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Messages - HSR ZSE

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Hydra
« on: July 10, 2005, 09:11:00 PM »
Well, I'm stunting under the MindGames banner, which is a creation of a local group that I'm part of. We do GTA Stunting, FPS Tournaments, Dogfighting on various flight games, just about anything. I'm thinkin of putting up a site with screenshots and videos, but I dunno.

I'm a full supporter of all the stunt crews on this forum, as it's got more potential than one large crew. Tournaments, competitions, anything can be imagined and realized!  

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Hydra
« on: July 07, 2005, 08:05:05 PM »
I was told about this vid by kaneda. That was some wild shit dude. I agree with using the stuntplane though. It seems a lil quicker and has alot more response in the controls.... would be a lil more of a challenge. Keep up the good work d00d.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / SA Smackdown
« on: July 06, 2005, 01:54:53 PM »
yea ok well this proves 2 things....

I've been away too long and I don't belong anymore LOL

Excellent vid guys.... nicely done.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / MOVIE: Stunt'd 2 [NEW RECORDS]
« on: December 07, 2004, 06:20:51 PM »
Well I'm allowed to like it. I did like it. alot. there are no words to describe how much. very awesome. great werk doooooods.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Stunt in the Rain
« on: December 06, 2004, 08:03:42 AM »
I finally finished it. Stunt in the Rain. go here.

I don't care if it's liked or not. Doesn't matter anymore what a lot of people think.... I know I am happy with it.

Community Videos / No Mercy 2:
« on: November 21, 2004, 03:17:43 PM »
Well it's finished and uploaded and ready to go.

Enjoy it.

Thanks to everyone that contributed, and to those that didn't, sorry.  It was a great pleasure to do this and I hope that the trend can continue. Community vids are a great way for forum members to get involved and make this a team effort.... it also makes us see that just because someone is in a stunt crew doesn't mean they aren't good enough. There were alot of non-crew forum members that contributed and they turned out some great stuff. I'd love to see community vids become a regular event. Another thing community vids do is allow us to see what a person can do editing-wise. It's pretty plain that GTAF (No Mercy) and me have different editing styles and ideas. Both vids are awesome. OK, I've spilled my guts... ENJOY THE SHOW!

Community Videos / NO MERCY
« on: November 18, 2004, 09:14:46 AM »
I have this in the Archive. but be forewarned the ARchive site is undergoing remodelling so it may be a few days before the video is posted.

:aMpT: Video Releases / :NEW: ""How To Stunt"" Video
« on: November 14, 2004, 04:05:15 PM »
Hey I have this in the archive.

Web Ring / HSR ZSE's Stunt Video Archive
« on: October 25, 2004, 03:16:39 PM »
I'm gonna go ahead and do BDII before I release BD... make it a double feature....

As far as the archive, if everything goes right I can get us on GTAPlanet w00t w00t

Web Ring / HSR ZSE's Stunt Video Archive
« on: October 19, 2004, 09:45:24 PM »
My HD is 120 Gigs.... but what do you mean it is taking 10 minutes to load? the page loaded on my secondary crap computer in no time

Web Ring / HSR ZSE's Stunt Video Archive
« on: October 19, 2004, 03:07:39 PM »
Well if I was to change the banner up as far as file format it wouldn't be 3 MB.... but if you wanna do one that'd be great!

Web Ring / HSR ZSE's Stunt Video Archive
« on: October 19, 2004, 11:53:19 AM »
I've been keeping alot of the videos I download... I don't have all of them but I have quite a few. I've decided to make a site that has the Videos listed (downloadable) by Stunter's name. I thought about this after finding in old posts that the links don't work anymore. HOPEFULLY GTAPlanet will accept my site to be added to their planet.

Which brings me to this:
I need help and suggestions on how I can make this site totally friggin awesome... enough that they will accept my application. Any images, layouts, ANYTHING you guys can think of....

If this goes through... I will have unlimited storage space and a hell of alot better bandwidth than I do with and that means HOSTING.... that's right.... HOSTING.

So by helping me make this site work.... I can help you by providing hosting services if this all goes through.

ok enough talk, here's the site: HSR ZSE's Stunt Video Archive

Remember this is only temporary, pending whether or not GTAPlanet accepts my site. Also, If anyone has a vid I don't have.. send it... I'll hook it up on the archive.

Community Videos / NO MERCY
« on: October 17, 2004, 02:00:18 PM »
I'm in this? well ok....  I remember now.....

let's see.....


na na na na na na nyea ooh.... in the Jungle, Welcome to the Jungle!

fuck 10/10 this gets 100/10

congratulations to everyone in this vid.... you currently are the baddest mofo's on the net.

We don't take no....


No, We don't take no....


No, We don't take no for an answer.


VC World Records / What record
« on: October 16, 2004, 11:27:52 AM »
That's pretty harsh nK, and you'd be just as bad a teacher as he would a student. Now, I'd like to break te car rotation record.... just cause no one voted for it..... btw... where can I see the world records?

:aMpT: Video Releases / -TORN-
« on: October 11, 2004, 09:53:20 PM »
I have it

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