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Topics - Ezraph2001

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VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / THREE TIMES SHATTERED, A REMAKE
« on: October 13, 2024, 11:01:24 AM »
I know it's about 4 days late since its release 13 years ago, so my apologies.

Click the picture to get to the YouTube stream, or click here if the picture doesn't load

Behold, the Broken 3 remake! I've kept this project sitting for a while since January this year.
I've been wanting to do another remake since Freaked Out, so I decided on that video since nowadays
I've ran out of ideas and felt kinda nostalgic. It's also one of the videos I grew up with when I started
out on stunting.

Hope you really like this one. I might do an actual solo someday, so I might cook one more video or two
for this year. That said, enjoy the remake and don't forget to film your reaction videos!

Contains one unknown special guest. (Hint: NOT Cooper)

1080P 24FPS, including thumbnail and trailer video.



Na Hee-do and Ko Yu-rim Best Fencer 2024.

VC Modded Stunting Videos / wviMis' THE PANTHER ARCHIVES (ft. Krypton)
« on: September 21, 2024, 09:19:53 AM »

Surprise! Click the video to get to the YouTube stream, or click here if the picture doesn't load

wviMis' gravity modded solo ft. Krypton, edited by me. This took a long time to release, but better late than never.

1080P 24FPS, including thumbnail.

Stan LOONA you fucking imbeciles.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / NEPENTHE, by ZeRo
« on: May 10, 2024, 09:42:31 AM »

Aaaand after 3 years he's back with a "redemption arc" in the form of a new ZeRo solo. You are gonna like it.

ZeRo mentioned he wanted the video to be less on effects and more on cinematic angles and colors and with an
ambient type of song, and this is my first time doing videos like this. Big shouts to him for directing and sharing his creative idea.
(Note: Some stunts in the video can be hard to see but rewinding the video will be necessary)

Fun fact/spoiler: the reason why Black Moth Super Rainbow is used in the video is because 20 years ago today
"Start a People" was released. I even remixed one of their later songs (see 'chapter 3' of the video) so let me
know if you liked it. I went from a fromjoy/loathe route hence the pitched down guitar notes. I've been
busy working on music lately hence the last song being a remix by me, so why not use it in a stunting
montage? Anyway, I really do hope you like the song.

1080P 24FPS, including thumbnail.

Stay safe, stay smart, stan LOONA.

Click the picture to get to the premiere.

So here's Smut the car guy doing car guy things in TDRVC. He came up with an idea for a Deftones-style edit so I went with it. Took a month editing and angling for this video (if you know what I was using to edit this, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about), this time with less cinematic camera angles, but I'm proud of the result. I'm also happy to be able to guest this solo along with Angle.Fire. Big shoutouts to Smut himself for reaching out to me, to Haywire for the map itself and also to Simon for developing the Replay Manager for Blender.

1080P 24FPS, includes thumbnail and logo

Stan LOONA. Knocked Loose motherfucker. Arf arf. Live, love, laugh, Limberly Kippington.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / OMINOUS PLAYGROUND VOLUME 1
« on: July 14, 2023, 08:46:22 AM »

Click the picture to get to the youtube streaming. Video is available for download (link below) and GTASDB streaming.

You may remember back in early January where Angle.Fire has decided this would be his first ever organized VC collab,
and so far there's like a SHIT TON of replays already sent (correct me if I'm wrong but they're about 150 of them), so we
decided to make this two-fold with 2 different editors (myself included), so stay tuned for Volume 2 (watch until the end
of the premiere for its trailer)

And before you ask, yes this is another reason to fuckin hang out with my babies Replay Manager and Freeplay. Took
6 months in the making for sure, but wait no more motherfuckers

AAAAAAAAAAAAND if it wasn't for DragonFF's tool the video would look like shit considering the long distance model of
every vehicle is really bad (which I also considered fixing them myself)

Angle.Fire | ARS | Biel | Cooper | DeathCobra | Ezraph | FIGHTER | Gryzlek | Haywire | Khaimyk | KompoT | Krypton | Ltab
MaCi | MaxXx | Rainbow | Reaper | Sheeptea | Smut | Sorcery | Sport | wviMis | ZeRo_

1080P 24FPS, Drive folder includes thumbnail

Live, love, laugh, Limberly Kippington.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / UNDERWHELMING
« on: December 28, 2022, 07:35:40 AM »
Before anything else, shoutout to birthday girl Sana Minatozaki. You will forever be my TWICE bias. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. FOREVER.

Click the picture above to get to the youtube premiere. Starts at 12 midnight PH time. Video is available for download after the premiere.

I chose the title because it's more like a just-for-fun duo with Skuller (some are old btw), which he asked me
on Discord if I would do this one. He also told me this would be one of his last appearances, but this is also
the first time I get to do a full montage with Simon's replay manager so I'm very stoked about this one for
sure, big shoutouts to him as well.

Praise be to Kacknase.

1080P 24FPS (includes 30FPS version, thumbnail and memes)


DSS Video Releases / DEATHVALLEY (ft. Skuller)
« on: November 06, 2022, 07:08:06 AM »

Click the picture above to get to the youtube premiere. Starts at 12 midnight PH time.
GTASDB Link | Review Template

Turtle Boy was gonna edit it but here I am to the rescue (with some camera angles that will disappoint you, lol)

Alien City is a lil pain in the ass to edit videos with, the ingame limitations, shitty specs (and sometimes laziness) are
kinda what makes the process a lil slower. The last time I recorded that Rainbow solo I had to use 2DFX to fix the
draw distance/LOD (and so the environmental shots would look better at least). Though I did that for the best viewing
experience, the REAL reason would be so I don't want to record at shitty graphics settings. (lowest draw distance, no
AA, etc just like in UOOSILVER XIX lol fuck you)

1080P 24FPS, includes thumbnail and trailer


DSS Video Releases / [DSS] LEVIATHAN
« on: August 28, 2022, 12:03:38 AM »

Click here for the GTASDB link.
Click here for the review template.

I'm on my 2 day vacation as I post this, but this is what happens when you turn me into the Vilma Santos of editing. Probably.

3 months ago, Skuller hit me up on Discord asking me if I could edit their crew montage, and of course I accepted his offer (and got 1 guest stunt in return which I included), fast forward to 3 months and it turned out really nice! I thought I lost it even before editing Rainbow's solo. This feels like one of the big projects I have ever edited (other being Nem's last collab which was released over a year ago) and I think I'm proud of it and I hope DSS are proud too. HUGE shoutouts to them for this video.

You may (or may not at all) have noticed that there's a train model in Smut's dodo stunt, that is actually the NPC heli using the train paths which are meant for later versions of LC. It is included in the Drive folder link below.

And for the first time ever, I made a behind the scenes commentary for Leviathan, so if you have time I recommend you watch it, link is just below the thumbnail.

As always, grab some popcorn, make a reaction video like Jason usually does and enjoy!


Performances by:
AllBeast | Ezraph | Faiz | MaCi | Nem | Sheeptea | SkilZ | Skuller | Smut | Streem | The Big V

Normalize K-Pop as work motivation.


Click the picture to get to the youtube premiere.
Click here to go to the database page.

First off, this is the first time I ever posted in this board, I don't know if it's okay to post it here but since Rainbow is MO I think I'd have to post it here. Second, I'd like to apologize to Rainbow for the delay, for this video was supposed to drop somewhere late 2021 but ever since I unfortunately lost storage to a fucking molex-sata cable I lost my motivation to edit more GTA videos even during the making of the recent Shifftee x Max video. However, in around December to January I started opening VC and gave stunting another try. Then I had to give editing another try as well, see if I still got it, which I did. It's been a pleasure working on the project he sent months ago, so we're happy with the result :D I started editing this project late April because I actually completely forgot about it.

I feel like this project should serve as a reminder that I'm still alive. Shoutouts to Rainbow, Fighter and Sorcery, and special shouts to ThirteenAG for creating Project2DFX as he is the one who made REALLY HUGE draw distances possible.

As always, without listening to that kpop girl crush playlist (and some death grips) this video wouldn't be possible.
Sit back, relax, record yourself using OBS for a reaction video, and enjoy. :wub:

Review template:

1080p24 16:9 DOWNLOAD


VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / JUST THE TWO OF US III
« on: December 01, 2021, 04:00:33 AM »

click the picture to get to the YouTube streaming.
click here to get to the GTASDB page.

Shifftee reached out to me to ask if I could be the editor for this duo-tage with Max which I agreed and even got to participate as a guest and now it finally paid off. Shoutout to him! This was supposed to be a trio with Morbid but his PC died unfortunately so shoutout to him as well :D
Also, you may notice I posted this 4 hours too early. Shifftee's timezone is 4 hours ahead of me so I've had to upload this at 20:00 PH time, December 1st. Tomorrow would have been cooler, but I decided "fuck it" and posted this video, and I also left the YouTube premiere as is. As always you can post a reaction video if you so desire :D

Read more about the story before starting the project.

Quote from: Shifftee's words on the project
It all started when some particular songs(from stunting videos) randomly came on my Spotify back in February which made me think of gtastunting forums again, so I decided to pay the old friend a visit. Straight away I was met with loads of unread messages and the latest one(most actually) was NEM asking me to join The Last Stand. So I thought, you know what? Let's give it another go! I downloaded SAiVC as I had most chance of potentially landing something new as I have no clue what could even be new these days. So that's how I started going at it again and I ended up landing a few too many stunts than was needed for the collab, so I joined the faggio collab and then went from a solo to a duo with Max to a duo with Morbidxxx(2 Latvians and a soundtrack from a Latvian band could have been a thing) to a trio of me, Max and Morbidxxx(RIP Morbid's PC), to Just The Two Of Us <3 + Ezraph. It's been a long time coming since these ideas begun in March and now we're in December. Things take time these days! I want to give a shoutout my homie Max and our reunion, shoutout to Ezraph for taking this on and being patient with my OCD ass lmao

Review template:

1080p 24fps: DOWNLOAD


VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / MOPEDBOI$
« on: October 03, 2021, 10:56:59 PM »

click the picture to get to the YouTube streaming. Premieres now @ 2:00 PM PH time (or 11:00 PM GTAS time)
click here to get to the GTASDB page.

Originally fckR was going to edit this, but he decided to step down so my man ZeRo here asked me to work on the editing and I accepted because of course it's going to be nice. I am proud to have this project. Major shoutouts to ZeRo as he is the one who started this. Apologies to Nem for using only 1 replay for the video.

Quote from: Zero
I'd like to say thanks to fckR for sparking my motivation to organize the collab and taking on the editing job (before he unfortunately had to cancel), Ezraph for stepping in and making this collab a reality (cool editing man!) and of course everybody who sent something! :wub: I think it turned out as an enjoyable and fun little collab with a rarely utilized vehicle.

Let's make some more collabs in the future! :jajaja:

The MOPEDBOI$ are:

Review template:

1080p 24fps: DOWNLOAD

stan TWICE <3

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / DEXÆSTH II
« on: July 24, 2021, 04:01:17 PM »

Click the picture to get to the youtube streaming. Video premieres at 8:00 am PH time
Click here to get to the GTASDB streaming page.

I started editing after Nem's final montage, it was awesome seeing people react to that video. I felt that this video was going to be short but at the same time I wanted it to be a bit longer, but more people came to join and I was like "fuck it". Honestly I'm happy on how it turned out.

I had other things to do while in the middle of making this video (which is none of your business) and given that there are days where I have free time, I used that free time to finish editing and polishing the video. It feels like when your homework is due 12 hours and you still haven't finished it, but you just didn't give a fuck because nobody around you is giving you pressure because it's your video.

cast of characters | Ezraph | Dakar | Faiz | Khaimyk | Maci | MtS | Nem | Rainbow | Sheeptea | Skuller | Sorcery | Suhzin | wviMis | ZeRo

1080p 24fps 16:9 DOWNLOAD

(I wasn't able to render at 1080p or 720p 21:9 because it was too late...)

Shoutouts to Nem and Joe and everyone else at the wonderful wonders of GTAStunting :wub:

3 years ago, I did Kurisutinophobia and Dexaesth.
Organizing shit like this feels like 2017 again and hopefully I'd be able to find or even land some nice stunts for this, so send send send.

Deadline: 22 July

I'll start editing once I get around 5-10 replays or something...or finish that collab Nem asked me to EDITING HAS ALREADY STARTED AFTER NEM'S COLLAB DROPPED OVER 2 WEEKS AGO

ezraph / 4 stunts yes
khaimyk / 5 stunts
sorcery / 4 stunts
suhzin / TWICE
NEEEEEEEEM!!!! / 1 stunt
MaCi / 1 stunt
Sheep / 1 stunt
Faiz / 1 stunt
Skuller / 5 stunts / 1 stunt
Maxiem the rainbow guy XD / 1 stunt
Dakar sent 4 stunts yes?
wviMis / idk 3 stunts?
MATEUS!!!! / 1 stunt

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / FREAKED OUT
« on: February 05, 2021, 10:48:41 PM »

click the picture to get to the video.
click here to get to the original version.

Click here to download the video file @ 768p.

SFH's classic "Freak Out" from 2010 has been remade :)
Shoutouts to Cooper, Ltab, Metalsoad and other stuntmen :wub:
(I didn't do Cooper's sanchez p2b from the firetruck area, I'm sorry)

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / CASINO MMXXI
« on: January 10, 2021, 08:01:09 PM »

I can't believe it's been almost 10 years...
Click the picture to get to the streaming.

Stunts performed by:
ARS, Dakar, Dannye, Ezraph, Haywire, imbaA, MaCi, Max, Morbidxxx, Nem, Nerve, Sheep, Silw, SkilZ, Sorcery, ZeRo

Edited by:
yours truly

Organized by:
Sorcery, Ezraph

Review template

I have been editing this video for a month and I'm happy on how it turned out. Shoutouts are on the credits especially to Haywire. This video wouldn't be possible without me listening to K-pop music while editing.

Click here if you want to watch the first one edited by Cooper.

Grab some popcorn and drinks and enjoy yourselves!

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