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Topics - Frost

Pages: [1]
Web Ring / Orange Stunting
« on: October 18, 2008, 02:14:56 AM »
I made it for server updates/news and whatnot, I used synthasite because I'm really sick of fucking around with html and css and other bullshit.

Don't give me any shit about it being a synthasite-faggotry.. please...

Any comments on the theme would be nice tho.

SA Chat & Support / Orange FreeRoam Server By Nythin(Frost)
« on: October 14, 2008, 12:59:41 AM »
Server Hosted By Reflect Networks.

HostName: Orange FreeRoam Server
Players:  0 / 32
Ping:     270
Mode:     Reflect Stunt v1.0
Map:      San Andreas

I started this cuz its a nice cushy job for now, also I've been ignoring it for a while.. anyways, its up and I will continue to update.

I'm using the old reflect gamemode cuz for some reason my new one fucking hates me <_<.

I'll also be looking for ONE person to try and help me with the vehicle spawns and whatever, talk to me on msn for that.. (if you can't find it, you fucking fail)

NOTE: I should probably tell you, if you get banned, I'm not going to bother unbanning you, however I will wipe it clean every 2 weeks or 1 month(dunno which yet).

Gaming Discussion / Reflect The Duel: Event Video
« on: October 02, 2008, 06:53:45 PM »

GTA Modding / Frosties new taxi <3
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:15:39 PM »
SPG - Special Patrol Group (don't ask where I got the name lol).

Admittedly I should change the tail lights but I can do that when I'm not so tired lol(I stayed up late doing it).

VC Chat & Support / VC Crashes on Alt Tab
« on: September 19, 2008, 01:28:12 AM »
I've had this problem for a while but not ever since I got VC.
I re-installed a fresh version the other day, but its still fucked =/.

Whenever I try to Alt+Tab or even try to exit the game through the Esc. Menu, It crashes.

I have Windows XP SP2 with a modded uxtheme.dll (but I think thats irrelevant).
This started ever since I used windows blinds, however, I got a new HDD since then so its pretty much all fresh.

I'm totally clueless on how to fix this, if I cant fix it soon I'm gonna reinstall windows when I've updated my computers hardware, so anyone who can, help plox.

Web Ring / FrostsFiles
« on: August 31, 2008, 03:16:08 AM »
Hai, I made a new site a few weeks ago and this morning I just finished editing the template(yes I got my web template online <_< but I really didn't wanna make one myself and this one is nice imo).
Anyways this is where I'm gonna be holding all my mods for gta, programs I make in vb etc, scripts for sa:mp, and basically anything else
(also I may use it for mirrors aswell).


Check it out, I haven't completely finished it yet, but I'm getting there.

Computer Talk / LIFE SUCKS
« on: August 16, 2008, 12:10:59 AM »

So get this, I was nice and peaceful watching anime when suddenly this bastard-nutfucker AntiVirus(YEAH SURE AN ANTIVIRUS PROGRAM THAT INSTALLS ITSELF VIA FUCKING SPYWARE <_<) program randomly installs itself on my computer.
So I thought I'd just uninstall it, turns out I couldn't via uninstall.exe cuz it was a hoax exe <_<.

SO when I finally delete that one fucker program I go to fix my (the "antivirus" program put its own little gayass one up), but then I realise,
I CAN'T DO SHIT TO MY OWN DESKTOP/GRAPHICS CARD, so here I am cracking the shits trying to get this fucker program off without reinstalling windows.

If anyone can help me with this problem I pledge eternal gratitude, and respect.

And yes I know I swore alot in this post, if you don't like it, GO FUCKING SUICIDE CUZ I DON'T GIVE 2 SHITS.

GTA Modding / [VC]Riku for download!
« on: August 14, 2008, 01:11:04 AM »
Download from there (should lead to megaupload)

I'm not releasing Sora on account of Stormy might get mad at me =[
but better my Riku then nothing right?

If you don't like megaupload, too bad, its not my job to care <_<

GTA Modding / Frost's New NRG
« on: April 07, 2008, 12:46:00 AM »
Yey its my second one ever,

Yes I am aware the tires are fucked, but its been a while since I made one, and I can't remember where on the metals the tires are, and I'm sick of re-making/editing the bike(re-made it twice now <_<).

Anyways pics:

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