
Stunt Crew Network => Stunting Society => Hall Of Fame => SS Video Releases => Topic started by: Jozio on April 23, 2011, 01:15:26 PM

Title: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Jozio on April 23, 2011, 01:15:26 PM


By Mewka

Editing :

Plani ( G )

YouTube ( MQ )
[SS]Dementia MQ (

HDr XQ ( 550 mb ) ( (

Plani (G)
Plani (G)

Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Plani on April 23, 2011, 01:15:50 PM
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Mewka on April 23, 2011, 01:17:24 PM
Gonna write something more tomorrow .
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: SkilZ on April 23, 2011, 01:17:46 PM
Enjoyable video cool editing intro was nice stunt too good job to SS crew
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: MaRo on April 23, 2011, 01:27:52 PM
cool vid FTO and onder owned !
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: insLain on April 23, 2011, 01:28:13 PM
1st page  :a-cheer:

Enjoyable video, Grescha's stunt FUCKING OWNED  :wub: :wub: :wub:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Max_ on April 23, 2011, 01:32:12 PM
Have to wait for the dl link...  :euro:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: krs on April 23, 2011, 01:35:21 PM
sorry, but i have to say that it was the worst video from SS EVER!!! stuntingwise but editing also wasn't good.

onder fucking owned tho, you're the man Onder  :mellow:

and jozio - don't use english subtitles lol
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Plani on April 23, 2011, 01:39:03 PM
Dementia - Full Review by Plani

FTO - Best stunt of the vid imo , my jaw dropped when i saw it.Awesome execution , loved it.
Jozio - Expected a better landing , but still nice seeing its an unexplored landing.
Mewka - Great stunt , looked cool with the rotation.
DeadMan - Didnt liked it much because it looked a little random.
Onder - Awesome landing , looks hard because of the distance. GJ.
Jozio - Great to see that building being landed again , cool one.Again the spins made it look more stylish.
Mewka - Couldnt understand it much , but it looked cool with that fog lol.
DeadMan - Fucking great stunt dude , one of the bests of the vid.You found a awesome way to land that whored building (Probably the best i've saw).
Plani (G) - Nothing much to say.
Onder - Great one , but why not some spins? >:
Mewka - Stylish one , loved it.
DeadMan - Nice one.
Jozio - I didnt like these landings too much and i'm not a fan of 2 packers too. o:
FTO - Great find dude and nice air you got there.
Plani (G) - Nothing much to say here too.
Koza - This looked funky as hell dude , loved the double bump thing and the landing.
DeadMan - You could have tried a grind or something there.
Gresha - Great one dude , but i missed your awesome infernus stunts.
Mewka - Awesome one , one of my favorites from this video.
Jozio - Unexpected :o And the landing was great! Good job landing it dude.
oNdeR - Stylish one , great landing too.

Editing - CC was a little too bright imo and next time try to avoid some cam-fucks , but overall it was great!

Solid video SS , thanks for letting me guest.

Keep it up!
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: TurBo on April 23, 2011, 01:40:05 PM
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Veno on April 23, 2011, 01:51:51 PM
yeyeeyey awesome video guys, loved it, some bad angles, couldn't understand some stunts, but apart from that it was epic, some great stunts like greschas boost was sick, also onder mewka plani jozio deadman, and everyone else was just great :3
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: MeetMyMeat on April 23, 2011, 01:52:27 PM
Good job on landing 3:50, was trying it a year ago. Horrible cam was horrible tho.

4:01 - I want to see a rep of this, or a clip with no editing or cam movement. Same goes for the finisher.

Some stunts were good, some not. Your typical SS video. FTO's opener would've looked amazing if it wasn't so random.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: The Big V on April 23, 2011, 01:52:39 PM
Haha loved Gresha's taxi stunt. I mean how you even drove upside down in that tunnel?  :D Everyone had his ownage stunt in this. There weren't many shockers but its a top notch video stuntingwise. I really thought SS was dying , you proved me wrong! You are live as fuck and still rockin  :P
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: TrYp on April 23, 2011, 01:53:26 PM
Nice to see you guys pulling such great stunts with this activity. Enjoyed it so much!
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Dimension on April 23, 2011, 01:58:46 PM
All of you Guys can be very proud, because everyone in this Video landed pwnage Stunts.
Don´t have an favourite.
And Jozio´s edit is really great. :happy:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Asaaj on April 23, 2011, 01:59:54 PM
Well I am not meant to be a hater so don't get this the wrong way but meh this was probably the worst SS video, the guys who stood out tho were Grescha onder and Plani.
The intro was random and the subtitles were almost bad as the GTAStunting rap.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: luli guy on April 23, 2011, 02:00:33 PM
didnt like the edit a lot and the first stunt was awesome
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Kukiel on April 23, 2011, 02:12:29 PM
opener, mewka's double, grescha's amazing boost and that jozio's double bump were top notch  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: PtRvY on April 23, 2011, 02:22:22 PM
SS is still alive, nice to know. I was expecting this video for a while. Watchin
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: TurBo on April 23, 2011, 02:24:35 PM
Well honestly speaking that's not a good video by SS, for me its a letdown and I only liked Grescha's amazing combo, Plani's guest stuff and the opener. Deadman had cool stuff for a guy who came from a long retirement and Jozio and onder had alright stuff with few better exceptions.
Better luck next time.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: JustCaus3 on April 23, 2011, 02:34:26 PM

That really does confuse me... I could say that it was okay, but some cam fucks were really annoying and the camera movement was bad also in some parts.. But stunts were really good from a certain group of people, which were in my opinion FTO (epic stunts dude), Onder (really awesome 2nd stunt and the rest was cool too), Jozio (doublebump in LS was an awesome find).

Miss spelling just went to a whole new level in my opinion... Intro was just, not horrible was it was bad, but it made me laugh a bit so props for that.. Those subtitles were just hilarious  :lol:

Editing was ok, except the cam movement was bad as I already mentioned..

I'm sorry to say that this definetly was one of the worse SS videos, except for a few parts so I may sound too harsh..

Okay video overall  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Noah on April 23, 2011, 02:38:02 PM
Part 1 sucked hard

Part 2 however, was awesome  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Named on April 23, 2011, 03:02:46 PM
Jozio, Mewka and Onder pwned that, nice guest, not liked to mutch the edit, but k, GJ  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: PtRvY on April 23, 2011, 03:05:31 PM
Full review by PetarHD

Intro - Gotta say it wasn't good at all. I mean, the look of SA and the concept is cool, don't get me wrong. However, the actual way it's executed was kinda bad (ex. look how that guy runs around a pole at 1:15, sure that was hilarious but it didn't suit the intro's theme at all). The worst thing is, though, that without the texts, which were uninteresting (bad font) and very wrongly spelled, the intro could have even went on as 'passable'. 5.5/10 for the effort.

Stunts (in order - bolded the ones i liked the most):

FTO - Wow man that was great and unexpected. Knowing you I was expecting yet another p2b at that spot, however this bump2doublegrind was really impressive and perfectly executed. Great choice for a opener. 9/10.
Jozio - MMM already pwned that ferris wheel. It could have even passed off as a pretty sweet little spot if it wasn't landed like a cliffhanger (I guess it's not possible to land it otherwise, but I wouldn't have bothered with it myself if so). 6.5/10.
Mewka - Expected you to land the bb (or is that old? can't remember). Sweet and kinda unexpected landing, however because of the direction in which you were heading it is not very challenging I guess. 7/10.
DeadMan - Yay, DM again in a video. Just love the thinking behind this stunt, even if it's not really a great looking spot it surely is greatly thought through, so I can't say I dislike it. 8/10.
Onder - Seen you land a few stuff in this area before. Pretty nice distance you got there although the landing itself isn't that interesting to give this stunt a touch of epicness. 8.5/10.
Jozio - Streem done it already, the fact you bounced back gives it a new taste (kinda). Gotta be honest here though, when I saw that runup I was sure you were heading for the city hall top, so I was kinda disappointed to see the low part get landed yet again. 7/10.
Mewka - Cool looking tankbump there, but the cam angle + editing obscured my full understanding of it. Couldn't really get a grip on how big this stunt actually was, but from what I could see it gets a 7.5/10.
DeadMan - Seems like a really cool spot, if it's new it's great in my eyes. 8.5/10
Plani (G) - I can imagine this being difficult enough on any other bike, but on a sanchez... man oh man, this stunt was definitely one of the highlights. Great job. 9.5/10
Onder - As MMM said, the cam angle on this one was pretty bad. I'm sure it is a great stunt and that it deserves a lot better view. 8/10
Mewka - Is it me or is this a pretty old (and while I'm at it, easy) stunt? Not gonna rate.
DeadMan - Seems nice, but nothing interesting for me. 6.5/10
Jozio - Now that was a well-justified usage of two packers, I like it. Although I think the higher part is possible, still I like this stunt. 8/10
FTO - Nice looking double bump there :) Sure it could look even better if the editing was more caring on it. 7.5/10
Plani (G) - Seen it already, really really nice looking spin to the ledge. 8.5/10
Koza - OK... at least it's new. Think you could have used an even slower bike though, since, despite it being a nice find, the stunt is pretty much uninteresting due to its size. 7/10
DeadMan - That was nice :P Somebody try to grind the bridge's edge. 8/10
Grescha - Stunt of the video right here. The never-ending cabbie combo, oh my fucking god, this demanded extreme thought. Even when you aren't in infys you're tearin' up the videos you're in. Possible contender for stunt of the year even in my book. Can't say a single bad thing about it. 10/10
Mewka - Well that was pretty nice, it could use some kinda stoppie or wheelie for a cooler transition from the drop to the grinds (if possible). 8.5/10
Jozio - It was great. Wonder how nobody spotted that you can land that thingy before ... love it! 9/10
oNdeR - While it's not the best stunt in the video (Grescha's stunt owns it by a longshot), it most certainly fits to that part of the music the most, so, good choice of finisher. It's a pretty stylish stunt and a nice way to end the video. 8.5/10

Stunts (overall): Well I've got to say this video shows you guys still have the potential to be awesome. Especially near the end of the video it became pretty evident (The last four stunts were all really really great). However, there certainly is a great problem you guys got with the overall mixture of the stunts. While there is epicness in this video, there are also stunts that don't pack even the slightest punch, and those simply don't go together. Advice for your next video stays the same: Put more time into sorting out the good from the bad, the epic from the filler. Because I know you guys have more than enough power to pack that epic punch you once had. Also - don't invite a guest unless you're going to at least match his level throughout the video. Other than FTO's opener, Grescha's taxi boost and maybe 3-4 more, Plani has owned the video. 8.5/10 overall.

Editing: You've had much much better works than this. Apart from the badly composed intro, there was also a lot of evident bugs in the editing (I'm mostly referring to the parts where the screen would just randomly freeze), which really sometimes took all the 'rush' out of a stunt. The cam angles were sometimes badly picked and the effects choice wasn't good at some points. However I can say that there were good moments as well. Especially in the 2nd part, you seem to have taken control of what you were doing in that part. Overall 7/10.

Music: Not really a fan of the 1st part music, the 2nd part one was much better to my ears. 7.5/10

Final rating:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Kacknase on April 23, 2011, 03:19:19 PM
Pretty fresh video, exepted it to be exactly like that since all your crewvids are... similar to each other.. somehow. I don't really want to comment on each stunt so i just mention the noteworthy ones:
Onder's LV grind: That was extremely stylish, loved it.
Grescha's Boost: What the fuck dude, i mean i thought that one would never end as ptrvy already said. Also the ending was quite unexepted even if the Execution was somewhat horrible which doesn't change the quality of it tho.
Jozio's doublebump: Why the heck nobody found that one before, i mean it's more than obvious. Great stunt anyway  :P

As for the editing i have to say that was actually pretty okay, the camfucks were mostly the most annoying part and it slightly ruined the whole atmosphere of the video. The editing it self was really cool especially at the second part, cool effects you got thar. But what  the fuck at the song-cut at the tail of the second song.. YOU'RE GOOD AT HIDING SONG CUTS YEP!

The intro was a downer as well since the subtitles were probably the worst english i've seen in a long time.
Just as the mainidea of the intro, shots of SA.. destruction.. used so many times.

Whatever, another SSish video 7/10
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Jozio on April 23, 2011, 03:22:23 PM
I know guys :/, not good a cam and sometimes lags, but this is cause win 7 ( fraps - i don't know why this suxx software has a lags )

Thanks for comments :)
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Plani on April 23, 2011, 04:45:36 PM
don't invite a guest unless you're going to at least match his level throughout the video.

I got to say that i asked to be a part of this video.  :euro: Everybody that know me well , knows that i'm a SS fan and that i always wanted to be in a video.So i asked to be in , and i'm glad that Mewka accepted.  :)
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: RedX on April 23, 2011, 05:13:47 PM
FTO - amazing, love it
Onder - impressive, liked it
Jozio - very cool dude, looked great
Plani (G) - awesome dude
Onder - fantastic!
Mewka - beautiful
DeadMan - nice find
Plani (G) - great stunt dude
Gresha - easily the best stunt in this video for me
Mewka - looked SO awesome <3 great one


Only bothered commenting the ones I really liked, the rest were mediocre or bad in my opinion. The music in the first part sucked, though the music in the second part was lovely. The editing was annoying due to many shitty camera angles, I suppose it was good effect and sync wise but I don't care too much about that.

Decent video with fillers and killers
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Caio on April 23, 2011, 05:48:33 PM
At the beginning I was amazed when the song started, I love Rise Against, and that one is my favorite from the new album. But, I'm sorry to say this, the editing ruined the video. Some camera angles didn't let me see what was going on and in a couple of stunts you showed almost all the run up and cut the airtime. And cutting the song was lame too.

Second part was ok, but when I first heard the song and saw the first stunt (with those 2 packers) I thought it was the credits o.o.

The cabbie stunt was my favorite, awesome idea and awesome execution.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Stevex on April 23, 2011, 06:02:57 PM
I hate taxi and cabbie stunts, but Gresha still carried the vid  :ajaja:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: LofftergtaSA on April 23, 2011, 06:35:51 PM
awesome video  !
GJ guys mewka and Jozio pwnage the video ;)
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Bisector. on April 23, 2011, 09:42:14 PM
WOW WTF....Gresha's cabbie boost was fucking amazing..That LET ME SHOUT "WOW"
FTO'S opener,Jozio's double bump to prec,Plani's guest stunts and Onder's back bump to the tree were also my favourite.
overall 8.5/10
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Jason on April 24, 2011, 12:16:09 AM
I'm going to say this nicely.

Jozio should never edit again.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Arnax on April 24, 2011, 12:59:42 AM
Put more effort into your next video, because these videos are slowly becoming boring. I like your style which you have since you started and I usually enjoy watching your videos, but I think it's time to raise your standards of stunting to a new level.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Bixel on April 24, 2011, 01:01:43 AM
Gresha's taxi stunt stood out. Awesome vid.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: miLKy on April 24, 2011, 01:23:18 AM
Sorry but I didn't really like it...the intro was bad tbh, editing was ok. And the stunts were mostly just ok... Stunts i really liked were onder's plani's and grescha's boost.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: mehmet on April 24, 2011, 01:24:41 AM
i think the edit was sick  :|

and for stunts opener was best for me!
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Rainbow on April 24, 2011, 01:26:15 AM
Grescha, my hat goes off to that stunt  :ajaja: And I really think that this video would be better with another edit, I mean, the infernus model sucks and I thought I only would see that in collabs, not in a cv. The cam angles where horrible in some stages of the video D= Coulden't even figure out what happend in a few of them and it felt slow :  <

The rest was still pretty nice, but the editing kinda ruined it IMO.  :(  7.5/10
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Davve on April 24, 2011, 02:47:53 AM
The intro ruined the entire mood for me because of the terrible subtitles and, as PtRvY said, the sloppy execution of the entire intro. Some stunts were real amazing but you only get a first chance once and that intro sort of ruined the video for me.

Some stunts were amazing (Grescha) while others were just a little... meh.

Overall it was a nice video but I also believe SS will have to do something a little more fresh next time.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: blackdeath on April 24, 2011, 03:13:21 AM
cool vid.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Rusch69 on April 24, 2011, 03:35:37 AM
Intro: I didn't really get it and the text was indeed crap. It was also waaaaay too long, pretty much all intros are simply boring anyway. I also find the text logo kinda unmatching.

Main: The first song was okay while the second one was really bad. I assume you used Freebird's timecyc file which was okay for the look, but that fog-like glow shouldn't have had thaaaaat much diffusion. At the beginning you even added some scenes of stunts which are not even included in the video. There were some annoying camera bugs. You also wrote 'Grescha' incorrect. I liked that moving glowing fog (on Grescha's grind for example) somehow. Well it was simple and okay overall I'd say.

FTO - Well I guess everyne ever wanted to see that getting landed with 2 proper grinds. Good job ob that.
Jozio - Bad execution, cliff hangers with bicycles are always bad looking somehow.
Mewka - Doesn't even look that hard, though I never stunt with Taxis. BB top would've been better imo.
DeadMan - The editing destroyed this. I assume it was supposed to be a 3x grind?
Onder - I bailed that couple of times while trying to land something else. GJ though
Jozio - I somehow liked Streem's execution more.
Mewka - I don't really have the gap in mind now, I reckon the height was rather the harder part.
DeadMan - That's old.
Plani (G) - As I told you before, I like how you got into that stoppie. The editing kinda killed that with the camera. Decent stunt.
Onder - Not that bad, at least everything was natural. Good one actually.
Mewka - This is also old.
DeadMan - The idea to drop in there wasn't bad, but it still looked too simple and easy to be the part's finishing stunt imo.
Jozio - I dislike stunts where you need 2 Packers generally. Dunno about the possibilities, but I hoped the higher part at least getting landed.
FTO - I have tried this a while ago myself. GJ landing it, the curb's angle makes the secong bump really annoying.
Plani (G) - The grind's speed at the beginning kinda kills it, the rest was smooth.
Koza - Looks pretty okay for a HPV stunt without RADs.
DeadMan - That's really easy.
Grescha - This might be the best stunt in the video and should've been finisher. You ain't the only one who had this stunt in mind, but GJ landing it.
Mewka - Simple and aight double grind.
Jozio - The landing was kinda sloppy.
oNdeR - Isn't this old aswell? Aight stunt, but shouldn't have been finisher imo.

Outro: Simple credit roll. I somehow like that blue thing below it.

Mewka - Wasn't even that bad. Perhaps could've been placed in the main part.
Jozio - That's old, even to higher parts.

Overall: Actually I'm a bit disappointed, cuz I expected the stuff being better on every aspect. It's still an aight video and you guys still seem to be alive. Stunting wise I'd say FTO, oNdeR & Grescha owned.

Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: A maid on April 24, 2011, 03:37:08 AM
I'm going to say this nicely.

Jozio should never edit again.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Davve on April 24, 2011, 03:50:32 AM
cool vid.
You might actually be the most deconstructive commentwriter on the forum. I hope you know that.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: ZeRo_ on April 24, 2011, 03:52:48 AM
Really nice vid, oNdeR, Grescha and Plani owned it. :happy:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: FiEsTeRo on April 24, 2011, 03:57:48 AM
awesome video, i fucking love opener, Grescha's cabbie stunt and jozio's walride
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Sear on April 24, 2011, 04:01:28 AM
Why did you put that stupid (G) in the video? Looks retarded, everybody knows he's a guest lol D:

Pretty cool video. Editing was bad, FTOs, Greschas, mewkas and onders stuff was great.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Reynard The Fox on April 24, 2011, 04:16:04 AM
Oke! Great video guys Grescha's stunt and FTO's opener where the best!
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: VaNilla on April 24, 2011, 05:20:53 AM
Not bad :). I liked FTO's opener and Onder's grind a lot, but Grescha's cabbie boost was so fucking good :D.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Mewka on April 24, 2011, 08:31:01 AM
What can I say about vid.
Cam angles were horrible Joziek hehe, all my stunts look even worse then they rly are, I am not saying that they're awesome, but my TB looks like shit here. CC was pretty nice and effects mostly good matched. Your english in intro was bad and I did tell you that when u shown me it, but nvm, just learn it xd .
About stunts, they're mostly nice, some awesome, like Greschas b00st. That we were organizing that vid more then  half year maybe make it also unfresh in some way, that was hard to get at least 20 stunts for vid, cause around half of our crew is almost inactive. That's why our movie has title 'Dementia' , we are old and cant make a vid faster then in a half year lol. Good Job guys on stunts, editing could be much better ^^
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Mewka on April 24, 2011, 08:32:24 AM
oh and Jozio should apologize Edward, cause he forgot to put his only one stunts here...
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Shifftee on April 24, 2011, 09:41:51 AM
Great video!  :euro: :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: MeetMyMeat on April 24, 2011, 09:58:09 AM
I'm still waiting for that rep/clean clip, Mewka. Not that I care about the stunt but it looked really fucked up in the vid. Pure curiousity.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: oNdeR on April 24, 2011, 10:28:26 AM
yo guys, whats up!! here is a miniclip of my stunts viewed of another angle  :a-cheer:

Dementia Stunts (

Nice movie guys GJ i really enjoyed :wub:!!
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: OutLaaw on April 24, 2011, 10:12:55 PM
Epic vid, i love onder and fto stuff :3
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Mewka on April 25, 2011, 02:28:17 AM
Here are my 5 reps from video, enjoy watching from other cam angles: (
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Jozio on April 25, 2011, 10:29:58 AM
XQ added :) ( (
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: NuclearDeath on April 25, 2011, 11:55:54 AM
The first part wasn't that great, the editing sucked couldn't see the stunts, even the cam angles were bad. Second part was a lot better imo, great atmosphere and stunts. grescha double climb was awesome if clean. Do you need to keep boosting while upside down ?
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Asaaj on April 25, 2011, 11:57:23 AM
You do else you fall down
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: FTO on April 26, 2011, 08:33:50 PM
Damn I miss this..Downloading the XQ despite its huge size..

Edit:Yeah..The camera angles were not that good because they were moving all the time. But stuntwise I enjoyed it a lot. Grescha's cabbie was my favorite stunt in this,pretty fresh indeed.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Mewka on May 01, 2011, 11:38:34 AM
Mewka's Dementia Stunts (
Some sexy cam angles by oNdeR :ajaja:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: SkilZ on May 01, 2011, 02:21:37 PM
Yeah with too a sexy editing and sexy song xD nice stunt dude
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: KillaMarci on May 01, 2011, 06:49:17 PM
Wow Grescha :O stunt of the  year material right there!
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: DeadMan on May 03, 2011, 10:49:38 AM
"Intro: I didn't really get it and the text was indeed crap. It was also waaaaay too long, pretty much all intros are simply boring anyway. I also find the text logo kinda unmatching."

FTO - Nice one for an opener
Jozio - it looks easy but probably isn't
Mewka - ^same
Onder - good one
Jozio - nice find
Mewka - looks similar to stunt U did in some old video. good
Plani (G) - awesome.
Onder - I lik that one too :D
Mewka - old but it looks good
Jozio - I remember sb telling not to use packers like that because it's lame. O.o This looks pretty good
FTO - I've tried this myself a long time ago and it was very hard so congratz for landing it.
Plani (G) - I've never thought about doing a grind there. nice find
Koza - I don't like this because of the hpv. the stunt itself isn't bad
Grescha - great stunt - the best looking and probably the hardest in the vid
Mewka - I liked Dgrinds but this can't compare to the opener
Jozio - I don't like it. It would be better if done with sth else than nrg
oNdeR - good stunt ;]

Mewa - I've tried sth similar lately :)
Jozio - old

Not bad but should have been alot better imo
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: ~ Đάмﮖтзя ~ on May 03, 2011, 10:58:20 AM
Well i have to agree with krs (1st page), this was definitely the worst SS video ever, stunting wise and editing wise. When i clicked "play", i expected some great infernus stunts from mewka, infernus stunts from grescha and a great music, which has always been in SS videos. The music was so stereotype and average, the second was a bit better but still. I was so dissapoint! I have always liked SS videos a lot but cant say that about this video, sorry.

No offence, but i have seen only really few stunts that stayed in my mind, grescha taxi stunt shoulve been finisher, jozio precision to the church cross was also great and i remember that grind from onder in LV. Oh and FTO double grind was really nice. Rest didnt impress me anyhow...

The editing couldve been very great, but that blur/fog/whatever effect in the entire video was really annoying. But the english subtitles made me :lol:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Named on May 03, 2011, 07:38:07 PM
Well i have to agree with krs (1st page), this was definitely the worst SS video ever, stunting wise and editing wise. When i clicked "play", i expected some great infernus stunts from mewka, infernus stunts from grescha and a great music, which has always been in SS videos. The music was so stereotype and average, the second was a bit better but still. I was so dissapoint! I have always liked SS videos a lot but cant say that about this video, sorry.

No offence, but i have seen only really few stunts that stayed in my mind, grescha taxi stunt shoulve been finisher, jozio precision to the church cross was also great and i remember that grind from onder in LV. Oh and FTO double grind was really nice. Rest didnt impress me anyhow...

The editing couldve been very great, but that blur/fog/whatever effect in the entire video was really annoying. But the english subtitles made me :lol:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Mewka on May 04, 2011, 03:48:25 AM
Hey, it's at least un-modded SA video :cc_detective:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: Syny on May 13, 2011, 12:22:44 PM
Great video, some really cool stunts.
But I don't like of editing  :neen:
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: KasT on May 13, 2011, 03:11:34 PM
"what the happen"  :lol: that was fucking epic.  :lol:

Anyway, the standouts were few but great! I really loved the opener, Deadman's bump at 3:14 (the spot was just too obvious. Don't know if it was old, but it was a really good looking stunt anyway), Onder's grind at 3:50, Grescha's taxi stunt, which has the potential to be nominated for the stunt of the year, Jozio's small church sign prec and the finisher. The others were kinda mediocre in my eyes. The editing on the intro really brought iy down a lot. The main part was edited ok. A nice crewvid all in all, but you should focus on raising your stunting level a bit because I expected to see something mindblowing from the crew, not something nice.
Title: Re: [SS] Dementia
Post by: NEM on May 13, 2011, 04:44:33 PM
awesome work guys  :happy:
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