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Messages - BIGpoppaKEGdog

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V Videos / Re: Faggio wallclimb wotm8
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:04:15 PM »
But ima raise my hand here and say i hope ppl wont lame some spots with this :D cause if a spot is poss without obviously go without  and go for normal wallride or something
It's not new, no one has lammed anything with it yet. Seems safe to me.

V Videos / Re: Faggio wallclimb wotm8
« on: May 18, 2015, 03:59:43 AM »
The Carbon RS can do insane climbs, like 5 times that height at least. Hexer and Thrust do it crazy too.

The editing and stunts really gave it a good sense of style. I really liked the way it showed the air control for the stunts. I've been meaning to post about doing tricks with more technical air.
If I land a stunt and realize I could have thrown a flip into it, I'll redo it. That's what I was going for, simple stunts done what I consider to be clean. Although three of the stunts are pretty messy to be honest.

These are all easy stunts, but even the harder stunts I did on console I find myself redoing again on PC just so I can add a flip to it lol.

Got all but one stunt within 3 hours after having the need to make a montage after seeing an IRL Urban Trials video, enjoy.

Evolve Public Section / Re: Evolve Stunting's Official Roster
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:02:06 PM »
Huge/great lineup, but imo. you should include the "Evolve BMX" members also in "Evolve Stunters". It's kind of silly to separate them. If you do that you should do the same with skydivers, tech stunters, bigair stunters, plane stunters...
BMX guys think they're to cool to be associated with us moto peasants lol.

V Chat & Support / Re: PC Gamertags
« on: April 15, 2015, 09:30:09 PM »
It's: BIGpoppaKEGdog
Seems there's a 'bigpoppakegdog' and 'BIGpoppaKEGdogAU'

Which one are you?
Both probably, but BIGpoppaKEGdog is my most recent, just like my username on here. Says I can't add anyone till I make a purchase or accept a gift though.

V Chat & Support / Re: PC Gamertags
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:54:04 AM »
I've never played a Game through steam, and I don't even have GTA 5 (yet, I need to pirate it to figure out if I can even run it before I purchase it) so I've got no idea what I'm doing over there, but I made an account.

It's: BIGpoppaKEGdog

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 14, 2015, 09:46:48 AM »
More thread Hijacking... but I was wondering if you can transfer your Xbox One/PS4 character if that character was already transferred from your Xbox 360/PS3? I assume no, but after the delay I feel like you certainly should be able too.

Forrest, the game will be more enjoyable on PC, trust me. But if you honestly only care about stunting, and the only reason you aim to spend $1500 on a gaming PC is to use the video editor.... you should still build a PC, because fuck it, you only live once.

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 13, 2015, 06:35:42 PM »

If you're wanting to max out everything, it surpasses the 4 GB VRAM mark, but that only happens if you're forcing all the AA modes up to the very maximum. 3,4 GB VRAM are used in my case.
I was worried about that, though I've read other reports, like people claiming high settings at 60fps on a 760.

Forrest, a 970 might be a bad choice for GTA by the sounds of it, go with an AMD card of similar rank, or the 980.

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 13, 2015, 12:55:59 PM »
i live in alaska so computer shopping for parts is out of the question unless it's on the internet.
someone at /r/buildapc put this together for me 
i think i might be able to order it this weekend.
i'm really a noob, i just want to play GTA at high settings and use the editor.
Spend the full $1500, don't be stingy, you'll regret it in a few years when you need to upgrade prematurely (like me, I'm $2500 deep in this mess of mine). That build is good for the price, but I say you spend the rest of the money and get a Intel Core i5-4690K, a better Motherboard, and a nice CPU cooler. A GTX 980 would also be nice, because the 970 has a few issues (research the 3.5 GB memory issue before you decide to buy it) but the 970 will get the job done.

The reason for those upgrades is so you can overclock your CPU and GPU, if you can afford it, it's always a nice option to have. And I fear the 3.5 GB issue with the 970 may show up big time in GTA 5, because it's such a detailed world.

EDIT: If I were going to build a $1500 PC, here's what I'd roughly get, though I might adjust the case, SSD, and the GPU depending on various things. 

PS. consider yourself lucky, that build would cost $1800+ in Australia.

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 13, 2015, 11:27:12 AM »
Most people recommend the 290 for budgets such as the one Forrest laid out, though waiting for the new AMD cards is definitely the right call, I forgot about that.

My i7 870 hits 65-70 degree playing Farcry 4, so I think I'm gonna wanna new cooler first.

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 13, 2015, 10:14:20 AM »
lol yeah it's a shit HP and i know it's going to run like shit. i'm just lying to myself as long as i can.
i'll have 1,000-1,500 USD to spend in the coming weeks to get something decent.
i've been eyeing a number of builds on here
you know much about PC's keg and which of those might be my best option?
I feel like we're hijacking this thread... anyway. I don't know to much, but I know a bit, and this seems like an absurdly good deal, the mobo and cpu are one of the best bang per dollar combos around for gaming, the PSU allows for almost any upgrade you may want in the future, and it's got two R9 290's, which from what I can tell, is the best bang per dollar GPU you can get.

The only issue is the 1TB HDD, though the SSD is nice (you can install your OS and main games to it, and the load times will be cut dramatically) and you'll need to buy (or steal) an OS, you'll need a keyboard and mouse, and it might be quite loud, because those GPU's are quite power hungry.

Check out: and

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:45:46 AM »
Thing about upgrading a CPU, is you need to replace (or at least should) basically everything but the GPU (I've already got a 970) and I estimate it at about $1000 AUD, which is a bit out of the question when you don't have a job.

What laptop do you have? I suspect you're gonna have a harder time running GTA 5 than you imagine.

V Chat & Support / Re: GTAV PC: Stunting Changes
« on: April 13, 2015, 09:20:19 AM »
When you play, can you add (or send me a message) how CPU intensive it is, I really want to get it so I can play with some of you guys, but my intel i7 870 might be a bit outdated... to say the least, hopefully my GPU makes up for it or something.

V Videos / Re: Wanna B(MX) - a BMX inspired moto montage
« on: April 11, 2015, 04:20:40 PM »
Will you be getting PC?

Nice video, shows the versatility of grinds but doesn't "wow" very much. It was an enjoyable watch, I like seeing the limits being pushed and new stuff coming out of GTA:V.

Combos are definitely next. I've seen tons of methods coming out of the game lately but I haven't seen them used in combos very much. Having a big library of methods really opens the world up for cool set ups. I've got a few ideas for combos already but will probably take a few weeks to beat the single player and get a good feel for GTA:O before I stunt seriously. At least, that's what I'm hoping :P Knowing me, I'll probably just start stunting immediately xD
Trust me, seeing all of these various grinds and slides and getting ideas is one thing, but actually finding the spots to land these combos we think of is borderline impossible. Every night I think of amazing ways to combo these things (like most stunters), and then I wake up and spend hours looking for a spot to actually land it, but I never find it.

It's easy to look at a video like this and think "wow, that nose slide would make a great combo!" but the map really doesn't favor this kind of stunting. There's loads of easy ass Thrust grinds around the place, and little gapes to Shitzu slide under (which I love) but there's almost nowhere to combo them.

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