Author Topic: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)  (Read 21767 times)

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Offline FloW

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #15 on: October 24, 2011, 03:01:18 PM »
Works on mp? :)

Offline VaNilla

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2011, 08:06:09 PM »
Reynolds Ultimate Stunt Script: Buglist and Feedback


  • Ghost town doesn't disable the police when you have a wanted level.
  • When you spawn a car it usually doesn’t spawn directly in front of you.
  • The messages in the top left of the screen doesn't accurately update themselves when functions are rapidly enabled/disabled. If for example you enabled the car spawn menu then disabled it, the message that it's been disabled wont appear until the animation of the first message ends. The car spawning menu has it's own unique problem as a result of this, even if you do wait for the animation to finish the message displayed by the trainer tends to be incorrect; it will just keep displaying 'spawner disabled' every time you press the hotkey until it eventually works again.
  • Pedestrian boat traffic at sea doesn't work at all, regardless of ghost town being either enabled or disabled.
  • [Moderately Rare Bug] Sometimes after enabling and then disabling ghost town the only types of traffic that will spawn are taxis and police vehicles. This can be solved by reloading the game from a save, or starting a new game.
  • Car flip doesn't work in boats, despite the message being displayed.
  • If you jetpack into the edge of an object or the side of a structure/building then you will either hang on it or climb over it.
  • When time is frozen the time will freeze correctly in game, but when you toggle this off the time will skip forward relative to the length of time it has been frozen for. If the player freezes the time for a period of five minutes, when they toggle it off the time in game will skip five minutes ahead of when they froze it. If the player freezes the time at 12:00 for 5 minutes, when they toggle it off the time in game will skip to 14:30 (two minutes = 1 hour in GTA IV time).
  • You shouldn't be able to warp back into a bike or helicopter that's drowned in the ocean. When you warp back into a bike that you've drowned you'll bail straight off again, and when you warp back into a helicopter you've drowned two things can happen: the engine wont start up, and the rotor blades may have been destroyed.
  • When god mode is enabled explosion physics don't affect the player, making it impossible to do grenade/rocket boosting, as well as boosting from gas tank explosions, explosive barrels, exploding cars etc.
  • Hotkeys shouldn't be active under the following circumstances: dialing a number on your phone, typing a message while playing multiplayer mode, using a computer in an internet cafe, using a police database computer (available when sitting in police cars), and during cutscenes. If possible try to disable hotkeys while using the Games For Windows Live overlay (home button), although I doubt it is possible.
  • The respawning script causes many problems while playing multiplayer mode. When spawning in free mode for example, the trainer will spawn you away from where you should be. When playing race mode, you wont spawn at the start of the race because the trainer spawns you away. Frankly the respawning feature at startup should be removed altogether, but I've discussed this in my feedback.


  • Should include Alexander Blade's dsound.dll instead of xlive.dll as the default ASI loader, because xliveless prevents anybody from playing online through Games For Windows Live.
  • Should include an INI file with the trainer where the player can enable, disable and change the default hotkeys of every feature in the trainer. Not only is this good for ease of use, but the fact is that a lot of people are going to use this with simple trainer because it gives you so many options and basically allows you to do anything you want. The problem is that the default hotkeys conflict with simple trainer's controls, so being able to change them would be great. However as an 'Ultimate Stunting Script', you shouldn't even need Simple Trainer alongside this to stunt IV, so I've included the features you need in order to deal with this problem in the rest of my feedback.
  • Should include an ingame menu where you can give yourself every type of weapon, with a separate list for IV, TLAD and TBOGT (basically copy simple trainer). This would be useful for methods like rocket boosting and stunts requiring the use of timed explosives.
  • Should include a hotkey to enable infinite ammo for weapons. This would be useful for methods like rocket boosting where ammo quickly runs out.
  • Should include a hotkey to give yourself a parachute in TBOGT.
  • Should include a hotkey to repair vehicles so you can still stunt with god mode off and repair your vehicle when necessary (eg. stunts with shot out tires).
  • Should include a hotkey to enable nitro in TBOGT with the exact same properties as TBOGT's race mode, as well as being limited to the same vehicles. Click here and read the 'nitro' section of my post in order to understand the exact properties of TBOGT's nitro. This is crucial in order to avoid having the same problems as Simple Trainer.
  • Instead of having a button to enable or disable police you should have a menu when you can increase/decrease your wanted level. This would make it easier for the player to get the wanted level they desire.
  • Instead of having a hotkey to change the colour of your car it would be much easier to have a menu where you can select the colour you want from preset options.
  • Instead of having a button to freeze/unfreeze the time you should be given a menu where you can select the exact time you want and have the ability freeze/unfreeze time within it (basically copy simple trainer).
  • Instead of having a button to change the weather you should be given a menu where you can select the exact weather you want (basically copy simple trainer). Also I know you said that the weather doesn't change instantly, but there's no good reason as to why it can't, so I think that's something you should try to fix.
  • You should remove the function that respawns the player in a preset location on startup. Not only does this cause lots of bugs but it's actually annoying to wait for your character to be spawned in an area where you don't necessarily want to start in the first place. The other problem is that bugs occur if you haven't progressed through the story enough to cross the bridges in IV because the trainer spawns you on the 3rd island you unlock access to. When you cross a bridge without having progressed far enough in the story you get a 5 star wanted level, so the radar will constantly flicker between having and not having a red wanted circle on the map, constantly making it zoom in and out. The trainer should at least unlock all of the bridges by default, this would also remove the barriers on the bridges that get in the way of stunting.
  • The jetpack controls aren't very intuitive, they should be located on the numpad by default with the same controls as simple trainer. The jetpack should also work when using a vehicle like the airbreak in simple trainer, so you don't have to jetpack up to a building and then spawn a new vehicle on top of it. It's also annoying that you can't travel through objects when using the jetpack, it's just makes it slower to navigate around the city. Also when you jetpack down into the ground from the air your character falls over and screams, which is annoying because you have to wait around 3 seconds for him to get up and move again, when you want to just jetpack onto a building and get moving straight away.
  • When playing multiplayer the trainer should only work in free mode and party mode, because in all other game types the trainer can cause an unfair advantage, which counts as hacking. This counts for Player Matches, but the trainer shouldn't work at all during Ranked Matches because this count as hacking. Luckily this trainer is already limited to Player Matches, but keep this in mind if you're going to implement the change so the trainer isn't accidentally enabled in Ranked Matches as well.
  • When god mode is enabled you can destroy parked cars and traffic as well as any vehicle you've spawned, but once you get into any vehicle it becomes invincible, so if you exit the vehicle and try to destroy it so it disappears then you can't. I understand that the reason you've done this is so that if you fall off a bike or bail out of a vehicle it doesn't get destroyed before you warp back into it, but this is an annoying problem. My solution is this: you should be able to destroy any vehicle you've previously entered, but if you try to warp back to a vehicle that's just been destroyed then the trainer should simply respawn the vehicle with the same colour it previously had before warping you back. Alternatively you could implement a hotkey to delete the last vehicle you used. This would obviously be easier for you to implement, but it would needlessly clutter the trainer for something that should just be automatic in the first place.
  • God mode should automatically heal all forms of vehicle damage (except shot out tires which are required for some stunts). This includes engine damage, dirt (the kind removed by the in game car wash), bullet holes, deformation caused by damage, engine covers flying off, broken windows, broken rotors on helicopters, broken spoilers on cars/boats, etc.
  • Having a quick spawn menu with the most common vehicles used when stunting is fine, but in order for this to be useful as a standalone trainer you definitely need to include a menu that allows you to spawn every vehicle in the game, with a separate list for IV, TLAD and TBOGT (basically copy the list from Simple Trainer). There are so many different vehicles in IV and it's not like Vice City or San Andreas where only a few vehicles are worth using, because almost every vehicle has something special about the way it handles that makes it useful for stunting. As far as the quick vehicle spawning menu goes I think you should make a couple of changes. There's not much point in having the Infernus or the Sultan RS included, there's no good reason to use them instead of the Comet (except on rare occasions). You should replace the Freeway with the ZombieB (best all around chopper bike), and include the option to quickly spawn the Faggio (moped bike), the Annihilator (fastest helicopter) and the Squalo (best all-around boat). In TLAD I would replace the NRG with the Bati 800 (best all around bike in TLAD), and replace the ZombieB with the Wolfsbane (best all-around chopper bike in TLAD). In TBOGT I would replace the Comet with the Police Stinger (fastest car), replace the NRG with the Vader (best all around bike), replace the Annihilator with the Buzzard (smallest/best all-around helicopter), and replace the Squalo with the Blade (best all-around boat).


Thanks for making this Reynolds :). It's a great trainer with lots of potential, but at the moment there's only two good reasons to use it instead of Simple Trainer; a properly functioning godmode for stunting (aside from the rocket boosting issue), and warping back to your last vehicle. This trainer needs more features to be viable as a standalone trainer, and many bug fixes before it's going to be worth using as the go-to trainer for GTA IV Stunting. But you're almost there, and I think if you can implement the changes I've suggested and fix the bugs in the script, then it would easily be the best trainer for stunting IV.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2011, 08:18:52 PM by Shadowsniper »

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2011, 07:07:35 AM »
Thanks for the feedback Shadowsniper. I'll run through the bugs one at a time.
I'll let the trainer check if the user is playing multi-player or single-player at the loading of the trainer. I've never even tested it on multi-player or on TBoGT and TLAD, but I just bought both so I'll make some specialized functions for them.

Offline VaNilla

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2011, 09:04:34 AM »
Nice :D

Offline Arnax

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2011, 10:31:56 AM »
Thanks a lot mate.

Offline SlayerUK

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2011, 05:55:41 PM »
Nice one Reynolds, I agree with SS that with more features and a few tweaks would make it worthy on it's own.

Offline Joshua

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2011, 04:31:13 PM »

Do you mind telling me what the hell this is?
The trainer is so friggin' convenient. There should be a wash car feature, though.
EDIT: "reloadscript" doesn't help.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2011, 05:40:37 PM by METHOD »

Offline Syny

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2011, 08:23:53 PM »

Thanks Reynold, finally a good trainer
Reynolds, theres an s at the end of my nickname.
hahah, sorry.
now I will change this.

Offline Syny

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2011, 08:29:19 PM »
Reynolds, theres an s at the end of my nickname.
hahah, sorry.
now I will change this.

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #24 on: October 30, 2011, 11:20:57 AM »

Do you mind telling me what the hell this is?
LOL what the fuck, when does that happen and does it happen regularly?

Offline XTO --

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #25 on: October 30, 2011, 09:19:25 PM »
roxasbrrs is Xaero btw

Offline Joshua

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #26 on: October 31, 2011, 11:23:34 AM »

Do you mind telling me what the hell this is?
LOL what the fuck, when does that happen and does it happen regularly?
Uhm.. Every ten minutes into the game, just about. I don't think it's happening anymore. Also, rip the jetpack from simple native and change the controls so you can go through stuff.

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2011, 01:03:44 PM »

Do you mind telling me what the hell this is?
LOL what the fuck, when does that happen and does it happen regularly?
Uhm.. Every ten minutes into the game, just about. I don't think it's happening anymore. Also, rip the jetpack from simple native and change the controls so you can go through stuff.
great idea I'll just open the .asi in notepad and read the raw encryption, just like in the MATRIX.

Offline Joshua

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2011, 10:05:59 PM »

Do you mind telling me what the hell this is?
LOL what the fuck, when does that happen and does it happen regularly?
Uhm.. Every ten minutes into the game, just about. I don't think it's happening anymore. Also, rip the jetpack from simple native and change the controls so you can go through stuff.
great idea I'll just open the .asi in notepad and read the raw encryption, just like in the MATRIX.

Offline Reynard The Fox

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Re: Ultimate Stunt Script (IV)
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2011, 09:36:31 AM »

Making some progress :P


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