Thanks for the template guys! I'd like to focus on the stunts mainly.
00:00 | Intro: Instant classic, sorry can't say more, it's perfect
02:58 | Sheeptea - Skimmer bump: great banger for an opener, a high standalone building and a bike, great choice to start with
03:12 | Cooper - Freeway bump: cool one, thats a nice distance for that heavy boy
03:20 | madvillayo - Double grind: stylish, nice execution
03:25 | Sport - Ledgegrind: literally the same as above, cool way to get on the ledge
03:34 | Blaze - Stoppie2bump2grind: buttery smooth landing on the rail, loved that
03:39 | Smut - Squalo grind: I'm not really into squalo stunts, that was a long grind though well done

03:51 | Ltab - PSM: theres always a new way to land those tanks, nice one

04:00 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: got some retro vibes from this
04:07 | SuhZin - CSM2MAG: didn't expect the MAG, it was badass already
04:14 | Sorcery - Freeway double grind: perfect execution
04:25 | Skuller - PSM2stoppie2grind: lovely combo
04:32 | Radioaktive - P2B: I feel like I've seen this before, p2bs never get old

04:40 | Argy - Bump2cb2grind: loved this one, great runup, great execution
04:47 | Theodore - P2B2B: felt like a V stunt, good find
04:55 | ARS - Wallride2grab2prec: I love precis, badass combo
05:03 | Max - Tank P2B: you've really maxed out these tank p2b's holy shit bro

05:12 | Enough - PSM2grind: I've mentioned before, one of my favourites, gotta love that huge gap especially before such a long grind like that
05:26 | Vice Ninja - Taxi boost: again, never been a fan of taxi boosts, it was nice though

05:38 | Ezraph - Taxi boost: same

05:47 | boxXx - Double grind: so great and fluid, that bump at the end of the stunt made me crave for a preci, or a little more grind there
05:56 | Dipper - CSM2prec: loved this one actually, the execution was just flawless
06:02 | SyperDimon - Taxi double boost: boosts

this one was a double though, so, nice
06:19 | jooker - Ramp2bonk2grind: was so glad when I finally landed this shit
06:29 | Haywire - CSM2MAG: MAGs are just making the OG spots better I guess

nice on dude
06:39 | Caio - Dropbump: think I've seen this before as well, good one
06:46 | Rainbow - Nade/bus/pizzaboy parkour: guess you had fun with this, how thell did you come up with this idea
06:55 | MaCi - Dropbump: no words, great man, great stunt and a great way to edit it
07:08 | puzzLe - Ramp2grind: perfectly executed, I am almost sure that traffic light was a bitch while you had close calls
07:18 | Enough - CSM: I'd love to try it, had this idea way back, but couldn't stuck the regina, this one feels flat too, nice height and gj landing that building

07:32 | Intermission: ATS - Apparition intro vibes for me, love it
07:57 | Ltab - Triple grind: great find, love the triples

08:05 | sheikah - Sabre copbump: never understood how to get these timings right, well done dude
08:13 | TN - Sanchez BSM2prec: it was alright:)
08:19 | boxXx - PSM2double grind: my favourite, flawless execution

(that camera pan at the switch was great too)
08:28 | Gryzlek - Grind2prec: been trying that one too when I was attempting the double grind on the beachside, glad to see someone landing it, gj

08:33 | puzzLe - PSM2prec: haven't seen a preci landing on that thing before, lovely
08:43 | Max - Bonk2prec: great runup and landing, I feel like there are more opportunities

08:53 | AllBeast - Ramp2grind: loved the spin on the rail
09:09 | Sorcery - BSM2MAG:so many MAGs here

good one too
09:18 | Theonly One - Taxi boost: another boost, still can't get to like them:(
09:30 | ZeRo - Bump2MAG: ofc it's a MAG, nice vertikalitas
09:37 | Haywire - CSM: boxXx owns this building, nice height, wonder if it's possible to land the right side
09:48 | FIGHTER - Freeway side p2b: staying there must have been a bitch, cool one
09:56 | Cooper - Freeway double bump: cool as well ( so many freeway stunts

10:02 | DeathCobra - Double grind: one of my standouts, stylish af
10:11 | Smut - Car grind: looked fun, even if I'm not really into car stunts
10:20 | morbidxxx - PSM2stoppie2grind: this one really had a retro vibe, nicely done
10:36 | Nem - Sanchez precision: lovely bump
10:44 | Caio - Ramp2grind: I think this is old too, whatever, perfect execution
10:51 | FIGHTER - Freeway P2B: holy, this was some height for the freeway, congrats
10:57 | MadX - CSM: bit floaty, maybe it's just the rendering, nice one though!
11:05 | KhaimyK - Voodoo cop bump: not my thing, but that was a great height as well
11:14 | Rainbow - Taxi boost2prec: these boosts are exceptions, I love the precis with every vehicle, great landing mate
11:33 | Sport - Double wallride: one to remember, very nice execution, one of a kind stunt for sure, also great way to show it, hats off Simon to you too
11:54 | Ezraph - Car CSM: it was okay:)
12:01 | Blaze - Bounce2grind: one of my favourites, it was sexy as hell
12:07 | Angle.Fire - Bump2grind: pretty nice find, and execution, even if the camangle change looks dope, it did ruin it for me a little bit
12:17 | ToTy - P2B: noice, is it new?
12:27 | Theodore - P2B: it was okay:)
12:35 | Sheeptea - Natbump: that seems like a bitch place to land, nice one! how about the roof?
12:46 | Hedgehog - BSM: sexy
12:51 | SuhZin - Sanchez double bump: Barney owns this, but good to see it with a sanchez
12:58 | SyperDimon - Car double bump: almost like a SA infy stunt, nice!
13:06 | Dannye - Skimmer sequence: no words lmao, genius
13:37 | Outro: home
13:55 | Ezraph - Ramp2ledge grind: I liked this one more than the main ones, wish the grind was a bit longer
14:04 | Sorcery - Bonk2MAG: ofc it's a MAG, good job
14:11 | Enough - Grind: think it's old too and the execution was a bit meh, but nice!
14:19 | TN - Sanchez CSM2prec:same thing
14:28 | MadX - CSM: reminds me of hugo's P2B from Trinity, nice
14:36 | Theonly One - Sanchez CSM: retro one for sure:)
14:44 | Sheeptea - Muy stoppies2prec: cool

14:53 | Skuller - Taxi boost: not sure what to think about this one, nice preci I guess

15:04 | Theonly One - CSM: old, but pretty
15:12 | Rainbow - Long grind: wow this one had phases, unexpected for sure

15:38 | puzzLe -

: lul
15:49 | FIGHTER - CSM: is that a new place to stuck the ambulance? nice landing
16:06 | boxXx - CSM: it was okay:)
16:14 | Hedgehog - FBI bump: not the biggest FBI bump I've ever seen

16:24 | Dannye - Skimmer shenanigans: dude, you had fun I'm sure
16:43 | Ltab - Bump2grind2oof: that was sad, but nice

16:51 | Max - Long freeway grind: reminds me of DJ Marchello, good job Maxy
17:08 | Haywire - Rampbump: coolio
17:13 | KhaimyK - Ledgegrind: a lil preci at the end would have been a chefs kiss
17:21 | Cooper - Stoppie2grind: retri again, like it
17:28 | SuhZin - CSM: nice spin there

17:40 | In Loving Memory of MaCi: great to see him for one last time:) thank you for including him!
Overall thoughts:
Instant classic, well done everyone!