Fullview for Rusch Hour 3 released on the 25th of december 2010 by bLADE.
Editing: This was fucking EPPPIC, liked everything.
Intro: 00.00-00.30 Original idea and a very nice logo.
0.30-0.42: I thought it wasn't land-able. Good looking stunt.
0,42-0,53: I expected a p2b to roof but this was creative and awesome! Nice landing too.
0,53-1,00: After the first stunt this was expectable, great tiny precision.
1,00-1,11: Luckily the thing behind made you stop for this precision, still looking pretty good.
1,11-1,21: That rain and the thunder was fucking amazing. Nice grind too.
1,21-1,31: Smooth grind, OK stunt.
1,31-1,35: Great stunt.
1,35-1,45: Didn't know there was a precision. Very nice stunt.
1,45-1,52: This was a nice one.
1,52-1,58: Just seen it today in another video, great idea.
1,58-2,03: So awesome stunt.
2,03-2,18: Neat stunt, great distance on it.
2,18-2,27: Grind or wallride?

Awesome stunt.
2,27-2,35: Really cool stunt.
2,35-2,44: Not my favorite landing but nice stunt.
4,44-2,50: The stunt that pwnd Kids 2 :3
2,50-3,01: Great precision.
3,10-3,17: Awesome natural bump.
3,17-3,22: Nice p2b.
2,22-3,30: Creative and a far distance between the grind and the landing.
3,30-3,35: Sick stunt. Looking cool with the spins.
3,35-3,43: Pretty awesome, nice job landing the well uh, higher part.
3,43-4,00: Still epic.
4,00-4,13: Even with that vehicle it was a very nice grind.
4,13-4,20: Nice new way of landing it, cool stunt.
4,20-4,23: Cool one.
4,23-4,50: When I first watched it it looked like you wouldn't made it to the high part, but you did and it was nice.
4,50-4,55: Yep, awesome stunt.
4,55-4,59: Sick stunt, nice find.
5,00-5,10: It was OK, smooth grind tho.
5,10-5,15: It pretty amazed me, great stunt.
5,15-5,25: Natural :3 great stunt.
5,25-5,33: Both of the stunts were nice and tiny precisions.
5,33-5,42: Neat stunt, nice find and awesome grind.
5,42-5,51: Where is Rusch? Sick p2b.
5,51-6,00: Nice distance.
6,00-6,08: Creative one.
6,08-6,20: Speechless when you also landed the precision on it.
6,20-6,30: Now I see why the first wallride was needed, nice little stunt.
6,30-6,40: Amazing.
6,40-6,46: I loved this one, great precision.
6,46-6,53: Nice prec there.
6,53-7,00: Wow awesome, you landed it with FCR

7,00-7,14: Awesome distance.
7,25-7,28: Amazing grinds.
7,28-7,40: Was like epic when I saw you landing it for the first time.
7,40-7,50: Neat grab.
7,50-8,00: Cool.
8,00-8,10: Cool.
8,10-8,14: Cool.
8,14-8,20: Cool.
8,20-8,30: Cool. Loll'ed at explosion.
Music: Too many songs used, but overall it was awesome to listen.
Overall: Solo of the year IMO.