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Offline Jehde

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« on: May 30, 2005, 10:02:57 PM »
How to view Replays: Once you have downloaded the "replay.rep" put it into "C:\Documents and Settings\...\My Documents\GTA Vice City User Files" and replace the replay.rep that was already there if there was one, then start up GTA Vice City, and while ingame, press F3, then use your mouse for a 3D view of the stunt.


The krail is the most popular flip in the stunting world, the krail is basically a backflip 360

How to: find a nice jump, get a good run up, speed toward jump, when impact at the jump, lean back and lean to a side, hold these through out the air, once near end of revolution, lean forward to level yourself out for the landing

- If you get enough hang time, you attempt multiple krails
- Krails can go either left or right


The corkscrew is another popular flip, although it is the only other besides krail... the corkscrew is basically a frontflip 360

How to: find a nice jump, get a good run up, speed toward jump, when impact at the jump, lean forward and lean to a side, hold these through out the air, once near end of revolution, lean back to level yourself out for the landing

- If you get enough hang time, you attempt multiple corkscrews
- Krails can go either left or right


The ever so famous wheelie, riding your bike on the back wheel

How to: just get some speed then lean back, don’t lean to much or you will fall, lean forward to land

- A variation called a lazy wheelie is when you pull back a lot until you see spark, then keep holding bake but release acceleration


The stoppie is like a wheelie, but on the front wheel instead

How to: just get speed, release acceleration, then lean forward and apply BOTH brakes, lean back to land

- A type of stoppie called glitch stoppies, are done with Sanchezes, Freeways, and Angel, they are done by land out of air on your front wheel
- you can have an everlasting stoppie with Faggios and Pizza Boys, just release all buttons while at a 45º stoppie and instead, lean forward and accelerate, you can turn left or right to pivot on your nose
- Stoppies are popular for stopping along rooftops


The spin is probably the most known to new stunters, and of course in a spin, you spin

How to: find a nice jump, get a good run up, speed toward jump, when impact at the jump, lean to a side, hold it through out the air, once near end of revolution, lean to either side to straighten yourself out for the landing


A mega spin is a method of spinning that can get spins into the thousands

How to: find a good ramp with flat ground after it, put a commercial truck (big truck) along the back of the ramp so you get a sketchy half pipe formation, speed towards the truck at a slight angle and pull back right when you're about to hit the truck, when landing, turn in the direction you’re spinning to lessen the chances of bailing

- ONLY turn in mid-air right before landing, or else you will loose rotation speed
- The mega-spin is the most commonly breaking world record


A hitspin is where you hit something with the side of the tail of the bike causing you to start spinning in midair

How to: get air of a ramp and maneuver in mid air to make the side of your bike tail to hit something, once spinning, level yourself out and land

Notes: When you execute it hitting with the head, it is a "Hookspin" as it has a more of a hoofing motion


Wall Bumping:
The wall bump is riding up a vertical surface to get to higher places

How to: find a nice wall, speed up to it in a wheelie of 45º, once riding wall, pull back to exit wall and straighten yourself out to land

- you can wall bump off of many things for variety, like street poles or sides of cars, those two vertical surfaces usually come up with spins

Wall Bump

Ledge Bumping:
A ledge bump (or just plain bump) is where you just get air off of small ledges

how to: find a nice, not too big ledge (shorter then your bike), speed up to it, and on impact be in a wheelie so your front wheel taps the top of the ledge, or in most cases, just pull back right before ledge, once in air, do what air stunts you want to then land

- You can also bump of car hoods or something
- Neo Anderson has found a way to make your own ledges called BSMs, instructions for these are in set-ups section
- Another method called packerbumping, is where you drive a packer into a wall (on purpose head on collision) of a short building, so that when you ride off the packer with a bike, you will bump off the edge of the roof

Ledge Bump

A bonk is when you bounce of something while your in mid-air, so that your 'trail' is in the form of an 'm'

How to: find a ramp that is infront of an object or make your own ramp using a packer, speed of the ramp, then like the ledge bump, to get best results from bonk, make the front wheel tap the top, then land


The famous grind is the favourite of most stunters, the grind, like other extreme sports, is sliding along a surface

How to: find a nice low rail (a bit shorter then bike), line up with your bike along it, get into a wheelie and once front wheel is higher than rail, turn into the rail, once your on the rail, lean forward to get the bike straight on the rail (should be perpendicular to the rail), then lean back and forward to balance, when wanting off, either slide to the end or lean back to exit

- for high rails, there is two methods, A.) Packer grind, (instructions in set-up section) , and B.) Air to grind (A2G), where you fly of a ramp from a distance (maybe put an air stunt in) and land on the rail

Packer Grind
Air to Grind

The airgrab, also known as an AG, is wear you get off, then back on the bike in mid air

How to: get air off a ramp and hit a wall using your back wheel or your front wheel, on impact, keeping hitting enter/exit button until AG is executed, ten land

- You can use the hitspin method for AGs
- hitting the wall front wheel first causes a backflip
- hitting the wall back wheel first causes a frontflip


A landgrab is like an AG except is executed on land

How to: ride into a vertical surface with your bike in any position (side ways, wheelie, etc.) on impact with wall, keep hitting enter/exit until executed

- A landgrab can sometimes turn into an AG


Stoppie Airgrab:
A stoppie airgrab is used usually with faggios and pizza boys, although can be done using other bikes

How to: find a ledge, get speed towards it and get into a Faggio everlasting stoppie, then pivot either left or right until you’re parallel to the ledge, still speeding towards it, on impact with ledge, keep hitting exit/enter until is executed, this while cause a spinning airgrab

Stoppie Airgrab

Explosion Flips/Spins:
The only way to do a front or back flip on a bike (besides off a wall bump) is using explosions, you can make it easier by using a cheat or doing it cheatless

How to (Cheated): ride full speed at a ramp, on impact, type in "BIGBANG" so that you press the last 'G' while on ramp, watch replay when respawned to see result

How to (Non-Cheated): take a gun and shoot the engine off the bike until it is on fire, then quickly hop on and ramp off a ramp, this method is harder to time, but gives you the satisfaction of not cheating, like cheated method, watch replay when respawned to see result

Explosion Stunt

Wall Climb:
This odd stunt takes advantages of the "taxi boost" to get huge height

How to: find a ramp that runs into a wall of a building, get in a taxi (any taxi) and drive full speed on the ramp, once on ramp and still driving, honk the horn, causing you to boost onto the wall, once on wall, repeatedly keep honking until you are no longer on a wall, while landing, if your on your right side, steer to the right to straighten, if on left side, steer to left, if upside-down, get out and run away!

- To get the "Taxi Boost" get 100 taxi fares
- While in air, stunts vary quite abit

Wall Climb

Car Stunts:
Car stunts are limited to spins and flips

How to: use a car and run of a ramp at an angle, or straight (your choice), while landing, if your on your right side, steer to the right to straighten, if on left side, steer to left, if upside-down, get out and run away!

Car Stunt


The BSM is a way of making your own bumping ledges, thanks to Neo Anderson

How to set up: put a bike beside a corner or pole, run into the bike with another and just tap it so it pushes into the wall, if successful, the bike while be stuck at an angle, now you can bump off of it

How to set up BSM
BSM Stunt

The PSM, recently founded by ZeroX, is a nice way to get air

How to set up: find the end of a short wall (about the tallness of a PCJ 600), put a packer near it, then get another packer and ride of the first packer, onto the end of the wall, so that the new packer will tilt off and stay tilted, then get a bike and ramp off the back part of the tilted packer

How to set up PSM

Packer Grind:
This method is used to get onto higher rails

How to set up: align a packer along a high rail, if rail is smaller, make the front steer away from the rail abit, if taller, put it more parallel, when doing stunt, ride up the packer and steer off it and onto the rail

Packer Grind

[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']Here is a video version of this list made by wite_gangsta: Tutorial Video[/span]

Default PC keys:

Num9: lean forward
Num6: lean back
Left/A: turn left
Right: turn right
Down: brake/reverse
Up: accelerate
Space: handbrake
Enter: enter/exit vehicle
Shift: boost in taxis, horn in everyother vehicle

Prefered PC keys:

Num9: lean forward
Num6: lean back
A: turn left
D: turn right
S: brake/reverse
W: accelerate
Space: handbrake
Num0: enter/exit vehicle
Shift: boost in taxis, horn in everyother vehicle

When I first played, i found my hands to close to each other so i moved the directional keys to W-A-S-D, and put Enter/Exit to Num0 for quick access from the lean keys


The shorter version of saying 'Air to Grind'

The shorter version of saying 'Airgrab'

Someone who hacks into the game to cheat there way through stunting
NOTE: Some modding isn't for ceating

Natural Stunt:
A stunt that requires no setup with any vehicles, as in a BSM is NOT a natural stunt

A replay/rep is a file that has your stunt in it, to view reps, press F1 while in game, to save a rep (only one can be saved at a time) press F2, to view the saved rep, press F3, if you want to save multiple reps, after you have saved a rep go to C:\My Documents\VC User File and look for a file named "replay.rep", rename it and/or move it and then you can save another rep without overwriting another one

The verb to make something appear, like you can spawn a vehicle and it will appear instantly infront of you, or when you die, you SPAWN at the hospital

Sometimes the back of the bike is referred to as "the tail" as in usually a hitspin is spinning with impact on the tail, same goes for head as the front of the bike

Taxi Boost:
After getting 100 fares for taxis, you will be rewarded a "boost", press Shift to use this boost. The boost is a motion that sends the taxi upwards about 10m as long as the tires are on a surface

A program that can add convenience to stunting by have some special features like spawning vehicles and a 'jetpack' to move around the city faster
NOTE: Most trainer features aren't considered cheating

World Record (WR):
Some stunters try to dominate by doing a better stunt, like a world record for spin, or height

by jehde
« Last Edit: October 24, 2005, 12:32:27 PM by Jehde »

Offline Taclite

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« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2005, 10:09:38 PM »
How about CSM ? :P



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« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2005, 11:27:31 PM »
Thanks i've been looking for a list of stunts and definitions.

Offline wite_gangsta

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« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2005, 11:29:57 PM »
lazy wheelie, add that

Offline Darkness

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« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2005, 12:00:40 AM »
PSM... that is officialy and NON Cheated stunt.  

Offline Omni

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« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2005, 02:51:24 AM »
Great list dude..I always used my bike for setting up BSM's, not on foot but its a damn fine list. Good job.

Offline impulse

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« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2005, 02:54:44 AM »
Omg u should make this loist b4 i started :D

Offline Jehde

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« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2005, 07:57:13 AM »
k, ill add psm, wheelies, and stoppies

EDIT: done, and spell checked using MS word

EDIT (again): also, this could be a good thing for the site, you could some how make it so my post is on a page of the site, and everytime i update here, it auto updates on the site
« Last Edit: May 31, 2005, 03:28:17 PM by Jehde »

Offline marklund

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« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2005, 12:57:46 PM »
Awsome job dude.

Offline ChaIneD

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« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2005, 02:05:22 AM »
hey i did this stunt today, it was like a stoppie on a faggio, flipped over the top to landgrab, i wondered how it is called?

{maybe the wrong thread, but maybe you could add it, did'tn see it}

Offline comaboy

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« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2005, 05:47:07 AM »
Nice topic, deserving of pinnage status for any newbs or noobs who want to learn to stunt or just how to talk stunt.

Offline Turtle Dick

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« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2005, 06:20:27 AM »
Good job jehde!

Maybe you should add a video of each stunt to illustrate it.

Offline comaboy

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« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2005, 08:07:18 AM »
i was thinking maybe we could all make some reps and attach them? that way anyone can see the stunts from any angle.

Offline marklund

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« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2005, 08:31:42 AM »
i was thinking maybe we could all make some reps and attach them? that way anyone can see the stunts from any angle.
That's a good idea.

Offline Valikai

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« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2005, 09:36:08 AM »
Awsome job with all of it try making a video :P


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