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Messages - Amaluna

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VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: [12+12=25] Live Wire
« on: October 13, 2020, 03:11:34 PM »
Prefinisher I really liked

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: BlackTear - Farewell 2
« on: October 11, 2020, 03:25:54 PM »
You have a mindset that makes me jealous. I've always liked your style and mindset and I think you know that by now. Yet you always seem to outdo yourself. Those wallrides from what I think was "Home is where the heart is" (which I can't find on Youtube anymore) got me sold. I think you're a criminally underrated stunter, despite you alleged modding past, which I don't value at all.

0:34 | 0:50 | 2:29 | 2:41 | 3:01

Literal insanity. People usually are mindblown by big airs and longwinded combo's, but this is the style that appeals to the me the most. Keep it up. You're one of my favorites! Never change!

Would also like to contact you somehow, because I have a question if you're open for contacts.

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: September 29, 2020, 11:12:42 AM »
I'd love to see save warps and load warps, where in your runup you can save location somewhere and upon loading, it keeps the speed you had at the time. It'd make stunt testing significantly easier. Not sure if it's realistic to make. But I know this works on MTA. You know better than I if it's a possibility or not.

it already exists, but for me it is modding.
the stunt is already easier nowadays, taking a run up is an integral part of a try.
For me it is modding as well. Loading the warp with the speed saved will also show in the rep. Hence why I specified I wanted it for testing. Sorry if it was unclear.

And you say it exists, do you happen to have a link to it? I'd like to test some stuff with it!

GTA Modding / Re: Update USCM
« on: September 29, 2020, 06:02:26 AM »
Sorry for bump;

Am I dumb or does it not remove the "Insane stunt bonus" line? And after saving it also sets time completely different.
It set my time to 19:00.

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: September 29, 2020, 05:25:15 AM »
Am I allowed to suggest things to add to the SCM? There's something I'm sure a lot of stunters would LOVE to have. And if it's possible to make, it'd be freaking fantastic.

I'd love to see save warps and load warps, where in your runup you can save location somewhere and upon loading, it keeps the speed you had at the time. It'd make stunt testing significantly easier. Not sure if it's realistic to make. But I know this works on MTA. You know better than I if it's a possibility or not.

I'm sorry if you don't accept suggestions, I'm just opportunistic right now.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: [SA-MP] AMITY
« on: September 27, 2020, 06:45:54 AM »
jaoko forced me to put a review on GTAS so i'll just copy what i put in the yt comments
1:36 - Really nice runup and find in general
2:49 - Lovely idea looks great
3:18 - I think you landed that when I was watching, love that stunt. Probably one of the best
3:53 - happy noises
5:57 - Don't think you showed me this before. You're out of this world

Sick video and props to all stunters! Love seeing this server be so stunting focused. Keep it up.

Joako, land that double bump 2 roof top. You know which one.

WH Video Releases / Re: Parangon
« on: September 14, 2020, 06:57:21 AM »
Thanks UndeadX for letting me yoink this template

1:30 - Pretty cool looking, wallride adds a nice touch to it.
1:44 - Not really my style, doesn't really appeal to me.
2:03 - Actually looks pretty good. Nothing mindblowing, but aesthetically it's nice
2:15 - Pretty mediocre. The spot itself is old and just bonking to a higher part doesn't make it more interesting to me personally.
2:29 - Really nice, great execution too!
2:49 - Been trying to do that naturally with the tree, still not sure if possible or not.
2:55 - Pretty sure that's old. But still good looking. Double grinds always find a spot in videos because they are just that appealing.
3:06 - Landing is nice, but the method really isn't my thing.
3:15 - That I have definitely seen before. But I must admit I'm a sucker for P2Bs
3:24 - Great looking stunt. I'm awful at cabbie boosts, so seeing other people land such things is a super nice feeling
3:41 - Clever use of the Boxville. Insane landing as well. Really nice job!
3:54 - Really, really creative. Not sure if it was the intended landing, but I am a huge fan of that. Great stunt!
4:07 - Generic barrack bump in my eyes. Has been done naturally as well, so no wow-factor here for me.
4:15 - Nice execution. Cool to see more stunts that involve a Police Maverick.
4:24 - Pretty nice stunt. Never even tried Infernus P2B because it's such a tight fit. Nice looking stunt!
4:29 - Again, P2Bs, I love P2Bs!
4:39 - Nice execution. Perfectly landing the top!
4:49 - Didn't even know that was possible. This surprised me! Nice stunt!
4:55 - Crazy! Tank bumps usually don't appeal to me but this was probably the best Infernus Tank bump I have seen.
5:05 - Again, love the creativity of ramping the low Turismo to reach that bump. The spot itself isn't too impressive, but the idea behind it is fantastic.
5:11 - Cool P2B, pretty basic, but good looking overall
5:20 - Insane stunt. I don't want to jinx anything, but this seems like a qualifier for stunt of the year if you ask me. Superb stunt. Just wondering what the bike was for. Is it stuck to bump it or what purpose exactly does it serve here?

Editing: Didn't really like the music or editing, didn't really seem to fit for me. But at least it was clean and clear to see what's happening, which some video editors forget sometimes.

Overall: Fantastic video, some surprising stunts and fresh takes on older methods or spots.

Introduce Yourself / Re: 8 years have passed
« on: September 09, 2020, 05:20:53 AM »
Pretty sure I remember you from SAMP, welcome back!

GTA Modding / Re: Ultimate Stunters Main SCM
« on: August 21, 2020, 08:15:07 AM »
btw, is there a working gamepad scm for LC?
so that i don't have to anguish with the keyboard on car stunts :rolleyes:
Sorry I'm quite late. But as a gamepad (DualShock3) main, I thought my input might be of use for you. I have never played with Keyboard, but have always used the Keyboard SCM and it works perfectly fine on my controller. The gamepad version seems a bit odd to me as the controls are super wonky for controller, but the Keyboard version is phenomenal.

I may be completely off base with what you guys are talking about exactly, but a standard ps4 gamepad works on SA for me. Plug n play with SA and V and probably VC.
Same for me. Despite me using a DualShock3 controller for PC. Getting it to work was quite a hassle, but managed to get it fixed by an online friend of Playz who helped us to get it working. He downloaded some drivers from some external place and put that over the standard drivers. Now it works great. And if it doesn't show up, I put the drivers over it again and it's solved. The only small issue I have is that I have to re do this all if I plug it into a different USB Hub. If I keep it in the same one, there's no issues at all.

Random appreciation for Dannye:
Honestly, this might be a bit off-topic in some way, but I feel like I should thank you for this tool. If it weren't for the main.scm, I doubt many people would even be stunting. Figured I should let you know this as it feels to me like you do not get the recognition you deserve. Just kinda wish the spawner would include a MTB

V Videos / Re: Shadow - Introduction to Evolve Stunting
« on: June 19, 2020, 12:54:01 PM »
I just can't take GTA V stunting serious. Gliding is the most retarded mechanic in any GTA game. It just takes the fun out of the visuals of stunting to me. I also really dislike driving vertically up a wall. Either way, shitty irrelevant opinions aside; the Mountainbike combo and the wallride at 3:22 looked super cool. Some cool combos and precs too.

GTA V stunt vids will never be a thing I'd binge watch, but this was enjoyable.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: End
« on: June 14, 2020, 01:51:35 PM »
The grind on the bridge was really good looking

Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas / Re: Possible spot? "The Big Ear"
« on: June 07, 2020, 05:42:02 PM »
Wouldn't surprise me if it is. I thought I knew a lot about this game, but then Breyt showed up with their Mountainbike video.

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Re: Krypton - Oceanview
« on: June 02, 2020, 05:14:23 AM »
Vice City usually doesn't interest me, but this was a very pleasant watch. I enjoy your stunting style a lot. Finisher was a superb idea! Opener I also liked a lot

WH Video Releases / Re: Burn - Valar Morghulis
« on: May 29, 2020, 06:51:23 PM »
Kinda wanted to post a full review.. so here goes

Opener: A spot I've seen you try before and from day 1, this was a sick stunt in my eyes. The mechanics behind the pole despawn radius and such is something I really wish I could master, but this stunt is simply fantastic.
Bump2palmbump2top: Honestly, kind of surprised that's not old yet. Really cool spot. I'm a big sucker for combo spots and I guess this kind of is a combo.
Grab2grind: Not really my style. I think I've seen this released before as well. Looks good, but that's where it ends for me.
Curb2doublegrind: Probably the least impressive one out of all stunts, but I really like these "elevation" double grinds. Probably why I really like that Airport Double Grind finisher from some XSA or TMS video as well.
P2b2walltap2roof: Very known spot and allegedly modded a few times. I am sure you didn't mod it, so well done on this. Tried it myself but never got impressive attempts. Maybe the popped tire opened a whole lot of possibilities for stuff like this.
Sandking bump2doublegrind: Really nice looking stunt. I really appreciate the fact you implement so much creativity in your "tryhard stunts" if you want to call it that. Looked phenomenal.
Car bump2bb: Also not really my style. I get a very 2008 vibe from stuff like this. But hey, at least you landed the top.
Airport doublebump: I don't know if this was intentional, but this looks super good. I think Daffy performed this double bump the best to the top using the last pole, but this looked super good as well.
Wallride2backstoppie2grind: I think I've seen this before as well. I really like wallride and using the slanted roof to get a back stoppie out of it is the mindset I appreciate very much.
Hotring barrackbump: Pretty obvious spot, but I appreciate the switching of vehicles.
P2b2grind: I lost this spot, but was never really actively trying it. Very nice execution on it as well.
Infy barrackbump2prec: Would never be able to bring myself to such stunts as the landing is just obnoxious. Obviously patience is not an issue for you, and I'm glad to see this landed. Looks really nice to the prec.
Infy bump2stadium: Crazy stunt, looks superb and I don't think that top has ever been landed with Infernus before.
Infy Dropbump2prec: Really nicely executed. The way you land perfectly on one of the "blocks" is just super satisfying to me.
Raek's p2b2b2prec: Finally someone landed that to the top prec.
3x grind: Like I said in an earlier comment here, it looks phenomenal. I knew you were trying that spot, but it's better to see it landed.
Threesixty2wallride2grind: Had this idea, never got a wallride, never tried again. Nice seeing it landed.
SF bump with grab: Grabs aren't really my thing and I doubt this was the intention of the stunt. But it looks pretty good.
Infy barrackbump2prec: Old by Playboyz, albeit on SAMP. Still the same spot.
Prog's naval base landing: Honestly, I love this. Very cool way to make an old 'spot' interesting by doing something out of the ordinary. I am pretty sure it's possible natural, but I doubt we'll see that landed ever.
Finisher: I don't know if it's my brain or if everyone has this... I feel like all buildings or objects that are unique, so they stand out from the rest (and are generally more detailed) make a more interesting landing. This roof is one of the most iconic roofs in the game as it refers to older games. This is a crazy stunt finally landed to top and I think you were always the right person to land this type of craziness.

Overall, fantastic video. I've said it before and I'll say it again; I can not help but admire your true dedication to this game. Whereas I would get bored in like 30 minutes, you can try a stunt for literal hours.

Editing was very relaxing and easy on the eyes. Yet it fit the video perfectly.

Really well done to all people involved in this video. Masterpiece from 2020.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Re: Legend - Polarized
« on: May 29, 2020, 05:00:49 PM »
Very good solo. Really digging the grind combos. They possess a certain Blacktear-esque style to me. 2:25 was a super nice find and executed to perfection. Posted the finisher as challenge a few years ago, so the wow-factor was lost on the spot itself but props for landing it.

Very, very solid video. Never heard of you, but I am hoping that changed from today. Looking forward to the next videos.

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