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Messages - GI JOE

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Nomad Union Public Section / Re: Nomad Union - RAW
« on: October 25, 2013, 09:43:26 AM »
Another great video lads! Absolutely love TDs spots and Taz blowing my mind as per usual, awesome work :)

Nomad Union Public Section / Re: Nomad Union - IGNITOR
« on: October 16, 2013, 07:11:20 AM »
Alright ladies. Just caught Slayer's wall ride on the front page of Reddit in GIF form, pretty fucking cool right? Not really read into the communities thoughts on the stunting in V but I'm definitely going to give it a shot again when it hits PC!

Anyway incredible video lads, keep it up :)

Blog / Re: Looking Back #4 - Samhain
« on: May 15, 2011, 03:33:53 PM »
It's hard to measure the impact this video made on GTAS
Arnax really helped push non-conventional stunting. Samhain proposed a style that really fascinated me, and I more or less aimed for that style in my stunting career. The content was very strong, varied yet stuck to a style. But more importantly the solo showed potential, that SA had a lot more to offer than what we thought. "Creative" was a word tossed about a lot back then, sadly a lot of the time it was mentioned in feuds about big air stunts and "creative" stunts. I must admit, I did a lot of flaming about big air stunts as I was a firm believer that creativity was best...this was due to immaturity.

But the majority gave "Creative" stunting a go, some people like Arnax pulled it off with a simplistic, yet stylish flare. Others like me pulled it off in a very lame, sort of "I cant do 150ft p2bs, but I can push a golf cart out of a dump truck onto an escalator". As you mentioned Arnax organised some very successful collabs; Art was my first ever collab, with my first ever half decent stunt, a quad bike backflip off a packer, onto a grind :|. But that was the beauty of it, experimental and he gave everyone a chance.

Blog / Re: Double Looking Back #3 - Bad Memories / SoulSick
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:45:50 PM »
Benny boo!
YOUR STILL HERE? You sexy beast.

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Harmony
« on: May 15, 2011, 01:44:52 PM »
Sorry for the bump. I only popped in to see how everything was going, when I stumbled upon this little gem.

I completely lost motivation back in late 09, which caused me to go inactive. Back in 08 when I first discovered stunting one of my prime motivations to start was the fact stunting to me was so fresh, something completely new. The videos I watched and the crews I aspired to all produced content that would give you that wow feeling, pulling off things you couldn't even imagine were possible in the SA engine. Overtime I started to become used to what was the norm in stunting, and as I became more of an established member the norm became slightly dull and only only a few could really make something special from such basic stunts. This with a few other aspects combined just pushed me away from the scene. This is the second time I have come to browse the forums to see how the community is, not so much the stunting scene itself, but...

This video really gave me those impressions I first received from my early days in stunting. The content had me on the edge of the seat, the stunts were so fresh you didn't know what to expect, it made SA feel like a new game. What I respect most about this video is that it gave me the feel an old school video does, but its something completely new, which is an outstanding achievement. It was unpredictable, which is a rarity in a scene with hundreds of people playing the same game, doing the same thing. In short, I loved the video, edit was chill and the guest really added another dimension to the video. But more than anything this solo made me reconsider installing GTA, even if it was just for a few minutes.

Blog / Re: Double Looking Back #3 - Bad Memories / SoulSick
« on: May 15, 2011, 12:32:50 PM »
Bad memories still remains to be one of my favourite videos of all time. I have a fond memory (IRONY TROLOLOL) of sitting in Skull's bedroom watching the HQ version on his widescreen monitor, my jaw dropping at every other stunt. As I recall it was his first proper video with ESU, which to me made him a "famous stunter" at the time. This video played a huge part in my motivation to purchase GTA, and give stunting a go. After watching the video, we opened up SA, and we started trying the stunts he landed in the video, each having a few goes at a time. As sad as it sounds, back in the day I had so much respect and admiration for stunters and crews alike, I was willing to put solid time and effort to make my mark in the community, in hope I would star in videos such as Bad memories.

Huge respect for you Petar, these posts are rich in content, and perfect inspiration for the newer memebers.

Introduce Yourself / Re: GI JOE HAS POPPED IN TO SAY HEY
« on: July 24, 2010, 06:21:08 AM »
i remember you c:
you had those awesome pj's hehe
you remember me?
Heeeyy dude yeah I do remeber you! Wassup :D?

Introduce Yourself / Re: GI JOE HAS POPPED IN TO SAY HEY
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:45:44 AM »
Couple more questions! Did Aries ever return? Or speak to anyone? Is Turtle Dick still around? And do Neo and Kaneda stunt or even come to the forums anymore? Thankyouuuuu

Introduce Yourself / Re: GI JOE HAS POPPED IN TO SAY HEY
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:11:50 AM »
Sup my man. :P


Introduce Yourself / Re: GI JOE HAS POPPED IN TO SAY HEY
« on: July 17, 2010, 09:09:26 AM »
Wow guys HEY!

Skull lied, dam him. I am checking those videos out as we speak, I sadly had to delete my collection for space on my pc. And if your guys are lucky I might throw a cheeky review on one of my favourites!

Nice to hear from you all and nice to see theres still people going strong :D How are TMS these days?

Will I be getting back into stunting? at the moment no, mainly because I play Call of Duty 4 quite seriously and am looking to get into the competitive scene. But if that doesnt work out I will need to calm gaming down for college, and I might take stunting back up. I still have got VC/LC SA and IV, I thought about deleting them but something in me couldnt do it LOL.

Introduce Yourself / GI JOE HAS POPPED IN TO SAY HEY
« on: July 16, 2010, 05:05:42 PM »

Hey guys! Long time no see, Skull informed me I became veteran on here and I used to spend a lot of time on here so I wanted to come back to say hi. If you dont know me I was a medicre stunter who never really became successful stunting wise, but was definately passionate about the forums and videos! How is everyone? Whats stunting like in both Sa and Vc? Iv caught on yet? Any videos I need to watch? Who offically quit/left? Sadly im not back stunting :( but I do miss this place! After stunting I got into FPS and now I play cod like I used to play Gta, please check out my youtube -

ATS Video Releases / Re: Deja Vu
« on: December 13, 2009, 01:31:13 PM »
Solid solo. Strong stunts throughout, an impressive combination of grinds and precisions. Gave you a 'this is how it should be done' feel, bumps were perfect and the execution on the landings were second to none. My favourite stunts had to be the pole bump to bridge precision in Los Santos, and of course the finisher! Pure brilliance. I was not a fan of the song, I don't think it went well with the video and certanly the pace of the video, but im sure thats a favourite of yours and you used it for because of course its your solo. The clean cut editing was a nice change to a blur of flashes and dark green, the intro was awesome, really set the video off and got you warmed up for the stunts. Well another awesome solo from you Neo, good job this showed up on youtube otherwise I would of missed out. Anyway good luck with the future, thanks for a legendry watch!

Community Videos / Re: Trinity - VC LC SAIVC Community Video
« on: November 25, 2009, 09:38:37 AM »
Hey guys. Congrats on getting this finished and released. Im going to be an asshole, that was a let down, half assed stunts, didnt have a ''community'' feel to it. Editing was nice but too serious if you ask me. On a comparison level you had to live up to a very high standard set by ''Yeah baby'', I felt it came no where near to that. Either way it was enjoyable, but more of a big collab than a community video. Sorry for being an ignorant hating dick, but I didnt want to lie. Bye guys x

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: [YARSV]
« on: November 06, 2009, 01:25:39 PM »
Funny ass video Balu, enjoyable. Does Ghost actually like waking the cadaver? I fucking love them!

VR Video Releases / Re: [VR]Saga
« on: November 06, 2009, 01:05:15 PM »
Was just having a word with Balu, and I told him that because I dont stunt and dont visit these new forums but still want to see the crew videos he should send them to me. He sent me this, and im glad he did. A perfect shot of fresh new stunts, nothing lame, nothing stupid just good old classic bumps and grinds. Just the way I like it. Sony's curb double bump had to be one of my favourites, it looked so clean and he made the stunt look real easy, really tastie. All of Redx's tank stunts were beasty, especially the packer ramp one, we all know how frustrating tank stunts can be but its paid off in this case, a definate show of dedication and effort. Darkstar's precision though, my god, that stunt looked amazing. Sick and simple, a winning combination, perfect bump, perfect landing, just a brilliant all round stunt. Epic work to all of the stunters in the video! I liked the song, it went well with the video but I didnt get a certain 'feel' from the song, also the editing didnt give me that either. Edit was nice and simple, went well with the stunts a lot of the time but I didnt like some effects. Either way a really enjoyable video, left me thinking, why the fuck dont these guys have a section?

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