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Topics - Skull

Pages: 1 [2] 3
SA Stunting Challenges / P2B Nice challenge
« on: March 07, 2008, 01:38:47 PM »
Dont know if this is poss, i just found it.. Meh..

Stunt Video Database / Skull
« on: February 23, 2008, 09:53:34 AM »

[SA] Ultimate stunting - Stream  - Edited
[SA] The beginning - Stream - Thread - Edited
[SA][4H] Outbreak - Stream - Thread - Edited
[SA] Under-rated - Stream - Thread - Edited
[SA] Instincts - Thread - Stream - Edited

[SA] Last resort - Stream - Thread - Edited
[SA] Doomsday - Stream - Thread
[SA][24] Extention 2 - Stream - Thread
[VC2SA][48H] Vice versa - Stream - Thread
[SA][1WEEK] Saturday - Stream - Thread
[VC] Afterlife - Stream - Thread
[SA]Stuck here - Thread - Stream
[SA]Invasion - Thread - Stream

Crew videos

[SA][ESU] Bad memories - Stream - Thread

Guested in

[SA] Multiply - Thread - Stream - Edited
[SA][24H] 24 - Thread - Stream
[SA][HSS]Hazardous - Stream - Thread
[SA]Thunders - Thread - Stream
[VC]Dual Roads - Thread - Stream

SASL (2)

Skull vs Tayaroki (Skull's entry)  - Thread - Stream
Skull vs Raziel (Skull's entry) - Thread - Stream

Fun vids

[SA]SA bails - Thread - Stream
[SA-MP]St0ned - Thread - Stream
Add this fanbar if your a fan of me:

Videos starred in: 22

Updated with some vids.[/noembed]

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / [SAMP]St0ned
« on: January 04, 2008, 11:55:03 AM »
Here's my first sa-mp vid:




Edited by me in like 20 mins


Have fun

SA Stunting Challenges / Two challenges
« on: December 29, 2007, 07:07:39 AM »
Challenge 1:

Web Ring / EscapeGames24
« on: December 10, 2007, 10:00:20 AM »
No, it isnt my site, but if you like point and click games you'll love this site.

It has like every escape the room game ever and is updated like every day with new ones

Go there

The Marketplace / Need an intro
« on: December 09, 2007, 05:05:33 AM »
I need an intro for my solo, its SA and my camhack doesnt work (vista) so can someone make a  really nice one for me? PM me or add me on msn for more details

Paying.. however much

The Marketplace / VC Player Model
« on: December 08, 2007, 03:17:39 AM »
I need one, i just want it to be a skeleton

I'll pay shite loadz if its really nice

Computer Talk / Getting a computer
« on: November 14, 2007, 09:25:56 AM »
Ok, im getting a PC and i want it to be around £700 it needs to be available in the UK, be fast and 1337

So anyone got any suggestions?

And by computer i mean a NEW computer

Computer Talk / Adobe after affects problem
« on: November 13, 2007, 12:53:08 PM »
Ok, so i got through most of the installation of after affects etc. Then.. i get this thing.. How can i make it so it will work?

GTA Modding / Amazing new nrg
« on: October 29, 2007, 03:52:01 PM »
Here's my new nrg:

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Multiply
« on: October 24, 2007, 05:23:02 AM »

Multiply, JustTooEz's new solo  Edited by me, Skullvillian.



Streaming (LQ)


Yeaaa.. Its short, but i worked with the stunts i was sent

And the HQ is different to the youtube version, in the HQ i left some stunts out, but later added them in and uploaded to youtube =P

SA Tutorials / Car boosting
« on: October 15, 2007, 02:30:18 PM »
Car boosting (CB'ing)

Yes, i know the names so un-original, but this method is really pwnage

This video explains it all:


You need Dannyes main SCM, which if someone could be kind enough to post a link

Have fun mo fo's.

BTW, the youtube link wont be out till tomorrow probablly, maybe today

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Under-Rated
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:33:59 AM »

Under-Rated, my new SA solo

Guest starring:






Streaming (LQ)



1 is still uploading [color="#FFFFFF"]

SA Stunting Challenges / Awsome drop bump
« on: October 03, 2007, 02:16:49 PM »

IV Chat & Support / GTA IV INFO
« on: September 29, 2007, 03:51:14 PM »
Niko can use a mobile phone to recieve calls and phone his contacts. He can also use it to call taxis and purchase weapons. The options presented on the phone's LCD are Phonebook, Messages, Organizer, and Camera.
Pedestrians smoke cigarettes, read books and newspapers, drop litter, talk on mobile phones, walk in and out of
buildings, and generally act like any normal pedestrian would.
Mobile phones are a big part of Grand Theft Auto IV's gameplay.
It is possible to climb and descend telephone poles, and exterior fire escapes.
There are many different animation sets for breaking into cars. One of these involves Niko smashing the side window with his elbow, climbing into the car, and then hotwiring it.
Niko is able to manage his funds at ATMs.
GTA IV features multiplayer, but it's "not a massively multiplayer game," according to Rockstar's creative vice president Dan Houser.
Cracks exist on a car's windscreen after being shot at. It no longer shatters unrealistically like in previous GTA games.
It is possible to surf the internet in GTA4 via internet cafés. It is available from any computer in the game, and provides a hub for all sorts of interactivity within Liberty City.
In GTA IV, you will gain a police wanted level for any crime that you commit, providing there are witnesses present. The police can only chase you if they know where you are, and they need to see you to know where you are, so if you escape the search area marked on the radar without being spotted, your wanted level will disappear.
Liberty City's taxicabs provide an easy (and legal) way of travelling around the city. Inside the taxi, the camera changes to first-person mode. For convenience, you can "trip-skip" to the destination you choose.

Story & Missions:

The story and mission structure is different from previous GTA games, in that the story can be told in a number of different ways. Rockstar are trying to give people greater freedom and sense of control over their destiny. You now have a lot more choice in what you want to do.
It is possible to do more than one mission at a time. For example, some missions take place over several days and may involve waiting for phonecalls or attending interviews, and you are free to carry out other business during the waiting period.

Grand Theft Auto 4 runs on Rockstar's proprietary next generation game engine, R.A.G.E., allowing for an
New volumetric lighting effects are evident in the first trailer.
unprecedented level of realism and interactivity.
New volumetric lighting effects are evident in the first trailer.
New sunlight and weather effects which give the city a whole different appearance as the time of day progresses.
Volumetric lighting effects allow sunlight to stream realistically into dusty interiors. Police spotlights will likely benefit from this effect as well when helicopters kick up debris.
Normal (bump) maps will provide much more detail in models than the underlying polygons, as well as giving materials more texture and depth.
Road and building textures are more varied than in previous GTAs. On some roads you will find potholes, metal plates (etc) where the road has been dug up.
Modern pixel shaders give water, glass, cars, etc.. more realistic reflections and shininess than the earlier games.
In cars, you can see real reflections on the rear and side-view mirrors.
There are no load times in GTA4, not even during exterior-interior transitions (and vice versa.)
GTA4 uses euphoria, a fully procedural animation package created by NaturalMotion. Find out more about euphoria at the bottom of this page.
Variations in the terrain are met with realistic changes in the walking animation.
Characters will react realisticaly to being hit with gunfire, cars, and melee weapons or fists.
Players will be able to push people out of the way, rather than "floating" past them as in older games.
Falling/thrown characters will react as in real life- They won't simply be limp, lifeless ragdolls. Nor will they use a canned "super hero" animation like before.
Characters (and players?) will be able to hang on to helicopters and trucks, which will swing them around as the vehicle moves.

The camera angle behind the car is closer than it has been in previous GTAs. This allows you to see more detail on the cars, and more of the verticality of the city.
In terms of scale, GTA IV is about the same size as GTA: San Andreas, but the map size is considerably smaller, since there is no desert or countryside in Liberty City. Liberty City in GTA4 is the biggest city R* have ever created.
Every street in Liberty City has a street sign with a name on it.

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