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Messages - playboyz

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
SA Chat & Support / Re: a question to the community
« on: June 10, 2023, 02:37:42 AM »
Hey man! long time no see, glad to see youre doing well  :wub: anyway recently ive been to your channel and seen that one of your video is back up again nice! sadly thats the only one i had saved up unlisted on my channel
heres the link:
Ive seen few other vids/stunts you did, i believe one was a stretch grind in PSA or somewhere idk on samp
and ive seen some SP solos/stunts but i cant remember where exactly, searching gtasa playz or blayboy on yt might help you but i dont know how much you would find, you probably have or already know about the stuff thats public

anyway goodluck man hopefully somebody has your stuff!

Thanks, i appreciate it! Yeah its the pro stunting adventure solos from 1 to 3 if they are gone it is what it is.
But i thought maybe there is a chance people saved those video's somewhere  :rolleyes:

SA Chat & Support / Re: a question to the community
« on: June 08, 2023, 01:17:44 PM »
KompoT had one, I'll let him know to contact you

Also, long time no see man, hope you're doing well

Thanks i appreciate that! yeah it's been a while... im doing alright now

SA Chat & Support / a question to the community
« on: June 08, 2023, 08:14:47 AM »
Hey everyone,

I was wondering if anyone had some old stunt videos of me still somewhere, mostly the pro stunting adventure videos. The pc where the videos were stored on crashed, it corrupted the hard drives and they aren't recoverable anymore. It's been a while ago but i was just wondering if anyone had those videos somehow  :hmm: :unsure:

Expression Section / PUBG stunt montage #1
« on: February 14, 2018, 02:25:58 AM »
Hey guys been working on some stunts lately in PUBG! Hope you guys like the stunts/edit  :euro:

 :cheernutz: :cheernutz: :cheernutz: :cheernutz:

Hey guys this is for guys that play with joypad ofcourse, I had allot of problems with my joypad and found this fix i want to share with you guys <3

How to fix the better DS3 tool for PS3 controller:

1: Download the better DS3 drivers for your joypad:

2: Find your own location in the CONTROL PANEL and then go to DEVICES AND PRINTERS and right click on your controller & go to properties, from that point you want to click on the HARDWARE tab and  right click on USB INPUT DEVICE.  The location should look like: Port_#0008 Hub_#0003 ( It might not be the exact same for you. )

3: Go to DEVICE MANAGER and update the DRIVERS shown in the TUTORIAL.

Thanks to: MrKappaTea for helping with the tutorial.

Thanks you guys for watching and hopefully you found this tutorial useful!

Comment, like, subscribe to stay up to date for future video's!
Hopefully see you next time!

Not the best tutorial but HEY it works ! :D :euro:

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: Mamkatage - [SA]ANOMALY
« on: August 10, 2017, 07:35:55 AM »
Finally a good stunting video in a while ! Good job guys !  :a-cheer:

not bad. Flow was kinda weird but it somehow fit the beat.mI couldnt understand everything though, maybe post lyrics here for best experience?

btw are the money in the beginning real?  :lol:

PM me nudes of you ex... for scientific researches... gotta  measure the level of bitchness in her body

Lol, yeah the money is real.   :lol:

Tnx  :wub:

I wish you the best of luck with your rap career  :jajaja:

Thanks <3

I've been broke up with, cheated on a couple of times all that shite and not once did I ever think "you know what? I'll make a rap about it and post it on the internet!" I just moved on with my life ;)

Well that's the difference between you and me, that there are kids involved into this and the things she did actually. The things i did for this girl is absurt. And getting a stab in my back like that hurts obviously. But this is the way i show my feelings into a rap video.  :wub:

I'd probably want you as an ex too if I knew you would come up with awful ideas like this.

You dno what happend.


Why did you put this on GTAS? can't do this man.

Yes, he just did.

 :a-cheer: :lol:

This is one of a kind infernus mod.

Expression Section / -
« on: September 20, 2016, 12:06:15 PM »

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