Well... not really about Stunting in it's entirety. The real meaning of it its to remember myself that I can do anything I propose, with patience and dedication (despite of being alone in the matter).
In this case I choosed stunting becaouse in my early days I remember myself being "mentally-stuck" with the idea that I could never do those awesome stunts I was seeing in GTAS, not even mention to relate with the poeple inside, as my level of english was below zero... And now that I achieve that goal (even if im inactive these days, lol) and went further than I imagined, I decided to left a mark in my skin just to let me know I can do whatever I want

The image I choosed to represent this is the Radio Espantoso signature, the radio station I use to listen everytime I opened VC. Which I guess is the radio station you guys skipped the most

discreet and small tattoo tho...

I know its something basic and simple, but I thought it was cool to share it with you guys

long live stunting!