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Web Ring / Bad News at TGA
« on: April 24, 2004, 04:58:13 PM »
We will be making a LOT of changes over the next week. During the process of changing servers we are going to take care of some issues. We currently have over 300 downloads of which about 150 are crappy stunt videos. We will be getting rid of most of the under par videos and also getting rid of all of the large videos (over 90 megs). All old stunt records will also be cut. This will cut back on our bandwidth usage substantially.
Under the new system we will host anyone’s stunt video for 2 weeks, after that period TGA will decide rather or not your video is up to par with the rest of the videos we are hosting. The GTA uploader is going to be cut back from 80 megs to 65 megs. If your video is larger than this you may IM me on MSN ([email protected]) and I will decide if we will be able to host your file, in general if the file is over 100 megs we aren't going to host it. All screen shots that were uploaded to the /ss directory from the GTA uploader will be dropped in the move to the new server. The reason for this is because the majority of the people who used it to put bmp files or large images that were not compressed properly, this costs us unnecessary bandwidth, which in turn costs me money.

One of the advantages on the new server is TGA will now be capable of selling you hosting packages. We will be able to offer Unlimited packages with restrictions on bandwidth and webspace only. We hope to sell these packages to gaming oriented sites to extend the TGA family. I am trying to figure out pricing right now, and the whole system probably won't be set up until a few weeks into the move.

The point of all these changes is to lower our bandwidth and keep TGA from getting trashed by a lot of low quality stunt videos. We don't want you guys to have to wade through a swamp of below average videos before they find a decent video. Under the new system we will have nothing but good quality videos.

Thats a quote by bloody on there site...  Very bad news for most of us.  I don't know what they will consider up to par...  My old vids will probably be deleted  :(   Actually all my vids probably will as most of my vids are nothing special except for editing...  Makes me sad.

:aMpT: Video Releases / MOD
« on: April 24, 2004, 04:50:37 PM »
Ok guys...  Iv'e been working on this for a little while but I wanted to release it as a surprise.

Yes it is filled with mods...  So I wouldnt call any of my stunts legit but I didn't recognize much of a difference in my pcj...  It looks cooler and so do all the cars...

The editing is alright...  Pretty good synching...  I used music that I like so you probably wont like it lol.  I synched it to what I could with the music im using its not the greatest.

Its also my first vid I have done in Video Vegas...  Very nice program.  I got all the stunts over time but I edited it very quickly so its definately not my best.  Its also the first vid I have done with high res... but the quality is crappy for some reason and I can't figure out why.

Well here it is.


PS  Im gonna add this to the modded videos section also since its kind of bare.


Oh crap!!  I forgot to credit the music.  The song is "The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes" by Fall Out Boy

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / SUICIDE BY STUNT
« on: April 22, 2004, 10:19:09 PM »
Yea cropping the video kills quality tho...  This is because it takes a smaller portion of the vid  but still fills the entire frame.  Im downloading now... will tell you what I think.


Ok I downloaded and let me just say...  WOW!!

I will start with pyros part because I felt it was better.

Your stunts kicked soooooo much ass.  Wow they must be THE best I have seen in a very long time.  Plus... you grinded with a harley...  You are now king.  

Ok so stunts 10/10

Now editing....

Was it even there?  Not to be mean but yours was just stunts with music in the background.  Oh and I do agree with barney on those cropped camera angles.

Editing 5/10

Now if I wanted to be a bee-hatch I would say that averages down to somewhere aroun 7.5...  But those stunts were just so good...  The stunts were a 12/10 so you get a 9/10 on your part.

Now for sids...

The stunts were hmmm okay?  There were a few good ones that I liked but nothing that blew my mind.

Stunts 7/10


WAY too much slow mo...  The vid like lagged almost because it was so slow.  The song was either limp bisquit or someone who sounded like him and thats a no no for me...  But songs dont count against you.  The camera angles were good for the most part but a few caused me to close my eyes.

So editing 6/10

Overall 7/10 because I dont do that .5 crap.

Good work guys.

Yea give me a link to the details page because the one I found is not linked to the TGA servers but is only referenced on the website.

:aMpT: Video Releases / :NEW: ""How To Stunt"" Video
« on: April 21, 2004, 10:29:38 PM »
I have one stunt in it!!  Im the sexy green guy!

Lol yea it was an awesome job.  And its on planet GTA!!!  Oh and Decans auto stunt reel was the first vid I had ever seen and its what got me started on stunting.  Haven't seen anything to compare with it yet...  I love that vid.

:aMpT: Video Releases / ANARCHY has come!
« on: April 21, 2004, 10:25:22 PM »
Lol dragon why is it you have the same avatar as andy??  Everyone just wants to be like andy...

Well I know you guys havent heard from me in awhile but I told Mike over msn what I thought about it.

My overall rating was 8/10 :boobs:  

Web Ring / :aMpT: forumz server
« on: April 13, 2004, 02:08:36 PM »
Very cool, I'll talk to you on msn for the pass.  Oh and whats the ip?

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / hey guys...
« on: April 07, 2004, 09:19:55 PM »
On your omfgnakdfjasfjas whatever vid the first grind kicked ass.  If thats the noob grind your talking about that is certaintly not noob.  The rest of the stunts were ok.  You need to learn to like barly move your mouse when watching a replay so the views dont change.  Seeing this is your first vid I'll go easy.


VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / hey guys...
« on: April 05, 2004, 03:35:52 PM »

Im rick james bitch

Oh and welcome to the forums.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / new world record
« on: March 12, 2004, 09:35:44 PM »
ohhh the car rotation thought he meant normal rotation.  I think its like 360 or something.  

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / new world record
« on: March 12, 2004, 04:09:53 PM »
ummm do it than.  Cuz I sure cant.

:aMpT: Video Releases / MIKEMANIA
« on: March 12, 2004, 04:08:53 PM »


we need an emoticon of a hairy asshole.  I will have it as my sig.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / new world record
« on: March 11, 2004, 09:07:50 PM »
You guys are idiots to say he modded it.  Bloody checks all that shit extensivly before he declares it a record and put it on his site.  So if its on TGA as a record its not modded.

:aMpT: Video Releases / MIKEMANIA
« on: March 11, 2004, 03:16:01 PM »
Mike i dont do the .5 shit.  And i dont give 10/10 plus yes your canadian so yea...  haha j/k

Its not a cheat but I just dont think it should be used in stunting.  Just dosent seem normal.  Plus people will say YOU USED CHEATS 0/10 just to be little fucking assholes like me. :boobs:  

:aMpT: Video Releases / MIKEMANIA
« on: March 08, 2004, 04:52:48 PM »

Very kick ass vid.  Very very kickass stunts.  Half way kickass editing.

The stunts were a fucking 10/10

Cept I saw the hop cheat dont do that again or else I'll smack ya.


You did the absolute best synch job you could but the song didnt work out too well for the synching.  9/10 on that.

So Overall
9/10 once again.  Great job


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