
GTAStunting Leagues => GTASL 3 => Past Stunt Leagues => GTAStunting League - Vice City => Region 3 => Topic started by: NoAPOlogies on March 09, 2007, 09:50:56 AM

Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NoAPOlogies on March 09, 2007, 09:50:56 AM
Challenge: Perform the best freeway/angel grind of a fence taller than you in VC.

Please post your reps and optional vids in this topic before the deadline.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 09, 2007, 10:40:42 AM
Grind? Awwww shit!
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Boo on March 09, 2007, 10:42:27 AM
Go and pwn everyone JAD!  
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Rev on March 09, 2007, 11:14:28 AM
Aww john, grinds just arent our thing
but go win this dude  
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 09, 2007, 11:14:35 AM
Can the location start from a spot higher than the fence (like a roof)?

Does it have to be a fence?
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Docta Luv on March 09, 2007, 11:16:16 AM
Good luck...grinds suck
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Dannye on March 09, 2007, 04:04:37 PM
Quote from: Kingjad
Can the location start from a spot higher than the fence (like a roof)?
Sounds good to me
Quote from: Kingjad
Does it have to be a fence?
Well, fence/rail/etc should be fine I assume
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Master_Yayo on March 09, 2007, 07:55:23 PM
I actually wish i had this challenge  good luck freeway grinds are so creative!
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 10, 2007, 02:06:49 AM
Quote from: Master_Yayo
I actually wish i had this challenge  good luck freeway grinds are so creative!

Pity I'm not
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Brulla on March 10, 2007, 03:32:25 AM
You can do it kingjad !
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 11, 2007, 06:18:39 AM
Brulla's words inspired me to keep trying...actually, that's a lie, but it will make him feel warm inside

Here's my stunt:

YouTube link (

Rep attached.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Brulla on March 11, 2007, 06:23:32 AM

Nice stunt. The grind wasnt long but I liked the csm part.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Turtle Dick on March 11, 2007, 06:25:34 AM
Haha Kingjad never stops surprising us. Good stunt man.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Spoofy on March 11, 2007, 06:27:47 AM
Didn't see that CSM coming. If the grind would've been a tad longer, the stunt would be so much more awesome, a good one though, Kingjad.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 11, 2007, 06:32:26 AM
Fence itself isn't that long. I need fair bit of speed to get across to roof when I hit CSM. So I had to sacrifice not being able to grind as much so I could put everything together.

Thanks for feedback. I wub you guys.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Boo on March 11, 2007, 06:35:56 AM
Awsome Kingjad, funny and very creative ...  
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NuclearDeath on March 11, 2007, 09:46:03 AM
You surprised me king, i thought about this idea too but i tried a too hard spot and now i'm take by the time  .

I'll see what can i do.

EDIT: here the stunt i've landed yesterday, nothing special on it.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 11, 2007, 11:24:44 AM
Someone clip it, too lazy to open VC and check rep
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Cdarmy on March 11, 2007, 11:49:22 AM
Nice One NuclearDeath ( (
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 11, 2007, 11:54:38 AM
Nice yin Nunuc. Smooth krail, and you grinded more than I did.

Judges gonna have a tough time deciding this yin!

P.S. Thanks for clipping Cdarmy
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NuclearDeath on March 11, 2007, 01:06:01 PM
Thanks for cliping it CD.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Dannye on March 11, 2007, 02:43:18 PM
Both very nice stunts. Ya jerks
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 11, 2007, 03:43:19 PM
You're a jerk...

Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Torque on March 11, 2007, 09:12:20 PM
The stunts are both equally terrible. Good luck judges.

Nah, but each stunt had a stand out about it. KJs CSM at the end and Nunc's krail or cork. Both of the grinds were small and both were old spots. Except KJs hasn't been done on a freeway.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 12, 2007, 02:59:12 AM
I'm surprised my stunt has never been done on a freeway before, the grind part at least...

Me and Nunuc can barely wait for judges to decide...meh.......hurry up
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Dannye on March 12, 2007, 04:56:56 AM
Never fear, Dannye is here....

NuclearDeath: A nice, controlled, smooth flowing stunt you got there. The airtime off the grass was nice and big, and the krail looked great. The grind was kinda short, but it was also thick, and you grinded to the end, so it was impressive.

Kingjad: Another nice looking stunt. Short runnup, and the difficult rail to grind made it look cooler. The grind itself was decent. Here's where the ingenuity sets in - the short runnup, small airtime, and small grind, were all planned perfectly to allow you to do something I had never seen - bump off a csm on the rail onto a nearby roof. That last part was fantastic, and although we have started to see csm's on rails a bit nowedays, I dont think I have ever seen them put to this effect, and performed so well. Sure it was a short roof, but it was also small, and also the gap to get to the roof was big considering the fact you were bumping while doing a grind and you were in a freeway.

My Vote: A tough one to vote for here, as both entries were clearly great stunts that fit the challenge perfectly. I am going to give my vote to Kingjad here[/u] - I am still amazed (after watching it multiple times now) at the idea of pulling off a gap from a grinding bump. It was clear that thought had gone into planning this stunt and to the idea of extending it further than just being a typical grind, and I like that. ND, you're stunt was really smooth and cool looking - I am sure it would have gotten my vote if it were up against another freeway grind (one without a crazy bump at the end  ). Great work guys. Good luck to the winner in his future matches, and to the person whose time in this league ends here, well done on getting this far, I hope you enjoyed it.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 12, 2007, 05:11:42 AM
Thanks Dannye, much love. I owe you a deep fried mars bar
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Dannye on March 12, 2007, 05:20:56 AM
Damn right

I figured I'd get in early with the votes this week (seeing as I had a bit of time to kill), rather than putting it off till right towards the end.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 12, 2007, 05:26:47 AM
Smart thinking. Of course, not all the judges have that luxury of free time. I'll be patient
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Spoofy on March 12, 2007, 06:34:41 AM
Dannye made a wise decision there, voting for Kingjad. This yet to turn into a fairly interesting round.

Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: WEREWOLF on March 12, 2007, 07:18:40 AM
very sweet combo, the air wasn't as big but i liked your csm idea much and the fact you landed on the roof made the stunt a lot better. but your grind was pretty short.

nice krail2grind, i think you grinded more than finallight, tho you had enough speed to do it without any problems.

i liked Kingjad's stunt more but since the challenge is to do the best grind while King's grind was really short i feel like i can't give him my vote. if the challenge was to do the best freeway stunt, i would vote for him for sure, but in this case i think that the grind should be the main judging point so...

My vote: NuclearDeath
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 12, 2007, 10:49:39 AM
Completely understandable, and was my one concern when I did the stunt.

Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: sony on March 12, 2007, 11:01:35 AM
Kingjad's stunt: you didn't grind too much but creative one and looks pretty hard
ND: nice stunt, finallight did it in Revants or in Betreyal.
I can't choose
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Ostits on March 12, 2007, 02:10:05 PM
NuclearDeath: Well ya landed a nice krail2grind, I have to give you that. It's a very clean stunt, can't really say much more.

KingJad: Im concerned with the little amount of grind, like the wolf ontop, but I still think that your creativity made this thing work. An interesting stunt, which propably is why... (check under)

My Vote Goes To: KingJad! Your stunt was IMO the nicer stunt, even if it didn't really hold on to the grind. In the GTASL I like seeing new ideas tho, so thats why you get my vote. Nice job by both of you!

Oh, and I just realised Ive voted against 2 XSA members in 2 matches. Oops
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 12, 2007, 02:19:57 PM
Thanks titties
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NoAPOlogies on March 13, 2007, 05:37:49 PM
Awesome stunts guys!

KingJad: Nice placement of the ISM (CSM whatever). Although the ISM just kinda seemed to be window dressing. Had you wound up on another rail or a higher roof it would've been pretty awesome. Also, I felt that the grind was a bit too short.

NuclearDeath: Nice krail2grind. Good height and smooth krail. That rail is, like me, nice and thick and good to grind on.

My vote goes to NuclearDeath. I felt his grind was smoother, longer and the krail was nicely performed.

Looks like its 2-2, better go wake up Eddeman or Boo.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 13, 2007, 07:27:00 PM
Ooooh shit
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NuclearDeath on March 14, 2007, 06:13:27 AM
Haha, nice match  .
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Boo on March 14, 2007, 07:07:01 AM
Boo too the resqooo!

Kingjad - Ure awsome...and funny too. Such a cool and creative stunt... grind wasnt cool tho, it was way too short. Sorry...

Nucleardeath - Nice krail and a thin rail... way not creative but more fitting into challenge... sorry

My vote: Nuclear death cuz the grind was better than Kingjads.
Sorry Kingjad u such a creative and funny style... but if u could do longer grind I would vote for u! Best of luck dudes, wonderful match
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 14, 2007, 07:11:53 AM

I do old stunt. People complain and bitch. Other person wins.

Someone else does old stunt against me. Other person still wins.

Sorry for being huffy but after being told it's important to avoid doing an old stunt I find it ironic I lose to one.

Congrats Nunuc.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Tackleberry on March 14, 2007, 11:07:34 AM
I think this wasn't fair (sorry nunuc). Kingjad's stunt was more creative, looked really cool and of course new. Nunuc just did an old stunt, quite good though.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Mak on March 14, 2007, 11:36:08 AM
Quote from: Tackleberry
I think this wasn't fair (sorry nunuc). Kingjad's stunt was more creative, looked really cool and of course new. Nunuc just did an old stunt, quite good though.

I'm disagreeing with you on this point. As WEREWOLF said, the challenge is "do the best grind" and that's why I also would have voted for NuclearDeath even if I think Kingjad's stunt was better.

In my opinion it was totally fair.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Urban Legend on March 14, 2007, 11:42:09 AM
Kingjad you lost because you barely grinded the rail. Your stunt was awesome though.  Nucleardeath did his grind really well, if it was a little sloppy I could of seen you as the winner.

good job to both.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Torque on March 14, 2007, 12:01:25 PM
Quote from: Mak
Quote from: Tackleberry
I think this wasn't fair (sorry nunuc). Kingjad's stunt was more creative, looked really cool and of course new. Nunuc just did an old stunt, quite good though.
In my opinion it was totally fair.

You might not want to hear this but that's what judging is based on. Without opinions judges wouldn't be very useful.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 14, 2007, 02:54:52 PM
I just feel a bit hurt that when I did an old stunt against Daffy, that point was highlighted to death. Now Nunuc has done an old stunt against me, it doesn't seem to matter much.

To the point of the challenge I can totally understand why Nunuc won. In fact I'm struggling to maintain my urge NOT to destroy Aries, who condoned me on msn for even thinking about doing an 'old stunt' before I landed and submitted the one I did.

I guess this can be closed now - will let NoAp do it, since he usually does. Good luck Nunuc.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Torque on March 14, 2007, 03:02:54 PM
If you ask me judges need to have some sort of experience to do well. Dannye and the rest sure do have it. But  Boo is one of the more inexperienced judges I've seen if you compare what the rest write to his mere 2 sentences you'll notice that the rest give more depth and he's not like that just at judging. But he hasn't been around long so he doesn't know the full history of which stunts have been performed and the lack of knowledge in the physics and gameplay of VC. Therefore his vote is null and void.

I say we wait for Eddeman to make the final vote.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 14, 2007, 03:52:14 PM
I say that is a controversial opinion. Mind you no main judges have been unavailable to vote - so Boo was perhaps a bit pre-mature to vote considering Eddeman has been there to vote. I don't know if Boo consulted any of the other judges about stepping in to vote, or knew if any were unavailable or not. And I saw Eddeman on msn on Monday or Tuesday, and assume others did too - judges as well.

If I am going to lose I want to lose properly, without controversy
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Torque on March 14, 2007, 04:11:50 PM
Quote from: Kingjad
If I am going to lose I want to lose properly, without controversy

What a load of bull  If you lose I know your gonna be crying in your sheep bed for days
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 14, 2007, 04:53:28 PM
Too mean
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: deviate on March 14, 2007, 07:33:50 PM
Find somewhere else to bitch, you did a sucky old stunt in your last match and you did a sucky new stunt in this match.

All in all, you went with a good fight. Don't even think of replying back to my opinion, because I am demanding you don't.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 14, 2007, 08:13:04 PM
I'm gonnae tell mah mummy on you!  

Hell will have to freeze over before I take a demand from you, Analbreath. You have a right to your opinion, obviously. If you want to be petty then I WILL stoop as low as to say at least I have never had to be so desperate to impress strangers on a forum that I would mod my stunts physically to enhance them.

If you have an issue with me we will continue this via PM or msn. Understand?
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: deviate on March 14, 2007, 08:42:27 PM
I understand fully, but I'd rather end it now.

I don't like you calling me "analbreath", it's not funny anymore. It might for someone of your ego-fantastic self but not for anybody including me. And as for modding, I only did that because I didn't have enough time to stunt and it was done so I could keep up with the rest but I learned my lesson short after the second time I was caught. If I wanted to impress a stranger it would be anyone beside the forum people here, they aren't strangers until they make it that way, once your here you're known as the name you gave yourself and the personality you give out. If you really want to be a dick like usual, I understand. Cause that's just who you are.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Dannye on March 14, 2007, 11:50:59 PM
Quote from: Kingjad
Mind you no main judges have been unavailable to vote - so Boo was perhaps a bit pre-mature to vote considering Eddeman has been there to vote.

As far as I know ALL of the "main" judges are able to vote, because none have told us (and by us I mean me  ) otherwise. And yes, technically that does mean that Boo should not be active. But perhaps I don't know the whole truth here, perhaps someone knows something I don't. Whenever a judge does go out of action and I know about it I will change his status in the News and Updates thread. Lets just wait a little bit longer (sorry for this) and I am sure NoAP will come on in and sort stuff out for us.

Sorry for the inconvenience fella's. At least we all got our votes in nice and early this week

Btw, I still love you're stunt Kingy
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NoAPOlogies on March 15, 2007, 01:48:00 AM
"You gotta have faith"

-George Michael

You gotta have faith in the judge's decisions. Trust me, i've already fired some judges because I couldn't trust them to hold up their end as a judge, and believe me, I may do it again. I believe we have a veteran crew of judges who can compare apples and oranges, because that's really what we're doing. This is not an easy job, the decisions we make are difficult enough without having to worry about negative reactions from the competitors. We had to deal with this in another match as well.

Boo is standing in for Eddeman since he has been too busy to judge as of late.

@Kingjad: Would you have asked for Boo's vote to be thrown out if he voted for you?

Bottom line: Boo is a judge. He is one of the more inexperienced judges, but a judge nonetheless. And as a judge, you will respect his decision.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 15, 2007, 05:01:25 AM
NoAp: I knew Eddeman was online and available at start of the week. Therefore I was confused as to why Boo was voting instead of Eddeman. It was a matter of doing this entire competition right. We don't want to arse this up - again - do we?

So it is settled - sorry for the confusion but seeing Eddeman be available and not vote threw me off. Congrats (again) Nunuc, good luck in the next round.
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NuclearDeath on March 15, 2007, 12:04:58 PM
I win ?
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: Kingjad on March 15, 2007, 12:09:17 PM
Yes Nunuc - you are the worthy winner!
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NuclearDeath on March 15, 2007, 01:00:28 PM
Cool, i don't understand everything but thanks, nice match king, for on time i take a pleasure to see someone landed something against me  .
Title: GTASL3: Loser's round 2: KingJad vs. Nucleardeath
Post by: NoAPOlogies on March 15, 2007, 05:20:08 PM
NuclearDeath wins!
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