I am not able to make a live reaction so i'll try my best with review template.
00:00 | Intro: Epic. When Darkstar requested stunts from that certain area i thought i'd be used for some random shots but they were used in the best way possible (my stunt was out of cam so it wasn't visible

). Honestly i expected we'd have some funny skits for intro like you guys did in Aeronauts but it's fairly understandable to make the intro in more serious way. We're celebrating 20th anniversary and paying our tribute to MaCi. All in all, with the usage of Hans Zimmer and special effects this was really epic.
02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: Great opener. Would be really wild if you did prec. Still looking great.
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: Decent stunt for freeway. Nice.
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: Nice find. Doing it with a spin adds extra style points. Well done.
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: Clean execution. Long ledge grinds are always great.
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: Good idea. But interesting choice for a stuck car. Wonder if this could be done all natural.
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: Another decent find. Perfect execution too.
03:51 | Ltab - PSM: Seen this one before. Cool.
04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Big. Great job.
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: Pretty wild. Doing grabs after big air is very satisfying. Although grabs without spins doesn't look that fancy. Still amazing.
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: Ah well done. I thought about doing this one but it felt like really old.
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: Sick find. Honestly i expected a stoppie there but no reason to be nitpicking about this.
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: Classic. Well done.
04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: Really good. Nicely done.
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: Great stunt. For a moment i thought you were going for the tower. Would be really sick.
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: One of my favourites in the video. Absolutely killer. Great job.
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: Lord of tanks. Good job landing it.
05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: Another favourite. Real sick.
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: Fun stunt. Good job.
05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: Looking neat. Landing on wheels after flips makes it ten times cooler.
05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: Oh dear lord this gave me chills. I thought you were going for the third. What a sick stunt!
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: Great find to land it.
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: Good boost combo. Almost feels like a coincidence but looking great nonetheless
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: This is the type of grinds i fancy the most. Absolutely sick.
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: Again, doing grabs after bigair is pretty sick. Good job lord.
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: Another fun idea. Thought you were going for a grind there.
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: "Budget Dannye" in your own words

Really enjoyable.
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: Holy fuck. Doing almost 90 degrees dropbump is crazy. You were trully a legend.
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: Perfect execution.
07:18 | Enough - CSM: Very big. And you take the cake for it. Well deserved.
07:32 | Intermission: Idk why it had to be kinda creepy

07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: Great stunt.
08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: Sick. Very enjoyable.
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: Looking cool.
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: Another mindblowing stunt from boxxx. Kinda reminds me Barney's airport ledgegrind.
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: Nice find.
08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: Nice prec.
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: Anohter fun idea.
08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: Oh i knew this stunt before the video. AB sent it to me for freeway video by mistake. Good stunt.
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG: Classic sorcery owning them grabs. Nice one.
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: Nicely done.
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: Oof this looks tough. Nicely done.
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: Very big. Now go land the gray top part for siasin or may he hunt you in your dreams.
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: Anohter big stunt for freeway. Sick.
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: Amazing find man!
10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: I am speechless. Now imagine if you did the prec at the end. This is one of the best in the video.
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: Looking very tough. Great job landing it.
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: Transition from spins to a clean stoppie is wild. Another killer for me. Sick job.
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: Nicely done man. It being natural makes it really cool.
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: Looking stylish with a krail.
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: Damn this is very big.
10:57 | MadX - CSM: Great stunt.
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: I love these voodoo stunts of yours man. Keem them up!
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: Taxi lord back at it. Sick prec.
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: I don't know how can you even do something like this. It's beyond my imagination. You really stand out with this in entire video.
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: Nice find
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: Crazy. Wish you did more on the grind though.
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: My stunt

This was a stunt challenge shared in Discord and i landed. I think this is the lamest execution for it but bumping the light pole is really random. But i think it's still cool since execution was clean.
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: Big. Good job.
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: Classic.
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: Ooh this was really great. Wonder if you were going for top.
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: Very good.
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Another classic. Good job landing it with Sanchez.
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: Amazing find!
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: You are a mad man!
13:37 | Outro:
13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: Looking good with krail.
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: Hell yea. Nicely done.
14:11 | Enough - Grind: Probably super old.
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec: This one could've been in main part tbh. Nice one.
14:28 | MadX - CSM: Another stunt that could've been in main part.
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: Good one
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: Very sick.
14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: Ah damn this could've been much better if it weren't upside down. Still looking good.
15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: Another classic. Good job landing it.
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: I did not expect that turn around. Very sick!
15:38 | puzzLe -

: Haha nice. So you were going for psm to bonk the pole for roof i assume. Would've been sick.
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: Fighter landed this so many times that it became an outro stunt. Crazy. Someone prec the top one day...
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: Oh damn very close. Could've been one of the best stunts ever landed easily.
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: Ah close for top part. Looking sick.
16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: Sick. These out of box stunts are really a sight.
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: Sick stunt. I think you said you landed it without bail. Shame it didn't make into video.
16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: Fun stent.
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: Why is this in outro again

Great stunt.
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: Probably super old. Fun spot though.
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: Very stylish.
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: Another biggie. Looks sick with spins.
17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: I wish i was here in this community way earlier to meet you back then. We had absolute blast trying to land your stunts and you were always ahead of your time. Hope you are watching this from up there. Rest in peace buddy.
Overall thoughts: As i stated earlier in discord chat; After more than a decade of stunting, one of my ultimate goals have been achieved. I am in a community video. And you could argue all day but this is the goat of Community Vids. My special thanks to Darkstar, Puzzle and sheikah for not letting go of this.
I have never been in a community with so much kindness and helping. Very proud to be part of this. Happy 20th Anniversary! Hope we can do this next year and in coming years as well.