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Topics - The Big V

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DSS Video Releases / The Big V - Wrec 'em
« on: March 20, 2024, 10:42:57 AM »
I present you my new VC solo.
It was supposed to be a "G" sequel video, since its exactly 4 years since the release of "G3", but most of the guys are inactive and we don't have much time or motivation for VCMP I decided to take the matter in my own hands and use the CarRec script for thi-

An error has occurred while executing C:\GTAVC\CLEO\carrec.cs
Unknown publisher.
Allow C:\T-800\GetToTheChoppa.exe ? (Y/N).. (Y) Вооting in Autonomy Mode...

Fetching video title...
Wrec 'em
Connecting to EditorAPI...
Loading GuestOS...
Mounting logo...

Execute streaming...

DSS Video Releases / TBV - V's Story
« on: July 11, 2023, 10:23:27 AM »

Greetings, fappie-fappers. I present you my new VCS solo. Stunts were performed on the PPSSPP emulator.

Some sidenotes and introduction: I had this game on my PSP since 07, so I've always found it appealing (as a stunter) to find spots and try them. Even with the emulator there are lots of limitations, no replay system, no Dannye's etc., except the save states (which were only used as you would with Dannye's save/load position).
I was surprised how unexplored this game stunting wise is - I started preparing this solo since April and even managed to discover couple of new methods. Needless to say I had lots of fun stunting there, and would be nice to see more new stuff on the VCS engine from the community in the future.
Quality of the video is a bit 2008-ish because of couple of reasons - PSP graphics weren't made for screens larger than 480х272, plus my OBS settings weren't tweaked for that "ultra HD" quality, but I don't think this is a problem -IT'S WATCHABLE unless youre a snowflake that jerks off to 453543p videos only. :ninja:. Enjoy!



Code: [Select]
0:09 - 0:32 - BMX - WallSlide 2 Prec
0:33 - 0:41 - Cheetah - Double bump 2 Roof
0:42 - 0:50 - Biker Angel - Bump 2 Skimmer CSM 2 Safehouse top
0:50 - 0:55 - Biker Angel - Bump 2 bonk 2 roof
0:55 - 1:05 - PCJ - Grind 2 360 2 Grind 2 prec
1:05 - 1:13 - Infernus - Dropbump 2 gap
1:14 - 1:22 - PCJ - Stairs 2 roof
1:23 - 1:31 - Cheetah - Stairs 2 Skimmer CSM 2 Roof
1:32 - 1:38 - Cheetah - BSM 2 Stadium
1:39 - 1:47 - Cheetah - Drop 2 DB Bump 2 Roof
1:48 - 1:56 - PCJ - CSM 2 BB Grind
1:57 - 2:05 - Cheetah - Pop tire Curb Bump 2 Bulldozer bump 2 roof
2:06 - 2:15 - PCJ - Ramp 2 Wallhit 2 grind
2:16 - 2:33 - BMX - WallSlide 2 Prec
2:34 - 2:42 - Cheetah - Over bump 2 Heli CSM 2 Crane
2:43 - 2:48 - Biker Angel - DB 2 roof
2:48 - 2:55 - Biker Angel - DB 2 roof
2:56 - 3:03 - PCJ - Ramp 2 Caddy bump 2 roof
3:04 - 3:12 - PCJ - Drop 2 ground bump 2 DB grind
3:13 - 3:26 - Cheetah - Pop tire Curb Bump 2 Bonk 2 Roof
3:27 - 3:47 - Biker Angel - Curb Bump 2 BSM 2 Roof

3:48 - 4:22 - BMX - Wallslide 2 grind


DSS Video Releases / [DSS] G3
« on: April 06, 2020, 09:44:44 AM »
DSS' original G-series is back after 8 years!

First of all we'd like to thank the VCMP forums - especially Sebastian who did more than making a stunting server for DSS - he is hosting it, adding commands, and being a friend.
Without Sebastian's help this video wouldnt be possible since the tools (save/load, invul vehicles, jetpack etc) that we used in the 0.3z client arent working anymore in the new 0.4 client. He added every possible function and command inside the server, making it as easier to stunt as in SP - save/load like Dannye's SCM, jetpack, possibility to spawn every vehicle (and custom vehicles too), no need to voice-chat or type Go every try - theres a countdown,
and many-many more small stuff that made MP stunting even more fun - the volume of G3's line-up backs this claim up:

The Big V


Maps: LC

Editor and GFX: BixelBG


[spoiler_block]2K YouTube version[/spoiler_block]

Also thanks to Haywire that made the custom Cheetah skin at 0:40, and to Blaze for making the Skimmer skin - visible at 1:34 and 2:52.

Full review template:


0:29-0:39 Faiz & The Big V -
0:40-0:46 Halchter & Faiz & The Big V -
0:47-1:00 BixelBG & The Big V -
1:01-1:06 BixelBG & Oliver
1:07-1:14 The Big V & Oliver (Bixel's cam) -
1:15-1:25 Gavran & The Big V (Bixel heli cam) -
1:26-1:33 BixelBG & The Big V -
1:34-1:48 ARS & Bixel BG -
1:49-1:57 Puzzle & The Big V -
1:58-2:08 BixelBG & The Big V -
2:09-2:16 Faiz & The Big V -
2:17-2:26 BixelBG & Oliver -
2:27-2:34 Hawywire & The Big V -
2:35-2:38 BixelBG & The Big V -
2:39-2:45 BixelBG & The Big V -
2:46-2:51 Khaimyk & Faiz -
2:52-3:04 Halchter & BixelBG -
3:05-3:12 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:13-3:20 Faiz & The Big V -
3:21-3:24 The Big V & Oliver -
3:25-3:32 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:33-3:38 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:39-3:44 OddDellaRobbia & Make -
3:45-3:50 BixelBG & The Big V -
3:50-3:55 Faiz & The Big V -
3:55-4:00 Halchter & Faiz & The Big V -
4:00-4:09 Halchter & Faiz & The Big V -
4:10-4:19 Halchter & Faiz -
4:20-4:27 BixelBG & The Big V -



For anyone willing to play in the server:

[spoiler_block]1 Download VC and VCMP installer here ->
2 Install VCMP_Installer anywhere
3 Start VCMP Browser
4 Tools -> Settings
5 Change Nickname and locate VC's folder -> OK
6 While on Favourites tab click Server -> Add Server
7 Write DSS server's ip and password (PM me for that)
8 We have switched back to VC map now. If someone wants to host the server with the LC map - PM me so I can send the files.

If you get an error when opening the browser client, try the following:
Go in Tools -> Settings
Change the updater URL to

Commands can be seen by typing /cmds in the chat but here are the basic ones:

/goto name - ports to the specified player
/veh name - spawns the vehicle
shift G - starts a countdown (3-2-1-GO!)
shift B - deletes the vehicle you are in
shift A MMB - save loc 1
shift D MMB - save loc 2
shift A LMB - load loc 1
shift D LMB - load loc 2
/skin number - change player skin (custom DSS player skins from 210 to 220)
/col1 number - change main color of the vehicle
/col2 number - change 2nd color of the vehicle
L - turn lights on/off
2 - flip vehicle on wheels
4 - pop all wheels
/hour number - changes time of the day (for morning hours use 07,08, etc)
/weather number - changes the weather
shift [ - jetpack up (in vehicle only)
shift ] - jetpack forward
shift \ - jetpack freeze in place
shift - - jetpack turn left
shift = - jetpack turn right

If you want to stunt with us, add me on discord so we can sync with the time - bionickel #3051[/spoiler_block]

Music / Boom baps and 90s
« on: May 16, 2019, 10:58:54 AM »
Some of you may know, I used to MC back in 09-13. Lately I dont have the chance to write and record my raps so I've been making beats in my free time. But hearing in what disgrace has the hip-hop turned lately, it is a real shame. Most of the songs and instrumentals I hear sound all the same, it's like people are using the same drum kit and same methods to make beats, the "raw" and "dirtness" of the hip-hop sounding has turned into mumbling and screeching. Soulless.

For those hip-hop fans that crave that old school boom bap sound, my shit might fit your ears.

DSS Video Releases / [VC] Tenebra
« on: November 02, 2017, 11:51:45 AM »
Greetings from the dark side, GTAS!

Half a year after our successful crew video, me, Turok and Gavran would like to present you a trio that we really enjoyed working on.

As always we had hard time finding an editor (while this whole time he was right under our noses, thx Enough <3)
but the bright side (pun intended) in this search and delaying was that we managed to land even more stunts for this project.

About the stunts, I wont spoil much, just let you know that we have a good variety of stunting vehicles used as always. Just watch and we hope you enjoy Tenebruh.


The Big V

Editor and logo:

D-link coming soon. Watch on youtube in HQ.

Review template:
TBV Rhino big cliff landing - 0:14-0:26 ?/10
Turok Angled nat bump 2 stadium - 0:26-0:39 ?/10
TBV Perpendicular bush grind - 0:40-0:50 ?/10
Turok Angel double ledge grind - 0:51-1:05 ?/10
Gavran Packer ramp 2 bump 2 roof - 1:06-1:18 ?/10
Turok natbump 2 crane - 1:19-1:31 ?/10
TBV - taxiboost 2 docks precision - 1:32-1:43 ?/10
Turok - bump 2 ledge grind fence - 1:44-1:57 ?/10
Turok Rhino ramp 2 bump 2 airport - 1:58-2:10 ?/10
Gavran - PSM 2 roof - 2:11-2:23 ?/10
TBV - Sanchez doublebump 2 parkinglot top - 2:24-2:37 ?/10
Turok - grind 2 ledge 2 packer transition 2 ledge - 2:38-2:49 ?/10
Gavran - taxi boost 2 stadium - 2:50-3:05 ?/10
TBV - Packer 2 rooframp 2 gap - 3:06-3:22 ?/10
Turok - packer 2 natbump 2 airport - 3:23-3:40 ?/10
Gavran - sidep2b 2 wallride 2 roof - 3:41-3:54 ?/10
Turok - freeway p2b 2 billboard - 3:56-4:02 ?/10
Gavran - sanchez p2b 2 roof - 4:03-4:11 ?/10
Gavran - Sanchez tankbump 2 junks - 4:12-4:21 ?/10
Turok - sidep2b 2 wallride 2 billboard - 4:22-4:33 ?/10
TBV - Freeway stairs 2 bump 2 roof - 4:34-4:47 ?/10
Gavran - PSM 2 roof - 4:48-5:00 ?/10
Turok - Natbump 2 palmwallride 2 roof - 5:01 ?/10

Edit: ?/10

Overall: ?/10

Brief comments: 

DSS General Discussion / All Best
« on: September 26, 2017, 09:49:43 AM »
Happy anniversary to All Beast!  :a-cheer: He turns 30 today- hes the eldest crew member.

the whole crew wishes you all the best and keep kicking asses. Have a great one Timur

DSS General Discussion / Butt whooping at its finest
« on: June 21, 2017, 09:17:38 PM »
Today is a very special day because 24 years ago SkilZ did a prec pass and came out to own the VC engine.  :wub:

Happy birthday bro. Cook a spaghetti-baguette cake for today :jajaja:

DSS General Discussion / DSS is actually hetero
« on: June 20, 2017, 10:21:50 AM »
jokes aside lol, we still homo

Gavran is having a bday. He turns 25 - you are exactly a quarter century old, bruh!

Have a great one Mr. Gavranovich  :a-cheer:

DSS Video Releases / DSS - Zenith (VC)
« on: April 27, 2017, 08:29:52 PM »
Hey guys, how's it going?

It’s been a while (roughly 3 years) but DSS is back with a new VC vid. This video should have been released in February-March, but it got delayed cause the editor had some issues and had little time on his hands.

I am really happy for the fact, that in this video, we could gather almost the whole classic DSS line-up (+ SkilZ) and execute another gem of a video in times of inactivity. Unfortunately you wont see MikeyMouse in this one, but he is cooking a collab where you can send a stunt or two -;boardseen#new . The title of this video means culmination or highest point, which represents both, the times when the crew was at it’s best and the stunting content in this video.


Intro script:

Editor: Rainbow

Zenith Line-up:
All Beast
The Big V



Download reccomended for best experience.

Review template:
[spoiler_block]01:57 - Turok:
02:10 - The Big V:
02:24 - luli:
02:38 - Gavran:
02:48 - SkilZ:
02:57 - Enough:
03:12 - Gavran:
03:19 - Turok:
03:27 - The Big V:
03:34 - luli:
03:52 - Turok:
04:00 - The Big V:
04:11 - Szuhos:
04:20 - AllBeast:
04:32 - Gavran:
04:41 - SkilZ:
04:54 - The Big V:
05:01 - The Big V:
05:08 - luli:
05:15 - The Big V:
05:28 - Szuhos:
05:49 - Turok:
05:56 - Gavran:
06:09 - luli:
06:16 - AllBeast:
06:23 - SkilZ:
06:30 - luli:
06:44 - Turok:
06:50 - Gavran:
06:57 - Enough:
07:04 - luli:
07:14 - Turok:
07:27 - The Big V:[/spoiler_block]

Credits song is luli's creation. Zenith's logo was made by Alibi. Special thanks goes to Dev for the great intro, All Beast for the mushroomlandia map in the intro, of course thanks to Rainbow for the great edit, and YOU for watching and sharing your opinion.  :sleep:

DSS Video Releases / [DSS] You are watching TV - Best of The Big V & Turok
« on: November 14, 2015, 07:26:11 AM »
Hello my favorite forum mates !

I am glad you have stopped by and clicked to our section, and probably are ready to sacrifice more than 10 minutes, to watch what Turok and myself were offering you since 2008 in your favorite stunting engine. Here is collected most of our dedication in this game (excluding the vcmp stunts). To prove you how much we were true to our crew - me and Turok never made a serious solo, we were giving all our solid stunts for crew videos (or maybe we were lazy enough).

I would like to thank every single member in this community, a special thanks, of course, goes to every DSS member - current or ex it doesnt matter - if it wasnt for you we wouldnt have been here and among the best crews around. Tim, Bluefire, Bixel, UtterGarbage, BG Hitman, Silent Hunter, Turok, Puzzle, Wozzie, Rainbow, All Beast, Luli, Gavran,erney, Noah, Fighter, ineeda, shrimp, niger, mikey mouse, skuller, mat2almy, enough, ozibe, hellgun, FlatFace, alibi, named, nem, blade, sava and all others that ive unintentionally missed.

It was a great journey, i dont feel sorry for a single minute wasted in stunting (except when i land the finisher and bail at the end). I dont say this is our last in this game, personally i will try some stuff from time to time when i have the time.

Special thanks as well to CrazyClown, Dev and other LLS members. This is dev's edit, thanks again for it i really like it, even though you had some technical problems on some saivc stunts (recording with less than 10 fps) the final result is more than awesome. Enjoy everyone:


DSS General Discussion / Listen up future and ex members
« on: July 13, 2014, 02:16:07 AM »
Alright, something to say here before the whole thing goes out of control, cause in the private something is obviously going on like a snowball down the hill (like a wrecking bal)

1st: from now on members that have left unfortunately won't have the second chance to join the crew again, spermanently  and I will explain why: I am seeing a tendency, people are joining and leaving without being in a single video,blaming the crew for inactivity. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING - the crew isn't inactive, you are inactive. I've been since the beginning of DSS and I've been through all the active and inactive periods, and if you think an active crew is a "constant" then you are in a deep lie. I and serious\old members haven't left it the first time the crew was lacking activity. If we did then it wouldn't have a section, it wouldn't have all those kickass videos, it wouldn't have DSS. That's why in my eyes leaving after taking the responsibility to join, even without participating in one single video is retarded and childish. DSS Has been always first about friends and trust and second about stunting. I prefer a small and friendly crew releasing one video a year, than a huge ass crew with members that I see for first time. Instead of whining of how the crew is inactive, maybe you can take the responsibility to manage some stuff, like sharing spots or making an organizing topic, or calling all in skype to talk while stunt. Damn, joining and being in a crew, you have access to all it's secrets, spots and stuff and all you do is dicking around.

2nd: if you wanna join this crew, we will check couple of criterias before letting you in: how trustable are you, How many crews you have fucked around with, what's your attitude and last but not least, the level of your stunts.

Have a good day, I'm cleaning DSS' line up.

DSS General Discussion / Happy Birthday bixchez
« on: May 26, 2014, 08:21:44 AM »
Bixel and ozibe. Bixel is turning 21. Not sure about ozibe.

Have a great one with lots of gals (bitches for Bixi cause he knows why) and liters of lager so you can piss out all the negative energy.  :happy:

DSS General Discussion / DSS accepts a new "religion"
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:45:53 PM »
Hello everyone, I made this topic to announce that DSS is also a GTAV crew now. Seeing as how much interest this game got and how many stunters moved their home into the V section, and with some advises from Daffy, I made a poll and huge amount of DSS voted YES on the GTAV part. Im also announcing some new members that will stunt in that engine, welcome to:

Flat Face
s[a1]nt NM
Turtle Boy

Feel free to make an audition in GTAV, or just show your solo or project you participate so we can see your level and add you in.

DSS General Discussion / Happy Ernday
« on: October 31, 2013, 04:04:37 AM »
Today's happy birthday goes toooo - Erney  :happy: Have an awesome one mate, hope you get lots of presents and have a great time with your friends/family.

According to his skype he turned 20 today. Sooo we have like 6 days difference with this fellow scorpion  :D

DSS Video Releases / Sum balls
« on: October 16, 2013, 04:46:27 AM »
Bails n stuff TBV

Some of them are already landed stunts, old, there are some new spots and couple of VCMP stuff with assistant Gavran.

All of them are cringe worthy, so hide all your sharp objects around you cause you might wanna slam your dick against them after those bails  :D

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