E: Blaze, my bike was made by Szuhos
This is my first full review I guess. See? This is how much it means to me, fuck yeah, let's do it
Intro: I always loved these short movies, good job on this one

1:34 shifftee saivc natbump 2 tree prec: Perfect trajectory, loved it
1:42 flatface saivc bsm 2 beach: nice distance
1:51 ezraph vc zebra boost 2 blue hell 2 barracks: I never liked taxi boosts, except for some precis, but this falling out of the map isn't one of them, sorry
2:01 kaneda lc drop bump: I'm not even allowed to review my favourite stunter's stuff, lovely bump, is it new? I've tried it in the past
2:11 demon lc stoppie 2 ledge grind: bit basic from you, but I appreciate grinds
2:21 ktulu saivc bonk 2 cork 2 grind bail: feel sorry for that bail, I expected some more rotation after the bounce though, still cool
2:27 skuller vc csm 2 ship prec: fuck, I wanted to try this, but can't get the Danger CSM done, well done man!
2:33 faiz vc psm thingy: it's okayish
2:39 kingjad lc packer 2 pole bump: yay
2:45 dannye saivc ramp 2 double grab 2 barracks: good o' ATS grabbies, lovely
2:52 khaimyk saivc hotring airbump: car stunts are also not my cup of tea, sorry
3:00 toty lc natural bump: I'm not sure if that's old or not, the other bump on the right has been raped like 10 times, nice trajectory, well done!
3:10 max saivc ledge grind 2 rail grind thingy: my favourite

3:20 wvimis vc ambulance csm: good find, always a pleasure to see that roof being landed
3:32 allbeast vc psm 2 grind 2 bump: why did you cut the ending out Ezraph?

perfect bump, been thinking about landing that small building this way
3:41 theonly_one lc ramp 2 skimmer bump: the spot is old, not with skimmer though, so it's okayish, still good to see you back
3:51 interlude 1: 2x
4:24 skilz saivc p2b 2 ledge grind 2 rail grind: not sure if this was your original idea, was fun
4:35 venomx vc natbump 2 prec: nice runup
4:44 aries saivc psm 2 ledge grind: gotta love curved ledgegrinds
4:52 promagic saivc ramp 2 ledge grind: gotta love straight ledgegrinds
5:03 nitzkit vc bonk 2 cork 2 grind: sexy bounce, ATS quality, 10/9 aliens would've hit their head by doing that
5:12 morbid vc psm 2 bb grind: wish it was a bit longer, liked it though
5:19 sorcery vc sanchez air grab: good to see you having an airgrab done for the first time, finally (*
SD voice* Nice!)
5:25 maxpower vc sanchez natbump: it was okayish
5:31 krypton and maci vc psm: nice psms, nice cinematography also
5:51 interlude 2: now this w
Shit, amazingly well done
7:41 sheeptea saivc psm: I'm still not familiar with SAiVC spots that much, it was cool
7:54 zerox vc bsm 2 bb grind: perfectly done
8:01 nem vc csm 2 bb grind: that setup and runup was goulash with real meat, awesome
8:08 ruiner saivc p2b: nice height
8:13 jooker vc drop bump 2 prec: didn't like this one
8:19 nem lc infy bump 2 spin 2 wallride 2 bump 2 grind: cars..stunts..carstunts.. meh, that spin was fun, PARKOUR, somehow I doubt that this grind was intentional

8:30 zero vc ledge grind 2 spin 2 rail grind: smoothest execution in the video, perfect
8:35 blaze vc wallbump 2 spin 2 rail grind: oh christ, nice one man
8:40 maci vc palm bump 2 prec: my second favouite
8:48 the big v vc freeway natbump 2 prec: not enough muscle flexing there, but it's okay, the stunt was really nice
8:53 smut vc squalo barracksbump 2 prec: boat stunts are also not my type, but nice height
8:59 shifftee saivc bsm 2 bb prec: Ezraph show us the endings I beg you, especially at precis
9:04 silw vc hotring ledge grind 2 bump 2 roof: cool idea
9:10 sport saivc hotring double bump 2 prec: okayish
9:15 haywire saivc stoppie2grind: decent execution
9:21 kaneda saivc p2b: I mean, why would you try to bump from below the glass

, it was fun though
9:27 xtramus vc skimmer upside down billboard grind 2 mall prec: I liked this one, even if I'm not the fan of skimmer stuff
9:34 biel lc packer 2 tree bump: nice trajectory and landing there
9:41 fighter vc pole bump: niceish
9:49 fugitive lc freeway packer2bump: niceish
9:56 NS vc csm: bit weird, but nice, how did you stuck that regina, stepsis?
10:06 hedgehog lc finisher: decent finisher
10:31 outro: like finishing a good series, bittersweet, good job
Overall I loved the editing man, apart from skipping the ending of some stunts (including mine

) the colors and cinematography was terrific, guess the songs were Nem's idea, thank you for these
Good job everyone, especially Nem!
E2: wishing for a 1080p version