great video, perhaps some more stunts with non-VC vehicles (like that bulldozer bump or a with a quad for example) or a taxi boost would have been interesting 
Thanks for the live reaction Ltab! Also glad to have a review from someone who tried stunting in this engine as well

I agree with you, stunting with a controller is a pain in the behind, I recommend getting it working with an emulator (if you haven't yet), because its no fun without save/load location. And yeah I had to do a better job with the recording (full-screen, or crop it at the editing), hope it wasn't that big of a distraction. Cheers!
Regarding taxi boosts - i tried some, but taxi boosting just doesn't work as you would expect in VC, you basically dont get that "stuck" into the wall, I tried with rollboosting or just regular shift, and couldn't get more than 2-3 boosts on a wall so I just dropped the idea.
Quadbike also sucks (its slow, heavy and gets stuck on grinds, maybe use it as a stuck vehicle).
There's a
Forklift and it's fork can get stuck in some walls and fences, unfortunately I couldnt manage to land the roofs I wanted with it -
Bulldozer definitely has a huge potential, its front blade is actually rounded so it gives pretty good bumps, here's a spot I wasn't able to land but got close: