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Messages - DBTVSA

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VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 29, 2012, 10:02:02 AM »
This was great man, similar to shadow dragon the lag at the beginning before you showed vice's stunt was a bit annoying, but apart from that it was clean and well presented :). I'll do a full review later.

Wooo pre finisher and finisher  :ninja:
I just added a review template for you on Sendspace. ;)
crazy clown's wallie 2 prec and ninja's 4:05 where awesome ;)
rest is meh and edit is cool at some parts but the lag just ruins it :(
Do you remember your challenge? :lol:

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / 10 Years VC
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:00:00 PM »
10 Years VC

Today is the day where Grand Theft Auto: Vice City gets 10 years old. It pushed the open world game series deeper into popular culture and to celebrate the 10th anniversary, we made a collaboration highlighting one of the most known music from the game which was also used in one of the first trailers. Everything was organized so late that I thought the video will not be released, but finally we had a total 24 stunts so everything went well afterwards. Maybe, another version of the video also available in Germany (with another song) will be released by Basium or me on November 8, 2012 (10 years after the European release date). In that case, both videos can be seen here. I want to thank Basium for editing and communicating in a way that everything went well, Dimension for helping me with the video and his ideas, the participants for participating in a collab which was going to be released less than one month after the organization started, SkyStunterCrew for everything and finally Rockstar Games for developing one of the greatest game ever. :lol:






ViCe NiNjA


Review (txt, 4000B, 0p x 0p, 0kBit/s, 0fps) Sendspace Coming soon on Mediafire.
30 Screenshots (bmp, 14MB, 1280p x 720p, 0kBit/s, 0fps) Coming soon on Mediafire & Sendspace.
WMV (wmv, 240MB, 1280p x 720p, 6300kBit/s 25fps)Sendspace Coming soon on Mediafire.
HDV (mpg, 900MB, 1280p x 720p, 18300kBit/s, 25fps) Coming soon on Mediafire.

If someone wishes other qualities or links he may post it here.



If someone wishes other streams he may post it here.

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 20, 2012, 04:00:00 PM »
This is just stupid, it's bad how a bunch of jerks are going to vote for the best editor, none of us is better except some arrogance is going to be dull on our hearts, but come on guys, this doesn't need voting. This needs a big amount of stunts and a variation of editing an appropriate amount of recorded videos. Well if this wouldn't happen then wipe me out of the list. Also I don't think this is organized that well but good luck in your further works.

And the title of the upcoming video explains a lot. It's a collaboration of a 10 years of VC release therefore that means we have to collaborate as editors, and make the video together.   ;)
I fully understand you if you say this is stupid because it really is stupid but I will tell you the reasons for my decision: Firstly, I did this not to be arrogant because I am so to speak organizing it alone and a decision of one person for a collaboration sounds selfish in my opinion. You even told me to just give you the job at the beginning of the organization on Skype. If I would have an organization team where we could discuss it would be okay. You are also talking about a big amount of stunts which did not come true in this case because we only have 16 at the moment as I also said in my other post. I think a change of the editors after about 20 stunts would be good but I do not think this is a good idea (even if I wipe myself out) to give every editor 8 stunts in a special collaboration where the main aspect is in stunting (I hope). Everything is just organized too late because it was planned to be a solo and then a duo and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City gets 10 years old in 8 days so I had to shorten the deadline to give the editor enough time. As you have the most votes at the moment I will not wipe you out in the hope that you understand me now and I also hope this will not instigate you to cancel this if you get voted the most. Also I will accept everyone who says that my organization is even worse than bad, because I also think this is the case but I have good news for you: After this, I will (maybe) never organize anything again (only in school, because they appreciate my work there). I will just give my ideas to other people like you and they can decide if they want to organize this or not but I do not think that everyone of them uploads over 10 gigabytes of Soundtrack onto YouTube over five nights just to make sure that nearly everyone is able to see the video. Hopefully, we can do a video together again soon, because I always appreciated your work as a true crew member (I hope you still remember), even after our first crew video is still not released by you. I think this is my last post in this topic, deadline is when the voting is over and other questions to me should be sent to me by a personal message. Another post like yours should not be caused by me from now on. Thank you for your attention and good night. :( I love you, Basium and you hate me, I know.

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:15:15 AM »
3 days (with today) until deadline. :o

Since we do not have so much multiple choises, I just made that poll.

Also I left myself in because of that. :P

At the moment, we only have a total of 15 stunts so I think there will not be a second part.

If there is still someone who is interested in editing this project I would write himself in but there will not be a proper chance. :(

I am sorry for organizing everything so late.

Thank you for your attention. :)

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 16, 2012, 04:00:05 AM »
6 days (with today) until deadline. :o

Today I will try 10 chosen songs from the Vice City Soundtrack if they get blocked or blocked in specific coutries or even not blocked at all.

Looks like we do not need a second part since I think there will not be so much stunts but if someone still finds a decent remix of one song of the Vice City Soundtrack he may let me know. :D

Also we have way to little editor suggestions to make everyone happy so if you know someone who could be interested in editing this project he may also let me know but a democratic decision will still be made in a few days to give everyone a proper chance.

I am sorry for organizing everything so late. :(

Okay, got to go to my driving license theory exam.

Thank you for your attention. :)

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 03, 2012, 11:30:31 PM »
add me
I did not know how I should write your name. :lol: Is it alright like this?

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 03, 2012, 09:04:00 PM »
how is it that you got my stuff when i didnt even send you anything? o.o
I am sorry, looks like I read something wrong somewhere. :lol:

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 03, 2012, 10:55:01 AM »
Absolutely, but there needs to be a decent edit on this video. A decade of Vice City? Damn, this should be good! I will send you something. Personally, I'd take a few songs directly from the games soundtrack and some kinda mash up or just let one song's easy to make a theme for this video...just highlight some of VC's hot spots...simple. Maybe use some [original] cut scenes here and sweat. I would even recommend no crazy bike skins...player skins would be enough...for me anyway.
Yeah, I just imagened how a clean edit would look like with something like the song of the first ever teaser trailer which aired on august. :) GTA Vice City Trailer #1Do not mind the 10.22.02, Vice City was delayed one week as you also can see in the other teaser trailers.

I am thinking of two parts with an original song directly from the games soundtrack for the first part and a mashup or remix for the second part. :lol: In my opinion, it should be something quiet like above to get the feeling of the release of Vice City back.

I also like your idea with the cutscenes but they should be important ones from the story. ;)

By the way, what do you think about a little header and a little footer?

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 03, 2012, 01:54:01 AM »
I will now write down everyone, who suggests himself as an editor and people can decide between October 19, 2012 and October 21, 2012.

By the way, you should have some videos. :lol:

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 03, 2012, 01:20:00 AM »
Can i see your best vc vid you edited  :euro:
I am sorry, I do not really have a really good one, because I do not like the camera system in Vice City replays. I just wrote myself down temporarily. That is why I need suggestions for a better Vice City Editor. :lol: He should be reliable, because he would only have eight days of time.

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 02, 2012, 04:25:00 PM »
You should get a more experienced replay checker who would better determine which stunts qualify for a significant collab like this & who would distinguish clean stunts from modded ones.
Well, I am using replays since 2008, but I would take more replay checkers if people want. ;)
One thing i'd say though, if this is a celebration of 10 years of VC, you should probably look for a more experienced editor in VC, not saying you're a bad editor, it will just fit more to the theme to have one of the oldies edit it :).
Of course, I just wrote myself down temporarily in the case that no one would suggest himself and take the job. :lol: I will make a list in the editors line and then we will see in the last days before giving the package to the editor.

Good night guys.

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:59:02 PM »
Oh I'm so in.
Is your stunter name now your current forum name?

VC Chat & Support / Re: 10 Years VC
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:30:17 PM »
does this include SAiVC and LC?
No, I am sorry, because this is like a celebration of Vice City only. :lol:

VC Chat & Support / 10 Years VC
« on: October 01, 2012, 11:00:03 AM »
10 Years VC
(If someone finds a better name, he may suggests it)

October 29, 2012 is the time where Grand Theft Auto: Vice City gets 10 years old. As I also did badly with Grand Theft Auto III, I wanted to do a 10 years-video. After having not so much time for that project since the beginning of the year, Dimension asked me to join it. Last month, I lost all hope in landing enough stunts for that duo so I wanted to make a collaboration out of it but did not want to ask Dimension if it is ok. Dimension had the same thought like it turned out yesterday, so here it is. What remains to say? Send enough Vice City quality stunts to me. How many will be taken is dependent on the numbers of stunters, I think. In the package, include your skins, your font, your stunts and your particle. You can suggest yourself as an editor and I will decide. I think October 21, 2012 is the best deadline, since the stunters would only have three weeks time and the editor or editors would only have eight days time of editing and sending me the video. If you have song suggestions for the video, feel free to post them here. It would be good if it has something in common with the celebration of Vice City or with the time of Vice City. Now go and send some great stunts. :lol:

Replay Checker:

October 21, 2012 (over)

The editor accepts that I am allowed to upload the video to different uploading and streaming services.


Anoobis Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
AroX Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Censored Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Cooper Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
CrazyClown Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Dakar Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
DBTVSA Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Dimension Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
ElectroxX Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
FallDress Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Mikeymouse Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Tornado Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
Urban Legend Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle
ViCe NiNjA Skins | Font | Stunts | Particle

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