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Messages - Dannye

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GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: June 04, 2021, 02:34:58 AM »
Thanks Reynolds, and cheers for the heads up about that plugin, it looks quite comprehensive! I can certainly see the advantages of a USCM developed via that approach, and I quite like the look of what you have setup with it so far. The thought of no longer having to worry about incompatible savegames, nor maintaining separate code for each of the map-mods/game-engines, plus the potential for increased customisation (re keybinds, supported features, defaults, etc) and incorporation of functionality that wouldn't be feasible via basic scm (there's definitely a few Freeplay things that'd be handy while stunting; also the potential to print text on screen without needing to mess with american.gxt)... it all sounds rather lovely.

While I feel like I might not be up for attaching myself to such an undertaking in any major capacity, I'd be more than happy for anyone to have a go at it (and perhaps I could take a more relaxed role along the lines of testing, minor contributions, etc), then we could have it promoted in this thread as an alternate/enhanced version of the USCM.

Regarding the current status of the USCM, for anyone curious, my only plans at the moment for pending updates is one more minor one to the VC-engine release, bringing it up to par with some of the additions I made for the more recent SA USCM. The changes would be:
  • New Feature: Toggle Always Cut Replay on Teleport Load
  • New Feature: Toggle Stats Overlay (coords, angle, car speed, car health)
  • New Feature: Show 2nd/last Used Vehicle
  • Control Change: Toggle Last Vehicle Preference having an extra key in its combo
  • Other: Possible improvements to loading/LOD stuff for SAiVC
  • (Edit) Other: Possible fix to jetpack sometimes not holding your height properly and constantly dropping down (hard to say whether fix will work as I can't replicate the bug reliably, it just happens 'sometimes'... if anyone experiences it enough to find a way to reliably trigger it, let me know, then I can better test the potential fix)

GTA Modding / Re: Freeplay
« on: May 22, 2021, 01:19:14 AM »
VC Freeplay v6 (aka the "I'm running out of unused keys on the keyboard" edition) is now available!

Download here: VC Freeplay v6 with source, via ModDB
The documentation file, included in this package, contains full detail on each feature (updated for the new/changed stuff, in addition to making them easier to read) and a complete changelog.

Excerpts from the Changelog:

  • Moving a frozen/cinematic camera via the arrow keys will now be performed in relation to the direction the camera is facing. Eg. Up Arrow will always make you go forward, Left Arrow will always make you strafe left. If you find an angle you like, you can also hold RShift to move based on that, such that you can re-aim the camera and it wont affect movement directions.
  • The Custom FOV toggle/modify features have been incorporated into base Freeplay package (thanks MtS!).
  • Added on-the-fly 'Speed' updates for the Camera-Movement and FOV-Adjustment features.
  • Added ways to Simulate Mouse Movement via the keyboard (so can potentially get smooth/consistent motion). These become available once the corresponding Mouse Axis BlockingOverride feature/s are enabled. Also the blocking + simulation now affects all in-game mouse movement other than the Main Menu (no more limitations on their effectiveness).
  • Added button to instantly activate Free Camera mode (which, combined with the default game behaviour of remembering your last Free Camera Rotation & Tilt, and the also-new Freeplay behaviour of also ensuring your Zoom is remembered, means you can get back into Free Camera exactly how you last left it).
  • Added ability to enforce your own custom Free Camera Zoom, Tilt (mouse up/down), and even Rotation (mouse left/right) limits.
  • 3rd Person Unique Camera is now supported by the Zoom Adjustment and Remove Obstruction Checks features (both were previously Free Camera only). Also, the 3rd Person Unique Camera will no longer temporarily snap to 1st Person when flying under a bridge (this is a new always-on feature).
  • Provided access to the Look-Left/Right/Behind angles when using a 1st/3rd Person Unique Camera.
  • Can now interact with multiple features simultaneously much better than before.
  • Bugfixes:
    • Frozen/Cinematic Camera Movement speed will not double when holding the buttons to move in more than one direction at a time.
    • Starting Free Camera for the first time in a session without moving your mouse will no longer lead to an awkward/unresponsive camera.
    • Toggling your headlights now works for cars (previously it only worked for bikes, whoops!).
    • (And likely a whole bunch of potential ones more relating to behind-the-scenes changes that I hadn't encountered, but were possible, and I'm glad wont be experienced now)

Cheers all!

USS Video Releases / Re: TMS - DSU - USS - Delta REMAKE
« on: May 15, 2021, 07:39:05 PM »
Great work guys, that was such a fun & nostalgic watch.
No easy feat picking such a lengthy video for a recreation, and you all nailed it.
A few random things I also enjoyed with it: the time-of-day variations and the associated mix of sky colours, the zoom + freeze-frame on KJ's kick at the end of the main, and the stylish look of the delta logo and name-burns (plus being able to see the DSU logo in a video again!).
Cheers all, nicely done!

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: May 07, 2021, 06:24:21 AM »
thank you so much dude, it works fantastic!
Thanks Erney, I'm very happy to hear it!

Already found it ehehhehe but i prefer the old scm im more comfertable with it
Do you mean an older version of this scm mod, or one made by someone else?

If you mean this one, I'd be curious to hear what makes the older version more preferable for you, if you don't mind me asking. Were there new features introduced that are problematic, changes made to existing features for the worse, or was it in regard to the button mappings? I certainly don't recall making much in the way of changes to the controls over the years - other than in-car Water Respawn (which I doubt gets much use, since Teleporters are more useful), and additional combos being added for new features (perhaps I picked buttons for these that were inconvenient for certain setups?). My intention has been to try and keep things consistent, which is why at a certain point I started including additional 'variants' within the project, so I could experiment with different controls while still supporting the original ones.

Lovely to see such a long vid full of non-bike stuff!

I really enjoyed ZeRo's smooth taxi & bus grinds. Khaimyk's Voodoo work was also quite impressive - some great height and precisions - made me wanna get back doing some Voodoo stuff too. The caddie hole was super satisfying, as was Kan's backwards taxi landing (slotted nicely into the funky bit of the song). While not normally the case for me, I kinda liked the camera shake on Sport's tank stunt - something about it shaking before you can even see the tank coming, combined with the uneasy music, gave me a bit of a 'water ripples because a dinosaur is headed this way' vibe.

Good stuff all!
(Ooh and I also quite liked the approach chosen for my stunt, keeping the truck as a surprise reveal at the end was cool)

VC Chat & Support / Re: SKYWARD 4 Taxi Collab Organisation
« on: April 30, 2021, 09:05:48 PM »
A week past my estimate (whoops!), but I have just sent some stuff through for this (via pm here on the forums).

VC Chat & Support / Re: SKYWARD 4 Taxi Collab Organisation
« on: April 23, 2021, 02:51:18 AM »
I have 2 potential stunts landed so far. Held off submitting so far with the hope that I could get something else to include too, as I have a few other spots I've been working on (I do have some quirky/outtake and kinda-landed-but-not-well stuff for them, at least, but hoping for something proper too). I'll see if I have any more luck over the weekend and afterwards I can send what I've got either way.

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: April 02, 2021, 10:36:46 PM »
:a-cheer: San Andreas USCM v4 is out now! :cheernutz:

Download it from here:(includes source code)

Watch a video highlighting some of the changes/additions here:

See description of changes/additions here:
(for a more in-depth changelog, see the documentation included in the download)

It's been a (very) long time since SA stunters had any reason to check back here for updates, so for anyone reading this, if you would like to give a heads-up to anyone else you know might be interested, please do, cheers!

Happy stunting!

(I'll make some updates to the 1st-post in a little bit)

ATS Video Releases / Re: ATS - The Fantabulous 4
« on: April 01, 2021, 05:13:59 AM »
Amazing work Kan - such a fun and creative approach, and all the components fit together so perfectly, making it an absolute joy to watch and re-watch.
It was super cool to be involved in this project with you all, cheers!

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: March 27, 2021, 06:37:10 PM »
Cheers Diaz!  :happy:

All desired features/improvements have now been coded, and I've just finished setting up the different button-combo variants. All that's left is to test those variants to make sure they work as intended, and then to deal with the documentation side of things. Until then, here's some more highlights of the upcoming release...

Brand New Stuff:
  • NOS + Hydraulics can be toggled separately, and they both work more reliably and properly now (see my previous post for info)
  • Bike Teleport Snap-to-North (when loading a teleport location in/onto a bike, if the saved location's angle was within 15degrees of North and this feature is enabled, it will load you at perfect-north instead)
  • See current/previous car (use when on foot to get camera to go and aim/follow the coresponding vehicle; toggle on/off or switch between them; example use = see what happened to vehicle after you bailed from it during a stunt). With thanks to Nitz on this one!
  • Always cut replay on teleport load (the USCM has always cut replays on foot-to-car teleport loads, and still does; but if enabled, this makes it so it will cut the replay no matter what kind of teleport is performed)
  • Show Stats Overlay (when enabled, constantly shows the coordinates/angle of player/active-car on screen; also shows vehicle speed + health subject to availability)
(these last 3 I'll be porting into the VC USCM for a future update too)

Some of the other stuff brought over from VC USCM:
  • Save Game at any time (if not on a mission). And note that savegames will save the state of many of the USCMs features, the status of toggles, your teleport locations, etc.
  • All 8 vehicle spawners (customised for vehicles appropriate for SA stunting, as best I could) + the Random Vehicle spawner feature
  • Toggle Last/Previous Vehicle Preference (will be utilised by other features that are triggered on-foot and interact with your last-used vehicle, letting them interact with your 2nd-last-used one instead; I have found it handy with secondary-vehicle-setup stunts where you need to reset its position every few attempts)
  • Jetpack has more movement options, can be triggered underwater, and it (nor being in the water) prevents you from using any other features anymore
  • Weather changing now consistently cycles through all available weather types rather than being random
  • All variants of the USCM will work regardless of your input device (k/m or gamepad). The only reason to preference one variant vs the other (other than familiarity for what you've always used up until now) should now be which has button combos that work best for your button mappings.
  • Significantly improved source code (to be included in the release), which should be easier than ever to customise if you would like to do so.

If I can, I might try to mock up a video to show off some of this stuff, for anyone who'd like to see some of the new features in action.

VC Chat & Support / Re: VC Throwback II
« on: March 21, 2021, 05:29:35 AM »
Yay I was able to get a couple for this (one just now I am very happy to have finally gotten)!
Will send stuff through in the next day or so.

Edit: Stunts sent  :D

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: March 13, 2021, 04:28:51 AM »
Progress Update - San Andreas (yes, finally!):

I've been working on updating the aging SA-engine USCM code-base, with the goal to incorporate all the improvements/additions (where appropriate) from the various VC-engine USCM releases that have been made since the last time I did any work on the SA one, which was a very long time ago. The main overhaul of the code (which includes the new syntax, efficiency improvements, streamlining, and being much easier to manage/modify) is complete, as is the porting over of all the VC feature improvements and additions (better flexibility on input device, better jetpack movement options, more spawners, save-on-demand, and more - that I'll write-up into a changelog at some point).

Regarding SA-specific changes, I am planning a potential new feature to assist with those who wish to take advantage of perfect-north bike flipping (probably a modifier on Teleport Load behaviour: when the toggle is enabled, any on/to-bike Teleport Location loads within some degrees either side of perfect-north will instead load you at perfect-north). I have also made some changes to the NOS/Hydraulics features, which are significant enough changes to the existing SA USCM functionality that I would like to describe them here, and invite any feedback.
  • Previously:
    • TRIGGER NOS only worked on vehicles where it was NOS was installed via the USCM's own feature for doing so (or Taxi's). It wouldn't work if installed via a mod garage. In addition, sometimes it would even fail to work on vehicles where NOS had been installed by the USCM feature for doing it (most common to occur when swapping between multiple cars).
    • ADD NOS + HYDRAULICS was a single combined feature, adding them both as a package - you could not opt for just one without the other. In addition it wasn't a toggle, so they could not be subsequently removed. The biggest issue with this feature however is that it was 'dumb', it did only the bare minimum to try and prevent attaching these components to vehicles that shouldn't have them. Thus there were many vehicles which did not properly support them and yet this feature would add them (for some, the game would ignore the request, which is okay; for others it would follow-through, adding them to the vehicles it shouldn't, which is definitely against the idea of the USCM).
  • Now:
    • TRIGGER NOS will always work if the vehicle has a NOS component installed, regardless of how/when tit was done.
    • 1 feature, "ADD NOS + HYDRAULICS", splits into two separate ones, "TOGGLE NOS" and "TOGGLE HYDRAULICS". They each act as toggles now, so the components can be removed as well as added. They now also fully abide by each vehicle's proper support for such components, never adding them unless it is naturally supported in-game.
      • Special case: Taxi-type vehicles will, as always with the USCM, have NOS equipped, and as such this feature will not affect that
      • Special case: Despite the Sandking reporting as not supporting Hydraulics, and being unable to be modified at a Mod-shop to add it, I have included an exception to allow the USCM install it, if requested, because one of its specific 'parked car' spawn locations for (under the satellite dish in the desert) can legitimately spawn one with HYDRAULICS included. [If you know any other vehicles that may need a similar exception, let me know]

Okay, that'll do for now, there's still lots to do, but I am happy with how things are going, and I'll try to keep you all informed as things continue. And again, any feedback is welcome, even in regards to the VC versions (especially since I have incorporated most of the latest work from them into this). If there was something in them you weren't a fan of, let me know - perhaps it was a mistake I can fix, or something I shouldn't have changed, something I need to better explain in the documentation, or something I can assist with you making your own customisations, who knows.


Modus Operandi Public Section / Re: ZeRo - The Wind And The Sun
« on: March 05, 2021, 05:14:59 PM »
Loved the music, camera work, edit and those fantastic natural stunts! That spinny grind at the start was truly something special. Also, the bounce to grind actually bouncing you over the fence to get to the grind was a really cool touch. Awesome vid!

GTA Modding / Re: Freeplay
« on: February 09, 2021, 01:15:04 AM »
Fantastic work MtS!   ;D

I've updated the first post to include the link/details.

VC Stunting Challenges / Re: Hoff's easy challenge game
« on: February 08, 2021, 04:03:37 AM »
Total flop on Dannye's grab, I don't know how you get that much air on a grab.
That one I used was definitely an outlier (aka dumb luck) for me - all my other successful attempts at it had air just like yours. It was fun trying to do air-grabs again!

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