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Messages - Daneeka

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IV Unmodded Videos / Stunt vid: teaser trailer
« on: May 07, 2008, 06:02:19 AM »
That teased me  

BTW i think that mid-air control looks fuckin awkward.

However im succesfully completed my exams (they are like SAT or school leaving exams but in a fuckin high level. I saw some SAT-s and they are like extremely easy compared to the shit here) so i will buy IV and a capture card at friday. (and possibly get drunk too)

IV Tutorials / GTA4 Stunting Guide
« on: May 03, 2008, 06:26:52 AM »
Kudos! Lesson 1 is a thing im looking for since IV released.

IV Chat & Support / GTA IV Opinions
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:44:20 AM »
Quote from: Smacktard
not when the pc version comes out..?

I think my pc will not handle this game properly.

However, is there any kind of replay system on the GTA IV console versions like in SA? (i mean the F2, F3 thing)

IV Chat & Support / GTA IV Opinions
« on: April 29, 2008, 09:36:23 AM »
It seems to me that stunting is still here, but one of the main reasons i dont play to much with my box (approx 50 hours during 2 year) is the controller.

Will it be a big suckage to stunt with a joy for an orthodox keyboard user?

IV Chat & Support / Who of you purchased GTA4?
« on: April 29, 2008, 07:52:21 AM »
I dont care about the storyline, graphics and shit. I will only buy this when a decent x360/ps3 stunt vid comes out.

IV Chat & Support / GTA IV Official Released
« on: April 24, 2008, 01:23:15 PM »
Quote from: Tackleberry
Quote from: KillaMarci
Quote from: Tackleberry
I'm pretty sure it's fake. Would be stupid by Rockstar to do that.
y? It would be smart actually
1. Do you think they are that naive that they thought the game wouldn't be leaked? This letter seems like a desperate one, of course they already knew the game would get leaked before the official release.

2. Them selves and many stores have planned for the release for a long time now. They wouldn't just release it a few days earlier and scrap all the plans. It would also affect their fans, they wouldn't be happy.

@Kingjad: How would it not happen? The games have been sent to thousands of stores, the idea of all of them being respectful and legal is just stupid.

They are profit oriented. Lot of people just cant stand 5 more days and will download it. I would release it now if i were R*.

TMS Video Releases / [TMS] 12B (VC)
« on: April 22, 2008, 11:05:33 AM »
Quote from: Daneeka
I will post my detailed bullshit about editing and stuff, soon...

So. Review based on .mkv version. I watched it a few times again to catch everything thats possible.


Liked it a lot. I tend to like simple and short intros as most of the better ideas have been used in the past. I like that fun music too.


Really good open with one of the best transitions ever. I mean the thing at 0:33 when rotating edge of the tree separates the two scenes. The tank scene were confusing me at first, you know just a random flying tank, but after second watch i get the point. Finding a fitting noise to the TV FX is a nice touch. 0:53 Cookie cutter in action again!  Like the selective desaturation. The syncing to the music is wonderful during the whole video. Like pulsing lights and desaturations for a fraction of a minute. (Fun fact: Desaturating to the beat of a drum was my first try at syncing to the music in one of my shitty solos  ) I lkie technical stuff so that little effect at BK's stunt around 1:14.. One of my favourite part and stunt is the intro of Kert's precision stunt. That zooming like thing was great.
There is so many great stuff in the last stunt. Zooming effect. Little ghostly blur at the PCJ. Selective desaturating. That was the best closer i have seen so far.


Yeah my darling: the masking. I like and hate them. Man can create great things with them but it is a big hassle to mask from frame to frame.

Sorry i cant finish it now i will edit it soon.

TMS Video Releases / [TMS] 12B (VC)
« on: April 22, 2008, 09:54:51 AM »
I will post my detailed bullshit about editing and stuff, soon...

TMS Video Releases / Tackleberry - Year One (VC)
« on: April 17, 2008, 08:29:51 AM »
After i realised i can't play the HQ properly (my .wmv codec fails so badly) i downloaded the MQ .avi so i can whatch it. Also i have to admit that i know dipshit about VC's physical engine and stunting possibilities so mainly i comment on the editing.  

First watch: Hmm, great stunts, used main song, barely noticeable editing. I thought that this can't be Tackleberry so i gave some time to myself and gave it an another try.

Second watch: I noticed a lot of cool things and by the time i write this post i started the third watch to catch as much detail as possible.

Third watch:

Intro: Nice idea, not a groundbreaker though. Color correction is nice, maybe a bit too "emo" if you know what i mean.

Main Part: I'm a bit dissapointed at first because of the used song but after listened it three times i started to like it. Here comes a heavy feathered cookie cutter which i find somehow "out of context" with the used color correcting. I cant really find the words to describe it but it hasn't got a fluent feel. However the blur transition is a perfect match for this kind of musical atmosphere.
Going into the mainpart that kind of "depressed" feel is growing. The music and the color correction gives a sad feel to the video which is not bad but not my taste. At 1:36 comes my favourite effect. At first i didnt noticed. At second look i thought that it is a kind of depth of field stuff that you can see in SA when you get closer to the water and the engine starts to rise the detail of the closer parts of the water. At third i realised that this is a cookie cutter again. I think that you have had a darker track on top of a lighter one and you "cookie-cutted" the darker track. The color of the water is gorgeous here. 2:29: cookie cutter again, it remains cool. Going towards in the video i dont like that shaker-script. It looks to me at some parts that you have just throw it where are some heavier drum parts exist, but it shakes off beat some times. Around 3:00 i really like the angle of that double grind. 3:14 Cookie-cutter again. I still feels that the color correction that you used is against that feel that those cookie cutter wanna creates. Its dreamy-soft-heavenly one side, but on the other hand its dark and unhappy. I dont mean that you should add some glow but a bit more color or higher saturation would be good.
Camera angles are really good. The finisher is that unique stlye i will remeber when i first find GTAS and saw a few vids which included you.

Verdict: Sorry for that i mainly included only that parts which i don't like but the others told everything about the good parts. Stunts are fuckin' cool, editing is nice, but i still dont like the sad atmosphere of the video. 8/10.

TMS Video Releases / Tackleberry - Year One (VC)
« on: April 15, 2008, 08:24:13 AM »
Third VC vid i downloaded so far.   Do it only for Tackleberry's editing.

MOD: Tense is wrong, im still downloading and will do it for 1,5 hour.

The Losers / Loser Round Region 5: Torque Vs. DaT630Da
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:08:38 AM »
Quote from: Torque
If I knew you weren't gonna submit anything I would've just done a roof jump onto a Dumper....

Feckin cool editing, but why 2007 in the title screen?

Region 3 / Round 2, Region 3: Szmytek vs Turtle Boy
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:04:03 AM »
I like TB's music. (...and turtles too.)

FB Video Releases / [SA] Kizen
« on: April 12, 2008, 10:32:17 PM »
If i were in literature class and i would have to write an essay, the teacher would have been ban me for writing such a long "outro".

Anyway im speechless about the stunts. The title fonts looks cool, and the outro too. That last farming looks funny. I liked it a lot.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Eunuch
« on: April 12, 2008, 09:08:01 AM »
I like this video, but i dont understand the concept behind it. I mean, i wouldn't make a video which involves the loosing of my dick.

I liked that repetiting pink/green effect, it reminds me a beloved effect of mine

« on: April 12, 2008, 06:29:43 AM »
This is the first VC topic i comment in.

For this event, i would play a mindgame:

This is not a post.

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