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Messages - ATenShun

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Introduce Yourself / Re: Back (Sorta?)
« on: October 24, 2010, 11:41:26 PM »
Welcome back. Altho I think you should've stayed in the kitchen.

Cool Story Bro :lol: I still has a kitchen fool, I cook in it everyday, nerdiness comes first though  :wub:

Yaz is a beast at CS:S.. so where can i see some of your epicness in SF?

All my stuff on YouTube is pretty scrubby :lol: I'll upload some stuff soon though for sure  :P

OHH WOW.. Justin Wong was in that Ultimate Gamer show i recently finished seeing  :o i didnt know that was him..

Yeah! Justin, Yaz, Jake, and Vanessa are all people I know, my friend Adande (Swoozie) was on Season 1 of Ultimate Gamer!  :lol: I also made friends with Ciji Thornton (StarSlay3r) once upon a time comment, fuck drama

that justin kid must of been really embarrassed  :(

Not really, he's a good sport, cocky on camera, a sweetheart / the nicest guy ever off camera, Daigo and Justin have been at it for years now, it's all friendly competition, but USA vs Japan has been a big deal for the gaming community for generations now. Justin is the US Champ, Daigo and him go back and forth all the time, when it comes to Evo though, so far Daigo has always taken it in the finals.

Besides, Chun's Super is one of the easiest moves to learn to parry, Daigo just saw his chance and took full advantage, that's why he's Daigo "The Beast" Umehara. Justin plays mostly off of his popularity and the "Justin Wong Factor", people automatically think they are going to lose when they play him because he's Justin Wong, it psyches people out a bit....Marvel is what Justin is really more known for, that's why he's Justin "Marvelous" Wong :p

"Let's Go Justin!" - EVO 2009 SFIV Grand Finals Justin Wong Vs Daigo Umehara

Here's a clip from Evo 2k9 last year :)

Daigo Full Parry Come Back and Win (SFIIITS)

The Chun player is actually a friend of mine  :P Justin Wong, Ken is of course Daigo Umehara. This is a pretty "famous" clip

Music / Re: Some of My Music (Remixes & Originals)
« on: October 24, 2010, 06:32:09 PM »

im not into any fighting games really but this video is fucking hilarious:
mahvel baybee!

LOL yeah, that'd be Yipes, mahvel is srs bsnz  ;)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Back (Sorta?)
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:05:12 PM »
Remeber you, dont think we ever spoke though

I don't recognize the name Toast have been here since the server change (around 2004) yeah we probably never spoke, it's never to late to start though!

BTW you steam gif is awesome lmao


@NOAHofDEATH: :D thanks, :lol: I'm gonna need all the luck I can get, seems that skill left me, hoping with the encouragement of The Daffmeister, I will be able to get back on my bike...and in my car...and pick up where I left off...expect lots of vids haha

Tekken Street Fighter and DOA <3

Love Tekken the most tho, Eddie is my favorite in it.

Get a working xbox and we could play live on Tekken 6 :p i think it works live atleast xD

Nice, yeah once I get a working 360, I'm grabbing a copy of T6, my buddy Harada-san (Director of Tekken) has been trying to get me to join Team Tekken ever since Street Fighter x Tekken and Tekken x Street Fighter were announced earlier this year. I've been a huge SF fan for years though, ever since 1993, I was 2 years old, first game I ever played was Street Fighter 2: Special Championship Edition on Sega Genesis, been part of the fighting scene ever since and made some reaaaallllly cool friends over the years...although a lot of them are pretty busy and so half the time don't even have time to talk anymore haha....

Tekken is pretty sweet, I like Eddy (and Tiger in Tekken 3), I dunno much about the fighting system of Tekken yet but I've been going back to T3 and learning what I can...I LOVE me some DOA though and I can only thank ONE person for getting me into that game, Adande "sWooZ1e" Thorn, if you go on YouTube, search for swoozie06 and prepare to meet the nicest guy EVER, ALSO search for his new channel with Michelle Phan called "PRESS START"...I'll post their first video below....

Michelle Phan vs. sWooZie blindfolded

Don't forget to comment, subscribe, rate, all that good stuff!

I got too much to talk about as far as fighters go, and I dunno where to even start, I hope to come across some more people into this, especially now that the fighting scene is practically what is making gaming MAINSTREAM and get noticed by public media.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Back (Sorta?)
« on: October 24, 2010, 08:30:25 AM »
Hi AtenShun, are you the guy who converted my CJ skin to VC?? I dont think you are but im not sure :happy: It was a loooooong time ago
I have the 2010 version but not installed....and Kam's GTA Tools didn't work with 2010's version :(....but...if I could get the older version again, I'd do player models.......

Short Answer: Naw T_T

I have 2010 and Kam's works pretty fine  :hmm: Just manually install it and it should work. (Now we are on the subject.. I installed it yesterday to give converting buildings from LC to VC a try and failed  :cheersad:)

Anyway, Welcome back, I remember seeing you in videos, smth with grabs atleast cause I saw that recently. Have a nice second period of your stunting career thingy  :ajaja: *cough* Don't go SA *cough*  :ffvsielj3:

You shouldn't need Kam's to convert from LC to VC since LC runs on the VC engine....I think however you will need some mapping tools to place the building where you want....don't quote me on that, I haven't messed with GTA for a few years, but it's essentially like any other game at it's core.

I only had a couple vids out there, but if anyone is curious, try to find Old School (featuring Neo, Kaneda, and Demonfade), and a 48 Hour Video called I Love My Computer (featuring Turtle Boy and FlatFace), I was also in an Airgrab competition, in that I did a haaaard asss stunt Daffy gave me on the LC bridge, smacked into the side of where I wanted to land, mashed Enter, and airgrabbed it all did not was a sick stunt, but I guess the AIRGRAB itself wasn't good enough....

As far as SA vs VC, I started on GTA3 in 2001, moved onto VC in 2002, and when SA came out I felt like stunting was "too easy" so I never bothered with it...HOWEVER I have taking a liking to it somewhat, I just need to get well acquainted with the map layout so I stop getting so damn lost! VC I know like the back of my hand, my skill is just extremely lacking now days....SA makes it easier on me, so expect to see some FUN SA, VC, and LC vids!


Oh many responses, I dunno where to even start, I wanna answer you all, but I don't wanna write a whole book....Herr-Dav' I remember you too! lol Ralleee is also a familiar face...Macsta too ^_^ rest of you...seem new to me....but definitely thanks for the warm welcome!!!!


@TrYp: haha actually it's sorta paying homage to the Tank Girl comics and's basically just attention but split up into parts "A-Ten-SHUN!!!" pretty nerdy, and in the past people have mistaken this for me being an attention whore, which if you knew me back in the day and requested models from would know I hate being overwhelmed by people paying too much attention to me...


Again thanks EVERYONE, the lovers, the haters, the old, the new, everyone seems so much nicer than the last time I was here, I'm glad to meet you all, hope I can make some new friends and catch up with some old ones in this experience! Got a few people asking me to be in videos already, looks like I got a bit of work ahead of me ^_^

Introduce Yourself / Re: Back (Sorta?)
« on: October 23, 2010, 07:54:30 PM »
I was just wondering where you had disappeared to the other day, welcome back :)

<3 Daffyyyyy!!! My friend is obsessed with stunting cause I showed him your videos the other day ^_^, that's why I'm back, him and TB kinda pushed me to start stunting again!

Music / Some of My Music (Remixes & Originals)
« on: October 23, 2010, 07:35:07 PM »
Here's a little bit of what I got on YouTube, I don't upload a lot of high quality stuff to YouTube yet, but am going to get more of my music and vids and such uploaded soon!

Like a G6 Remix PREVIEW30 Second Preview - Like a G6 Remix

Portal 2 Remix Portal 2 Remix - AngeloProduction & SuperDooperChan (MzTek)

Intraforce (HL2 Mod Music Test)HL2 Mod Music Test 2

Intraforce Music Test Extended (w/ Game Sounds On) Half-Life 2 Mod Music Test 2 (Extended)

Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact (Elena's Tomboy Remix) Elena Theme Remix - Tomboy GCMix (2nd Impact)

Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (Yun/Yang's Crowded Street Remix Preview) (Yun Remix Preview) 3rd Strike (Sean [CPU] vs Ibuki [Yoko]) - Clutch - Hardest Difficulty

Not the greatest and most of the stuff is all work in progress, just tell me whatcha think and if you wanna hear more, or even if you have requests...I should be getting more entertaining stuff up there soon, I've just been lazy since I haven't really had an audience for my work :).

Gaming Discussion / Street Fighter? SF4, SF3 3rd Strike, Mahvel? Anyone?
« on: October 23, 2010, 06:38:17 PM »
Where yo currleh mustache at?!  :euro: Anyone here into the fighting scene at all? I don't have a working xbox at the moment. but I have the ability to play Vanilla SF4 on PC as well as 3rd Strike.

GFWL / Xbox Live Gamer Tag: MzTek (or Lolipower)
MSN: [email protected]
Yahoo: [email protected]
AIM: TheJuriHan

If the names Daigo Umehara, Alex Valle, Yipes, Sanford Kelly, Justin Wong, Marn, Seth Killian, Yoshinori Ono, or Katsuhiro Harada (Mostly Capcom related people....) mean anything to you,


Team Ninja, Capcom, Namco, Arcsys....if you play Street Fighter, Marvel, BlazBlue, Tekken, DOA, Guilty Gear, Melty Blood, Arcana Heart, Soul Calibur, Whateverrrr.... please post what you know and love about what fighting games you know and love.

Don't be a stranger, feel free to add me and request to play something or just to talk nerdy :)

Introduce Yourself / Re: Back (Sorta?)
« on: October 23, 2010, 06:27:40 PM »
Hi AtenShun, are you the guy who converted my CJ skin to VC?? I dont think you are but im not sure :happy: It was a loooooong time ago

I think I was yeah ^_^; I did a lot of model conversion from gta sa to vc and such...I got overwhelmed with requests though and it just got to be drama and flaming and bs for no reason :( so people like FlatFace took over after that! Big props to all people who have took the time to make player models and understand the process, I'm a bad teacher so I'm glad some other people had a chance to take on all the questions I was getting  :lol:


@godson: not really :( I don't even have 3ds max anymore....if I were somehow able to attain my installations for the older version of 3ds max....I have the 2010 version but not installed....and Kam's GTA Tools didn't work with 2010's version :(....but...if I could get the older version again, I'd do player models.......

Short Answer: Naw T_T

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