sugar coated in marketing to such a degree that you really start believing that it's unique and THE BEST PRODUCT there is out there. So you can 1st BUY IT or INVEST in it, and 2nd start attracting other people in order to return that investment, which in Arnax's case is around 1-2 years. But since the co-owners constantly need money, they will keep pitching you how you must keep investing/buying the product and how you will receive BIG money if you trust them. Arnax already wasted 105 bucks and now he must somehow return that by attracting other people. Also for pyramid structures it is typical to state that they are NOT pyramid and they are DIFFERENT. Really, man, thats something my mom would believe in the 90s, not in 2k19  :neen:

As I said, you simply don't understand the complete project and keep like Blaze repeating it's pyramid, pyramid. Company doesn't have product, we don't sell anything, or to be completely clear they sell SFT21 self sustaining matrix system which is already patented. 60 software developers worked for 2 years to create this system and after 6 months of test period it released and everything works flawless. First project is franchise contract (self sustaining binary matrix),  opportunity to be basically shareholder  in the company. You don't understand and didn't watch power point presentation, you don't fill your own binary matrix like in other MLM companies, complete company ( including owners, support team and members fill the last line which guarantee filling of the personal matrix sooner or later; ofcourse if you start sooner it will be filled sooner; and system accounts already started from the first line (co-owners), system accounts aren't physical persons ,they don't take money out, they are filling and creating new free system positions in the last line and pump it back in matrix, in one point there will be more system accounts than physical  persons. Second project is social network, it will be finished in 2-3 months. As I said similar to facebook (except facebook has 15-25 plug-ings), our social network has 150 plug-ings, and people will earn there. Third project is webshop similar to amazon, ebay, aliexpress, company works on it and it will come soon. Plan of the company isn't to sell our products, because we don't have products but to gather other companies to apply SFT21 system and to sell on our platform (negotiations are in process with companies from Balkan first, after that we will go worldwide), I'm not 100% sure what's the advantage if they apply system but if I remember correctly it's sale rate. Each member will have his own shop where he/she will earn commissions from selling. (There is no limit like in binary matrix). It's your choice with which products you will fill your own shop.  Minimal terms to join and stay are 30 or 105 dollars and to bring one friend in 3 months, after that you don't have any obligations to company, company left the opportunity to pay franchise agreement from earnings, after that passive income starts. This is a slow but in my opinion safe way. I'm finishing here, I won't repeat again, sooner or later you will hear for this company, business plan is made for 10 years. I offered you to be in the 12th line above co-owners. I'm just looking for 3rd member of my team and I'm finished with bringing people (that's 10.000 each month) after I pay franchise and team members. As I said, show me one MLM company where is money refund and money went trough the distribution. You can't because there is none. I tested this, because my friend joined with 30 dollars and decided to quit after 3 months and company refunded his money. What's the most important, if you don't fulfill company terms and you didn't bring one your friend, company deletes your position, refund your money and you get 180 days ban to join. This network model is far more superior than Amway, Lyoness, Herbalife and other shit, but you are to blind to see it now. It will take 1-2 year, but I'm 99% sure it will come. Do you think that I just entered in this without first checking what's MLM, pyramid and Pontzi scheme?... I personally know at least two guys years ago who work and earn from home, they have monetized blogs, youtube channels, they work trough affiliate marketing... Both of them are in this project, because they know it's quality, that was mine final confirmation that I should join. The company isn't in a hurry anywhere, money is a by-product of this work, the system is designed to last infinitely unless the asteroid hits the Earth. The critical mass has already been achieved, nothing can stop this.

@Burn: You are modder and you will remain modder, desperate to feed worthless ego with "OMG, Burn landed Moon".

Blaze did you watch power point presentation or just repeat pyramid, pyramid like a parrot? At the moment, there is no company of a similar type offering educational material of 7 packages applicable to other types of online business, an automated business model (all covered by tutorials), social network (150 plug-ings) which comes soon, where you will earn for clicking, sharing, advertising, playing games..., a web shop where we will have our own stores and from which the matrix will be filled also, evenly filled matrices in which the first free spot in the last line is filled, sooner or later, it guarantees the filling of the personal matrix (there is no crossline like in current matrices, no left and right side,  where you must look for an infinite associates and feed the ones bellow, success is the result of the work of all company members not yours only), personal matrix consist 2024 members and you earn 5% from them,  the systemic accounts which are the connective tissue of the model and guarantee sustainability of the system, 24h support and above all 90-days guarantee for the refund if you arent satisfied. After 90 days, pop-up comes with a question "Do you want to continue to work with us?, You pick 1. Yes, I want or 2. No, I wont. The decision to continue with this business must be solely yours. If you pick 2nd money will be send you back in 24h. There are 4 terms to stay in the system if you decide to continue, that you bought starting package, bring 1 friend in 3 months (and none after but in that case your earnings are limited to 1000 dollars; power point presentation is mathematical model of what would happen if everyone brings 3 new members and none after), verify your account and sign franchise contract. If you show me similar model I will never appear on gtas again. Im not here to lie and deceive people, in my opinion this model will be successful, the guarantee for this is 4,800 associates for 6 months of test period, without company marketing. Keep in mind that in the internet market daily surfing 3.5 billion people. For the ideal model of the binary matrix, it is enough that the people from the last line bring two new members, and here the whole company completes the last line. Currently we are filling 12th line (4048-8096 people), Im in 11th line. Im sure I will have passive earnings in 1-2 years, after I pay franchise contract. (company left the opportunity to pay franchise installments from earnings, you only buy 30 or 105 dollars starting package). Here you also must verify your account, fake accounts are not allowed. Currently, there are 4,800 members mostly from Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. Of course, every job carries a risk and I am aware of that from the moment of termination of the guarantee. I am willing to bear this risk because I think it is a successful and unique model. My determination is growing stronger because I see expansion each day especially after we started officially a few days ago. I invested 105 dollars. You can start with 30 dollars, the decision is yours. With 105 dollars you have 30% from your direct refferals, with 30 dollars 10% but with each new upgrade it grows, max is 50% after paying franchise. I offer you to be in my team (I currently have two direct refferals, my personal friends, you cant see direct refferals in your matrix because they filled the first free spot) and join the company which bypassed all current MLM problems and which is basically at the start, smart will recognize this opportunity because you wont have chance again to be in a similar company basically from the beginning. Arnax always delivers good stuff. :) If you join soon you will be in 12th line above co-owners, that is enough for anyone who logically thinks. Co-owners also earn from binary matrix and their direct referals, max number of direct referals is 21, except their positions are 1 i 2. Their personal matrix is completed.(2024 people-10 first lines). Im right after first 10 lines, 2240 position - 11 line, thats massive adventage to all other similar models when Im so close to the head and Im sure I cant fail. I will land this.

Visionaries see before others do and more than others do.

Most of those online-investie-workie-workies are a scam. Mechanical turks, beer-money websites, try this app for money, invest in this blabla. All in the same pile of shit, that either dont pay well or is a scam.

If you want a work from home, check your local headhunter or jobs website for available REAL jobs that offer working remotely.
You will be surprised how many companies are transfering from office work to remote work in order to benefit more financialy for the following reasons:
-less office concoctions for the employees (food, water, paper and all the other chancery)
-less office space - why rent a 100+ m2 office when you can rent 30-40 m2 one?
-less employees in the office, means less gossips and talkie-talkies between them
-you can hire employees from rural places in your country where the salary is less than in the capital

Source? I work remotely like that snce 2017. Try it and you wont need to spam GTAS with useless links and info.
Another tip - if your job is offering YOU to PAY in order to succeed, IT IS just another marketing scam.
Dude I was talking about passive monthly income without special skills, you dont understand this system, this system bypassed all current MLM problems. I am sorry that there is no live subtitled presentation of this system, in order to fully understand it. I talked with co-owner, this isnt scam its project designed to last long. As I said, there is currently no company in which there is a refund after money distribution if you decide to quit, thats the best guarantee of the stability of this business.

My account isn't hacked lol. Everything is legit and everything I wrote is true. For more info check official website: I'm just sharing the information and looking for partners in my team, and its your choice to join or not. I don't force you to do anything you won't. This isn't pyramid or MLM system (although it has some similarities to MLM). Co-owners also earns from binary matrix and their direct referrals. It's your choice to spend 30 or 105 dollars at the bar or somewhere else or try this system. It's slow but in my opinion safe way. Imagine that you had opportunity to join Facebook in 2004 and earn money. In this system, sooner or later, it is guaranteed filling of your personal matrix, as the whole company fills the first spot in the last line, so your success isn't just the result of your work but the whole company.  System accounts are new very important innovation, plus webshop which is coming in 1-2 years. Check out power point presentation carefully and you will understand how system works. The best proof that everything is legal and serious is a 90 days guarantee of a refund of money. (I TESTED THIS, ITS 100% TRUE). Tell me one similar company that refunds the money that has already passed through the distribution. Whole system is designed to last infinite, and in one point there will be more system accounts than real people, plus binary matrix will be charged from the webshop and there will be no need for joining new people. There is also an online university about internet business, 25 years of experience have been collected and can be applied to any internet business not just this system, because co-owners have worked for more than 25 years for other companies.

Web Ring / Online business opportunity for stable passive income
« on: May 13, 2019, 10:15:01 AM »
Hello folks, after years of looking for a decent online side job I have found this project.  In my opinion advantages of this system are:

1. Small entry investment (minimal is 30 dollars, others are 105 and 1955). In power point presentation in the link bellow there is a 10 dollars entry option, but it was active only during test period.
2. Automated business system
3. Evenly filling in the binary matrix, NO CROSSLINE, every team member is filling the first free spot in the last line so there is no way not to succeed in this business model. It is minimal to introduce only one new member in 3 months to stay in the system if you start with 30 or 105 dollars. There is career status which limits earnings, (1 person - 1000 dollars, 2 persons - 3000 dollars...) but you dont have to look for numerous members for stable income. If you start with 1955 dollars you will start earning money instantly as your binary matrix is filling, but this option is created for other companies or rich people because Im not sure who will start with this amount of money.
4. Timing, after 5-6 months of test period, company has started official a few days ago. Currently we have 3.600 members, and everyone who was in similar systems knows how timing is important, since the income will come sooner.
5. System accounts, which will be created from members earnings.
6. Later comes webshop similar to ebay, amazon... from which the matrix will also be charged and cryptocurrency with real value as the company grows.
7. Online university about internet business.
8. MOST IMPORTANT: A 90-day Business Satisfaction Guarantee, during which period each member can test the system without any risk and after 90 days decide whether to give up or continue with business. In the event of a waiver, the company returns the amount of investment in full. (100% tested)

Bad side of the project:

1. Waiting, this is not a job that promises earnings overnight, but it is created to last practically infinite and bypassed all current problems of network marketing and for a year and a half to two, stable passive income can be expected.

If you are interested check out links bellow. Since co-owners and support team are from Serbia and Croatia, there is only power point presentation in English. Hopefully one of the live events/presentations will be subtitled soon.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Chalk Paleogene
« on: May 03, 2019, 10:17:57 AM »
I like this vid, my favorites were Griffons faggio stunts, SyperDimons wall 2 bump 2 precison in LC, Dangers drop bump 2 grind 2 prec. Good job.

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