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Topics - Flat Face

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Expression Section / new VCS logo sig things o.o
« on: November 09, 2007, 03:40:51 AM »
ok well i've never really tried to make a badge or a sig, i've made 2 sigs, 1 was an ingame screen with writting on it and the other was an alubum cover with a background someone else made  

so i thought i needed to learn, looked up some tuts, and came up with these..

i made this sometime early in the year  origonally named flatface gta stunts vid 1 but renamed like when id made 5 vids after it

um, obviosly its not great and it starts out with a intro.. i duno why i made an intro but i did

EDIT: other was recorded on my phone sitting ontop of a skateramp that was resting on on a drumpad thing and a skate rail...i edited it on my phone

the song is dream theater - honer thy father um..dt 4 lyf!!!  and um ohh the songs where recordedon my phone from my psp... so i had to count so i knew when to start the song so it started when i jumped off the bridge in the intro  which was hard in 1 of the later vids where i had to switch songs <_<

i think thats it  hope you liked it, i made it in like a nigh or 2 and edited in like 30 mins when i was supposed to be asleep

btw this is the only vid of it cause my old pc crashed with spyware and it was on there

Computer Talk / weird wmp glitch
« on: October 27, 2007, 09:26:38 AM »
ok well i discovered this adges ago but forgot about it, and i havent seen any1 talking about it or anything...

if you wana watch a wmp video in paint or a pic preview...take a ps of the wmp or w/e player you use then paste in paint and save to watch in the preview screen or just leave it in paint for pant...then go and play the video in your player then go click on paint or the preview screen and watch your vid

i duno if its old...if it is sorry but if its new then enjoi

SA Screenshots & Pictures / another ggmm glith o.o
« on: October 25, 2007, 02:39:06 AM »
ok a while ago my ggmm made all my wheels tiny in vc but i dloaded a new version n it was fine, but i never really use it so i duno if this is old or what but i wanted to check my dff quick and this happend o.o


Do it on a rhino or a caddy...caddy the golf 1 not cabbie  for 20k cash, shouldn't be too hard.

Tutorials / [Other] Installing TXDs On Low Spec PCs
« on: October 16, 2007, 10:44:55 PM »
ok well, back when i had my old PC.. i wasn't able to add new txd's in my game, only dff's n such (cars) but after a lot of asking and no answers i just started trying things when i found this... which is pretty obvious now but at the time i had no idea what it was lol  (txd.img) so after some testing i came up with this.

*origonal text VVV*
wel a while ago when i started stunting in vc on pc i had a shitty ass pc that would crash when using fraps <_< check my uss audition from adges ago on my youtube page the pc version...but, no 1 knew why i couldnt install new txd's of cars and things...the gta3.img had all the right txd's in it how ever because the pc was so shitty it had created a txd.img for the txd's for some reason, which the game reads most txd's from, so for all those people with old pc's like my old 1 who want to install skins or w/e into your game, what you need to do is

1: delete and add the dff (for models) in the gta3.img of the vehicle you want to replace

2: open the txd.img which is in the same folder...(models) and delete the old txd and add the new txd

3: open the carcols.dat in your data folder and find the line that is for the vehicle your replacing and just highlite the line and paste the new line it
(only for downloaded models...recommended you don;t do this with stunting)

(for people who just want to add skins step 2 is all you need to worry about)

for people who allready knew this before, screw you  because no 1 helped me, i had to figure it out myself

hope i helped you and enjoy your skins

VC Time Limit Videos / Closing In
« on: October 15, 2007, 12:26:09 AM »
its 6:10 mins so you know its going to be good xD ok well i uped a lq streaming which il link up later but heres the mq dload link because this is just awsome , especially for a 1h collab

Stunters: Flat Face and Shadow Sonic


vc n lc

soilwork - song of the damned and Yngwi Malmsteen - now your ships are burned


i edited and its the best thing i've ever edited, except for flat lexer remix which i havent released

>filefront dload (MQ 56MB'S *ff streming but dload it!!!*)<

>LQ 11MB'S streaming FF But dload... MQ!!!<

>youtube lq...dload mq ff!!!<

the lq is only 11mb's and is out of sinc so thiswill do for he moment , and the hq was interrupted from upping upload later, maybe

full reviews apriciated, and yeah you guy's i did it in deux but i was running out of idea's and time so , meh last time it took me like 2 days to land  sorta

VC Time Limit Videos / Flat Lexer (FUN ONLY)
« on: October 10, 2007, 06:16:32 PM »
me and storm lexer mucking around at the north point mall for 20 mins, btw te nitzkit player model was used because nitzkit world was allready open and i couldnt be assed switchin games n stuff so i just made a storm lexer skin for it and used a different nitz skin for me, and a pcj that im working on atm is used, ,um..the song well...... it took me like 20 mins to dload this which i thought wasthe full song but it wasnt so i just dubed it and choped n changed which came out pritty good  ...lmao, enjoy  oh and if your not a cky/ bam fan you wont know why the song is so weird


>sharebee lq (6mb's)<

>youtube lq ( dload it bitch its like 5mb's!!!)<

i duno if you guy's think we really modded or not, godson did lmfao but we didnt it was sarcasm

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Eye Of The Storm
« on: September 25, 2007, 02:50:53 AM »
ok well the guy's at xsa will recognize most of this but meh lol

ok eye of the storm is my latest solo and has both sa and vc in it, my freinds from real life is guesting in this...from the week or so when i convinced him to stunt  

Stunters: Flat Face

Guest Stunter: f U R Y

Music: TenaciousD  - The Metal

The Human Abstract - Together We Live In The Storm

>sharebee*4 or so links in 1(LQ)24mb<


BTW sorry its posted here, there isnt a mixed game section <_<


Video Editing/Compression / how do i record full screen with fraps?
« on: September 20, 2007, 12:44:58 AM »
ok well my s.a is at full reselution but my fraps only records the if its in low res, but i cant figure out how to change it

do you know how?

Expression Section / gtas userbars
« on: September 15, 2007, 01:16:10 AM »
i thought i would make this while i had the idea in my head


il make more in a min with the words around the bike, though i duno if i should make some fan bars or pwns bars aswell what do you think, oh and what do you think about this 1

VC Screenshots & Pictures / vc backgrounds
« on: September 13, 2007, 05:16:27 AM »
i started with 1 but i've just made some more over time when i was in the mood

EDIT: there are some different backgrounds by brainkiller on page 2






Computer Talk / i need help :(
« on: August 08, 2007, 11:31:56 PM »
hey well i need help with ma net its usally really fuckn fast but now its majorly slow its like 56k when i usally have like 300 :| can any1 help?

IV Chat & Support / things you noticed but others didnt
« on: July 12, 2007, 02:55:41 PM »
well..i've been noticing things watching the trailer :Peven tho they have probably been noticed allready no1 pointed them out to my knowlage

for example theres a cable car along the bridge and i saw sprunk and cluckingbell adds  anyway tell me what you noticed xD

Computer Talk / pc ignoring internet :(
« on: July 09, 2007, 06:25:35 AM »
since the crash my pc has worked fine ...UNTIL NOW!!! it seems to be ignoring the fact that my net is sais theres no connection tho i no there is because i can get on via my psp or ps3 ...does any1 know why this is and or how i can fix it? mention that deuring the crash it decided to reinstall  win xp incase that helps ... please some 1... i have to know!!!??  :'(

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