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Topics - Aeneon

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Video Editing/Compression / Anyone wanna edit a LC mod stuntvid
« on: October 05, 2006, 10:09:10 AM »
Anyone wanna edit a LC mod stuntvid. I dont have a name but i have a few stunts and i can give you my bike and skin if needed

VC Stunting Challenges / LC Mod Challenge
« on: October 01, 2006, 05:10:38 AM »

Screenshots & Pictures / woohoohohohohoh
« on: September 23, 2006, 06:17:23 AM »
well i was trying to do a BSM gap at the casino when the pcj went into a krail and grinded.So i did a BSM 2 krail 2 Grind.No cheats. No never fall of or rocket boost


Video Editing/Compression / SplitScreen in wmm2
« on: September 16, 2006, 07:34:25 AM »
how can i get widescreen in wmm2 so it chops off the fraps watermark

VC Stunting Challenges / Bump 2 Grind
« on: September 03, 2006, 08:56:43 AM »
[img]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]

There ya go,i bump and overshoot the rail:(

Un-modded Stunting Video Releases / Strike Of A Tsunami
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:54:14 PM »
This is a vid of some of my best stunts so far so without the long long description:


P.s best viewed in 50%

Computer Talk / Help Please
« on: September 01, 2006, 07:21:54 AM »
If I find a .gif on the net and try to save it it saves as a bitmap.Anybody know how to fix it

VC Stunting Challenges / Tsunami's challenge 1
« on: August 29, 2006, 08:34:52 AM »
Bsm 2 Krail 2 Roof,Simple Really

[img]\" border=\"0\" alt=\"IPB Image\" /]

Have A Go

topic 666.Woot

Un-modded Stunting Video Releases / Shoreside Stunters 1St Vid
« on: August 24, 2006, 07:24:55 AM »
My Stunt Crew,Shoreside Stunters have made our first vid.Shout out to theftman for the editing!

Extreme Airtime


Video Editing/Compression / Anyone wanna edit me a video
« on: August 09, 2006, 11:18:46 AM »
Anyone wanna edit me a video.Its liberty city stories.The name is The Dark Side Of Liberty.Whoever does it MUST have Msn  


Graphic Tutorials / Mafia Sig Tutorial
« on: August 09, 2006, 11:14:10 AM »
In this tutorial we will be making this:

Web Ring / My Forums Relaunch
« on: August 07, 2006, 09:42:52 AM »
My forums have been relaunched and theres a special offer.ANYONE WHO JOINS FROM GTAS IS AUTOMATICALLY MADE MOD.anyone with a team can get there own forum

and anyone who wants a gang gets there own forum and a logo to go under there name!!!!!

Video Editing/Compression / Adding Effects to wmm2
« on: August 05, 2006, 05:12:03 AM »
How do i add effects to movie maker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!idk

Tutorials / The LCS Stunting Guide
« on: August 01, 2006, 09:07:21 AM »
The Liberty City Stories Stunting Guide
Table of contents
1)The Bump
5)Bump Grinding
8)Getting Speed
9)Note to Stunters
10) Back BSM

This guide will help you learn the basics of Stunting in GTA Liberty City Stories.
If you already know how to do these stunts in Vice City, you probably won't have much trouble doing them in LCS because VC and LCS have similar characteristics.

1) The Bump
First off, I recommend using a manchez or angel to perfrom natural bumps. If you find that you can do better bumps with a PCJ, be my guest and stunt with it.

Step One-find a ledge or curb that is higher than a sidewalk, but lower than the height of your stunt bike's tires. Again that is an estimate, it is very hard to bump something if it is not in that range, but not impossible.

Step two-get lots of speed, and pull a small wheelie by leaning back around a second before you hit the bump. This requires lots of practice to get the timing right. If you don't time your wheelie perfectly, you will fall off your bike. Bumping is the arguably most popular stunt technique, use it to land on high roofs or other thing discussed later.

2) Spinning

Spinning is quite difficult. When tyring to get a stunt captured in tape it is alot likly that it won't spin. Spining is all about hitting the object, at the right angle and at the right place. It is important that when coming into a spin that you turn the bike just as you're about to go into the air. You do so because, it will help you get the fullest spin possible while in the air.

3) Flipping

Flipping is probably the easyist of the lot. All it requires is speed and a ramp. It's important to remember that when you want to do a flip you pull into a wheelie as you are about to hit the base of the ramp. You do this for two reasons.
1. Because, it will make it easier to pull a flip and it will make it last a bit shorter.
2. In some cases, you do this to avoid your bike bumping against the ramp. If it does you will either lose quite abit of speed or bump into the air and miss the ramp completely! You also need quite abit of speed to get some good height. You don't want to fall of the ramp like a rock!
3. Most importantly, once in the air, you must pull diagonally backwards to perform a krail and diagonally forwards to do a cork. If you lean straight back, you will just fall off your bike. You can however pull straight back to do flips in cars.

4) Grinding

Grinding is what most people find hardest. It is also one on the best looking stunts. In grinding you will notice that it isn't as easy as it looks. You have to take alot of things into consideration. The entry is the key element to get you grinding. Start off at a slight angle, not straight and not directly facing it. Now you can't really do whellies from a stand still part because you need a decent amount if speed. Not too slow because you would simply stall on the rail, and not to fast because, in most cases your bike will slid over the rail completly. When you pull into a whellie to grind, dont make it too low, because you would just bang off, and get thrown away from the rail.(More info about that below) It's best to get it at about a 45-60 degree angle to enter the rail. When curling the front tyre over the rail, don't lean backwards. You do this because, you will pull yourself off the rail, but it is best to lean foward because, this will help the bike balance and get over. Now, when grinding, it's not al nice and straight. You need to balance by moving your analog stick up and down. Here are some common problems people have with grinding is that;
1. The Bike won't fit over the rail.
2. The Bike nearly got on the rail but it bouned back.
3. When I try my Bike goes to far over and I end up falling.

Well my answers to these are as follows:
1. The is the most common problem. The rail/wall is too thick or it is just in-grindable. The best way to grind thick rail is to do it via ramp-to-air-to-grind, and you will find out more about this stunting method later on in this tutorial.

2. This is another common problem that can only happen on some rails. This is because the rail is too jaggedy or uneven.

3. This is the easiest to solve. When you are coming into a grind, don't lean to far foward or you will tip you Bike over. This can also be the cause of going to fast.

Hope this makes grinding easer for you!

5) Bump Grinding

Bump grind is the result of the way you had come into the grind. Usually you would whack the rail with the back tyre and it will straighten out into a nice smooth grind. It's quite difficult and you can't really do it at will, It's mostly a fluke, but it is easy to do when exiting the grind. You tilt your front tyre or back tyre to where the rail truns at the end. When it bumps you should go into the air, this si a brilliant opprotunity to finish it off with a 180/360 spin.

6) BSM [Bike Stuck Method]

Step one-find two pcj bikes
Step two-place one bike on an edge of a solid object so half of the bike is on one side and half is on the other. this could be an unbreakable street pole, an edge of a building, many spots allow your bike to get stuck but remember it must be solid and level to the ground.
Step three-get on your second pcj and nudge your first bike so it sort of slips or falls down. Your first bike should fall into place at around a 45* angle stuck to the object you placed it on. If the bike doesn't get stuck, try again or find a new spot.
Step four-get a lot of speed and bump the bike like you would normally leaning back around a second before you hit the stuck bike.
Step five-land on a high roof or pull a sick grind!

Tutorial Video on How to set up and Adjust BSMs

7) Grabs
Groundgrabs in this are different from SA, so I just call them lame airgrabs.
There are a couple ways to do and Airgrab. One way is to drive really fast into a wall or bump, hit enter/exit very fast, and you will get off your bike and get on it all in midair. Another way is to first do a bump, and then after you already have some hangtime, fly into a wall, hit enter/exit rapidly and airgrab it. Airgrabs in my opinion are very easy if you use a freeway or sanchez type of bike. PCJ airgrabs are possible though, you just kick away from it more when you bail making it hard for you to get back on it. Also try Airgrabbing off of vehicles!

8) How to get speed
Just holding accelerate will get you some speed, but leaning forward just enough so your player's head is right behind your bike's windsheild while holding accelerate will give you much more speed.

RAD's Method
This method was obviously discovered by RAD. This is fairly hard to do in LCS, but possible. Pull a wheelie, best done on a sanchez or pcj, so that the back of your bike scrapes the road and makes sparks. Keep this position and lean forward slightly like you would for a normal speed boost. Then lean forward all the way while letting off the gas for less than half a second to get you out of the wheelie. If done correctly, you have driven with your bike scraping the pavement, pulled out of the wheelie, and kept on driving while leaning slightly forward still. This gives you a massive boost of speed without cheating! It is hard to haold the wheelie because you might fall off your bike while trying it or you might just be going to fast to wheelie that high. I will try to make a tutorial vid for this method soon.

9) Message to all stunters
Please do not use a cheat device to give you an unfair stunting advantage. If you use cheats like "Never Fall Off Bike" or this "Rocket Boost" crap, you are living a lie and it's not cool to all the stunters out there who put a lot of work into landing stunts fair and square. Thank You.

10)Back BSM
Back BSM's are like normal BSM's but a different set-up
-Set up- Line the engine up with the corner of youre wall.Nudge the bike so it falls into place like a normal BSM/BBM. Speed round the Pcj or Bsm vehicle and nudge the bike so it falls lower. Take some run up and hit the back of the bike in a wheelie like a normal BSM/BBM. If done right you should get lots of air

Hope This Helps
Good Luck


EDITED and improved by Master_Yayo

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / 1ST Stuntvid
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:52:31 AM »
Hey everybody,Im making my first stuntvid but im no good at names so can anybody suggest a name.Btw its for lcs but lcs and Vc have the same game engines so i posted it here

If i get a name it will be finished by today



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