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VC Tutorials / Vice City Replay Manager Masterclass« on: November 29, 2022, 01:30:52 AM »
Covering everything you need to know to become a cinematics pro.
![]() https://youtu.be/BStllFsGMr8 Download Replay Manager Beta here: https://mega.nz/file/oa8EXZ7C#yDuyCh5Kckc3f3gg7j2Xv8Es-iCLEjlhShigWMarPAA Blender basics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NT_1BvV2yw 3
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Barney - Cenotaph« on: November 21, 2022, 05:07:50 AM »![]() At the start of May this year, Barney reached out to me and shared his appreciation for The Finisher video. Shortly after, he showed me a spot he was trying, and soon enough he landed it. Barney is in a fortunate position to be able to stunt for an excessive amount of hours.... and that's exactly what he's done for the past 6 months. We've shared many conversations and voice calls during this time, and he would regularly send me clips of his attempts, then eventually landings. His vision and dedication to the art of stunting is something I simply cannot grasp. Once his fire starts to burn, there's no way to put it out. I am forever honored to be in the position of editing this video. This is by far the greatest effort I have put into editing a video. With access granted to Darkstar's Replay Manager for Blender, I set out to produce a fully cinematic stunt video. While still having many years of experience using Blender, and Replay Manager being very easy to use, the camera rigging process was extremely time-consuming to get everything looking perfect. With Barney looking over my shoulder we worked together and captured what we believe to be the best views of his stunting accomplishments. I also need to extend further thanks to Dannye and Darkstar. Their contributions to creating tools are the very key to the success of this production, both stunting and editing. Alright, done reading? Turn that webcam on. I want to see your brains melt. Enjoy! ![]() Cenotaph XQ 1440p 730mb Cenotaph HQ 1080p 285mb ![]() YouTube GTASDB ![]() Directors Cut + Replay Manager Live Stream Carving The Cenotaph - Attempt Clips Raw Compilation ![]() Download ![]() Code: [Select] 0:30 - Dam double grind: 5
GTA Modding / [VC Map Conversion] TDRVC« on: September 23, 2022, 05:21:30 PM »![]() CHANGES FOR v1.4: - New section has been added: Hollowood! - The lightpoles on the streets now light up! But Hollowood and Necropolis are the only sections with prelighting, so the rest of the map looks like shit at night time. Oh well! - Tree textures have been fixed. - A handful of fun player skins are in the skins folder. CHANGES FOR v1.3: - New section has been added: Necropolis! - SCM has been updated to use player.dff instead of play10, so now you can use your skins. CHANGES FOR v1.2: - Missing textures have been fixed on the Docks. - Silentpatch is reported to meddle with the framerate, so it has been removed and replaced with the basic mousefix instead. CHANGES FOR v1.1: - SCM version now upgraded to 7b, default SCM is currently active but a zip containing every version and simple stat versions are also included (Thankyou Dannye!) - EXE now updated to remove the random escalators. Also included is an alternate EXE which will create a "TDR2000VC User Files" folder for your replays, settings and savegames. (Again, thankyou Dannye!!) - The third, incomplete section Docks, is now enabled by default. There is not much to do here, but you may find something. - Spoosh and Freeplay have been removed, as people have had issues with their game loading or antivirus issues regarding these. It may not fix everyone's troubles, but something is better than nothing. A new map conversion, featuring two levels from the racing game Carmageddon TDR2000. This has taken me way longer than it should have to produce, but at the same time it was a total pain in the ass to create. There is meant to be a third section, but it was going to be way too much effort to include in the release, but I digress. If you really want what's started on the third section, you can enable it within the game files, but personally I don't see much stuntability within it. This release has a few things odd about it, such as the escalators from Washington mall, and at the moment uses a very old USCM version, but it's still a stuntable city nonetheless. If anybody can fix those things, I'll append this post with v1.1. Also includes Spoosh spawner. Looking forward to your videos! ![]() 6
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / DATURA - Smut's Collab« on: June 15, 2022, 08:52:37 AM »![]() Collab organized by Smut, and edited by Haywire! Featuring: ARS Blake Ches Dannye Ezraph Faiz Fighter Haywire Khaimyk Kingjad Krypton Max Morbidxxx Rainbow Sheeptea Sheikah Skuller Smut Sorcery Sport The Big V TN Turtle Dick wviMis ZeRo This was a real blast to edit, straying away from my usual heavy metal editing and trying something fresh. Lots of fun pieces chucked in here and there. It was really tough fitting everything in though! Remember, film your reaction! https://youtu.be/aUZ6th0oKvs https://drive.google.com/file/d/13-ZhT3-xf4nhQHEeisY-MQCY3_tL0Sfi/view?usp=sharing 7
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Barney - The Finisher« on: February 21, 2022, 01:12:16 AM »8
VC Chat & Support / The AllBeast Method.« on: February 17, 2022, 04:24:49 PM »
Link removed.
Video removed as requested by AllBeast. 9
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / HALLOWEEN 2006 | REANIMATED« on: October 30, 2021, 08:28:16 PM »![]() THIS COLLAB VIDEO IS A HALLOWEEN RELEASE BECAUSE IT FEATURES A BUNCH OF SPOOKY OG'S BACK FROM THE GRAVE NONE OF THE STUNTS ARE OLD, IT IS 2006 AND THESE ARE ALL NEW STUNTS!!! I PUT THE MQ VERSION ON YOUTUBE BUT I ALSO MADE A HQ VERSION WHICH TOOK 3 HOURS TO COMPILE AND 6 HOURS TO UPLOAD BECAUSE COMPUTERS AND AUSTRALIAN INTERNET ARE GARBAGE IN 2006 SO YOU BETTER APPRECIATE IT!!!! MQ STREAM - https://youtu.be/n2KobPSUr6E HQ DOWNLOAD - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZyXuqtIfdrdjLdaThi1l6rjbvo3y3Npd/view?usp=sharing HAPPY HALLOWEEN ![]() Seriously though, this was a super fun project to stunt for and edit, thrilled to be a part of it. Sabo approached me with the idea to produce a 2006 or "golden age" video and I was immediately on board, and the Map Six boys were too. Some of the reps in this video are really over 10 years old! I had original theme ideas for this but as I'm moving house soon I really had to rush the editing to make it a Halloween release, a bunch of clips should be rearranged IMO a lot more should have been done, kinda bummed but I still think the end result is reminiscent of a classic video, it's a great watch. There were a couple more guys I reached out to to also be a part of this, but yeah, we're all adults now, everyone has their responsibilities. Hope this video tickles your nostalgia bone! 10
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / ♦ Skyward 4 ♦« on: October 09, 2021, 04:28:49 AM »![]() 13 years later, the collaboration series finally has another chapter. Visuals like you've never seen before, set to a soundtrack guaranteed to blow your head off, showcasing some of the most badass taxi stunts ever thrown down by the best in the biz. Dannye Ezraph FcKr Haywire Max Oliver Rainbow Sheeptea Skuller TurBo ZeRo Sorry it's taken me so long to get this edit out! I had the vision in my mind and knew it would be a big task ahead, so getting the ball rolling took a fair bit of effort given my age and other priorities. But once I built up some steam I committed to the edit, and 3 months of hard work have produced the video you're about to see. Absolute massive thankyou to Darkstar for his help along the way! The vision would not have been a success without him. Also thanks to AllBeast for helping with SAiVC issues. And remember, if you can, record your reactions! This video is nothing you'll have seen before, and I want to relish in your raw emotions ![]() Anyway, have at it stunt fans. Enjoy! Xtreme Quality - 1.12gb https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TA6kyjdmjTFG52wNIKTScHrMVuRG9hKe/view?usp=sharing https://mega.nz/file/FhhAQKZB#mzqRb-sT3YqLqOcJqAJ-ehnu-fJdQLqNWt75Q2esi-0 High Quality - 350mb https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SRdc60S7fT0Kef-avoc4FSdluxeWiu8Q/view?usp=sharing Youtube https://youtu.be/f04x0GDQShM GTASDB https://www.gtasdb.com/video/skyward-4 FULL REVIEW INTRO PART 1 1:30 - FCKR - Big boost to close call: 1:45 - Dannye - Bonk to boost to crane prec: 1:55 - Oliver - Double boost to prec: 2:07 - Rainbow - Tumble to boost to ship prec: 2:20 - ZeRo - Big palm boost: 2:29 - Max - Drop boost to crane prec: 2:34 - Max - Gap to boost to crane: 2:40 - TurBo - Big flips to BB: 2:49 - Sheeptea - Drop boost tank bonk to island: 3:02 - Haywire - Big flips and tumble to double boost: 3:29 - Dannye - Clipping boost big spin: 3:40 - Oliver - Casino prec: 3:57 - ZeRo - Downtown prec: 4:08 - Skuller - Drop boost to prec: 4:20 - Max - Big boost to triangle skyscraper: 4:36 - Sheeptea - Big boost to marina prec: 4:47 - TurBo - Fence boost to sunshine BB: 4:55 - Dannye - Bus boost to roofride: 5:02 - Ezraph - Grind hop grind: PART 2 5:15 - TurBo - Long bridge grind: 5:35 - Sheeptea - Flips to ledge prec: 5:44 - Max - Massive double boost: 6:10 - Skuller - Spins to grinding prec landing: 6:20 - Haywire - Tall double roll: 6:32 - FCKR - Drop boost to bridge prec: 6:44 - Sheeptea - Two wheels to tall landing: 6:54 - FCKR - Short wall to burnt apartment: 7:01 - TurBo - Sign boost to burnt apartment: 7:06 - Ezraph - Packer boost to condo: 7:16 - Dannye - Corner boost to carpark: 7:28 - Oliver - Palm boost to carpark prec: 7:48 - Haywire - Tall boost to smooth landing: 8:00 - Sheeptea - Crane prec: 8:10 - FCKR - Big boost to bridge prec: 8:22 - Skuller - Drop hop boost to sunshine BB: 8:35 - Max - Reverse spin to rolling bridge grind: 8:47 - Skuller - Drop boost to carpark prec: 8:57 - Rainbow - Tall connector prec: 9:09 - TurBo - Ultra high boost to driving range prec: OUTRO 9:58 - Dannye - Tricky trailers: 10:17 - Ezraph - Caddy picking: 10:28 - Max - Reverse spin hop to prec: 10:41 - Haywire - Long two wheels to tall skyscraper: 10:55 - Dannye - Ship grind to boost combo: EDITING AND SONG CHOICE FINAL THOUGHTS 11
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / ...VULTURES - SIDE B...« on: May 25, 2021, 02:20:40 AM »
First off, a big thankyou to fckR for putting this edit together. I really enjoyed watching this, very creative camera work and cuts.
![]() This is a reel of stunts that didn't make it into the original collab, which was quite a number of replays, so rightfully they've been turned into a video. There are also a couple of spots from the Junkyard map. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/ofT-SRMae7o (hopefully it isn't blocked in your region..) https://www.mediafire.com/file/68fbfylex7ou8tt/VULTURES_-_SIDE_B.mp4/file 12
GTA Modding / [H CREATIONS] HDPCJ Bike Pack« on: May 20, 2021, 03:55:53 AM »
Guess what you fucks! Now you can make really cool bikes with relative ease, thanks to the brand new H Creations HDPCJ Bike Pack! Pretend I'm using a voice like those guys on the shopping channel!
And the best part is you have 5 different wheel models to choose from! StockHD ![]() Diskus ![]() Lucky7 ![]() Trispoke ![]() Twister ![]() Here are two skins I made in no more than 30 minutes! It's so easy! Please spend longer in Photoshop than I did though, I don't like either of these! They're just a demonstration! ![]() ![]() Click here to download the fuckin' thing! Tell em Haywire sent you! Show me your tits! https://www.sendspace.com/file/1al9ab 13
VC Chat & Support / Collision Fixing: Modded or Overdue?« on: April 13, 2021, 05:28:00 PM »
Many people have approached me asking if I was able to edit the collisions of a spot in the map to be more accurate to the actual object. The original LC Collision Fix is a pack containing just that, it's something we all use. But beyond that pack, it would (in my opinion) be considered modding, which is a line people have crossed in the past with mixed responses. This should be something we decide on, as a community, once and for all.
What objects are considered off limits? What degree of fixes should be allowed to consider the spot still legit? Should each fix be released one by one, or as an official pack which would become the new standard? Should we just yolo it? Share your thoughts, gang. 14
VC Chat & Support / SKYWARD 4 Taxi Collab Organisation« on: March 01, 2021, 05:59:11 PM »
That's right, I'm bringing it back.
It's clear a bunch of you guys are still hyped on taxi stunting, so why don't we revive the hard hitting sky smashing video series? What's the date today.... March 2nd in Aussie time... I reckon the deadline should be May 1st. How does that sound? You can submit stunts from VC, LC and SAiVC. Oh, and if you want personalized taxi/cabbie for the video, with a skin or even changes to the model, I'd be happy to make it happen. ![]() My discord is obsidian#4040, I'm easier to reach on there. Recieved: TurBo - 2 reps Skuller - 4 reps Sheeptea - 2 reps Oliver - 2 reps Ezraph - 1 rep Rainbow - 1 rep fckR - 4 reps ZeRo - 2 reps Haywire - 3 reps Dannye - 3 reps Max - 4 reps 15
VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / ...VULTURES...« on: February 06, 2021, 07:20:04 PM »![]() There's a problem we've all been facing with stunting; running out of spots. I took it upon myself to provide a solution. Several solutions. Beaver City is the first. Beaver City, however, is quite small. You wouldn't be able to get many spots out of it. That's what this video is about. Stripping it clean, down to the bones. VULTURES. I'm extending a thankyou to AllBeast and Darkstar, their knowledge of the game files really helped put this project together. Also thanks to Harmalarm for making the original map for San Andreas. Oh, and there are a bunch of stunts that were landed that didn't make it into this video. If you would like to try this map, or send stunts you've landed, I'll be making VULTURES: SIDE B, which will be a longer, more relaxed video. THE EDITOR Haywire THE STUNTERS Haywire Sheeptea MaCi Darkstar Max FIGHTER Nem Sorcery TurBo Krypton Aries ProMagic Rainbow Feron Gryzlek THE CITY "LC Carma" @ Filebin THE LINKS IF YOU CAN RECORD YOUR REACTION TO THIS VIDEO, PLEASE DO. NOTHING IS MORE HONEST THAT WATCHING SOMEONE'S BRAIN MELT. Stream & Download @ MEGA Stream & Download @ GTASDB Download @ MediaFire LQ Streaming @ GTASDB Streaming @ YouTube THE TEMPLATE Quote Haywire 0:15 - |