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Messages - Simon

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Blog / Ace Collective - Last Dinosaur
« on: January 12, 2025, 06:33:54 PM »

Ace Collective just dropped their newest crew video in the San Andreas map mod for GTA V!

Go to the topic

Blog / Oh Snow! - Christmas Community Video '24
« on: December 27, 2024, 11:10:36 AM »

The GTAStunting Christmas Video "Oh Snow!" has now been released!

Go to the topic

Community Videos / Re: SA Community video [2025] organization
« on: December 06, 2024, 02:31:49 AM »
Closed for adding me ?   :(
They will only add you once you send a stunt and it is accepted, deadline to send stunts is the end of the year. Read the first post and send a stunt to Biel if you have one   :jajaja:

Community Council / The GTAStunting Youtube Channel
« on: November 24, 2024, 07:29:32 AM »
Grettings people of the forum!
As some of you may have noticed recently there has been a few uploads to the GTAStunting youtube channel.

This might seem like a recently retrieved thing, but truth be told I have had access to this channel for close to 10 years when looking at the dates. Back then, the channel was sitting on two strikes, and a third one would terminate the channel. So I left it alone, not wanting to be the cause for its deletion. However, since then the strikes have been removed (I think they lasted for 3 years). And it seems like these days, more often than not, singular videos are claimed, rather than the entire channel being striked. So it is a bit safer to start uploading again.

Ever since Colony was uploaded I have had a few people contact me asking for their videos to be uploaded. And truth be told I do not want to be the singular decider of what goes on the channel or not. But I also do not particularly think any and all videos posted on the forum should be uploaded either. So that is why I am here, to get an idea of how different people feel about what should and should not go on the channel.

I am adding a poll to this with a few general ideas/suggestions, but please if you have other ideas of how this can/should be handled, please leave a reply as I am open to any suggestions.

Blog / DeathCobra - Halcyon
« on: October 19, 2024, 06:12:10 AM »

DeathCobra has released a new solo called Halcyon.
Check out the thread HERE

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: DeathCobra - Halcyon
« on: October 19, 2024, 05:17:08 AM »
Definitely one of, if not the, best VC solo out there. I'm sure we've all been in the same mindset before, wanting to release one killer solo. But very few people see it to the end, and even fewer see it to the end with such a consistent high quality of stunts. So many of these spots are ones I've looked at and decided that they are very much possible, but I just did not have the persistence and dedication to put time into. This video is very much an inspiration to go out and tackle my own library of these spots.

Community Videos / Re: Colony | 2024 Vice City Community Video
« on: October 16, 2024, 02:50:21 AM »
Is there anyone willing to create a review template?  :euro:

Here's a quick one  :euro:

Code: [Select]

Part 1:
03:05 - Sheeptea:
03:13 - Cooper:
03:20 - madvillayo:
03:26 - Sport:
03:35 - Blaze:
03:39 - Smut:
03:53 - Ltab:
04:00 - TheOnlyOne:
04:08 - SuhZin:
04:14 - Sorcery:
04:25 - Skuller:
04:32 - Radioaktive:
04:40 - Argy:
04:47 - Theodore:
04:57 - ARS:
05:03 - Max:
05:13 - Enough:
05:27 - Vice Ninja:
05:39 - Ezraph:
05:49 - BoxXx:
05:57 - Dipper:
06:03 - SyperDimon:
06:20 - jooker:
06:29 - Haywire:
06:40 - Caio:
06:47 - Rainbow:
06:57 - MaCi:
07:09 - puzzLe:
07:19 - Enough:

Part 2:
07:57 - Ltab:
08:06 - Sheikah:
08:14 - TN:
08:19 - BoxXx:
08:29 - Gryzlek:
08:34 - puzzLe:
08:46 - Max:
08:54 - AllBeast:
09:09 - Sorcery:
09:18 - TheOnlyOne:
09:31 - Zero:
09:38 - Haywire:
09:48 - FIGHTER:
09:57 - Cooper:
10:03 - DeathCobra:
10:12 - Smut:
10:20 - MorbidxXx:
10:36 - Nem:
10:45 - Caio:
10:52 - FIGHTER:
10:58 - MadX:
11:05 - Khaimyk:
11:14 - Rainbow:
11:35 - Sport:
11:54 - Ezraph:
12:02 - Blaze:
12:08 - Angle.Fire:
12:21 - Toty:
12:28 - Theodore:
12:35 - Sheeptea:
12:46 - Hedgehog:
12:51 - SuhZin:
12:58 - SyperDimon:
13:06 - Dannye



Blog / Colony | 2024 VC Community Video
« on: October 13, 2024, 12:23:56 PM »
The new vice city community video COLONY just released, check out the thread HERE

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: Thrillest
« on: November 27, 2023, 07:22:57 AM »
Finally this video is out :cheernutz:! Tracker you did a great job, those camera angles are just amazing, cool relaxing editing, all the guys did a good job on the stunts, some of them are just mind blowing :ajaja:! Awesome guys, thanks to everyone who took part in this project :)!

Also here are the live attempts of my stunt:[color]
What a smart way of doing barrack bumps, hats off man. Just out of curiosity, do you know what causes the sparks mid-air at 0:57 and 1:08?
The military shooting at the car, probably?

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: SA THROWBACK 3
« on: November 25, 2023, 03:59:03 AM »
where can i get the SA version of Replay Manager? is there a related post or download link?
It is not finished yet, but some people have gotten an early incomplete version. If you want one just PM me on discord
What's your Discord ID??
You can join the gtastunting discord here: and you can find me from there.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: SA THROWBACK 3
« on: November 24, 2023, 02:17:47 PM »
where can i get the SA version of Replay Manager? is there a related post or download link?
It is not finished yet, but some people have gotten an early incomplete version. If you want one just PM me on discord

GTA Modding / Re: Replay Longer [VC]
« on: December 20, 2022, 06:31:52 AM »
I usually save 5-10 replays whenever I land a VC/SA stunt, by saving one replay, alt tabbing to make a copy, and repeating the process until I have multiple replay backups - this helps sidestep the risk of corruption.
I'm a bit curious about this one, have you ever done this and had one of the replays been corrupted but not the others?
From the source code of the game (at least in VC, not super knowledgable about SA) the saving functionality is just writing data directly from a buffer in memory. Any corruption is likely to have happened in this buffer rather than during the writing itself (although not impossible I suppose), so saving multiple of what would ultimately be the same corrupted buffer likely wouldn't fix anything, at least in my head.

VC Modded Stunting Videos / Re: [TAS] THE SIASIN VIDEO.
« on: December 06, 2022, 04:02:43 AM »
Very fun and enjoyable video

VC Tutorials / Re: Vice City Replay Manager Masterclass
« on: November 29, 2022, 08:26:18 AM »
The player movement gets imported into Blender right? Does that mean stunting videos rendered in Cycles are not far off?
Theoretically possible, I think the hardest and most annoying thing to do would be character animation. Since in game there can be multiple animations playing layered together, all of which would have to be loaded, interpolated and blended for an accurate re-creation of the pose. Which would be really tricky to do, especially not being too familiar with their animation format, though definitely possible if I ever wanted to take it that far. However I think there's a real charm to the original game, so personally I would still prefer the in-game recorded stuff.

VC Tutorials / Re: Vice City Replay Manager Masterclass
« on: November 29, 2022, 04:41:25 AM »
Just to make sure I've fully understood, I want to ask about the purpose of the focus point.
The imported focus point is literally just the point the camera orbits around when using the in-game orbit functionality. Which is pretty much always the players position. So that focus point is only gets imported as a reference to the player position.

if you make a custom focus point it is solely there for the camera to look towards it. You don't need it at all technically, it just might be easier to work with than setting the cameras rotation manually. Since instead of trying to think about how the camera is rotated, you instead think about where the camera is looking, which might be more natural to some people.

When you export, only the camera's location and rotation (scale too) will be used. It really does not matter how you make the camera do what it needs to do, as long as it does it. You could theoretically film a shot with your phone, camera track it, apply that track to a blender camera and have a 'live' camera move for the replay. Anything blender lets you do to make this camera move will be a valid. If the keyframes exist, they will be exported.

Something to note:
Currently FOV is not supported. It is not something that is saved in the replay file at all. However I have some ideas to include it anyway, and just add some stuff to the cheat table that sets it in the game. But it does not exist yet. The only reason Jason sets it to 70 is to get a more accurate representation of what the camera move will look like in the actual game.

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