Oh man this will take some time...
Ok so first of all thanks both of you for this experience, this is why I'm stunting honestly, to see these kind of just insane videos, people motivate each other, it's a beautiful thing

My fav stunts:
0:47 - Curb bump to ledge grind: really appealing approach, nice stunt
1:05 - Bridge double grind: always nice to see a sexy double grind and this is not an exception! bravo bravo
1:14 - P2B to apartment block: big p2b, the cam angle is fantastic here and I'm a fan of the apartment block rooves so gg
1:24 - Back tankbump to apartment block: again, I'm a fan of these apartments, nice stuff
1:32 - Airport wallride to grind: very nice doublegrind with a lovely rotation niceee
1:44 - Drop to quad BB grind: I love this!!! I love multiple grinds and these bbs were made for that for sure
2:22 - Grind to ledge to box prec: this is amazing, one of my favs from the video

everything fits together
2:42 - Skimmer bump to high ledge: I was curious after this video about some rooves how high they are and damn.. this is very high, good fucking job!
2:56 - PSM to Hyman stairwell: This has a surprise factor because I didn't fucking know what to expect, amazing!
3:14 - Skimmer bump by the water: I think this is my fav bigair stunt here just because how clean it is and this building is just sooo cool to see it landed, every-fucking-time. I wish I could have seen it from the player's perspective too tho. Either way, the cam angle is very nice here too.
3:34 - PSM MAG: just pog man, seriously with a mag? damn
3:43 - PSM grind bonk grind: Best double grind in the video, hats off master

3:53 - P2B airport ledge grind: Holy shit, you can grind that??? Astonishing

4:15 - PSM MAG to grind: Again, mindblowing...
4:27 - PSM hotel prec: This is HUGE TOO. I can not really say anything anymore, just sick sick sick
4:38 - Trashmaster bump to radio prec: I'm a fan of antenna/radio precisions, especially these ones. Amazing!

4:47 - PSM to ship antenna prec: Well deserved finisher, that prec is so tiny, it's INSANE!
Briefly about the tool: Hmm I'm very curious to dig myself deep into this tool, but honestly just if it will have a version for san andreas somehow

So my questions are: Is is possible? And if yes, will we have an opportunity to use it? It would be fucking awesome

However, props for Darkstar for making the script and Jason for making these cameras happen in action, awesome stuff, cool people

Editing: Very lovely camera angles, as I said, it will be a game changer for sure. I loved most of them, I didn't like just a few that didn't really have movement or just because it didn't follow the player character that pricesely. I'm sad you didn't use that many visual effects, but it's kind of personal, because I'm just a guy who likes spectacular and fancy visuals happening in each frame

I loved the transition on the bike tho, it's clean as fuck, well done! The weather and bike swaps were pretty cool. I love the white and red variations of the bike, tbh I prefer them more than the usual barney bike hehe. Atmosphere was great, I liked your approach at 3:35, when the song get heavy again, as well as at 4:05 on that slow breakdown, fucking najsss

Song: It was a very good song actually, I'm not really into gojira tbh, but this was a great song, definitely fitting and as I said, the breakdown part was very nice, it was my favourite and actually I liked the chill part a lot too.
Overall? I guess 9.5/10 cuz definitely top tier stuff stunting wise, editing was clean too, but some stunts felt just mediocre and not that good looking compared to the rest. Basically 80% of the vid was just pure craziness, but some stunts were not as good as others. I prefef showing the best, instead of showing "meh" stunts and brutal ones in the same video. But still, this was full of bangers, I can't complain I get obliterated by those stunts and it's crazy to see barney in 2022
So yeah, amazing work guys, this right here is a legendary video! Thank you, cheers!