0:30 - Dam double grind: Nice fast paced double
0:40 - Wallbonk to court house: This one doesn't look all that spectacular and I believe it's been done before
0:47 - Curb bump to ledge grind: Sick approach, getting around the corner at that speed must've been insanely hard, it's understandable that staying on the ledge past the dip was too much to ask for
0:58 - Drop wallride to grind: Very cool find
1:05 - Bridge double grind: Classic double grind spot done better than ever before. Perfect execution too with that 180 between the rails
1:14 - P2B to apartment block: Big and the angle looks tough, it's always satisfying to see new "obvious" finds like this
1:24 - Back tankbump to apartment block: Simply insane, I wouldn't have ever considered that to be possible with that angle and limited runup
1:32 - Airport wallride to grind: Slick double although I've seen a slightly better variation of that spot

1:44 - Drop to quad BB grind: Well done, about time someone nailed all 4, one could only wish the map offered a better way of getting onto these billboards but what can you do
1:54 - Cherry double grind on BB: One of those perfect "meant to be" spots. Landing on that block made it look even more complete
2:05 - Drop stoppie to grind: Doesn't look very difficult but nice idea doing a stoppie up a slope, don't think I've seen that before
2:22 - Grind to ledge to box prec: This one smacked me in the face. Seeing you drop onto the first rail got me questioning what else could one possibly do with that spot and I came up blank. Utterly ridiculous combo
2:42 - Skimmer bump to high ledge: Those stucks are not pretty but when it comes to landing a huge, long sought after roof like this, anything goes. Nutty
2:56 - PSM to Hyman stairwell: This spot might've lost its oomph over the years but one upping it like this surely brings it back
3:05 - Oversized back tankbump: A well known spot that i reckon most have scratched off their to-try list due to the angle and overall difficulty. Great job and badass execution
3:14 - Skimmer bump by the water: Not as huge as the other one but seeing new roofs conquered is always nice
3:25 - Icecream bump to prec: This has been done with a PSM not too long ago, funky setup though
3:34 - PSM MAG: The PSM itself wouldn't have been that interesting but that MAG with a little forward momentum made it look great
3:43 - PSM grind bonk grind: Very clever, i didn't see the second grind coming at all
3:53 - P2B airport ledge grind: Amazing unique grind and looks super difficult
4:05 - Skimmer bump Moist Palms: Probably my least favorite stunt in the video, the stuckie looks very on the nose as someone has said, still nice to see this part of the roof finally landed with a pcj
4:15 - PSM MAG to grind: Simply a 10/10 stunt, couldn't ask for anything more here
4:27 - PSM hotel prec: Truly pushing the limits and making the most out of runup techniques with this one. Amazing job and landing the little block was the icing on the cake
4:38 - Trashmaster bump to radio prec: Utterly fucking absurd, nothing else to say
4:47 - PSM to ship antenna prec: ^, just a ridiculous prec to go for in VC engine. Great finisher
Top notch stuff once again, goes without saying. Once again catching everyone off guard with stupidly difficult stunts and finding spots in areas where everyone else has poked around. If there's anything one could get picky about it's the amount of secondary vehicle assisted stunts, I can't help but notice that every stunt starting from the bright skin part was a vehicle bump, but that's completely understandable as natural spots that are worth going for and reasonable to try are hard to come by these days.
Editing: I gotta say I disliked some of the cinematic shots at first but they've grown on me after a rewatch or two, in fact I always liked the "this one camera angle is all you get" approach in Barney's videos so I think the less clear-cut shots are totally in place and add to the experience, good use of the new tools.