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Messages - Andyroososoft

Pages: [1] 2
Community Council / Re: Props from the founder
« on: January 16, 2013, 11:40:23 AM »
There was a discussion awhile ago on when exactly you first created the forums. Any chance you remember?

It's hard to say at this point, considering it went through a few different phases (and meltdowns)

It started with the :aMpt: Stunt Archives (a few months after my first video Vice From Hell) which were hosted by sometime in late 2003 or early 2004, which when they became popular, I realized that there was a need for some official forums - so I found some hosting with (they sucked balls) in early 2005... and thus there became (The domain name I guess wasn't renewed after I left, and is now on sale for a stupid amount of money).

Here's a link to see the grand re-opening of the forums in 2005 (yes, you were around then - I see a post from you in the chat on the bottom)

And here's the oldest look at the :aMpT: Stunt Archives I can find:

You can browse around on the bar at the top to see all the different generations the forums went through. I would say that the GTAS community started in the :aMpT: Stunt Archives. From looking at that oldest archive, it appears that this place officially started between February and March of 2004, making us around 9 years old.

Community Council / Props from the founder
« on: January 15, 2013, 12:07:47 PM »
It's hard to believe this place is still going since I started :aMpT:, followed by the :aMpT: video database & forums, and then finally GTAStunting.... I guess that whole shindig started back when I was 13, so a good 9 or so years ago. I started a few more gaming discussion boards since I left for university, that have since been successful but life tends to get in the way of babysitting forums full of 9-14 year olds, haha. At least this place always had a much wider demographic.

Props to all the admins & mods for keeping this place going, and even linked in with the RockstarNexus network, which is pretty cool. I still remember the old days when all I did was get home from school, and spend virtually all day trying to make this place better and better (not to mention dealing with DOS attacks, meltdowns, and hosting worries)... it was all worth it for the community, some of whom I eventually met in person. The skills I learned from making videos, web designing, managing staff, and dealing with community members has since landed me a career in web design and mobile marketing - so all that time spent in front of the computer certainly didn't go to waste... well, I'm sure a good part of it did  ;D

I wish to extend a hand to all the staff here, and all the forum members who continue to push the artistic possibilities of video games to create incredible new kinds of multimedia and content. Imagination, creativity, and a dynamic sense of community always drove these forums to new heights, and I pray that this kind of prosperity continues for you all.

Sincerely - - Andrew (Andyroososoft)

VC Chat & Support / Re: Old :aMpT: vids anyone?
« on: May 08, 2011, 04:37:24 PM »
These videos are quite literally the dirty rubble on which GTAS was built. I had a great time watching the SIN series and How To Stunt... my voice back then, hilarious

VC Chat & Support / Re: Old :aMpT: vids anyone?
« on: May 08, 2011, 12:07:56 PM »
Thanks a bunch guys - it's pretty easy to lose track of these old videos after reformatting so many times. Looking back, some of it was pretty shabby work, but I remember having an awesome time making them - and sharing everything with the GTA community. In what other kinds of groups do you get to f*ck around with video games, while learning all types of media tools & making good (real-life) friends in the process?

Good times guys, good times.

VC Chat & Support / Re: Old :aMpT: vids anyone?
« on: May 07, 2011, 01:10:49 PM »
You can probably find most of your videos on tga.

That was shut down in January of this year, buddy

VC Chat & Support / Old :aMpT: vids anyone?
« on: May 07, 2011, 12:03:47 PM »
To the old-timers here,

Anybody have the old videos that I made around the time I started these forums? The only one I can find on YouTube is Vice From Hell (not bad for 7 years ago I guess, haha). If anybody has any of the following, would they mind please uploading them somewhere? I totally want to impress the girls with these ;) I keeeeeed

- Faggio
- How To Stunt
- SIN Act 1 & 2 (Too bad I never got around to 3, I seem to remember my computer crashed or something)
- I don't remember how many more I made.... probably not many :D

Anyway, thanks dudes!

- - Andyroososoft

Introduce Yourself / Re: It's funny having to re-register at my own forums
« on: December 13, 2010, 09:36:02 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome guys, and I can understand any suspicion towards my validity - if you need further proof ask me what you want :D Thanks for the account back, AJ, it's pretty funny looking back at all the private messages... ahh the joys of powertripping haha.

Computer Talk / Looking for hosting for personal website
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:32:46 PM »
Hey guys, whats up!!

Yeh, its definately been a while since ive been around. Months and months, and its definately cool checking in and seeing everyone still doin up the stunting thing and keeping active around the boards.

I've started working on my professional website for my music career, and I've bought my domain name ( so all that's left is finding a host. I've been out of the whack for hosting for a long time, so most of the servers ive owned or been a part of have closed down on my long ago.

If anybody here has any good contacts/ideas, be sure to let me know! Especially Aries/Serenity/Matt, you rat bastard you're not on msn

Cheers guys

- - - Roo

Web Ring / Latvian gtastunting community
« on: February 17, 2007, 05:02:23 PM »
Looks fantastic guys!

Be sure that your advertisements and affiliate buttons say, as that may cause confusion

Web Ring / Unbroken Clothing
« on: November 05, 2006, 04:08:02 PM »
Quote from: Onyx
I'd buy jeans if you get some black and light blue drain pipes ( i know i'm so emo ). Please dude .

hahahaha that'd rock!

Web Ring / Unbroken Clothing
« on: November 04, 2006, 12:04:43 PM »
wow thanks for the kind comments guys.

@Treeunit, each shirt is $22 which is much cheaper than usual skate/urban style tees while just as good quality.

@Rekees, yeh dude I know it'd be sweet to hook up the "" thing. I'm looking into that as soon as we get the shipping business all figured out. Professional is what we're goin for.

@Valikai, we'll be accepting money orders by mail as well. Even if its a little more time-consuming, you dont have to worry about PayPal being a bitch.

@Matt, of course anybody can feel free to send us off some designwork - we'd really appreciate it. Even ideas for tees, or showing us examples of tees you really like and think we should make as well.

Unfortunately the photographer who conducted the photoshoot (a friend of mine) used an old-school film camera, so its hell to have to get the negatives developed, then scanned, then I'll soon need to go back and get larger prints done for me to scan. This is the only reason we dont have any larger pics up yet.

Thanks for everybodys' support on this - Josh and I are really working hard to make this a wicked clothing line.

- - - - Wuv Roo

Web Ring / Unbroken Clothing
« on: November 03, 2006, 07:26:37 PM »
Hey guys, whats up.

I love still droppin by here occasionally to see whats up. Everything looks fantastic as usual, and the number of posts and members has really sky-rocketed. Kudos to the staff there  

Anywhoo, after leaving my position as Head Admin I was able to really immerse myself more in my music, and am now gigging around town and stuff, playing in about 7 different groups including bands and concert orchestras on drums and percussion.

I started a clothing company called Unbroken Clothing with my friend Josh (an original :aMpT: member for the hardcore veterans here), basically out of our love of for skate/surf/urban clothing, basically with a dream to produce even better quality clothing than all the big boys' like Billabong, Quicksilver, DC, Element, etc. while selling it at more UNDERSTANDABLE prices.

We just finished the new website (though it still has obvious work to be done to it) for the public about a week ago, and it's going strong, check it out at:

We also just hooked up a MySpace account as well which is worth checking out:

VERY soon we are going to start shipping shirts around Canada & abroad (shipping free for larger orders) which will really help us out considering we are still a very small company.

Any support you're willing to lend to us, we'd really appreciate it. Drop us a line at [email protected]

Have a good one guys, keep the stuntin' alive!

- - - - Andyroososoft

Computer Talk / Anybody wanna screw up an asshole's computer?
« on: November 02, 2006, 03:36:13 PM »
Hey guys, whats up!

My buddy has been telling me about this guy who's been attacking my friends website, calling her all this shit and stuff, and the girl is one of my really good friends.

Anyways, here's the asshole's IP Address:

Put your skills to good and serve some justice, I would really appreciate it. If you know anybody that might be interested, share the IP around  

Thanks guys

Wuv Roo

Computer Talk / Cool Program Idea
« on: August 25, 2006, 09:58:29 PM »
cookie's in the mail, bud

Computer Talk / Cool Program Idea
« on: August 25, 2006, 06:50:25 PM »
I actually got it working the way i want it! some old knowledge of HTML really helps!!

What i did was i made a new html document. Here's the code:

Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html lang="en">
    <!-- 1156558343 !-->
    <title>Fred-eZone - Free WiFi for Fredericton - WebCams</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body onload="preloadImages();" style="margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;">
<img name="CamImg" src="" onLoad="TimerID=setTimeout('loadcamera(\'\')', 2000);" onError="TimerID=setTimeout('loadcamera(\'\')', 2000);" width="500" height="380">


I saved that as an html file on my computer. I then got the Customize Desktop thing to synchronize with that. Then i just adjusted the size of the window so that when i stopped hovering over it, there were no borders at all (notice in the html i deleted all of the margins in the body).

Attached is what my desktop looks like now, i love it!

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