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Topics - KillaMarci

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VC Stunting Challenges / do this :D
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:31:24 AM »

SA World Records / cba anymore
« on: September 05, 2008, 05:01:51 AM »
cba anymore to update the wr list , who else wants?

VC Stunting Challenges / p2b--
« on: August 24, 2008, 02:25:06 PM »
do that p2b and land the nitzkit aetas roof

SA Chat & Support / No moar burning NRG's with dannye's.scm?
« on: August 18, 2008, 07:06:53 AM »
yo guys
I have a little problem right now , I can't get my NRG burning. I start SA and set the player to vulnareable.. that means the NRG should start smoking and then burn sometimes right? But it just doesnt , and I don't know why. Dont have any other mods installed other than dannyes  I wanna do firegrinds

GTAStunting League - San Andreas / sasl3?
« on: August 16, 2008, 04:41:30 AM »
anyone up for organising it while Ghost is editing the sl2 video?

Video Editing/Compression / Which camera should I get?
« on: August 11, 2008, 09:34:23 AM »
Hey guys

I'm planning to buy a little digicam , just to make some pic's on special event's etc.  Everytime I go on a classtrip or something like that , everyone has a camera to picture the memories , except me

I've never had a camera so I don't really know what to buy.. Don't want to waste that much money on it though.

I found one on ebay.

It's kinda weird. It has 12MP and 8x Zoom for 40€...

This one has 8MP and 4x Zoom for 200€

And I'm like WTF?!  The Canon one is worse and more expensive than the other one? What's the difference? Is it just because of the name "Canon"?

Hopefully some more experienced guys can help me out

Thanks in advance

VC Stunting Challenges / wallbump2carpark
« on: August 09, 2008, 06:57:48 PM »

Get to the highest level possible

ive done the lowest level

rep here

VC Stunting Challenges / holyfuckbbgrindshitman
« on: August 09, 2008, 03:15:06 PM »

wanted to do the grind and bailed on the palm after grinding , so i though why not do a grind 2 precision

VC Stunting Challenges / Would be epic
« on: August 08, 2008, 05:26:06 AM »
  noticed this one when I saw "Yeah Baby"

      to anyone that lands this

SA Stunting Challenges / Packer2Bumpage </3
« on: July 29, 2008, 04:41:40 PM »

Whoever does this can take one of the following toasters:

Prestige deco 50543 Almond 2-slice toaster
The Prestige deco 2-slice Almond toaster has deep, variable width toasting slots, variable browning control, and a high-lift facility for small items, such as crumpets. Includes reheat, defrost and bagel settings, and with high quality 'soft touch' illuminated control indicators.

Prestige deco 50743 Black 2-slice toaster
The Prestige deco 2-slice Black toaster has deep, variable width toasting slots, variable browning control, and a high-lift facility for small items, such as crumpets. Includes reheat, defrost and bagel settings, and with high quality 'soft touch' illuminated control indicators.

Prestige deco 50636 Red 4-slice toaster
The Prestige deco 4-slice Red toaster has deep, variable width toasting slots, variable browning control, and a high-lift facility for small items, such as crumpets. Includes reheat, defrost and bagel settings, and with high quality 'soft touch' illuminated control indicators.

Good Luck!

Computer Talk / Oh my god
« on: July 28, 2008, 08:58:59 AM »
Just came back from a LAN  and wanted to play SA. I played it for like 3mins then it completely froze and I tried again. It was always on 0FPS even when I play CS 1.6. Then I thought "wtf why???" And noticed that my CPU and GFX Zalman fans are not running. I shut down the PC as fast as I could  It's been running for about 6hours already and I just forgot to connect the GFX and CPU fans.

Is my Graphic Card and CPU hugely damaged now? I'm afraid...

Computer Talk / For gods sake...
« on: July 26, 2008, 10:58:42 PM »
My windows seems to be fucking up again. I just needed 3 tries to start it up. It's on the windows XP loading screen for ages and then it freezes and the PC restarts. Then I get some weird error about Windows being fucked and shit.. I can chooce : Start windows XP with save mode , start windows xp with the last known to be working configuaration and start windows normally. I choosed "last known to be working configuration" 2 times and it didn't work.. and I was like: "Fuckk... please not again" Then I chose "start windows normally" and it worked. I'm still afraid of turning it off.

Computer Talk / New GFX for KM =D
« on: July 24, 2008, 09:30:49 PM »

good , not good? anything better in that price class?

Computer Talk / Down
« on: July 14, 2008, 02:54:40 PM »
Hey guys
I was just playing CS 1.6 and noticed that it started to lagg more and more , even my windows lagged. So I restartet my PC and got an error message saying the file"SYSTEM"  doesn't exist or is corrupt. I tried to boot from the original windows CD to repair the file.

1st. Boot Device : DVD-Rom
2nd. Boot Device : Floppy
3rd. Boot Device : My HDD

But it always tries to boot up from my HDD and I have no idea why? And no I didn't forget to save the changes in BIOS , I tried it many times but nothing..


bye bye replays btw...

Web Ring / sYrics-eSports
« on: July 12, 2008, 08:19:56 AM »
Our clan homepage. enjoy

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