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Messages - m3rrix

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Blog / The Art of Editing: A Chat With WaRoW
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:23:34 PM »
Two Takes It is for me the best SA video of 2010. Not only are the stunts truly epic but the editing is quite unlike anything I have ever seen in a video – it’s, well, playful. Every time I return to it I notice something new: a new filter catches my eye, a camera angle reveals something about a stunt I’d not noticed and with every viewing the audio track starts to makes more and more sense.

Two Takes It

Not being around the forums for so long kind of makes Two Takes It something of a mystery. And let’s be honest, the introduction doesn’t help – it’s more enigmatic than anything else:

Who cares about a description, it's only a project like other. I'll only give some tips about this video. 31 gb of footage, 9 songs used, 16 different color correction, a guest editor... Why people like to do simple video with rock or metal song ? Maybe because everyone like that on GTAS. Don't be afraid of critics, try to be creative and work as hard as you can to put the watcher in a fantastic position. A movie is famous because this movie is special, not because everyone like this kind of movie. This is the same about GTA. The revolution is coming. JUST TRY NEW WAYS OF VIDEO-MAKING !

What I want to know is where did this video come from? What inspired it? Who is this WaRoW and what do I need to do to get in on his revolution?

And so I decided to get in contact with the man himself and ask about Two Takes It. What follows is an edited transcript of my chat with WaRoW about Two Takes It and his approach to editing.

m3rrix: I recently returned to the forums after a few years away and one of the first things I noticed was that the quality of editing, particularly in SA stunt vids, has really gone up. While I think that this is partly because of better hardware and software, it is also pretty clear that people are putting a lot more time and effort into their editing. These changes are thanks largely to guys like you and Daffy and BeaT as well as the work of the editing crew you founded, Beyond Tomorrow. In a way though, this all reminds me of kr3mlin’s ambitions to change peoples’ approach to editing three-or-so-years ago with neoRetro films. Have you been influenced by kr3mlin’s break with standard editing? I’m thinking particularly of Rakish and Now, Returning To View. What GTAS videos influenced Two Takes It?

WaRoW: Yes I really was influenced by kr3mlin in stunting & editing, Now, Returning To View was my favorite video for a really long time. We see that kr3mlin doesn't really care about the people, he is doing his thing. That's the best state of mind to give the best. And all that editing crew is great but there shouldn't be more than 3 editing crew to my mind. There are only Visual Prox and Beyond Tomorrow (Visual Prox isn't very active to me). Others are doing things without any ambitions, only to put a logo on the beginning of their videos.

I never used high quality setting, because it's only video games. We shouldn't put importance in Xtrem Quality or whatever, a good old 720p is great. Certainly that's pretty to watch a video in an amazing quality but, all that things are only games !

I don't think there are any videos that influenced Two Takes It – it was all creation. Or it was [unconscious] influences because I really worked on doing something new.

I’m really inspired by movies. I really love directors who give a real importance to the editing, like Quentin Tarantino, Danny Boyle or Robert Rodriguez. I mean, GTAS stunting videos aren't really inspired, they only edit because they have to do it, and when they want they only use basics effects. To my mind, GTAS editors don't put a real sense in their edit, the editing must have an atmosphere, a soul.

m3rrix: I guess what I mean when I talk about influences has more to do with ambition, or intention.

It is interesting that you mention Tarantino or Danny Boyle – the parallels are obvious now you mention them. I’m guessing you’ve also seen Guy Ritchie’s RocknRolla and Chan-wook Park’s Oldboy? I’m going to use a word to describe them that you don’t hear very often these days – they are all auteurs. Hollywood has perfected a mode of production that strips autonomy from the director. It has basically become this globe-spanning money making machine. And so you end up with films like Cameron’s Avatar or Burton’s Alice in Wonderland that are visually very pleasing but don’t really stay with you after you’ve left the cinema. It is really quite rare these days that directors are totally free from the input of their investors. This is bad for art.

WaRoW: When I do a video, I try to give a message with it, it's my main intention. And I mostly try to don't get you bored like others video ! And yes, I saw a lot of Guy Ritchie's movie but my favourite still is Snatch, the editing has a real important place. I think the editing should be more important nowadays, there are as you said some upgrade with softwares etc... But editors or directors don't take it as an Art, this is mainly a tool to produce the movie. It looks like they don't even know what is possible to do with a little bit of editing ! The commercial society is clearly bad for Art, that's not only in the cinema. Avatar and Alice In Wonderland are really enjoyable but, this isn't Art, this is entertainment in my opinion. And not for everyone, I get bored when I watched them ! Well, directors should better think about editing and scenario than money !

m3rrix: When you sit down to edit where do you start? Is it with an idea, with a song in mind or do you fire up SA and take a look at your reps?

WaRoW: When I sit down to edit... I generally don't do that, haha! I always listen to music so I think that's the start of my editing ideas. I get ideas with a song, or something I’ve imagine in my mind.

I’m a [composer] too so I always discover new songs and I know a lot about music rhythm etc... I can nicely cut songs. I'm not limited for the soundtrack of my videos, other editors always choose one or two songs, not me ! I'm trying to don't make my video monophonic and boring, the watcher is more implicated with that process I think.

For my cameras views, I do some photography too, so I can take the best angle possible and I try to make it artistic as more as possible. I love to do a lot of cameras angles, it gives a great rhythm to the video.

Most of the time, I’m doing totally another thing and I get the idea from nowhere, I don't know how to explain that. I never fire up GTA at first, it ruins my ideas !

m3rrix: Haha. Let’s talk about music for a bit then. I’ve been listening to Mr Oizo which you used a lot in ‘Two Takes It’. He has this amazing cut-up style that just seems to work so well with the chunky Ed Bangers electro sound. When did you come across him? I think he is really great – thanks so much for using him – but I don’t really think ‘stunt video!’ when I listen to his records. How did you decide to use his music?

WaRoW: I started to come across Mr. Oizo when I started to do electronic music. He is from Ed Banger right, I really think Ed Banger is one of the best record [labels] ever, really, they are so different and they look happy to make stuff together, that is how should be in cinema or music! I decided to use him in Two Takes It because I wanted to try something new, and I directly thought of him because he isn't a conventional artist, I mean, he does what he really want. Plus Mr. Oizo's style fit really well with editing effects. There are some cool sounds etc...

m3rrix: Yeah he is and they are. I don’t really listen to a lot of techno music, but my brother is a DJ so I hear a lot about Ed Banger records. How do you discover new music?

WaRoW: I generally discover new music by luck, I’m always on youtube and myspace. I first listen to for example: Mr. Oizo, then I look the comments or friends and I always find something pretty! There are a lot of artists  on internet, that's a great improvement of the music art.

m3rrix: I agree. I think the internet has really helped music as an art form. It is such a cheap distribution platform and has really helped to lower the cost barrier of entry for aspiring musicians. There are parallels of course with online video. But in a time when everyone is producing, how do you get your work noticed? Do you want to make a career out of all this?

WaRoW: Yes that's really awesome because [it’s posssible to produce] recording studio quality without a recording studio ! I think it’s the music choice which is making it unique, and of course, the editing ! If a stunt video has really incredible stunts, but a bad edit, the video will be just “good”. The editing [makes] the difference between a “good” job and an “unbelievable” job.

I would love to become a director, I’m trying to. I think that would be great because i have got the editing eye, and the musician ear. That would be pretty great ! I'm already doing some movie test !

m3rrix: Do you associate a visual style with music? Or does that emerge through experimentation?

WaRoW: Both. A song always gives me a feeling, an atmosphere, so it gives me a visual style in mind. But when I try to do my “mind idea”, I sometimes fail but I sometimes [get] a better idea. So it depends. Generally, if I can't do my idea, I cancel it and cancel the project...

I must have a really strong motivation to release a video, I always hate my work, I always think that I could do better.

m3rrix: I think you have touched on something about the nature of art there. How do you keep up motivation to continue editing? How do you know when to let go?

WaRoW: I keep up motivation because the people love my work. And i always want to do something more awesome than what i did. That's like a sixth sense, haha, i just know when i have to let go or not ! I think artists always have something to show, a message or an unique thing, this is why they aren't happy of their work because they think they can always do better.

m3rrix: How did the collaboration with Daksad work?

WaRoW: The collaboration with Daksad was like always, wonderful. I love to work with him, he has a great stunt/stunter choice and I always show him what I do, betas etc... He gives his opinion and I work with it ! But I really wanted to include him in Two Takes It, so I decided to make a guest editor, i gave him a song and he tried something.

m3rrix: And I think he did a great job. What are you views on the state of SA stunting more generally.

WaRoW: My views on SA Stunting... I left stunting but anyway I can give my opinion. I think that stunters only see the massive things, they should try to find another way of stunting like kert did or kr3mlin… In my opinion stunting is evolving, or was evolving when I was a stunter. Burn is taking the whole thing to a new level, he combines massive with creativity, that's a great thing for everybody. [The sam goes for] editors, they should try new things, every editors should put their soul in the editing, not only effects.

m3rrix: Ok, thanks very much WaRoW, I enjoyed chatting with you and finding out a bit more about Two Takes It. Is there anything else you want to add?

WaRoW: I hope you'll all try something different and make GTA an Art !

WH Video Releases / Re: Wasteland Heroes - Omicron
« on: January 23, 2011, 09:21:34 PM »
That was brilliant. Daffy's double wallride and BK's double grind were amazing.

Blog / Re: Blast From The Past: Rakish
« on: January 21, 2011, 11:56:07 PM »
Anyway, as much as I love stunting and creativity maybe you should try to change your approach. Those blast from the past are always about how a stunter shows unique stuff while everybody else on the forum is just a sheep bumping without thinking. It's more complicated than that...

I simplify because: I don't know the truth, I can't remember the truth and because it makes for a good story. I hope no one believes that I am an authority figure on all this.

Blog / Blast From The Past: Rakish
« on: January 21, 2011, 07:11:20 AM »
First of all I want to thank Daffy for taking over from me while I was back home in Australia for the holidays. I think his selections were top notch and if he's keen, I'm happy for him to post regularly to this column. So without any further ado, here's this week's blast from the past.

The 2006 bike collab between kert and kr3mlin, Rakish, was uploaded to GTAS not long before the forums went down in mid-2006. Consequently I feel that the video never really got the attention that it deserved.

kr3mlin and kert were at this point in GTA stunting really pushing the boundaries of what was possible in SA – showing that things were indeed different than in the VC engine, but different in a good way. Bikes, while an obvious example, had only previously been popular for natural bumps. That all changed with Rakish. With a wide variety of stunts, kert and kr3m really showcased what the bike was truly capable of; using both the BMX and mountain bike in grind combos, grabs and big airs. (I could be wrong but I think this was also the first video to include that strange roof-grab-to-precision bug that always seemed so popular at TMS.)

The pace of a bike video necessitates something a bit different from the editor. This is the kind of challenge that kr3mlin relishes and he seized it with characteristic flair, electing to use a hip-hop soundtrack and a slow swipe for transitions within stunts. While not always popular at the time, kr3mlin’s work has come to have a long lasting influence on editors like Warow, who share kr3mlin’s objective to break with the GTAS mold.

Rakish is a stylishly edited bike collab between two of the big names in early SA stunting.


‘this vid kicked mucho asso’ – RAD
‘lots of sick stuff, definately a keeper’ – Eddeman

Blog / Re: Blast From The Past: Found
« on: January 10, 2011, 02:38:41 AM »
I love this video. For me it is up there UnorthodoX, TAOS and See What I See for sheer creativity.

Faves are the grab at 3:48 and the packer2wallride2stoppie2ledgegrind2wtf-precision-stunt at 4:31. I also love the wallride stoppie at 1:55 – it is a one of a kind stunt.

Music / Re: Best albums of 2010
« on: December 29, 2010, 06:24:44 AM »
Oh, and Field Music is pretty great too.

Music / Re: Best albums of 2010
« on: December 29, 2010, 06:13:50 AM »
Lots of great albums here already. Also worth mentioning are releases by LCD Soundsystem, Deer Hunter, Joanna Newsom, The National, The Walkmen, The Emeralds, This Is Head, Toro Y Moi, Tame Impala, Ratatat, Blonde Redhead, Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti, Big Boi, Robyn... God, I sound like the Pithfork posterboy. :/

TMS Video Releases / Re: Merry ChrisTMS !
« on: December 29, 2010, 05:41:53 AM »
Away for half a week and miss a video. TMS TMS TMS!

Blog / Re: Blast From The Past: Digging Up The Corpses
« on: December 29, 2010, 04:54:07 AM »
Thanks very much Daffy, this is a great selection.

Blog / Blast From The Past: Overwatch
« on: December 16, 2010, 03:47:03 PM »
This week's blast from the past was selected and written by Ghost.

XSA's Overwatch, released towards the end of the 'golden years' of SA stunting, is what I believe to be the pinnacle of a SA video. It was edited by kr3mlin and featured stunts by Buzzsaw, Deathcobra, Juan, kr3mlin, Liviu and Omni. It is a great video but one that the crew struggled to surpass (although they did come close with Unbroken and The Watched; and I guess As One and AOA are on the same level but they don't count :P).

The sense of a calm before the storm in the intro (Neo's narration) neatly sets up this epic video. The editing captures the atmosphere of the song (Pendulum’s Slam, which is probably one of the best ever used in a stunt video) perfectly. The camera angles were brilliant – showing enough of the stunt not to be confusing, but still leaving the viewer in anticipation of where the stunter will land. Kr3mlin really knew where to cut-in and where to cut-out.

Notable stunts include: Juan's p2b in the sewers, DC's car packerbumps, Kremlin's BMX wallclimbs and Liviu's taxi stunts (note how epic non-rollboosted taxi stunts look). Not only were the stunts epic, they were varied: we had planes, cars, motorbikes, bikes, boats, and even a grenade boost.

  • All of XSA's videos pre ’06
  • Flightgear - Pep & Kremlin
  • Rakish - Kremlin & Kert

! Private video

"Amazing, no other SA video is as good as this....this tops my list." - Nitzkit
"A great vid which goes to the folder with the best SA vids" - Tackleberry
"Anyone who calls themselves a stunter should have this vid on their HD." - Juan

TMS Chat & News / Re: Ask TMS
« on: December 16, 2010, 12:02:40 PM »

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Affliction
« on: December 10, 2010, 03:14:24 AM »
Started slow but finished very strong. Standouts for me were the natural stunts – particularly the stoppie grind and the bonk. Good job.

Blog / Blast From The Past: Zero Hour 2
« on: December 08, 2010, 12:32:49 PM »
Released on November 14th 2005 Zero Hour 2 was ZeroX’s final solo stunt effort. It is an incredible little video, highly technical and a showcase of the great variety of stunts and vehicles with which ZeroX was proficient. Not only was he good for the big air, this ATS vet was also able to nail tough cork grinds and provide his fans with plenty of wtf!?! moments – the stunt at 2:15 in this video remains the most creative freeway stoppie-grab ever landed. Surely it is this versatility that makes ZeroX one of the most complete stunters we have had at GTAS.

Musically, Dimmur Borgir was then and remains a popular choice for stunt videos. While I don’t usually like this kind music, for some reason it always seems a good match for stunting. When combined with the heavy green filter and freeze frames in the opening of Zero Hour 2, you just know you are in for a treat.

Machine-like in his execution, ZeroX was seemingly able to land anything on any vehicle.

Zero Hour 2

‘this vid was insane… a god of grinding’ – Marklund
‘brilliant… I need to start practicing some of that stuff’ – BloodyHook
‘this vid is fantastic’ – Lord Peres
‘a very very very very very very enjoyable vid’ – kr3mlin

Blog / Blast From The Past: Twos Tale
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:54:18 AM »
The blast from the past section of the blog will remind readers of videos that have had some effect on the GTAS community. I hope to update this every week-or-so and eventually bring on guests to introduce us to one of their favourites (and hopefully explain what it means to them). So, let's get things started.

Emerging from relative obscurity, Nagual and Pep released Twos Tale in June of 2005. In a period dominated by BSMs and rock anthems, their take on stunting brought something fresh to the forums.

The video is split in two parts. In the first Nagual gets the video going with some great pole bumps and roof stoppies. Pep’s section, prefering more cinematic camera angles and experimental editing, includes a couple of impressive wallrides and to my knowledge, the first stoppie-ledgegrind. The style of the stunting was something new and the community had mixed reactions.

Perhaps where Twos Tale stood out and remains of note to this day was in its editing. Pep's choice of colour filtering and music is what gives the video its vitality and the splicing in of other clips only helps build the momentum.

A big influence on TMS’ kert and kr3mlin, Twos Tale remains a one-of-a-kind video, refreshing and inspiring.


‘it pwns any video I've seen by far’ — Ramboy
‘beautiful’ — Nitzkit
‘the editing was flawless’ — Daffy
‘loved the vid’ — Samurai

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