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Topics - NEM

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Blog / DSS - G3
« on: April 06, 2020, 10:24:33 AM »


Blog / Lex - MANKIND 2
« on: February 13, 2020, 08:19:20 AM »

Lex has just released a sequel to his GTA:IV solo, make sure to give it a watch here



There's also been a release of a sequel of the chinese collab series, you can check it out here

Blog / FINAL CALL - Nem's community collaboration
« on: January 21, 2020, 06:10:20 AM »

Nem & Krypton have released a very special collaboration, check it out here

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / FINAL CALL
« on: January 21, 2020, 06:09:39 AM »

Hello there my dear jumpy-jumpers, I am very proud to present you a video that's supposed to be a community video of my friends, people I admire or respect and have been inspired by, take it as a tribute to everyone involved in the VC stunting scene I could gather since last summer. I wish many more could be a part of this, but I would have to be organizing this for at least two years straight and that's just not an option. It's obviously 1 stunt per person, so we could fit everyone in it. I'm sorry to Hedgehog and Fighter who weren't able to make it in time. I have to give a big thank you to Krypton who took the editing job and was very helpful and hardworking, to Dev who spent many hours on the script and to Blaze who helped around a lot with whatever was necessary. I am aware that not all the stunt might be exactly new, but with some people I was happy they were at least able to send something and that's what matters to me the most.

Edited by

AllBeast, Aries, AroX, ARS, Bixel, bLADE, Blaze, Cooper, Daffy, Danger, Demon, Feron, Flat Face, Fugitive, Gavran, Haywire, JustCaus3, Ktulu, Krypton, MaCi ,Max, mehmet, Must_Die, Nagual, Nem, ObscureDeath, ODR, puzzLe, Ralleee, RAD, Ruiner, Savatage, Sheeptea, Sorcery, SkilZ, Skuller, Streem, SyperDimon, The Big V, TrYp, ViCe NiNjA, ZeRo

Click here

Download link
Click here

Full review template
Code: [Select]
Streem p2b 2 billboard -
mehmet csm 2 wallkick 2 prec -
SkilZ p2b 2 roof -
Fugitive polebump 2 roof -
The Big V - Dropbump 2 grind -
Skuller psm 2 roof -
SyperDimon policebump 2 roof -
Vice Ninja doublebump 2 roof -
Krypton bsm 2 prec -
ODR csm 2 prec -
Cooper ramp 2 stoppie 2 grind -
Max grassbump 2 prec -
ObscureDeath fbibump 2 roof -
Ktulu double grind -
Flat Face pizza 2 stoppie combo -
Gavran csm 2 roof -
Feron bsm 2 roof -
Daffy ramp 2 wallride combo -
Haywire ramp 2 csm 2 roof -
Nem bump 2 rooftap 2 grind -
Demon p2b 2 roof -
Puzzle p2b 2 roof -

Tryp natbump 2 watergap 2 ship -
Bixel tankbump 2 bb -
ARS bump 2 wallride 2 bb grind -
Aries bsm 2 roof -
JustCaus3 bump 2 grind -
ZeRo tank doublebump 2 roof -
Savatage psm 2 roof -
Blaze roof 2 grind -
Sorcery grab 2 grind -
Nagual cork 2 grind -
Must_Die csm 2 roof -
AroX p2b 2 roof -
bLADE taxi double boost 2 prec -
MaCi wallride 2 grind -
AllBeast ramp 2 grind -
Danger taxi 2 ramp 2 helibump 2 roof -
Sheeptea bsm 2 roof -
RAD bsm 2 roof -
Ruiner p2b 2 prec -
Ralleee p2b 2 ledge -

Thank you for the good times!

Blog / DSS - Morgoth
« on: November 30, 2019, 12:39:59 PM »

Dark Side Stunters, one of GTAStunting's network crews is back with a new video.

SA Un-Modded Video Releases / Beyond Driveshaft
« on: September 27, 2019, 12:41:31 PM »

Hello people, I present to you a collab we made with Promagic last weekend when he visited me. We had a lot of fun editing it, the stunts used are pretty much the extra stunts from the community video we're not able to use as there's already too many of them. Frankly, anyone who had 2+stunts is in this video.

We hope you enjoy the video and leave a comment bellow!


Blog / GTA San Andreas community video
« on: August 13, 2019, 04:10:54 AM »

There's a GTA San Andreas Community video being organized, click here to join!

Community Videos / 2019/2020 San Andreas Community Video
« on: August 13, 2019, 04:07:29 AM »

Hello great people of the Gtastunting community. There was a time when me and Promagic had a meeting in Slovakia over a weekend and we'd come with an idea of making a proper SA community video, because we've come to a conclusion that there's never been one, at least not in the last couple of years. We've been inviting people over the last couple of weeks and we do have a solid line up to start with. Remember, anyone is welcome as long as you are a member of this community, so feel free to join. After this is ready to be edited, we'll meet again with Filip and edit this together. In case you are in contact with any stunter, who doesn't visit gtas but either has some stunts, or does stunt from time to time, please inform him, because we are really doing this for the community, and the community only. I know it's a bit late in the game, but we hope to make one solid community project as a team together once again.

I do know, some of you might not have all the download links to either GTA SA, or the Dannye's SCM, so I've added download links to everything you need. Keep joing folks, this will be a great one!



alieNboy- 1 stunt/s - Bulgaria
Afterlife - 2 stunt/s - Spain
Amaluna- 2 stunt/s - Netherlands
ARS- 2 stunt/s - Russia
Avi- 1 stunt/s - Poland
B1LLy- 1 stunt/s - Poland
balsam- 2 stunt/s - South Korea
Biel- 2 stunt/s - Brazil
BlackTear- 1 stunt/s - Germany
Breyt- 1 stunt/s - Argentina
burn- 1 stunt/s - France
Damster- 1 stunt/s - Czechia
DeathCobra- 1 stunt/s - USA
Determined- 1 stunt/s - Latvia
Diaz- 1 stunt/s - Hungary
electric 1 stunt/s - Finland
Erney 1 stunt/s - Poland
Erwin 1 stunt/s - Turkey
Flat Face 1 stunt/s - Australia
Florin 1 stunt/s - Romania
FTO 1 stunt/s - China
Fugitive 1 stunt/s - Romania
Gaz 1 stunt/s - Slovakia
Gesior7 1 stunt/s - Poland
Herrarge 2 stunt/s - Germany
IceD 1 stunt/s - Brazil
jeff 1 stunt/s - Germany
Joep 1 stunt/s - Netherlands
Jomra 1 stunt/s - Germany
JustCaus3 1 stunt/s - Finland
krs 1 stunt/s - Poland
Kruth 2 stunt/s - Brazil
Krypton 1 stunt/s -Canada
Ktulu 2 stunt/s - Switzerland
Legend 1 stunt/s - Hungary
Leo 1 stunt/s - France
MaCi 1 stunt/s - Sweden
Mewka 1 stunt/s - Poland
Mistake 1 stunt/s - Brazil
Must_Die 1 stunt/s - Russia
Nem 1 stunt/s - Czechia
ObscureDeath 1 stunt/s - Chile
NumeRo 1 stunt/s - Czechia
OzZarnik 2 stunt/s - Russia
Minq 1 stunt/s - Austria
MisSdirecti0n 1 stunt/s - USA
Plani 2 stunt/s - Brazil
Promagic 1 stunt/s - Slovakia
puzzLe 1 stunt/s - Netherlands
RAD 1 stunt/s - Australia
Raekwon 3 stunt/s - Belgium
Reynolds 2 stunt/s - Netherlands
SALYN 1 stunt/s - Portugal
Scavenger 1 stunt/s - Germany
SkilZ 3 stunt/s - Italy
Sport 1 stunt/s - Russia
Streem 1 stunt/s - Poland
SyperDimon 1 stunt/s - Russia
Tim359 1 stunt/s - Russia
Tracker 2 stunt/s - Poland
UndeadX 1 stunt/s - Sweden
VacaLBH 1 stunt/s - Argentina
Viper 1 stunt/s - Canada
YourKing 1 stunt/s - Netherlands


Download links:

Ask for SA downloadlink through PM if needed

Blog / Meditation II
« on: June 03, 2019, 04:55:53 AM »

burn released a sequel to his long-awaited solo in three different maps - Alien City, United & San Andreas guested by Prog & Ktulu and edited by Herrarge.

Go give it a watch and share your opinion here

Blog / Allons-y! 2
« on: July 14, 2018, 11:46:48 PM »
Allons-y! 2

Good day people, Turok has released a sequel to his collab in Vice City, go check it out now!


Blog / Turok - Prehistoric
« on: March 10, 2018, 11:57:29 PM »
Hello there! Turok has released a new solo, go and give it a watch!

Hello, guys! I'm starting the DSS season for 2018 with a brand new solo featuring me and two guest appearences by Max and Sava(welcome to the squad, Scheisse). Infact, this is my very first solo I have ever made on the Vice City engine so I'm pretty proud to present it to y'all. Through the last year I managed to nail many things in the good old game and those that didn't make it into bigger projects like crew videos or other collaborations eventually piled up and made me consider a solo. I was also delighted to convince mi good pal Max to edit it which adds up to everything. Regarding the title: it's about my nickname which is related to a game with dinosaurs and ancient stuff. So without further ado, please do find a comfortable position in your seat and enjoy Prehistoric !!!


SA Chat & Support / Shift City Collab
« on: August 20, 2017, 06:07:37 AM »
Shift City Collab

Will be working on this one along with Promagic, feel free to join up, send your stuff through PM. If you don't know where to download Shift City and you still wanna participate >


- Nem (1)
- Promagic (2)
- Prog
- Cooper
- Ktulu (2)
- chiler (4)
- Illex
- Erney (3)

Deadline: 12/30 stunts

VC Un-Modded Stunting Video Releases / Unearthed
« on: January 12, 2017, 12:52:51 PM »

Hello folks, I present you a new VC collab including my friends, the intention of this was to make a little tribute to my friends stunting in VC. Thanks Promagic for the sweet editing and everyone who participated. I hope you enjoy the video!



SA Chat & Support / GTA USA mod
« on: September 06, 2016, 05:22:38 AM »

found this randomly but realized it could be pretty cool for stunting to have all the maps in one.

Has anybody tried that mod yet?

WH Video Releases / Lighting across the Bay Bridge
« on: August 12, 2016, 04:07:35 AM »

Hello everyone, I've finally managed to get edited my collection of stunts over the years, so I'm releasing my final video in SA. Thanks to everyone who helped me over the years, especially Promagic and also big thanks to MqtH who edited the very video. It was a great ride, stunting was a big part of my life, taught me a lot not only stunting related, but all the people I met, even in person. I will most likely continue in VC, so I'm not fully quitting just yet. Thanks for everything and I hope you enjoy the video.



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