
GTA Series => Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas => SA Un-Modded Video Releases => Topic started by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 08:18:15 AM

Title: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 08:18:15 AM
Beat's CLARITY (

Just like every video I make.. nothing much to say, enjoy if you can :euro:




XtremeQuality 720p MKV - DOWNLOAD: (

Enjoy  :euro:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Genyus on March 27, 2011, 08:18:34 AM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Christian on March 27, 2011, 08:20:15 AM
I just love this kind of videos. So... finished, so professional, Its just pure awesomeness. The stunting level was at Its top. I was kind of surprised to see Bojet here. Streem, Burn rocked as usual and I just cant imagine just where does GDL got his ideas from? Mehmet is one kickass stunter If he's clean cause his stuff looks suspicious. And one last thing - I just love when Genyus lands something. :wub: Absolutely awesome video, kicks the ass of Aureus imo.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: bLADE on March 27, 2011, 08:20:35 AM
hey i am third poster
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Artifex on March 27, 2011, 08:22:36 AM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 27, 2011, 08:23:42 AM
Sear & Regy dlinging  :mellow:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Dimension on March 27, 2011, 08:26:16 AM
This is an Epic Win, Beat :wub: Love this video
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: matroska on March 27, 2011, 08:26:56 AM
The editing honestly amazed me. Coming from a person who hates this kind of editing (many effects, no matter how well synchronized) that's the biggest award you can get. There were a few minuses, mainly in the color correction part, but that's just my opinion. The contrast between dark and light was a bit over the top. But then again, that's just me. Other than that the video was truly great, even the stunts looked brilliant to me even though I have no idea what you guys consider to be a good stunt.

Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Bany. on March 27, 2011, 08:28:59 AM
epic  ;D but Genyus stunt look little strange  <_<
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: XTO -- on March 27, 2011, 08:30:40 AM
Bojet's replay on first stunt please.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: PtRvY on March 27, 2011, 08:31:17 AM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Noah on March 27, 2011, 08:32:43 AM

Sick editing! Your best edit so far imo.
And Genyus mods in VC so I wouldn't be surprised if that finisher of his was modded too.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Nauthiluz on March 27, 2011, 08:33:58 AM
The fuck you're doing Streem? We lose TWO stunts to you yet you land another one?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 27, 2011, 08:36:10 AM
Kickass video, enjoyed it a lot!
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kukiel on March 27, 2011, 08:36:20 AM
It was enjoyable but not even slighly as good as Aureus to be honest.
Camera works fit editing a lot but you couldn't see shit. CC at the end was pretty awesome. And the idea for the eding was very creative tho i prefer classic one. Effects that looked like the ones from trailer were incredible but despite that it wasn't any special.
I liked it nonetheless.  ;)

Edit: Okay, i watched it again. It's actually quite awesome  :euro: It's 2nd time, damn it. It was the same when i first watched Slayer's solo. I still like Aureus better.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: XTO -- on March 27, 2011, 08:37:07 AM
If the part where Beat actually knew that some of these stunts would've been in our video is true, he's now officially a dick
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: 灰野 敬二 on March 27, 2011, 08:38:40 AM
Stunting: 0.2/10 (SS will understand)

Editing: Your best work by a mile, everything is nearly perfect imo except for the cam angles, arguably some of the worst I've ever seen in my entire life, I don't really understand what was your aim, but close-cam angles and the bad position of the camera were so terrible. 8.4/10
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Mewka on March 27, 2011, 08:39:25 AM
Explosion stunt stood out, Kusiu was good either :)
Editing was nice .
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: JustCaus3 on March 27, 2011, 08:40:38 AM
That was a really great video, I enjoyed it really much  :ajaja: A few cam angles were bad and too full of energy that It was kinda hard to keep on track of the stunt, but otherwise a flawless video with awesome editing and great stunts.. Too bad I wasn't able to land anything for this  :(

Great job BeaT and everyone involved  :ajaja:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Regy on March 27, 2011, 08:42:12 AM
Loved it
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Herr-Dav' on March 27, 2011, 08:45:07 AM
Truly mind-blowing video, what I've seen is a continuous flow of great stunts accompanied with a fluent editing and amazing soundtrack :wub:
I know it's hard to get the right timing and amount of effects on this kind of song but you seem to do that with a surprising ease every time

Only bad point imo was how the main part ended, the song should end with the finisher to accompany it, I think it feels somehow unfinished in that way

Dling the 720p right away
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: NuclearDeath on March 27, 2011, 08:46:17 AM
Your best editing so far loved the ideas and effects but I was hoping to see the stunts more clearly after what happened Aureus. The cam angles are way to close, couldn't see a thing on a few stunts.

Explo stunt stood out the most, obviously that was freaking awesome and really really well edited on it. The rest was nice.

Adding to my fav right away.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: XTO -- on March 27, 2011, 08:46:28 AM
Nevermind on what I said. I still want that replay tho
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: blackdeath on March 27, 2011, 08:48:18 AM
BeaT is amazing, rly great cam angles & stunts.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kix on March 27, 2011, 08:48:47 AM
Damn that was great, highly doubt some certain stunts were clean though
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: TurBo on March 27, 2011, 08:48:50 AM
Streem.. that can't be a coincidence and if you stole those things, you know it and you know if you've lost my respect right now or not.

Other then that, i enjoyed the video.. editing was nice to my mind and stunts were very solid with few nice exceptions.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Nauthiluz on March 27, 2011, 08:55:56 AM
Could you unblock me from MSN Beat? I have no idea why you did so.
Well so the editing was nice. It doesn't mean I'm not dissapointed though.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: EGjunge on March 27, 2011, 08:58:06 AM
Downloading :) btw i was tryna comment on the video and it said "You have been blocked by the owner of this video"  ¬.¬
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: PtRvY on March 27, 2011, 08:58:42 AM
It was a solid video all in all.

Stuntwise, a few stunts really stood out for me, some in a good way (Kusiu's opener and ExPlosion's combo = mind blown), while some in a bad way. Bojet, drop the mods.

Editing was cool, I have to say I enjoyed Aureus slightly more because I'm a fan of the night & french electro style more. But this video had a lot more concept, thought behind it, so overall I'm pretty sure you've grown as a editor with this video. The effects were great and well synced, the cc was very good. The only thing I disliked were the camera angles, you overdone the camwork too much. While I do understand why you did this, it didn't work.

Overall, another great project added to your name, hope there will be more.

Stunts: 8/10
Editing: 9/10
Music: 8/10

Overall: 8,75/10
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Shifftee on March 27, 2011, 08:59:56 AM
I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:

Epicly edited epic collab. Not the best stunting.. still good but I expected more. :P
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Christian on March 27, 2011, 09:01:44 AM
I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:
As he said many times - he is in WH with editing, not stenting. Tho he has some spots. :euro:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 27, 2011, 09:02:10 AM
I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:

Epicly edited epic collab. Not the best stunting.. still good but I expected more. :P

He actually has released a stunt in Warm Sector  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Shifftee on March 27, 2011, 09:02:45 AM
I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:
As he said many times - he is in WH with editing, not stenting. Tho he has some spots. :euro:
Then why is he in BT as well?  :|
I think that he hasn't edited a single WH crew video.. But let's wait and see. :)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Determined on March 27, 2011, 09:04:10 AM
The editing wasn't really my cup of tea, not really a fan of those shakes & newsprint (?) effects, they seem to interrupt the vid for me, I think you should've made them more subtle & not as massive. the colors tho were pretty awesome, especially he blue lines around the lights. The angles were horrible :<

Stuntwise it was really great to see so much technical stuff pulled off by so many stunters. Really liked burns', kusiu's, raekwons, rusch's... damn, I think everyone had something great in this vid, or they're just too much to name  :lol:

Gj guys!
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kacknase on March 27, 2011, 09:04:19 AM
Youtube is so goddamn slow.. fuck this.
From what i've seen that's gonna be a kickass video, dling!
Oh btw, kusiu, you're a sick fuck.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sheep on March 27, 2011, 09:06:10 AM
I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:
As he said many times - he is in WH with editing, not stenting. Tho he has some spots. :euro:
Then why is he in BT as well?  :|
I think that he hasn't edited a single WH crew video.. But let's wait and see. :)
BeaT wants to take over the world!

OT: Well I actually liked your editing this time, some cam angles were bad and some stunts looked suspicious.

8/10 :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 09:06:37 AM
Could you unblock me from MSN Beat? I have no idea why you did so.

I never did, I got a new email, will pm it to you soon.

Nevermind on what I said. I still want that replay tho


Edit: (

I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:
As he said many times - he is in WH with editing, not stenting. Tho he has some spots. :euro:
Then why is he in BT as well?  :|
I think that he hasn't edited a single WH crew video.. But let's wait and see. :)

Yeah sorry, theres a million WH Crew Videos, and it's also your ex-crew that you care about so much.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: mehmet on March 27, 2011, 09:07:18 AM
Kusiu. explosion. bea.  :wub:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Shifftee on March 27, 2011, 09:10:36 AM
I still don't know how could you be in WH if you haven't released a single stunt. :lol:
As he said many times - he is in WH with editing, not stenting. Tho he has some spots. :euro:
Then why is he in BT as well?  :|
I think that he hasn't edited a single WH crew video.. But let's wait and see. :)

Yeah sorry, theres a million WH Crew Videos, and it's also your ex-crew that you care about so much.
What?  :| Never been in WH. That's just mysterious that a guy who doesn't stunt gets into one of the best stunting crews.  :lol: Okay, let's stop this now. :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Determined on March 27, 2011, 09:12:09 AM
Dude, that's enough! And coming from me, that's saying a lot. Just give it a rest, will ya'  ;)
heh that kinda rhymes
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sheep on March 27, 2011, 09:13:20 AM
Also wtf burns psm stunt :lol: ??? :lol ??? :lol: ???
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: mehmet on March 27, 2011, 09:15:51 AM
Also wtf burns psm stunt :lol: ??? :lol ??? :lol: ???
yes psm in sa are possible too... reynolds even made a vid of those...
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sheep on March 27, 2011, 09:20:27 AM
Also wtf burns psm stunt :lol: ??? :lol ??? :lol: ???
yes psm in sa are possible too... reynolds even made a vid of those...
Oh I havent seen it then.. was it psm like stuck cars in it or just like in VC? :|
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Reynard The Fox on March 27, 2011, 09:23:32 AM
Also wtf burns psm stunt :lol: ??? :lol ??? :lol: ???
yes psm in sa are possible too... reynolds even made a vid of those...
And then I quickly deduced that lifting packers with the magnet-helicopter is IMPOSSIBLE :sleep:

Great video! Kusiu, Burn and explosion were the best :ajaja: Disliked some cam-angles.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kacknase on March 27, 2011, 09:31:51 AM
Yesh, cool video. Kusiu and explosion stood out, the rest had some good ones too.
Expected a bit more anyway..
Editing was great as always.. well im out of.. words.. and stuff...

GJ guys.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: mqtH on March 27, 2011, 09:36:42 AM
I didn't enjoyed that... :(
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Helios on March 27, 2011, 09:53:29 AM
fuck you streem
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ZeRo_ on March 27, 2011, 09:54:05 AM
I'm really impressed with this, so many amazing ideas and executions. The opener was pure awesomeness. :ajaja: The editing was cool too, you created a great atmosphere, good job everyone involved. :ajaja:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Plani on March 27, 2011, 10:05:08 AM
Editing was nice but it didnt impressed me alot like others jobs from you.

Kusiu stunt was the best.

fuck you streem

Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: mehmet on March 27, 2011, 10:13:06 AM
Also wtf burns psm stunt :lol: ??? :lol ??? :lol: ???
yes psm in sa are possible too... reynolds even made a vid of those...
Oh I havent seen it then.. was it psm like stuck cars in it or just like in VC? :|

no. watch the tut on reynolds account. if its still there
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sh4Rk. on March 27, 2011, 10:29:21 AM
Epic stuff :blink:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Veno on March 27, 2011, 10:35:18 AM
some cool sstunst from what i could see, liked opener the most, angles were too close and horrible, you should try to hold them more still, some colors looked cool tho.
some effects looked prett bad aswell, your hyping didn`t pay back.
someone should re-edit those stunts so we could see them better ;)
keep practising :>
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: TrYp on March 27, 2011, 10:38:49 AM
Actually enjoyed it. The freeway ledgegrinds were madness, also Rusch your precision was unexpected, fucking insane.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: VaNilla on March 27, 2011, 10:51:13 AM
The editing was pretty good, but those angles really were bad; they made the video was totally unclear for the most part. Improving the angles would have improved the editing ten-fold. It's hard to talk about the stunts because there were some really good clean stunts, but most of them were clearly modded. In my opinion Bojet, Genyus (his stunt isn't even possible), mehmet and Streem clearly modded their stunts. VMX's one also looked a little weird but not so much that I'd say it's definitely modded like some of the other ones. Didn't really enjoy watching this one like I did with AUREUS, feels a little rushed and you just let random modded stunts into the video. The best clean stunt was probably Rusch's sick precision, or Reynolds' really nice cabbie precision.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Laketown on March 27, 2011, 11:11:43 AM
haha beat you are so pretentious

"fuck the haters", so edgy

vid was alright the editing was filled with a lot of dumb shit and as stated before the angles were kinda terrible. stunts were cool
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Noah on March 27, 2011, 11:13:52 AM
Can someone tell me what Streem did?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Determined on March 27, 2011, 11:15:23 AM
Stole a spot from SSU I guess.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Asaaj on March 27, 2011, 11:24:05 AM
God fucking damn it <_<
Nice edit and nice stunts I guess
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 11:32:49 AM
Thanks for the pretty nice comments.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Zenaku on March 27, 2011, 11:43:43 AM
some cool sstunst from what i could see, liked opener the most, angles were too close and horrible, you should try to hold them more still, some colors looked cool tho.
some effects looked prett bad aswell, your hyping didn`t pay back.
someone should re-edit those stunts so we could see them better ;)
keep practising :>

Dude, shut the fuck up. You don't even reach one thousandth of his level.
You're probably one of the worst editor i've ever seen so get your fucking "keep practising" into your butthole.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Determined on March 27, 2011, 11:47:26 AM
Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. I'm not a filmmaker, but I find a lot of movies quite terrible, does that make me a cynic?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 27, 2011, 11:49:42 AM
Venomous take your negative fucking attitude somewhere else. I'd recommend you to try doing something better (that ain't happening...) before judging others hard work by saying shit like "keep practising". Fuck off seriously, you and other noobs make this place unbearable.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Asaaj on March 27, 2011, 11:52:30 AM
Is this WoW :< ?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sheep on March 27, 2011, 11:52:45 AM
Stealing spots sounds kinda wrong, isnt the right word LOST spot?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: VaNilla on March 27, 2011, 11:59:16 AM
Stealing spots sounds kinda wrong, isnt the right word LOST spot?

Depends :ajaja:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: lilj on March 27, 2011, 12:11:01 PM
i really think that the text before the BT intro gonna break down the haters, k naw, lets get straight thro this long ass comment

 about the stunts, Kusiu's oppener was something really interesting that i have never seen before, great job on that one, Bojet's bump2parkingsign was fuck sick, i loved it, GDL's backflip stunt was also something stylish and it was great, raeknow's freeway ledge was a great idea, Reynolds cabbi stunt was neat, Streem's bump2wallride on the factory kinda place was amazing, i always hate it when someone is close to landing something but he goes right over it and land something else0- but rusch stunt was really amazing, Streem's p2b landing the yellow crane thingy was great, wow, WOW, Genyus i never though any one would ever land that, that was a great one dude, loved it from you

about the editing,the intro was pretty damn awesome, the optical flares usage was amazingly fetting and it was smooth. those blurs where also great looking, i really loved this intro, now the main part, was really awesome, the CC was great and reflected the feeling of the song, ur usage of optical flares in middle of the stunts was great and well matching which is definitely not easy, so props on that, and oh, that idea of switching colors on Regy's infernus stunt was really well performed and its probably the best color changing i have ever seen on a gta video, over all it was just great as always, the only downer was the close angles

u guys all did a great job, this video is really great, so good job all of you
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: DeathMazhine on March 27, 2011, 12:17:42 PM
nice editing
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: matroska on March 27, 2011, 12:37:40 PM
some cool sstunst from what i could see, liked opener the most, angles were too close and horrible, you should try to hold them more still, some colors looked cool tho.
some effects looked prett bad aswell, your hyping didn`t pay back.
someone should re-edit those stunts so we could see them better ;)
keep practising :>

Dude, shut the fuck up. You don't even reach one thousandth of his level.
You're probably one of the worst editor i've ever seen so get your fucking "keep practising" into your butthole.

Venomous take your negative fucking attitude somewhere else. I'd recommend you to try doing something better (that ain't happening...) before judging others hard work by saying shit like "keep practising". Fuck off seriously, you and other noobs make this place unbearable.

I'm sorry, but what the hell is your problem ? Is he not allowed to say "keep practicing" if he thinks the edit is not good ? And how the hell is his attitude negative ? He was giving CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, something you clearly know nothing off.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 12:43:27 PM
He was giving CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM, something you clearly know nothing off.

That's the most corrupt constructive criticism I've ever seen.

Won't rage at anyone because it's useless, but I'm begging you to appreciate the time and effort put into this if you're considering to comment on it, otherwise just leave...

someone should re-edit those stunts so we could see them better ;)

It's fucking easy for you to say that, but it hurts so much, I shouldn't even give a fuck but I do.

Can't a fucking topic go well on this fucking forum, every single one got to have a usless argument stop being so ignorant and watch your fucking random words before posting for fucks sake...
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: matroska on March 27, 2011, 12:47:57 PM
That's the most corrupt constructive criticism I've ever seen.

Won't rage at anyone because it's useless, but I'm begging you to appreciate the time and effort put into this if you're considering to comment on it, otherwise just leave.

I didn't say the editing was bad, I said the exact opposite (you can find my post on the first page). But I got raged at "Zenaku" and "Sear", who apparently are really emotionally connected to this video and can't understand that there are people who actually won't like the video. And why would you post it on a forum, if you don't expect to see some bad comments. It's impossible to make a video suitable to everybody.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 12:54:05 PM
Won't even continue this conversation, theres difference between a comment that dislikes the content and a comment that doesn't make any fucking sense.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: GDL on March 27, 2011, 12:55:38 PM
wow seems like I missed this
Great editing BeaT, you should totally organize more collabs like this  :P The stunting level was great and my personal favourite stunt was Kusiu's doublekindagrind  :) Yhank you for letting my stunt in even if it wasn't landed perfectly  :happy:

Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: POP. on March 27, 2011, 01:00:58 PM
this would be gonna nominate at Best Edited Video of the Year again  :wub:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: XTO -- on March 27, 2011, 01:17:31 PM
Stealing spots sounds kinda wrong, isnt the right word LOST spot?

Depends :ajaja:

When you have knowlage that someone has that spot, landed and is going to release it within a week. That's stealing
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: __JREN on March 27, 2011, 01:18:56 PM
that was just a unique piece of art <3
Truly amazing atmosphere plus, a combinations of an epic cc plus effects wisely chosen = <3

final statment
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Squeak on March 27, 2011, 01:19:45 PM
some cool sstunst from what i could see, liked opener the most, angles were too close and horrible, you should try to hold them more still, some colors looked cool tho.
some effects looked prett bad aswell, your hyping didn`t pay back.
someone should re-edit those stunts so we could see them better ;)
keep practising :>

Dude, shut the fuck up. You don't even reach one thousandth of his level.
You're probably one of the worst editor i've ever seen so get your fucking "keep practising" into your butthole.

Zenaku, you are a very controllable person, and you don't have your own opinion. I don't wanna hurt you couse you are a cool person as i know you, but that is the truth as i see.
The cam angles were really close in my opinion too. Those spinning ones were smooth but you should've outzoomed them a bit when you showed the whole stunt. It didn't reach your level, Beat.
Stunts were great, i really loved the opener and Bojet's one.

And Genyus mods in VC so I wouldn't be surprised if that finisher of his was modded too.

He mods in SA either, guys, seriously. Just watch his best of, ridiculous.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Determined on March 27, 2011, 01:23:39 PM
Can't a fucking topic go well on this fucking forum, every single one got to have a usless argument stop being so ignorant and watch your fucking random words before posting for fucks sake...

It's Zenaku & Sear who started arguing, just so we're clear. Venom just spoke his mind  ;)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: MaRo on March 27, 2011, 01:27:04 PM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Veno on March 27, 2011, 01:35:07 PM
wowo guys, i know beat is better than me in editing and stuff, your argumenst are really shitty and immature.
gosh, what`s so bad in saying "keep practising" ? huh, it`s positive, if i`d say "quit editing" that would be bad, but comon ._.
oh and beat sorry to hurt your feelings, but really man, i couldn`t understand some of the stunts, maybe that`s just me, sorry then.
just keep doing what you like and shut us up with your work, but this one wasn`t your level, you can better  :cc_detective:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: VaNilla on March 27, 2011, 01:35:15 PM
Stealing spots sounds kinda wrong, isnt the right word LOST spot?

Depends :ajaja:

When you have knowlage that someone has that spot, landed and is going to release it within a week. That's stealing

That's what I was getting at, believe me I know the feeling these days :lol:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 27, 2011, 01:44:43 PM
Won't even continue this conversation, theres difference between a comment that dislikes the content and a comment that doesn't make any fucking sense.

This pretty much sums up my argument towards Venomous. (for matroska  :cheernutz:)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Veno on March 27, 2011, 01:55:05 PM
Won't even continue this conversation, theres difference between a comment that dislikes the content and a comment that doesn't make any fucking sense.

This pretty much sums up my argument towards Venomous. (for matroska  :cheernutz:)
oh god, can`t be nice when i see that fucked up retard liek you, just my god, how can you be so stupid?
Now explain why did my coment didn`t made any sense?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Vermouth on March 27, 2011, 01:59:34 PM
Sucks  :ninja:  Aureus was a lot better .
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Asaaj on March 27, 2011, 02:00:40 PM
God seriously what is with the hate venomous isn't allowed to state his opinion?
If I were you guys I'd stfu I am really pissed again, nowadays you can't walk in a thread without getting attacked <_<
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Artifex on March 27, 2011, 02:07:00 PM
God seriously what is with the hate venomous isn't allowed to state his opinion?
If I were you guys I'd stfu I am really pissed again, nowadays you can't walk in a thread without getting attacked <_<
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: luli guy on March 27, 2011, 02:14:12 PM
much better than aureus
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: XTO -- on March 27, 2011, 02:19:11 PM
God seriously what is with the hate venomous isn't allowed to state his opinion?
If I were you guys I'd stfu I am really pissed again, nowadays you can't walk in a thread without getting attacked <_<

+Why did you call Beat's Clarity. It's not like you landed anything for it <_<
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: RedX on March 27, 2011, 02:23:18 PM
Great video, some really cool stunts in there. The editing was impressive, but it was a bit too much for me personally. Not saying I didn't enjoy it though, I guess I just prefer more relaxing songs and edits.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sheep on March 27, 2011, 02:33:47 PM
+Why did you call Beat's Clarity. It's not like you landed anything for it <_<
"Remember my name"
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 03:14:35 PM
God seriously what is with the hate venomous isn't allowed to state his opinion?
If I were you guys I'd stfu I am really pissed again, nowadays you can't walk in a thread without getting attacked <_<

+Why did you call Beat's Clarity. It's not like you landed anything for it <_<

I organized it and I edited it, and it's none of your fucking business, pull that stick outa your ass once in your fucking life...
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Noah on March 27, 2011, 03:21:26 PM
Jesus, when will you guys stop giving Beat a hard time?  :lol: If it was me I'd personally get on a plane and deliver some beatings at your doorsteps, no pun intended.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: XTO -- on March 27, 2011, 03:51:37 PM
I just asked lols

He goes all nerd rage at me because of a simple question, and I'm the troublemaker :|

Anyway, Kesui or w/e his nickname is had nice stuff. So did Explosion
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Rusch69 on March 27, 2011, 03:59:47 PM
Camera stuff sucked, too shaky and too close overall. I also disliked the centered nametags and that black border is inda unnecessary. Song was alrigt, but you shouldn't have included those glitches. Stunts were medium-like, but I somehow expected a bit more from the lineup. Bojet should stop modding, also got doubts about the finisher. Opener and Gerben's boost were my favourites. Aight collab overall. :ajaja:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 04:00:34 PM
nerd rage

Oh look whos speaking about nerd rage.

+Why did you call Beat's Clarity. It's not like you landed anything for it <_<

That clearly looks like a straight rant, not a fucking question..
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Dundee on March 27, 2011, 04:08:54 PM
Awesome Collab.
Loved the editing which has a awesome atmosphere and  great effekts. Those "glitch/bugs effekts" looks freaky sick. I only disliked some pan&crop parts but forget it.. I see you joined Sunny Pictures, IMO one of the best editingcrews ever (problemly after BT ) ;). Overall sick editing mate. Like it alot.

Stuntingwise also great.
I loved the opener, Reakwons freewaygrind and Reynolds cabbieboost. I dont know about Genyus stunt.. I tried that/lost that and i didnt get it so high like him. I dont want to say tht it was moddet but its kinda wired.
I hope to see more.

Beat = good
Collab = good
Editing = good

PS: Everyone has his own opinion... so dont flame the guys who dont like this video.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on March 27, 2011, 04:43:00 PM (

Take the weird conversations there
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Raekah on March 27, 2011, 04:45:04 PM
I love you BeaT :wub:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Mythic on March 27, 2011, 11:44:08 PM
Enjoyed it a lot as for the stunts and the editing, keep it up and stick to your own style dude.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Flat Face on March 28, 2011, 02:56:42 AM
I demand a medium quality as I do not have unlimited internet and I downloaded a movie today :/


BeaT don't get upset if people post like dicks, they look like dicks and responding in kind makes you look like a dick.

Xtreme Omega, dick post was dicklike.

I'm not going back to the last page because I can ignore people being idiots, you can do the same so please do.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Rainbow on March 28, 2011, 04:59:37 AM
Well, that was enjoyable  :a-cheer: The honey-structure thing effect you used made the mood change to super-awesome everytime you used it, it fitted perfectly! Music was not really my cup of tea, but was pretty good  :)

Let me name some highlights that I REALLY enjoyed & some critisism:

1:08:   Best transitions that I ever saw, so fast, CC was great on them, not to bright at all, just epic  :mellow:
2:34:   Same transitions, only this time, they were even better  :euro:
2:59:   That rotating cam angle was so super awesome!  :a-cheer:
3:07:   That second cam angle on Rusch's stunt wasn't exactly mind blowing, the angle itself was good, but the pan/crop movements made it look well, don't really have a word for it. I guess I'll leave it on random.
3:13:   Hell yea! Coulden't have thought of a better compensation for that previous angle!  :a-cheer:
3:26:   Again a crazy spin around a freeway. Looks insane! Wished you woulden't have switched clips and went on with it, or atleast stayed in the same clip. The abrupt cut was a mood ruiner at that point. A much nicer thing would have been, add one more rotation around the freeway and slow down towards the end, again looking at the back of the freeway. Would have been better then switching clips in the middle of something epic!  :happy:
3:58:   What can I add sani... My hat goes off for that angle. Truely brilliant! The leafs coming into the screen, the distant view, just epic C=
The finisher: That editing was pretty sweet looking man, the whole stunt looked nice. The first time I watched that editing I didn't really care for it because I was laughing too hard at the stunt itself, but after rewatching I noticed how great it was  :cc_detective:

The aftermath of the finisher:  .. .Well, THAT's a good point to improve  :L Biggest interruption in the history of GTA video making? D=  .. I was like, YEY a summary of the stunts.. and then BOOM credits..  :(

Overall editing: Epic  :mellow: Apart from the few things I just mentioned I coulden't spot a thing I didn't like! I hope you can do something with those little details so your edits will be even better  :happy:

High-five for the people that spotted the mods on the finisher  :mellow:

Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: NumeRo on March 28, 2011, 05:06:11 AM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Basium on March 28, 2011, 05:44:21 AM
Genyus Stop modding .
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kusiu on March 28, 2011, 06:19:32 AM
It's out oO, Thanks man for letting me in ;>/ oh and I'm glad you like my stunt =)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sajtos on March 28, 2011, 07:08:29 AM
Too much flashes and random shakes for me, otherwise nicely edited

As for the stunts, some were good (like Kusiu's opener, awesome) some were ok, 8/10
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Diaz on March 28, 2011, 08:06:52 AM
The stunts were ok, some modded, some old, some really nice. Kusiu's opener and rusch's stunt were mindblowing. Liked explosion's stunt. The edit was good.
Very nice vid, but i think aureus was better.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ChriStunter on March 28, 2011, 08:46:20 AM
Jesus, when will you guys stop giving Beat a hard time?
When he stops being a dick. Beat when I first met you you didn't even know how to edit hardly but know your attitude is so crap mate.
Before I disliked your editing but know I just hate it and not because it's bad just because of you. No offence but I really think you are one of the most hated editors of gtas. By the way, nice mods guys. Streem(Y).
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: iAndy on March 28, 2011, 09:05:42 AM
Greatest video ever, except Aureus.
PS: Got a boner on Regy's Infernus stunt, mainly because of the car changing colors according to the beat.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: krs on March 28, 2011, 09:13:18 AM
Jesus, when will you guys stop giving Beat a hard time?
When he stops being a dick. Beat when I first met you you didn't even know how to edit hardly but know your attitude is so crap mate.
Before I disliked your editing but know I just hate it and not because it's bad just because of you. No offence but I really think you are one of the most hated editors of gtas. By the way, nice mods guys. Streem(Y).

makes sense, doesn't it ?

Great video guise, PANU<3 your stent was the sexxxx
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Named on March 28, 2011, 09:33:18 AM
Not liked so mutch, but nice, sear inf stunt is fucking nice, genyus modded a lot, GJ
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 28, 2011, 09:45:38 AM
Thanks Krystian(<3) and Named!
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: NEM on March 28, 2011, 10:11:41 AM
ok people ,, so AUREUS is better right ,But this video also has some its charm  :happy:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Mewka on March 28, 2011, 11:04:41 AM
That editing wasnt bad, but hasnt got that felling with music( which isnt that nice imo)
Your best editing so far is Harmony :wub:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: FELIX on March 28, 2011, 11:54:07 AM
Cool video... as you said...

Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ExPlosion on March 28, 2011, 01:55:32 PM
Really cool video, the music wasn't my taste but I really enjoyed the editing which was brilliant, even though it was a bit distracting at times but it didn't bother me too much. I also quite enjoyed the cam angles, they were different from what we usually see, I wouldn't say they were good or bad, just something different. Stuntwise, well, I was expecting a bit better but overall it was great. People always complain about the modded stunts but since like half of the SA community seems to mod it shouldn't be a problem. Personally I consider SA stunting died a few years ago, but it's still cool to watch cool new vids.

Edit : and thanks to the guys who enjoyed my stunt, it was fun to be in it  :P.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Hoff on March 28, 2011, 02:34:23 PM
Pretty fucking awesome actually!
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Raekah on March 29, 2011, 12:26:58 AM
Awesome editing BeaT, it was still your style but I noticed it was different, like explo said, the different camera
angles were great, neither bad or good but different. Stunts were nice overall, a few standouts being Kusiu's
opener, Explo's combo, and Streem's stunt at 2:08, although I can't help but think that the finisher is modded.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: The Big V on March 29, 2011, 01:30:03 AM
Is this reality , NO FUCKING IDEA CAUSE I JUST WATCHED CLARITY. Shit thats some serious skills up there stunting wise and editing wise. Just sick.... Loved everything in it , cant say if I have a favorite moment in the video cause this goes directly to my fap folder. Good job
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Basium on March 29, 2011, 05:40:25 AM
the editing was enforced to be liked . BeaT , you are only accepting modded stunts and same time skilling them  as Genyus's and Bojet's . Streem I don't think so  that wallride gonna be reached but btw just stop enforcing people to like your video or who doesn't liked it you say " haters gonna be hate" , everyone is borned free not enforced as Slave .
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: BoBO on March 29, 2011, 05:56:08 AM
Great editing great stunts 9/10
but with that lineup I expected some mindblowing stunts sorry :P
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Bixel on March 29, 2011, 06:15:09 AM
just epic!
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ChriStunter on March 29, 2011, 07:19:17 AM
Jesus, when will you guys stop giving Beat a hard time?
When he stops being a dick. Beat when I first met you you didn't even know how to edit hardly but know your attitude is so crap mate.
Before I disliked your editing but know I just hate it and not because it's bad just because of you. No offence but I really think you are one of the most hated editors of gtas. By the way, nice mods guys. Streem(Y).

makes sense, doesn't it ?

I understood myself, sorry for being spanish!
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: MeetMyMeat on March 29, 2011, 08:26:19 AM
Now that's what I call a refined edit, good job. Loved the ending where you made it look as if the record has flipped and started from the begining or smth.

Kuisiu's stunt is my favourite, even tho the idea was pretty obvious since some guy landed the roof there. Bojet and Genyus however made it so that this topic is in the inappropriate section but what the heck, that can be said for most videos as of late.

E: lol, that message in the begining was weak. you shold learn how to /care
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ~ Đάмﮖтзя ~ on March 29, 2011, 08:57:48 AM
Great video. I can say you did a great job on this but as many people said the camera angles were meh, too close. Rest was really enjoyable and the colors were great as well. 

The mods probably ruined the video for me, dont know if its because you didnt care about mods or you cant see the mods because you dont stunt. Genyus and Bojet did impossible stunts so yeh it was obvious and mehmet was suspicious  :hmm: The stunts i liked the most were Burn' bullet stunt at chilliad and Kusiu opener. Overall 9/10
Some people are obviously defending Beat because its him, not because of the video. XTO's comment was dickish but Venomous comment actually did make sence. It's like if i would comment "i didnt like the video" and you would argue "your videos arent better", i am allergic to this and its bullshit. People cant dislike until they make something better? Oh wait.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kusiu on March 29, 2011, 10:55:17 AM
MMM, l did it something like a month before that video so the idea was mine ;)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: MeetMyMeat on March 29, 2011, 11:01:47 AM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Kusiu on March 29, 2011, 11:15:00 AM
I'm just sayin' ;>
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Basium on March 29, 2011, 11:22:01 AM
I'm just sayin' ;>
kisiu , you weren't known , just if you show your videos before in gtas you'll get accepted by WH ,
man , your opener was amazing also burn's , rusch's and the rest has ruined totally the video .
GL with DV aswell your stunts  :happy:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: BoBO on March 29, 2011, 11:46:01 AM
I'm just sayin' ;>
kisiu , you weren't known , just if you show your videos before in gtas you'll get accepted by WH ,
man , your opener was amazing also burn's , rusch's and the rest has ruined totally the video .
GL with DV aswell your stunts  :happy:

How did they ruin this video?
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ~ Đάмﮖтзя ~ on March 29, 2011, 12:16:50 PM
I'm just sayin' ;>
kisiu , you weren't known , just if you show your videos before in gtas you'll get accepted by WH ,
man , your opener was amazing also burn's , rusch's and the rest has ruined totally the video .
GL with DV aswell your stunts  :happy:

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :x
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Onix on March 29, 2011, 11:53:15 PM
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Sear on March 30, 2011, 05:48:43 AM
I'm just sayin' ;>
kisiu , you weren't known , just if you show your videos before in gtas you'll get accepted by WH ,
man , your opener was amazing also burn's , rusch's and the rest has ruined totally the video .
GL with DV aswell your stunts  :happy:

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :x
not they ,  but Genyus has ruined the video by mods , I'm not going to open a discussion here lol
I careless .

Your English is the worst of GTAS dude
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Determined on March 30, 2011, 05:50:00 AM
you haven't seen DeathMazhine in action  ;)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: iCy on March 30, 2011, 08:17:11 AM
I'm just sayin' ;>
kisiu , you weren't known , just if you show your videos before in gtas you'll get accepted by WH ,
man , your opener was amazing also burn's , rusch's and the rest has ruined totally the video .
GL with DV aswell your stunts  :happy:

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about :x
not they ,  but Genyus has ruined the video by mods , I'm not going to open a discussion here lol
I careless .

Your English is the worst of GTAS dude

What is this      lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Awesome edit beat but the cam angles are weird.  :a-cheer:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Bany. on March 30, 2011, 02:41:16 PM
Sick opener, Sear stunt was awesome too  :ajaja:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: aMer on March 31, 2011, 03:21:16 AM
Like Beat editor nice video :wub:❤❤❤❤
0:41 grind  :wub:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: bLADE on March 31, 2011, 03:30:43 PM
Few epic stunts like the opener, Raekwon's grind, Reynolds' Taxiboost, Explosions grind, Rusch69, Sear, Streem's p2b, both of Burn his car stunts.

epic editing too ofcourse
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Syny on March 31, 2011, 08:05:05 PM
epic stunts and I'm happy to see Bojet again   :wub:
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Krypton on April 03, 2011, 12:36:06 PM

sick vid and amazing editing, gj everyone
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Christian on April 03, 2011, 12:41:18 PM

sick vid and amazing editing, gj everyone
Credits, yo.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: FTO on April 03, 2011, 09:52:37 PM
Great video as I was expecting for.
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: ŠtatiÇ on April 04, 2011, 08:32:43 AM
Just awesome...
I can't say more because my eyes were killed from this masterpiece
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Bisector. on April 05, 2011, 01:18:11 AM
Beat's BT(aaamazing) edited.(10/10) Love the effects of Regy's inf drop bump  :lol:

Stunts: i don't know how to identify sa's modded stunts.But somebody said Genyus and Bojet modded..But i think it's clean,OFC maybe i was wrong  :lol:
Love R69's bump to prec ,opener,GDL'S Backfilp and Reynolds's cabbie boost to prec.That were fucking epic. (8.5/10)

Overall,EPIC VIDEO (9/10)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: LiveLife on April 19, 2011, 03:13:58 AM
I really like your editing Beat. Your videos just have this unique feeling and this special style. Editing wise there is only one thing which you should have avoided, and that is the beginning of the video. I mean, who cares about 'haters', they are everywhere and only mentioning them is already to much attention for them, they deserve none. Besides that, suberb and very professionell. The pan/crop work, the short sequences, the playing with this honeycomb pattern.

Great.  ;)
Title: Re: Beat's CLARITY
Post by: Beat on April 19, 2011, 04:02:34 AM
I really like your editing Beat. Your videos just have this unique feeling and this special style. Editing wise there is only one thing which you should have avoided, and that is the beginning of the video. I mean, who cares about 'haters', they are everywhere and only mentioning them is already to much attention for them, they deserve none. Besides that, suberb and very professionell. The pan/crop work, the short sequences, the playing with this honeycomb pattern.

Great.  ;)

Thanks :P, also the "honeycomb pattern" is a reference to Crysis :cc_detective:
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