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Topics - Simon

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Gaming Discussion / Portal 2 Custom Maps
« on: May 25, 2012, 08:54:11 AM »
Hey, so anyone downloaded the patch/dlc with the mapmaker? I've downloaded and messed with it a bit, but never really tried to make anything. If anyone has made some I would happily give them a go.


SA Themed Videos / Hitman
« on: December 17, 2011, 01:15:29 AM »
This was a school project me and a friend did for the last 4 weeks I think it was, maybe 5. We both play San Andreas a lot. (I stunted in it, he is a Roleplay guy) So we decided that we would make a movie in SA with some scripting as I've always wanted to know how to do it. So we wrote a story real quick and I started looking in to scripting. I'm pretty happy with the outcome of some of the scenes that I scripted, but there are certain things in some scenes that I'm not at all happy with. You'll probably guess them yourself.

Also another little note, We didn't script everything there is a car chase in there that we just recorded in SAMP together so it looks pretty bad I would say. Also there were certain things I couldn't figure out how to do with scripting ( though I had lots of help from both PtRvY and Kaneda with the scripting ) So again my friend just ended up recording those scenes in SAMP. Most of you can probably see it as you know SA that well. Another thing is that in the car chase we jumped a little knowing that our Classmates didn't know the SA map, but again you do so you'll notice.

Finally when we had everything scripted and recorded my friend edited and made the music for this. So if you find editing mistakes or whatever, don't look at me  :rolleyes:
Also, we noticed at the end we focused more on scripting than telling the actual story, so you probably won't get what's happening that much. I can explain it if you guys want but I'll wait with that :3

 but too much text lololo here:

[GTA San Andreas Movie] "Hitman" 

GTA Modding / scripting and model changing help
« on: November 27, 2011, 12:02:13 PM »

first of, I'm trying to test out some camera scripting in San Andreas, but when I try to compile it I get the following error: Not enough actual parameters. Expected 2 params.

Does anybody know what that means?

Second problem, I'm trying to change CJ in to a ped model. I tried changing the dff and txd, but it doesn't do anything. It just makes CJ all glitchy and spidery.

What am I doing wrong?

GTA Modding / San Andreas Scripting
« on: November 14, 2011, 05:29:23 AM »
So I have a 4 - 5 week project in school where I can do whatever the fuck I want, and I figured it would be cool to make a short film or something like that in San Andreas. So I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me different tools and stuff I need for scripting, and possible tutorials, I've looked at PtRvY's camera tutorial and that seems easy enough, but are there any other ones that cover some basics to having people walk and talk(talking animation :P)

Any help would be awesome, Thanks :D

GTA Modding / NRG for Simon
« on: August 01, 2011, 02:17:02 AM »
Today a friend of mine made me an NRG and he wanted me to post it so he could get some opinions.

VR Video Releases / Octodad (Parkour)
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:32:58 PM »

Octodad is hillarious game and concept. It's an octopus disguised as a dad. And I really wanted to make some kind of video tonight and Eddeman hinted to this game, he said it looked hillarious to just fuck about. and that's what I did.

You happy Edde? :3

SA Themed Videos / Gta Defender Style
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:42:42 PM »
A video I made back in 09.
I made it using still pics of the planes, freecam camhack fly over the city, some solid red layers masked out as laser shots and random explosions. Sounds and music I can't remember where I got lol. Found it again today and decided to upload lol.

Defender Gta style

Movies/TV / Movies - thoughts and opinions
« on: February 11, 2011, 07:41:25 PM »
I'm not entirely sure this needs it's own topic, but I thought it might be fun if any of you guys also wanted to do it.

So basically, this year I told myself to watch a new movie every week. And I'm going to write about what I thought of the movie ect ect. And I'll add the ones I see as I go along. I just decided to start in my dads movie collection (which is pretty big) and watch the movies I hadn't watched before. So far I've watched 8 new movies. I'll start from the top.

8 1/2
This is a movie from the year 1963. It's really hard to describe what it's about. I could say it's about a guy who wants to make a movie that everyone will like. But I think there is something more to it. It's really hard to describe though. And the look of the movie(the shots/the pans) was pretty much way better than I had thought about old movies. (Maybe someone who is more of a movie knower can help me understand this)

and on a final note on the movie, I still have the soundtrack in my mind.

101 Reykjavik
This is a movie from 2000. It's about a man who still lives with his mother and struggles to find a meaning with his life. He lives off unemployment checks, they are used for alcohol mostly.  They also have a tub in the kitchen. The movie is really entertaining and actually an awesome story as well. The language they speak in the movie is Icelandic, which was kind of fun for me because I would hear Norwegian words every 5 minutes. But I really recommend watching this movie because it's great fun with a nice story.

Love and Death
Here we go, This was the first movie I watched in my dads 26 movie long Woody Allen collection. The acting in this movie wasn't great, but I think that was sort of the point, because I've seen both actors in later movies and then they were great. The reason I think it was the point is because the whole movie was totally silly, with some weird ass humor. And with weird I mean fucking great. Also I like how Woody Allen portrayed death in this movie, instead of a black cloak he had a white one, which I think is great. Also the finishing scene is Woody Allen dancing down a road on the country side with  death, which is just great. Also recommend this movie if you can handle bad acting and if you have the same humor as me.

This movie was good, not super great, but good. For me it was clerks, only with a romantic and scientific turn. the whole movie they just go around discussing different things, but in this case it's life,death,relationships,art and movies (probably more as well) and it has it's unique (so I thought) relationship problems. (after watching more of Woody Allen though, I found he was the master of hardcore relationship problem thingies) It was a good watch, but not something I would suggest to many of my friends (seeing as they can't recognize a good movie without it being funny or scary)

Match Point
This movie is by far the best movie I've seen this year. It was just totally mind blowing. When I started watching it I thought it was just gonna be another basic love movie, but in the end I just sat there amazed. The story is so unique, I thought I could predict everything but I was totally wrong. And the acting was top notch, and of course you gotta love Scarlett Johansson. I really recommend this movie it's really really great and it was a crazy story.

I'll do this last ones later  :P

everything you always wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask
Vicky Christina Barcelona

also if someone finds this could be in the "last movie you saw" topic just pm me or something and I'll have it moved  :happy:

Expression Section / Wallpaper(s) - Simon
« on: February 10, 2011, 05:08:49 PM »
OK, So yesterday I saw one of my friends in class making some wallpapers and it looked kind of fun. And today my other friend also started, so I guess I joined them. Now keep in mind that I'm still learning Photoshop. I'm not the best but I'll try to be posting some of the ones I make here. I'll start with the one I just finished. I dunno if I should link the link or show the picture in the topic. But I'll link them for now because they are pretty big.

For those of you who don't know (I'm guessing everyone) this is April Ryan from my favorite game ever: The Longest Journey. I just wanted to do something with her because it's such and old game and there is not many wallpapers of it.

Tell me what you think  :happy:
also what I could have done better or changed.

Thanks in advance.  :jajaja:

SA Modded Video Releases / Beast - Shit is awesome.
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:12:17 AM »
This, needs to be worshiped:


Gaming Discussion / Amnesia - The Dark Descent
« on: October 20, 2010, 03:27:45 PM »
Ok so after school today I ran into a friend of my brother, 'n' we started talking about stuff. Then he told me about this game that was supposed to be the scariest game ever. Naturally I didn't really believe him. So when he got here earlier today he downloaded it for me. and I've played like 20 minutes and I'm scared as shit. I jumped when some papers blew in front of me ._.
He also told me the reviewer of the game had to take breaks every half hour of gameplay, as it was too heavy on your mind to play for a long period of time.

But anyway, has anyone played it/heard of it?
And if you like scary games you should probably give it a go.

Stunt Video Database / Darkstar
« on: August 11, 2010, 09:50:18 AM »
Crew Videos
Connexion (SS) -
Reflection Continues (ESU) -
VorteX (VR) -
Cider (VR) -
Vivid - Cola's version (VR) -
Vivid - My version (VR) -
Devour (WH) -
Equinox (WH) -
Saga(VR) -
Buttlust(VR) -

Broken Eyes -
Daybreak -
My Way (edited this) -
SA soloo -
Under A Cloud -

Vacation (edited this) -
1337 (edited this) -
"Insert name"(edited this) -
Macstar -

European Collab - (didn't find)
Blood Hood -
Louder than words -
Bereau -
Hey, Taxi -
Metafora -
Worth Praying For -
Worth Fighting For -
Trinity -
Chill 3 -
Extravaganza part 2 :ninja: -
No-Goods -
Mom says I pissed into the room -
The Food Collab -
SEXY LOOKIN' (samp vid) -
Sirvix -

May 1. -
Bitter Wounds -
Five -

Unbelievable - Mewka's car solo -
Far Away - Tidi's Solo -
Anoobis's Best of Video -
XSA Trash -
Existance Remains -
SS Let Us Tell You Something -

One of a Kind (Edited this) -
UnorthodoX -

Probably more, but can't remember them from the top of the head. So if you remember something, please tell me.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / "INSERT NAME"
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:55:14 AM »
Seriously, No name for this vid.

Ok, Let's do some pre-history for this video. It all started when I wanted to edit something. SuspiciousOne asked me if I wanted to do a 24h vid just so I could edit it. And I agreed. PROBLEM IS, I'M A LAZY BASTERD. So I didn't land my stunts in 24h, so it's just a normal video. SusO Landed his stunts pretty much in 24 hours I think. Well this whole video was made in under a week anyways.

But I'd appreciate some feedback on the editing  :happy:



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