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Messages - Kingjad
« on: October 22, 2023, 03:06:35 PM »
I was there to help kill off TMS.
I was there to help kill off ATS.
I was here to help kill off MO.
No idea how I keep appearing in these 'final' videos haha, this has been a LONG time in the making. But just like an ice cold pint of Guiness, good things come to those who wait.
Superbly crafted, brilliant variety of stunts, a very enjoyable video. I finally got to land the rhino on the ring, too.
« on: May 05, 2023, 03:37:47 PM »
Ewww, San Andreas, yuck.
Welcome back, ya wee frog-munching wankrag.
« on: January 14, 2023, 03:52:49 PM »
hello everyone, recently going to gtasdb, I saw that my solos were placed in the modded section, this "made me very happy." Now I have a question, when and who decided that the use of savestates is modding? was there any vote? or just some shithead said that this is modding, and his obedient dogs ran after him to repeat, it's just ridiculous
you can read on the internet, two examples from real life, for example about the skier Pauli Siitonen, and also about the athlete Dick Fosbury, they both used their methods in competitions to win, and no one took away medals from them, in the first case there was a division into types , and in the second, everyone began to use his method, but most importantly, no one took away medals from anyone
why am I doing this, even if there is a vote and my method recognizes modding by the total number of votes, my videos should still be considered unmodded, because when I released them there were no rules regarding savestate
honestly, it hurts me that I spent a lot of time and effort to make these solos, and now they are called modded, at least this is wrong
Kinda hard to have some rule in place relating to save states years ago when it was not considered to be a possibility at that time. It is definitely misleading to perform stunts using save states IMO. Is there room for TAS stunting? Absolutely. Is it unmodded? Absolutely not. 'when I released them there were no rules regarding savestate' - in the 1800s it was legal to own slaves in many places throughout the world, didn't mean it was morally right. I think you know yourself you were misleading people with what you were doing but still stormed ahead with it regardless. I am rather enjoying your suffering, though, so please leave this unlocked, staff. Thanks.
« on: June 16, 2022, 04:03:37 PM »
Just to clarify something: Turtle Dick gave me that replay like a year ago (when we were doing the Delta re-make). He's not back or anything.
« on: June 16, 2022, 04:01:27 PM »
Still feels weird seeing people use what I'll refer to as the 'AllBeast method' for stunting, but it is what it is I guess. There's some nice ideas in there for sure but my enjoyment of the spots are just diluted massively because of people using that method.
Editing was solid.
« on: March 18, 2022, 08:31:32 AM »
There's a major mistake in your post, kids dont "become" whatever they want to be, they rather follow and copy whatever their parents are doing.
Never knew that Adolf Hitler's mum and dad had a hobby of killing jews and invading Poland - learn something new every day.
« on: March 04, 2022, 01:35:19 AM »
Dang my stunts got all sortsa special treatment haha.
« on: March 01, 2022, 02:12:08 AM »
First of all this topic is amazing.
Second of all how in the name of fuck is it still open is beyond me.
I just found out about it and you have the likes of DC, kingjad even Nitz and Aries drop in. Great stuff. I didnt even see allbeasts solo nor the explanation video Jason has posted. To see the community react and discuss the very nature of stunting in 2022 with some actual OGs shimming in is fantastic.
All that being said and with limited knowlwdge of what the fuck the method is i cant help but to smell extreme toxicity in this thread esp coming from the man himself. It is my understanding that the method was not disclosed beforehand and allbeasts just tried to trick everyone into thinking it was done traditionally? And this whole discussion started because Jason figured things out? Thats just super lame. And all the comments he made about trolling and joking around and what not are too. This forum is over a decade old. Ive been part of it since 2007 and i think allbeasts about the same. 15 fucking years being part of this community. We're past being adults here. We are getting old. And we engage in trolling? Fuck me.
The only reason this thread has not been stopped is because it brought some color back to this forum. But it also showed the true colors some of people here represent. Grow up.
Allow me to correct you on a couple of things, as far as I understand it: "It is my understanding that the method was not disclosed beforehand, and allbeasts just tried to trick everyone into thinking it was done traditionally? And this whole discussion started because Jason figured things out?" - Yes, technically you are correct. While Beast has hinted before that he had a method that was secret to get his stunts, he never did reveal it until very recently, when after so much suspicion from Haywire (as well as others) Beast sent Haywire what his method actually was. I'd highly recommend watching Haywire's video on it if you get the chance to. People had actually guessed he was using this sort of method (Aries and gryzlek for instance) but he denied it at the time, I don't know why exactly. I'll reiterate once more - what AllBeast has done is not easy, but it is clearly deceptive in how most people view stunting. I feel like there is a place for his method though, just not under unmodded videos. Because I simply cannot accept his stuff as legitimate stunting.
« on: February 26, 2022, 03:20:40 AM »
Oustanding effort, and an extremely enjoyable video to watch. Stunts were a great variety of older and newer stuff, great creativity involved, this is a video I can re-watch again and again and enjoy each time.
Such a fun video.
« on: February 20, 2022, 10:54:13 AM »
Enjoyable video, gotta dig some freeway (well, angel) ledge grinds.
« on: February 18, 2022, 11:45:09 AM »
This video was a banger!
Well done.
« on: February 18, 2022, 08:24:29 AM »
Alright things are getting a bit needlessly personal between folk, and while I ain't in any position to say so - let's try and keep things civil to an extent, even if there are folk like me who are against such methods like this from existing.
I understand that I'm not an active stunter, and that how I see things may not be the majority. If this is how stunting evolves, so be it. It is up to the current generation to keep it going, after all.
I just personally feel like that people are going to end up using this as an easy way out, rather as a possible 'last alternative'. Beast did push the limits for most of what he did in his videos exploiting this method - I do not trust everyone else would do the same, though. They will see it as a viable method to begin to land their stunts with. Instead of pushing limits they'll be focused on just saving time from exerting more effort than would otherwise be necessary.
I do hope I'm wrong but I can easily envisage people fooling themselves into thinking they're better than someone else was at stunting throughout the years, purely because they utilised such a method when those other stunters never had that luxury to save every frame, have time to dwell and plan their next phase of the stunt etc. For all of Beast's procrastinating about being better than Barney, imagine what Barney would've achieved had he used this method? (And I'd still object to it being against the spirit of stunting too).
So good luck in future videos guys. Have open and honest discussions on how you all see this fitting into modern-day stunting - if the majority are happy with it being considered 'legitimate' and staying in unmodded sections, so be it. If not, perhaps there can be a new section for it (named after Beast, like he'd want). There's a clear appetite for people to dabble in this, after all.
It ain't for me, but contrary to the ignorance of others I'm not one to force my own beliefs and ideals on others - I merely strongly put forth my own views on the matter, and stand firmly by them.
« on: February 18, 2022, 05:19:17 AM »
just for statistics, that last landing on ship grind with rotation taked 500 attempts from me to make it like that, multiple it to 1 minute for try or more and now you can see how "easy" it was
And for the record, I hope I was clear in saying how what you were doing certainly was not 'easy'. But I still feel it isn't right, either, not in terms of what I consider to be legitimate, unmodded stunting. It still made life easier for yourself in achieving what you were after.
« on: February 18, 2022, 05:02:00 AM »
You think having multiple checkpoints to do stunts is a good thing save time? So you're happy for the initial challenge part of stunting to be nullified, am I understanding your logic correctly?
Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance.
If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.
that's all fine and dandy, but it's still just your perspective that you are trying to shove down my throat for whatever reason. what it was/was meant to be/whatever is still anyone's interpretation
I'd also say I've recently considered doing something vaguely similar in pausing the game mid attempt, capturing a video replay, and then using it to assess what I should do next, before unpausing. I struggle to see how that could be considered 'modding' and is probably something I'd be fine with if people were using that in videos. Allbeast's version is a further extension of that in many ways.
there were attempts of cutting sa replays and molding them together in sa, which were supposedly successful, this is just a second hand information though - some better informed people than me could probably say more
Using your sort of logic, teleporting a vehicle to a roof is an acceptable method of achieving a stunt. That's how I interpret what you're saying anyway.
« on: February 18, 2022, 03:15:25 AM »
good to see stunting has finally been solved
surely people would not want to spend hundreds of hours on spots anymore because they've already moved on with their life and have something else going... right?
some funny comments around, especially from people who mainly land boosts in vc, which are essentially 99% roulette where you have no control at all past getting off the wall (and thats a good thing!!!!)
fixing missing roof textures to give some boost to activity of the game is le bad... because it just is ok? (only neo anderson fixes allowed!)
fixing slow roads in sa is le bad... because it just is ok ?
cutting down the hours on attempts is le bad because I'm too personally invested to have a conversation ok???
Holy shit what brillant a display of modding Definitely a better take on cutting stunts mid-way than your DSS mate luli Only TBV could defend that. Go watch some ATS videos and reformulate your idea of stunting 
Haywire, what are those M50 pads?
post from your main account schizo
also can someone post actual video with no reaction that doesnt add anything at all to it ?
another thing: still waiting for fckr to post his method (which is actual modding)
If you really want more time to enjoy life, just fuck the fuck off from stunting altogether. Have I helped you gain more free time?
take a break until you stop seething this hard
You think having multiple checkpoints to do stunts is a good thing save time? So you're happy for the initial challenge part of stunting to be nullified, am I understanding your logic correctly? Stunting was never about making things easier for ourselves. We have convenient tools for stunting, yes - spawners, teleporters - but nothing that would actually directly affect landing the stunt. That was meant to boil down to luck, skill, perseverance. If you can't be fucked to put in the effort, then stop trying. Goodbye.