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SA Chat & Support / AC Collab Invasion Next« on: April 12, 2024, 09:54:51 PM »
It's been 9 years ago since the last AC collab by numero and odd was released! and it will turn 10 years old this May
Despite my uncountable attempt to call them to organize the collab, it's seems they're inactive and possibly not interested anymore. AND FOR BALU's/ KillerStunter collab it seems, there's no more hope but I have still some beliefs left for him <3 for a short story, I wasn't accepted in the first collab for modding and doing stupid stuff. I regret it!, but give me another chance to atone my past mistakes. I will be Organizing it and will the the Editor, THIS COLLAB WILL BE RELEASE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE since there's still 28 days until the end of my rented PC. DISCORD - maunalexis/maunlex#6757 Lex Organizer/Editor Replay Checker ... Stunters Lex Doksa BigSmoke Mistakey Biel maybe? Sheeptea Vaca maybe? Siet Update for the TDRVC collab - very close 3
SA Un-Modded Video Releases / SA THROWBACK 3« on: November 16, 2023, 12:55:33 PM »BIG SHOUT-OUT TO PM & Nem!!! Streaming anyway enjoy and bye for now. 4
SA Chat & Support / SA Throwback 3« on: April 23, 2023, 07:18:18 PM »Its has been a while since the throwback 2 organization by Diaz and lot's of problems and busy days made it strings almost cut off, But here we go again let's turn back the clock and relive the good old days! for another throwback collab filled with nostalgia, memories, and fun. It's time to take a break from the present and immerse ourselves in the past, where we can revisit old favorites, reminisce about our fondest memories again. I will be taking responsible for editing with my new acquired skills and training with tools. Every stunters will be limited to 2 - 3 stunt only, 2017 onwards stunts won't be accepted! Send the stunts here or Discord! | maunlex#6757 Editing | Lex Stunters Sheikah Insan Balsam Lex ExPlo Demon Legend Erney DeathMazhine Sport Vaca AngelFire DBTVSA Rainbow Siet DBTVSA * * * As far I collected the amount of stunts I will start editing ASAP. Deadline May 25, Expecting atleast 30-40 stunts. SO CALL YOUR FRIENDS AND FIRE OUR SA UP
IV Unmodded Videos / MANKIND III« on: March 25, 2023, 10:25:25 PM »Please react! I'm writing to let you know that after much thought and consideration, I've made the difficult decision to quit my long-time hobby. While it's not an easy choice to make, I feel that it's the right one for me at this time. I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have supported me and cheered me on throughout the MANKIND Series. Your encouragement, kind words, Inspiration have meant to me and have helped me to stay motivated and focused. I will always cherish the memories I've made while pushing myself to limit, and I'm grateful for the experiences and lessons it has taught me. But as I move forward, I'm excited to explore new passions and opportunities and to see what the future holds. As I dream to be a painter and Concept Artist. Thank you once again for your unwavering support and for being a part of this journey with me. kindness and buds will always be remembered and appreciated. EDITING PART It might be bad or not, I appreciate what I've done. Due to a limited tools and mods to make it right, But I hope everyone appreciate it. For the Guest I would like to thanks maiikool for the patience and effort to support the series as we push the limit of the game, we are proud of it. and to Nocrashk which is the hardest contact to find but thanks to bilibili I found you, and please unblock me now. anyway thank you to both of you <3 Code: [Select] 0:54 - Packer to bump to terrace: [/center][/quote] 6
IV Chat & Support / GTA IV - Stopping a high speed rocket missile with AK-47« on: August 21, 2021, 09:52:51 PM »
Hey guys you should watch, what i made in my 2 hours free time
the most detailed ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUne7mbqdv8 7
Video Editing/Compression / SV pro: Adding effects affecting other layers« on: May 29, 2021, 08:07:33 PM »
so every time I add effect on a single clip for example blur
it affects also the other layers I mean all, from top to bottom I dunno how to describe properly, but ok so I added a blur on my clip and it also affects the border I put 10
Expression Section / Lex is planning something...« on: February 05, 2021, 08:54:56 AM »
Was dropping out of college really worth it, what might be the consequences and advantage?
I'm a irregular student of our local university, currently at 4th year on the edge of the knife, I have a good high GPA but things went bad last year, family problems, personal and lack of financial. (not much) Tldr Is dropping will give me advantage or no? Sorry for asking here, but I want to be open on your thoughts 11
Computer Talk / 24" vs 27" monitor?« on: February 03, 2021, 05:27:21 PM »
What's really fit on your stunting?
If you can share you monitor set up, please drop some pic ![]() 12
Video Editing Tutorials / sony vegas f*cjk!« on: November 29, 2020, 04:44:30 AM »
why the fuck is my sony vegas wanted to be retarded and doesn't even know that original is better.
orignal ![]() when importing to vegas 17.000 ![]() please help! I didn't add any CC nor touch anything when importing i didnt why vegas change the original color I tried any Media player available and I still got the original look but when putting in it to vegas it goes like that 13
Video Editing/Compression / DaVinci Resolve« on: November 21, 2020, 04:31:15 AM »
I would like to share this editing software! its good, switching from sony vegas to resolve!
![]() https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve/ 14
Video Editing/Compression / CAMHACK« on: November 18, 2020, 11:12:34 PM »
someone still have a link of camhack? i can't fucking find anymore on the internet
![]() 15
VC Tutorials / VC stuck method« on: November 16, 2020, 04:49:38 AM »
someone still has the link of how to stuck
CSM or any VC basics |