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Messages - Airbrush

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VC Chat & Support / Re: Is there justice in this forum?
« on: January 13, 2023, 06:28:47 PM »
How did anyone not consider it modding?

It's not possible to open vanilla sa and do the stunts you did. You need savestates, a seperate tool from vanilla sa to do the spots you did. A modification. A mod.

Great video! Glad to be a part of it :)

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Barney - Cenotaph
« on: November 23, 2022, 03:28:15 AM »
Loved it. Editing was great, stunts were killer.

Hope you'll stick around some more man.

VC Themed Videos / Re: Do your eyes deceive you?
« on: November 19, 2022, 12:52:49 AM »
If anything this video has already given me a cool album to listen to.

Let's fuarkin go

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: [SA] - TEARS KompoT's SOLO
« on: September 26, 2022, 08:20:39 PM »
Nice work Kompotta. I agree a little with Amaluna in some stunts the editing was a bit quick, so was expecting a follow up cam angle but it went on to the next stunt. Particularly the LS grind combo near Denise's house was too quick imo. Other than that great job :)

WH Video Releases / Re: NEM - OUT OF MANA
« on: March 28, 2022, 04:58:32 AM »
Super stylish and clean. Loved the train bump and 2:52 the most. Legendz editing is gorgeous.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: [SA]End of the Line
« on: March 28, 2022, 04:46:36 AM »
Incredible. Loved every second of it. Especially the vortex backflip.

The kind of video that makes you want to keep playing forever.

SA Modded Video Releases / Re: MeetMyMeat - meetmymodsnstuff [vid]
« on: November 18, 2016, 03:13:49 AM »
First of all the Lance Armstrong thing - everyone is cycling cheated, it's not like he was the only one. And he was the best among the cheaters. Cycling is also more than "going fast". Like wtf dude, there are team strategies, you have to know when to attack etc.

Second of all you contradict yourself. First you say that people wouldn't think of the stuff MMM does because they're impossible and then you say "Everyone thought to do it but it's impossible without help". So which one is it?

Lance Armstrong was an example and the fact that you are looking far too in to it proves one of two things:

Either a) you have missed the point entirely.
Or b) The point wasn't clear enough.

If it's the first one then I'm sorry but I can't help you however if it's the latter I can help you.

Lance Armstrong is a powerhouse in the cycling community. He has inspired countless people to master their craft. MeetMyMeat is also a powerhouse in a community but in this community. He has inspired countless people (including me) to begin their journey in to stunting.

Lance Armstrong used modifications (body) and enhanced his performance deluding people in to believing what he is doing is legitimate.

MMM has used modifications (hacks) and enhanced his performance deluding people in to believing what he is doing is legitimate.

Does that clear things up for you Kuk?

Also to your point about team strategies and when to attack or whatever is just mindless dribble. Lance Armstrong has nothing to do with MMM I was just comparing two well known cases for a point.

I never said people wouldn't think of the stuff MMM does is impossible, I was impersonating Diaz. I thought I made that abundantly clear. When I say "everyone thought to do it but it's impossible without help" I am referring to the fact that there are a lot of ideas that any stunter including me could have thought of but obviously would never land due to it being impossible without modifications.

I have thousands upon thousands of ideas with mods which I'm sure you do too. Anything and everything is possible with them that's why people use them so they can try and land those ideas.

Just so I'm perfectly crystal clear. I have nothing against people who mod. I have everything against people who mod but then try and palm off as if what they have done is legitimate. Does that make sense Kuk? We can talk about it in PM if I'm going off topic.

Also to Rusch:
I agree with you on everything. I too would like a clarification. I'm still a fan of MMM because I do like some of his stunts (that seem legit) and I do like some of his ideas. I just wish he would have come clean a lot sooner.

SA Modded Video Releases / Re: MeetMyMeat - meetmymodsnstuff [vid]
« on: November 17, 2016, 02:37:49 AM »
Thats kinda silly. Are you saying you need to be creative to pedal a bycicle? Your argument would have been valid if I had used mods for big air stunts.

Sigh.... Read it again.........

He said: "he may have modded but no one thinks of the stuff he lands".
I said "They wouldn't think of it because it's modded and impossible without mods so no point in thinking of it."

It's like Lance Armstrong cycling a bike on drugs he does it way faster than other people and it's as if Diaz is saying "well no one thought to go that fast". Everyone thought to do it but it's impossible without help.

It's not hard to comprehend buddy.

What stunt(s) were modded in Ocean Of Notion, that MTB backwards wheelie? I heard at least one in it wasn't clean.

Aren't you supposed to be like the best mod spotter and it's taken you this long to figure out? I love you Rusch but come on.

SA Modded Video Releases / Re: MeetMyMeat - meetmymodsnstuff [vid]
« on: November 12, 2016, 02:26:38 PM »
I was just trying to say what fckr said, some of these stunts might be modded, but the idea behind them is great and the majority of stunters wouldn't even think of that.

They wouldn't think of it because it's not possible...

That's like saying "Lance Armstrong is a great biker sure he used drugs but no one else thought to go that fast he is so creative."

SA Chat & Support / Re: [SA/VC]Christmas16
« on: October 30, 2016, 05:40:12 PM »
Add me SA. :)

WH Video Releases / Re: BlackTear - Teenage Wasteland
« on: October 18, 2016, 03:34:03 AM »
I don't understand the stunting community these days. I feel like most of you have lost your motivation/drive and you simply just don't care any more. I get it this game is old as fuck and there is a lot of shit going on in all of your lives but I feel the justification of this modding is piss poor at best.

Before I go on, I do believe Blacktear has some incredible ideas. For example his wheelie to handbrake to wallride is an amazing method that I hope one day I can master. I do agree with some of you in saying that he does have nice "ideas" but that's it.

When he was added in to WH it was the start of their decline. I know WH has had modders in the past but those stunters made it look possible (besides a few exceptions). Blacktear simply does not.

Agreed with Jason, however he did it, he put some effort into it, creativity, passion, whatever you wanna call it. Perhaps art is the right word, and it deserves to be appreciated in any sort of way you consider acceptable.

Even if this video is modded, part of me sees that you put a ton of effort into this, and that makes me feel like you should be commended, but I have a feeling you're trying to mislead people with this video. You clearly think of way better stunts than almost any SA stunter, modded or not :D.

you put a ton of effort into this
Which is fucking bizzare. I mean the stunts pretty clearly are modded but also clearly took a lot of time to land. So at the end you spent a fuckton to get shit on. Gotta say though, it was pleasure to watch these crazy ideas come to life even with mods.

The sad part about all this above is they are all highly respected stunters in the community.

I know what I'm saying has all been said before in this thread and I understand I'm probably a nobody to 99% of you. But I just don't see why people even try anymore. Some guys in the stunting community have attempted spots for years and the dedication they hold is above anything that these modder guys put out yet they just get thrown under the rug while people like blacktear get praised like he's a fucking saint because "ohh he really tried hard to make the modding look believeable he is sooooo clever ohhhh".

The community is dying I get that. I get that there are spots that have been overused to the shit and it's as if we've almost finished milking the cow but I know a lot of you guys out there have the creativity to land some awesome stuff. 

Justifying modding purely because you've ran out of ideas yourself is not good enough. Find new ways to land old stunts. The game is literally limitless. 

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: Burning the Road 6
« on: October 17, 2016, 05:26:07 AM »
Cool vid. Not quite sure the theme of "burning the road" excuse my ignorance but I enjoyed it. Lots of cool ideas man! :)

SA Chat & Support / Re: COLLAB BY MATI - QUASAR
« on: October 10, 2016, 03:38:31 AM »
I feel blessed to be the opener in this collab. I've never been one before and I'm glad I got it with this stunt.

I loved the atmosphere of the video, there were a lot of wild ideas going on which was great because you never knew what was coming next. :)

The ones that stood out for me was Afterlife's 3 NRG bowling, Rusch's spin on an old spot, and ARS's bump to ledge grind in LS.

Great collab Mati and great job everyone! :D

Also thank you to everyone for your kind words. It means a lot. :)

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Rewdink - Exmortis
« on: October 04, 2016, 03:11:42 AM »
I'm not a VC stunter so idk if the spots were old or not but I enjoyed the video. The lighting was a bit dark on some stunts though I couldn't really see what you were landing. But all in all a good vid :)

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