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Messages - Dannye

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VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Right to Stunt
« on: June 20, 2005, 12:44:41 AM »
Just watched the vid, thats great stunts considering that your new to stunting and only spent 6 days on it. And well done with the cab stunts.  

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Right to Stunt
« on: June 19, 2005, 11:21:21 PM »
Just saw this thread. I'll download soon and edit when done. It looks like we have a new taxi stunter in our midst. Yay.

876ft? Holy shit...gimmie 2 hours. 
Lol yeah, congrads if ya get it dude, its good to see someone tryin to beat it. By the way it took me a shit load longer than 2 hours to get 876  :D .

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / The Final Destination
« on: June 16, 2005, 07:54:53 PM »
I downloaded this vid and watched it...

ITS AWESOME !!!  :grin:

Great job on the editing kr3mlin, and great job on the stunts all three of you. The quality was excelent (go the PC  :D ), and that extra draw distance really made the 'fly-through-city' parts look perfect. Shame you couldnt find a way to get rid of the replay sign (silly R*), but you did a good job on covering it up with the names.

Stand outs for me were: the flying through the city (it just looked really good), Barney's loop-the-loop thing, and kr3mlin's wall ride, and the grinds. Overall it was a top notch vid, congrads guys.  :grin: . Hope to see more SA stuff from you guys in the future.

ATS Video Releases / One Step Beyond
« on: May 27, 2005, 11:02:38 PM »
Really great video, enjoyed it immensly. Well done. Your editing seemed very good to me!

I still can't get enough of those PSM's, its an awesome stunt, I especially liked the one you did with the infernus, cooooool.


[ZS] Video Releases / Fury
« on: May 04, 2005, 09:58:22 PM »
Brilliant video: stunts, music and editing. Yes I noticed the camera angles, but in most part I didnt mind them, they were different, in a good way.

Really good job, the best vid I've seen in a while, certainly one of the top vids I've ever seen. You ZS guys are awesome (including you new-comers), keep it up!

My only real problem, is that I was stupid enough not to notice it had been released until now, I only just dl'd it today !
Lol on the Max Payne face, i laughed as soon as i saw that (his face is so retarded!  :P )

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / High - Taxi Stunt Video
« on: April 28, 2005, 05:27:50 PM »
Update: World Record stuff now added to first post. Screenies @ imageshack, and replays @ gamersalliance.


VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / High - Taxi Stunt Video
« on: April 27, 2005, 04:32:29 PM »
Wow! Awesome comments people, thanks heaps. And I appreciate the feedback.

I can see everybody loved the world records, lol, so do I, especially the height one! (as I said in my previous post). I knew before I started that since I had a height world record in my last vid, I wanted to do the same for this one, and  not just beat my old record, slaughter it,  :D . So I did the obvious, looked for the tallest building in VC (I think its the tallest...) and said, yep, I'm gonna climb the wall, ofcourse the challenge then was actually seeing if it were possible, and then actually 'doing' it but as you can see eventually I got it, and got it good, lol. :P

Kaneda: Cheers, I'm glad to see that you were'nt dissapointed. I knew right from the start I needed a shoutout to you and Darkness, cause Off Duty (1 + 2) were so bloody awesome, it definately helped inspire me to start taxi stunting, and I would say, started the craze.

Omni: Yeah I'll agree with that, Off Duty 2 is unbeatable (until a 3,  :P , just kidding).

Marklund: As with Kaneda/Darkness, I felt it necessary to shout-out to you two for doing a great job on Taxicity, and keeping the taxi stunting craze going. Thanks for clarifying the record for me, cheers. Okay people, screenies + reps of the records will be up soon, I'll edit them into the first post I guess (cause the wr section here is still locked, right..?). And in regards to 'Championship', I've already begun, lol, and yeah I noticed the change to include both LC and VC. Ps. Which version of LC do you guys use, the new one, or the older one (I havnt had LC on my comp since last reformat - before release of new version).

And again, thanks people, comments were great.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / High - Taxi Stunt Video
« on: April 26, 2005, 06:44:37 PM »
Thanks for the comments so far people, glad to see you liked it.

Yeah I loved the height record stunt too. It was the one stunt I spent most time on, so much so that I cant even imagine how many times I tried that stunt before I finally got it right (way too many to count). Its actually what started this vid for me, after realizing its potential I knew I had to make a video with it in it. The hardest part was beating the height record (prev. 680) AND landing (on my wheels), that proved to be quite difficult to start with. Eventually I got the perfect line, and that made it pretty simple. Another favourite of mine has to be the lighthouse jump, and the dist record one.

I know I am not the best editor (i think its time i move away from Premiere - made all my vids thus far (including this one) with it), but as you said, I kept it simple, synch'd to the music where possible, and had a few fades, and I'm happy with the result, considering my editing skill.

As I said, thanks for the comments so far, keep 'em coming... :P

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / High - Taxi Stunt Video
« on: April 26, 2005, 04:39:00 PM »
The wait is it is:
"High" - A Taxi/Cabbie Only Vice City Stunt Video By Dannye_36

Download Here:   
Author - Dannye_36
Format - WMV
Size - 68 mb
Res - 640*480   
Length - 4:45
Music - Foo Fighters: 'Learn To Fly' and 'My Hero'

No cheats/mods/edits/hacks of any kind were used To PERFORM any of the stunts in this video

Software Credits: Fraps 1.9D, Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Photoshop CS, Windows Movie Maker, GTA Vice City
This is my third 'released' (4th all together) Vice City stunt video.
If you want to see any of my previous vids, check my sig.

Includes 2 new Vice City world records (distance yet to be confirmed):
Car Height: 876 ft. And Car Dist: 643 ft. As soon as I do confirm this, I shall release the replays/screenshots for those who want the proof.

Feel free to provide comments/feedback.
Enjoy !

EDIT = World Record Stuff Available:

643 Distance: Download: Click Here

876 Height  ::: Download: Click Here

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Taxicity
« on: March 21, 2005, 10:20:03 PM »
Well done on the taxi vid guys, great to see there are more and more people now using taxi stunts in their vids -well, they are the best type of stunt, I dont know why it didnt happen sooner :P (soz for that sidetrack, I just love cab stunting).

Anyway, as i said, congrads. I agree with some of the comments that the editing could've been a bit better (but I cant complain, lol,  :D ).

And well, if you have Kaneda's seal of approval I think you've done alright  :grin:  :grin:  :grin: . Ps. Kaneda: OD3 would rock, and if people releasing taxi vids takes us a step closer to that possibility, then i guess I know what I gotta do (lol).

You used one stunt twice (the one I got the "VC" height record (680) on with my last video "Float On By" - sorry for that shameless plug, couldnt help myself, lol), but thats ok, as they both had different air/landings.

Yeah, I came onto the whole wall-climbing-without-steps/ramps a bit by mistake too, I was just being an idiot boosting all over the place then kinda did it, ofcourse then I kept doing it, and as you said, it does become second nature. And between you and me, do you find that street (the one you did the last stunt of the vid on) like the best spot for doing those taxi jumps (jump to wallclimbs)? Cause seriously whenever I do a stunting session and start to get annoyed, I just go there, cos you can get a good climb off every time. Heck, its even where I did my first good actual stunt off using this new method ("Float on By" 4:48, soz lol, couldnt help myself again  :P ).

Anyway, great vid guys, continue spreading the word (taxi's rock!)

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Float On By
« on: February 26, 2005, 11:05:29 PM »
For the comments on the camera hack work, yeah, I know, it wasnt perfect, its the first time I have really used it properly, so, well, I can only get better.  :P

NB. The last scene in the credits (the fight) isnt camera-hack work, it happened while stunting, but I recorded it while my resolution was twice as big so Fraps would only get the top left corner (the section with the fight). In bits of it you can see parts of Tommy in the bottom right corner. Yes, that bit is quite choppy and bad camera work, but that was not captured using camera hack, it was purely my own fault.  :blush:

Anyway, thanks for the comments so far, keep em' coming.

In reply to NightKnight - Yes, that was certainly my favourite stunt as well, it took me sooooo long to get it, which is why I had to end the vid with it, go out on top.  :)

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Float On By
« on: February 26, 2005, 07:34:52 PM »
Thanks for the comments people. Cheers

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Float On By
« on: February 26, 2005, 04:59:05 PM »
Sorry bout the filefront problem, it's usually pretty reliable. Unfortunately, unless the problem doesnt get better, then I probably wont upload it to TGA because with my net connection it takes a bloody long time,  :(  . Hope filefront gets better soon, for everyones sake.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Float On By
« on: February 26, 2005, 03:44:58 PM »
"Float On By" - A Vice City Stunt Video By Dannye_36

Download Here:



Author     -- Me: Dannye_36
Format     -- WMV
Size       -- 59.1 mb
Resolution -- 640*480   
Length     -- 6:25
Music      -- Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit (Main Music)
Music      -- The Stone Roses: Fools Gold (Credits)
Music      -- Alan Silvestri: Forest Gump Suite (Intro)

    No cheats/mods/edits/hacks of any kind were used To PERFORM any of the stunts in this video

Software Credits: Fraps 1.9D, Adobe Premiere Pro, Windows Movie Maker, GTA Vice City


This is my second 'released' (3rd all together) Vice City stunt video. If you havnt seen my last video it is "Vertigo", check my sig.
Feel free to provide comments/feedback. What's your thought's?

Includes the current world record holding car height stunt for 'Vice City' done by me, 680ft. (around 2:57 on the video)

Enjoy !!  :grin:

VC World Records / Car Height Record - 680ft
« on: February 14, 2005, 11:11:08 PM »
Yay ! They just created a seperate world records thread for Liberty City records. That means that my VC car height record (680ft) still stands. Horay. :grin:

Ps. Can wwe get an update on the official VC list of records?

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